Chapter 460 Ma Chao
Ever since Qin Yu discovered the difference in Zhaoxian Mansion under the reminder of Beiwu Yaojun.

There will be one more repertoire every day in the Hanging City.

It's just that this function is very strong.

But after everyone went to battle and tried it out, they still couldn't attract anyone to the Hanging City.

Either he didn't have a strong enough circle of friends, and he couldn't see who among the people he knew was qualified to assist Qin Yu.

Either those who were recruited still had doubts about their solicitation.

Or maybe they have doubts about Qin Yu himself.

As long as the heart is not sincere.

Recruiting Dengyong is naturally a failure.

There's nothing to say about that either.

Anyway, for this kind of thing, Beiwu Yaojun can't help him at all.

After getting the reward of marching rations from Qin Yu.

He happily continued to lead the team to mine.

If he wasn't staring at an extremely precious treasure like Chijinsha, he would always feel a little panicked.

As for the treasures whose names he had never heard of.

This made him even more interested.

It was precisely because of this that he no longer had any doubts about the news that Qin Yu might be the reincarnation of a god.

At first, Qin Yu still had some indescribable expectations in his heart after he knew the ability of Recruiting Talents.

I always want to see if I can be like when I was playing the game, I will be a very powerful and powerful player from the very beginning.

In the early stage, first create an invincible basic disk of your own.

did not expect.

This recruiting mansion has strong functions, but the result is quite unsatisfactory.

Ever since, Qin Yu's thoughts gradually faded away.

In fact, his current base is quite strong.

Just wait until the end of the God Forbidden Land and he returns to the world.

Then look for some younger generations who are very impressive in memory.

Such as Zhuge Liang, such as Fazheng, such as Jiang Wei, such as Deng Ai.

If all these people can be recruited, the result will naturally be the best.

Oh yes, there are also Pang Tong and Xu Shu, these are all the wool of our uncle.

Anyway, he sees the situation as being useless now.

It might as well be cheaper for Qin Yu.

Everyone is a family, there is really no need to distinguish so clearly.

As for why Qin Yu still recruits these talented people now.

Qin Yu himself had thought about this issue carefully.

Now that Liu Bang and Liu Xiu appear, the stability of the Han court can naturally be directly improved by several levels.

Say nothing else.

There is absolutely no problem in extending the life of a big man for decades.

Perhaps, after Qin Yu really took action to solve the hidden dangers that had always existed in the Han court, and solved the current situation that the people of the Han Dynasty had no way to fill their stomachs.

There is no problem with this wave of extending the life of the big man for hundreds of years.

Then it seems unnecessary for him to recruit people now.

But Qin Yu himself is very clear.

Governing the country is far more difficult than imagined.

He is just an ordinary person, who does not have any solid basic qualities at all, nor does he have the ability to carry out in-depth governance and reform of the current era.

From his modern point of view.

In today's world, there is so much that can be changed.

But that's it.

If the steps are too big, it is easy to tear the eggs.

He was not interested in turning himself into Wang Mang for a lofty ideal.

Can't make it.

In this case, he wants to make the lives of ordinary people a little better without violating his original intention.

That requires adequate localization.

He is a half-player, and he can barely be regarded as qualified if he uses it to control the general direction.

In terms of specific matters, it is better to leave it to those who are in line with the current environment and have accumulated a lot of experience.

And this was just one of the reasons in his mind.

There is another reason, which lies in the future.

Now that Qin Yu's strength is in the world, no one should be able to suppress him anymore.

But the problem is, since the God Forbidden Land has appeared now.

Then no one can guarantee whether there will be a new God Forbidden Land in the future.

No one can guarantee that in the future, with the improvement of his strength, he will also be forcibly sent to the fairy world.

He didn't want to start struggling again from a small street in a strange place like the fairy world.

In an environment where personal strength has been greatly alienated.

The lower the strength, the more dangerous the situation will be.

Gathering these talented people under his command in advance is also to lay a solid foundation for his future trip to the fairy world.

It's like buying insurance for yourself in advance.

It’s just that it seems that there is still a long way to go if you want to walk this path.

I tried for nearly ten days before and after.

After the recruiting office failed.

Qin Yu lost his mind.

After that, everyone was still busy with their own affairs.

With the continuous increase of the resources and the number of monsters brought by Beiwu Yaojun.

The difficulty of governance for today's Hanging City has also been raised by more than one level.

Even if the demons are under the coercion of Beiwu Yaojun, it is much easier to manage them than humans.

Their individual differences have been smoothed out to the greatest extent in the highly hierarchical social structure.

Now they only need a general order, and they can manage themselves very well.

But even so, it caused great trouble for Qin Yu and his management.

No way, there are too many.

And they didn't have any experience in dealing with monsters before.

