Chapter 273 Drink more hot water
Craftsmen are still those craftsmen.

It's just different.

Now they have been under the full operation of Thorn Sun City for a year.

Thoroughly grasped the fundamental mistakes and omissions that still existed in the original workshop that could not be changed.

After Qin Yu gave the order, these people quickly threw themselves into intense work.

It is worth mentioning that.

The Ma family is worthy of being one of the super families in the land of Jingxiang.

When they were in Nanyang County, they didn't dare to stretch their tentacles too far.

But in a remote place like Lingling County.

More than half of the entire county is still inhabited by barbarians.

Their Ma family controls the production and living materials of all walks of life.

That is simply the treatment of an emperor.

Before, they always felt that they had no way to curry favor with Qin Yu.

In the matter of Lingling County, it can be said that it has achieved the ultimate.

There is no need for Qin Yu to order.

After learning about the imperial edict before.

The Ma family had already started to mobilize the power of the whole family, transporting many things that Qin Yu might need in the future to Lingling County one step ahead of schedule.

But having said that.

When their convoy came to Lingling County, the final result was still a few days later than Qin Yu's.

It is actually very difficult to prepare so many materials and manage the deployment of these materials.

Qin Yu is naturally very aware of this.

When he saw the things that were sent to Quanling City, he naturally felt the sincerity from the Ma family.

Qin Yu would not accept these supplies directly.

For him, it's business.

If it is a business, then there must be a transaction.

The Ma family is obviously also aware of Qin Yu's temperament.

They also only gave Qin Yu a relatively reasonable price.

Compared with the money they usually earn, this price must be a lot less.

But this trip can still make them a lot of money.

The key is.

The arrival of the Ma family motorcade accelerated Qin Yu's construction progress a lot.

Even if Qin Yu had the best plan.

That can't withstand the fact that it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

The arrival of the Ma family team solved many of Qin Yu's urgent needs.

Let the papermaking workshop and the glazed workshop be built quickly.

That being the case, Qin Yu naturally reciprocated.

A lot of Shenshui was allocated to the Majia motorcade that came to Lingling County this time.

This time, the share allocated to the Ma family was nearly five times that of the previous one.

Although it is still calculated according to the regular price that Qin Yu set before.

But who doesn't know that the regular price set by Qin Yu is only the 'wholesale price' that these distributors get.

After actually selling Shenshui, the money earned will definitely far exceed this amount.

Especially during the period of the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

The number of caravans going to and from Xiaofang Village decreased significantly, and Qin Yu did not intend to personally send someone to deliver water to Luoyang City.

So much so that in Luoyang City, the supply of Shenshui is in short supply everywhere.

What followed naturally was an irrepressible price hike.

Now, in addition, Qin Yu was directly transferred from Nanyang County to Lingling County.

This place can be regarded as the southernmost tip of the Han Dynasty.

It is more difficult and costly to trade caravans.

The value of Shenshui will naturally increase after a freight trip back.

This wave of the Ma family has really made a lot of money.

But earning the silver wasn't what excited them the most.

The most exciting thing was that Qin Yu, who had never met the Ma family in person, finally came forward to meet their team leader this time.

Even though it was just a casual chat.

This also made the leader of the Ma family unable to restrain the excitement in his heart.

Qin Yu's behavior like this can be regarded as a great favor that they had never imagined before.

Before this, Qin Yu didn't have any good impressions of these aristocratic families in Jingxiang Land.

Not to mention giving them some preferential treatment.

They are considered light if they are not killed.

In the previous year, the profits earned by the Ma family in Thorny Sun City could not even be compared with that of the Mi family who came from afar.

The Mi family has even established their own property in Jiyang City.

At the beginning, the Ma family didn't even dare to have this idea.

They once had such an idea.

But as soon as the idea came out, Lou Gui, Qin Yu's subordinate, killed him at the stage of thinking without hesitation.

Since then.

They knew that this kind of thing was something that the Ma family couldn't even think about, and they didn't deserve to think about it.

At that time, they were envious of the Mi family to the bottom of their hearts.

He only hates that they are the Jingxiang family, and they have some ties with the previous Pei family, Zhang family and so on.

They didn't find it strange to be hated by Qin Yu like this.

I just hope that such a relationship can be slowly forgotten over time.

did not expect.

It's only been a year.

Qin Yu unexpectedly gave them a chance with such a magnanimous choice.

Although this had something to do with them not wanting to fight against Qin Yu any more.

But, I have to say yes.

In the eyes of the Ma family, they have even been prepared for five years, or even ten years, to eliminate the barrier between them and Qin Yu.

There is really no way.

There is such a magical power in the profit of things that Qin Yu holds in his hands.

This kind of terrifying profit made the Ma family willing to bear such a price, and also wanted to obtain resources equivalent to those of the Mi family in the end.

Five years, ten years.

For one person, that counts as a long time.

But if it is placed on the scale of a family.

Compared with a result that can bring great benefits to the family.

This kind of sacrifice is nothing.

And even the so-called efforts of five or ten years.

In their hands, that also made a lot of money.

It's just that you don't earn as much as others.

When the leader of the Ma family left respectfully and made a promise to Qin Yu, the second batch of supplies from the Ma family would arrive here soon.

Qin Yu smiled.

Send the Nama family away.

Watching their backs going away.

Qin Yu already had a few familiar names in his mind.

Ma Di, Ma Liang.

The five members of the Ma family have the best white eyebrows.

Isn't this Ma family the Ma family who was sent away just now?

It's just that it's still early.

Neither Ma Liang, the fourth eldest, nor Ma Di, the youngest, were born yet.

The fourth Ma Liang was born in 187.

When Ma Liang grows up in the future, at least it will be 20 years later.

At that time, Dong Zhuo was already cold.

This is the beginning of the era of separatist regimes.

Three Kingdoms...

That is the Three Kingdoms of three generations.

Calculated based on Qin Yu's current age.

It's almost the first generation.

It is conceivable that Liu Bei and Cao Cao basically belong to the same generation.

But Qin Yu felt.

Now that I have come to this era, the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms may not last for another three generations.

It is Qin Yu's idea to complete the meritorious service in one generation.

When the time comes to end the three kingdoms in troubled times, the original big man will be returned to the level of great unity.

By that time.

Only then could Qin Yu really unscrupulously promote all these good things in his hands in the Han Dynasty.

At that time, he no longer had to worry about who else would become his potential enemy.

However, just thinking about this kind of thing, Qin Yu felt his head was as big as a bucket.

Human ambition is limitless.

Wait until the warlords come together and the era of warlords really comes.

How can he be sure that no one will rebel in the future?

Qin Yu has the ability to suppress the entire Han Dynasty with his own power.

At that time, no matter who wants to rise up to rebel and rebel, he will be mercilessly suppressed by him.

At that time, it can be considered that there is no need to worry about the possibility of enemies.

Want to get there.

At least none of these princes in the early stage can stay.

Liu Yan, the son of the old Liu family.

When the troubled times hadn't come to an end, he had an objection in his heart.

A letter, abolishing history and establishing animal husbandry.

This can be regarded as a perfect excuse for the separatism of the princes.

It was his suggestion that kicked the Great Han Dynasty hard on the path of collapse.

Although this suggestion has the background of the times.

I am afraid that the governors of each state will not be allowed to control the military power of each state.

Let them grasp the administrative military power and solve the problem of military resources and food and pay by themselves.

The situation of the Han Dynasty is also true, there is no way to support it for a few more years.

Liu Hong, the emperor who sits in the center, has no money and food to supply him to fight the rebellion everywhere.

And the more he suppressed the rebellions in various places, the stronger the rebound.

Liu Hongyue wanted to find a way to get some money from the gentry to maintain his military power.

These gentry could transfer the pressure Liu Hong put on them to the common people with a backhand.

This move forced the people to rebel.

This has become an unsolvable endless loop.

Liu Hong probably was forced to do nothing.

In addition, he did not expect that all these thick-eyed and big-eyed good guys in the old Liu's family were all ghosts.

The state shepherd who was enfeoffed did not help him solve the problem in the end.

On the contrary, it completely smashed the last effort he originally wanted to make.

Time is also life.

I don't know if Liu Hong was angry with these things.

The order promulgated in 188, in 189 he was gone.

Even if you want to reverse this order, it is already impossible.

"Liu Yan, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Ma Teng, Han Sui, I'm afraid none of these people can stay?"

"Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu should be careful. If they can maintain the bottom line, there shouldn't be any major problems."

"For Liu Biao, alas."

Thinking of Liu Biao, Qin Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

In the future, this strong man will also come to Jingzhou from the sky.

But he came a bit late.

If before this, Qin Yu could take the opportunity to unify the entire Jingzhou.

Even if Liu Biao can only be appointed Chengzhou Mu to come to Jingzhou at that time.

He is also doomed to not have any capital to fight against Qin Yu.

Looking to the future, focusing on the present belongs to yes.

What he has to do now is to re-establish the papermaking and glazed workshops in the shortest possible time.

First rely on these things to obtain a steady stream of profits.

Then use the money and food to build the infrastructure of Lingling County.

Include these 'barbarians' in Lingling County into their own cultural circle.

Let them be quickly assimilated in the greatly changed living conditions.

At that time, these 'barbarians' who have lived in poor mountains and bad waters all year round may not be able to bring themselves another elite and powerful team.

in this way.

Under Qin Yu's general order and arrangement, and under the overall command of Zhang Zhao's detail department.

From the Yellow Turban soldiers who followed them to Lingling County, most of them were selected, plus the people in Quanling City.

Mix these people into groups.

Each group will be assigned to work in the Hanging City for a period of time.