Including their food supply, placement of various habitats, etc., all must be considered comprehensively.

In addition, the number of these monsters in the future will definitely increase with the passage of time.

This puts great pressure on their various plans for the future.

Whether these things can be planned in advance, this is what everyone in Hanging City wants to do.

These specific plans have never been Qin Yu's strong point.

It never occurred to him to do it himself.

Now that everyone has their own tasks to arrange.

Qin Yu looked at the Zhaoxian Mansion, which was temporarily idle, and simply walked in by himself.

Anyway, in his opinion, this kind of place is a waste of opportunity for him.

First of all, he never wanted to build any complicated social circle, mainly because his foundation was too shallow, and he was indeed a scumbag.

Secondly, Qin Yu also felt that he did not have enough eloquence to be honest.

Solicit general Dengyong.

It must be to choose those with high intelligence and good eloquence to succeed.

There is only a lotus flower with a brilliant tongue, who has the ability to turn black into white.

Only in the end can we achieve the feeling that the target I want to recruit suddenly feels enlightened, like seeing the sun through the clouds.

Qin Yu thought he didn't have such ability.

So I didn't want to waste this once-a-day precious opportunity on myself.

But now it’s empty anyway, so let’s just use it to experience the perspective of God in the real world, what kind of experience it would be like.

Do it when you think of it.

Qin Yu went directly to the recruitment mansion.

Put your own avatar on the vacant position in the Recruitment Mansion.

Immediately, a line of small characters appeared in front of him.

[The Recruitment Office can recruit talents only once, whether to use the recruitment order? 】

Qin Yu clicked the "Yes" button without hesitation.

Reminiscent of the previous reactions of everyone.

Presumably, only he can see the prompts of this kind of system.

After other people entered the recruitment office, they all passively accepted the changes made to them by the recruitment office.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be the case that no one has spoken about these reminders in front of Qin Yu until now.

Then Qin Yu clicked the button.

He soon felt a strange force rising from his feet.

Slowly wrapping himself up.

As his vision dimmed slightly.

Wait until the vision recovers from the blur to a clear state.

His body was already standing in the sky above Luoyang City.

"It turns out that this Zhaoxian Mansion really has such a miraculous ability!"

Qin Yu looked at Luoyang City under his feet.

This is the first time he has seen the ancient city from such a bird's-eye view.

Although it is not that he has never been on a plane.

But compared to the feeling of directly stepping on the void with both feet, sitting on the plane is a bit too much to be true.

"This ability is quite novel."

"Even if there is no way to recruit those talented people in the future, it will be quite good if you just regard this recruitment mansion as a cloud travel machine."

Qin Yu tried to control his body.

After trying it, he found that this kind of manipulation was not as difficult as he imagined.

As long as the thought moves, his body will move rapidly.

The speed can also be fast or slow, which is completely beyond the limits of the laws of physics.

"Then let's try to see what's going on with this recruitment."

After Qin Yu had seen the scenery, he retracted his eyes and focused on the careful system again.

He then discovered that the idea of ​​recruiting people appeared in his mind.

The perspective in his own eyes began to rise rapidly.

Originally, there was only Luoyang City under his feet.

But almost in the blink of an eye.

Luoyang City became a small land in his eyes.

He looked down at his feet.

What appeared in his eyes at this time has become a complete map of the Han territory.

It is said that if you really want to narrow the viewing angle to this extent.

That means he has to be far enough away.

With the current territory of the big man, he wants to have a panoramic view of the entire territory.

Conservative estimate.

His current location should be farther away than the orbit where the "Tiangong" is located.

But when he looked around.

But there is no feeling of being in the universe around the body.

There is no suffocation.

It felt like he was still standing there, not moving a bit.

What really moved and became smaller was the land under his feet.

Here's where it gets a little bit interesting.

"Lougui should have seen such a scene before, right?"

"According to what they said, if you want to recruit generals, the prerequisite is that you have been to that place first."

"It is impossible for the Recruitment Office to take them directly to a completely unfamiliar area."

"This is actually very easy to understand. If the ability that appears in front of you now is regarded as a completely idealistic function, it can be explained."

"No one can construct a place in their mind out of thin air that they have never been to before."

"If this is the case, then I might really have an advantage?"

Qin Yu thought so.

Although when he first came here, all he wanted in his heart was to stay in Xiaofang Village and survive.

But as time went by, he was inevitably involved in the general trend of the world.

Later, when the Yellow Turban rebelled, he led his army to fight in all directions.

I have been to many places by then.

Compared with the rather backward traffic in ancient times, the places he has traveled can really be counted as a lot.

Qin Yu was also very curious. It has been ten years since he came to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In the past ten years, I don't know how big a map of the Eastern Han Dynasty I have lit up.

He fixed his eyes on the territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty under his feet.