The purpose of their labor is naturally to build various facilities and buildings for the extra land in the hanging city.

Qin Yu had actually been thinking about how to do the water supply and drainage system of the Hanging City before.

It would be fine if it was only the size of Xiaofang Village.

As the permanent population in the Hanging City has reached more than [-], it is now likely to develop towards more than [-].

This matter naturally became a more important matter.

He didn't want the Hanging City to become a place where filth was hidden in the future.

And most of the ancient cities couldn't stay in one place forever.

There will always be records of moving the capital, but it's not because the original capital was so unusable.

It is because a large amount of domestic sewage that cannot be treated sinks into the groundwater layer over time.

So much so that it polluted the local underground layer, turning the groundwater in this layer into something like brine that is not suitable for drinking at all.

want to solve this problem.

The only way is to move the capital.

If Qin Yu remembered correctly, the former Chang'an City kept jumping around within a radius of tens of miles because of this reason.

The groundwater in one area is unusable.

They collectively jumped to another area to continue mining.

When the groundwater here was no longer usable, he jumped back again.

Although the length of the timeline for such things is generally in the range of a dozen or 20 years, or even longer.

But Qin Yu didn't expect to take the Hanging City and the people in the Hanging City to jump together.

Moving is the most troublesome.

And as a person who already knew about this kind of thing.

Why didn't he think of a way to solve it properly?
He may not know about other things.

But the Three Kingdoms era at the end of Han Dynasty.

Several factors can cause huge attrition.

Except for drought, locust plague, and large-scale famine caused by small glaciers, it is plague.

Speaking of plague.

Qin Yu thought of drinking more hot water.

Don't look at the era before he traveled, everyone basically held these four words as a joke.

However, Qin Yu knew it.

These four words are really wise words!
No one really thinks heating hot water is easy, right?

No way?
Anyone who knows the background of popularizing the popularization of drinking hot water for the whole people also knows what heating hot water really means.

And having the ability to make the people of the whole country drink hot water was not an easy thing at that time.

Don't look at Qin Yu when he was in Xiaofang Village, he would have a small barbecue if he had nothing to do, and eat hot pot all day long.

In fact, in this era, it is basically impossible to popularize drinking hot water for the whole people.

If you really want to drink hot water, the fuel consumed will be an incomparably huge number.

This consumption of fuel is simply not affordable in such an era.

Today's Qin Yu can only try his best to advance towards the goal of drinking hot water for all.

But in the end whether such a goal can be achieved, Qin Yu himself has no idea at all.

But other than that.

Qin Yu also made other preparations.

For example.


At present, there is not much research on medicinal materials that can treat plague.

Zhang Zhongjing has not yet written the famous Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases.

What he has to do now is to collect as many medicinal materials as possible and store them up.

Wait until the epidemic is prevalent in the future, and then take it out for use.

In fact, this plague epidemic has already happened before.

In the memory of Qin Yu's predecessor before he crossed over.

Just two years before Qin Yu traveled here, there was still a large-scale epidemic in Nanyang County.

Nanyang County itself is a county with a large population. After such an epidemic occurred, it can be said that countless people died.

In addition, people at this time have no effective experience in the prevention and control of epidemics.

The large-scale popularity is really not too simple.

It's just that the chaos caused by the Yellow Turban Rebellion in 184 barely suppressed the epidemic.

However, it may also be due to the spell cast by Zhang Jiao.

He made those Taiping Taoists who had been persecuted and had nowhere to go, who originally lived at the bottom, have extremely strong bodies all of a sudden.

Their blood has reached the level of steel and iron bones.

When encountering ordinary epidemic diseases, the damage to them will naturally be much smaller.

Many people just fight with their bodies.

Relying on the huge blood energy in his body, he resisted the disease.

The existence of these people makes the pandemic tend to stagnate.

But Qin Yu is very clear.

If this plague is really so contagious.

Surely it cannot be something that will disappear just like that.

I guess it won't be long.

When these yellow turban soldiers in Nanyang County were taken away by him, the new Nanyang prefect had no way to deal with those refugees and hungry people.

The plague will naturally come back again.

Even Qin Yu is now in Lingling County.

Because many of them were brought over from Nanyang County.

Perhaps these people themselves were infected with the plague.

all in all.

This matter must be watched closely now.

If Qin Yu remembers correctly.

Maybe that's what happened in the past few years.

Either drought, or locust plague, or plague.

If it weren't for this kind of thing to come over in turn.

It is not likely that after the Yellow Turban Rebellion was extinguished, there would still be so many peasants from all over the Han Dynasty who would continue to choose to join various mountain uprisings.

This is not normal.

In other words, it is very likely that a huge test will appear in front of him in a short time.

"It's a pity that Zhang Zhongjing still doesn't know where to be an official."

"Hua Tuo doesn't even know where he is."

"It would be great if we could find them."

(End of this chapter)

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