On the gray map background that he expected, several crooked lit paths did not appear in front of him.

On the map of the territory of the Great Han, there is no darkness at all.

"How is this going?"

As soon as Qin Yu thought about it, his body directly appeared in Yizhou, which he had never been to before.

Looking at the mountains surrounding his feet, the completely unfamiliar scenery made Qin Yu feel a little dazed for a while.

"I don't seem to be restricted by geographical location?"

As soon as Qin Yu thought about it, the scenery around him seemed to be stretched out of shape.

Wait until the distorted picture is shaken again and returns to normal.

He has come to another completely strange place.

"Is this Liangzhou?"

Qin Yu zoomed in on the map and judged his position based on it.

This feeling is quite novel.

He couldn't help but make some more attempts.

But his ability to travel wherever he pleases is not without limitations.

At present, the places he can go to are limited to the territory of the Han Dynasty.

Once he reached the border of the Han territory, he had no way to move on.

There was a thick layer of fog blocking him in front of him.

It's like there is an air wall that I can't break through at all.

"You can only move freely within the territory of the Han Dynasty?"

"What is the reason?"

"If this is judged based on the places I have been to in my previous life, then I have never traveled around the country in my previous life?"

"Besides, the places I've been to in my previous life are not just in China."

Qin Yu looked towards the direction of the East China Sea.

There is an island country over there, and he was lucky enough to visit it once.

Now there are still some faint nostalgia.

"If this possibility is ruled out, that is to say, there should be some deeper reason why I can travel unimpeded in the Han territory?"

"It's like, I have already reached the high position of a general?"

"Or, I used to be in charge of the abolition of the establishment, and from the abolition of the establishment, I gained the luck of the Han Dynasty, so that now, it is equivalent to the system directly opening the whole map for me?"

These two theories are possible, and Qin Yu has no way of judging what the situation is for a while.

Either way, it's a good thing for him.

"If the limit of the map is gone, what about the limit of knowing the recruited person?"

Qin Yu thought for a moment.

He looked at the land of Liangzhou under his feet, and a figure appeared in his heart uncontrollably.


Ma Chao is in high spirits.

Despite his young age, he has not yet been crowned.

But at this time, he has already established a great reputation in Yongliang by virtue of his extraordinary courage.

However, Ma Chao was not satisfied.

Conquering these Liangzhou barbarians did not give him any positive feedback.

Ever since I found out that besides the human race, there really are monsters in this world.

His thoughts had already flown to those monsters.

Boys and teenagers are just the age to yearn for meritorious deeds.

Originally, he had been personally acknowledged by Qin Yu, and he was already prepared to go to Qin Yu, the mighty general who shook the world, in person.

Let's see what kind of realm those strong men under his command have reached.

Compared with them, who is stronger or weaker?

It's a pity that all the complicated things later made him miss this opportunity.

Now Qin Yu and others have gone to the mysterious God Forbidden Land under the guidance of Gaozu and Emperor Guangwu.

Although there are fragmentary rumors about the horror of the forbidden land.

But this kind of thing never frightened the passion in Ma Chao's heart, on the contrary, it made the flame in his heart eager to make meritorious deeds burn even more vigorously.

"If I am also in that god-forbidden land, I will definitely make untold military exploits!"

"Brother, you are talking nonsense here again."

Beside Ma Chao, who was dressed in military uniform and slender, looked quite heroic, a young man who was carefully turning around with Fei Lao in his hand took a sniff of his nose and said.

The boy looked about twelve or thirteen years old, barely reaching Ma Chao's chest.

He was practicing his flying skills, his small face was tense, obviously he was very nervous.

This flying is not easy to practice.

The difficulty of practicing soft weapons is outrageous, and this flying machine is even more difficult.

It is a piece of rope itself, with a flying claw made of fine iron hanging from the front.

The claws are sharp, as long as you hold the enemy and pull it fiercely, you can pull out a large piece of flesh and blood.

Treating the enemy so fiercely, if you accidentally play it on yourself, the result will be exactly the same.

It is Ma Chao who has shown extraordinary talent in martial arts since he was a child.

When he was practicing this unique skill passed down from his ancestor General Fubo Ma Yuan, he was also seriously injured.

The young man happened to watch his cousin Ma Chao practice flying, and the result left an indelible shadow on his heart.

Today it is today.

When he threw Fei Lao, Ma Chao's bloody scene always appeared in front of his eyes.

The young man's name was Ma Dai, and he threw the fly out again, and it landed limply on the dummy not far away, before he dared to yank it violently.

I felt a deep grip on the rope in my hand.

Ma Dai smiled contentedly.

Looking at the silly smile on Ma Dai's face, Ma Chao felt helpless in his heart: "What kind of thing are you practicing? How come you have trained the unique skills passed down by our Ma family into such a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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