Chapter 477 Time and Space Array
"I didn't expect that after 300 years, there are still people who can open the gate of the farm road."

"Could it be that no one outside has blocked news about my Baiyulou?"

In the dark and quiet room, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by the appearance of that voice, it seemed to wake up the horror hidden in the darkness.


It was like rotting flesh and blood falling to the ground, making a dull and loose sound.

After a long while, there was another dry voice: "Restricted by the rules, it is impossible for outsiders to know the agricultural road."

"It's just a coincidence..."

"Even if he can really push open the gate of the farm road, so what?"

"Could it be that in today's world of cultivating immortals, there are still people who insist on planting those inconspicuous spiritual fields?"

"Will there be people who insist on using those spiritual fields to feed themselves?"


"It's no longer possible..."

"The way of refining the body with flesh and blood has disappeared forever..."

The heavy voice seemed to consume all the strength in his body.

After finishing speaking, this deep darkness seemed to be covered with a black veil of frozen time again.

No more sound came out of the darkness.

"It seems that my guess is right, it really is farming, right?"

Qin Yu looked at the large field in front of him that had been divided into four square fields.

For a moment, he showed a knowing smile.

This is so nostalgic.

Think back to when he first came to this world.

Isn't it the same situation you are facing?
Xiaofang Village at that time was an extremely barren field.

Wasn't it the result that he was rushed all the way to the present level?

"The land here is interesting."

"It looks really fat."

Qin Yu sighed with emotion.

He has observed it.

Within the huge area around here, he was the only one standing here.

Apart from him, there was no one else.

Obviously those heroes who were selected into Baiyulou still look down on farming.

"fair enough."

Qin Yu raised his foot and walked towards the thatched cottage that hadn't been lived in for a long time.

"Sure enough, there are grain seeds in here."

After Qin Yu opened the door of the thatched hut, he quickly found the neatly piled seeds from the hut.

I don't know how long these things have been in storage, but it looks like it hasn't passed by at all.

In addition to these grains, he also found some simple tools in the thatched hut.

"It's a pity that I can't use the system space now."

Qin Yu weighed the slightly worn sickle in his hand.

After wiping off the hardened yellow mud on the blade, one can see the cold light glowing on the blade.

It is indeed a good knife.

Qin Yu, holding a sickle, went directly to the land in front of the thatched hut.

Weeds as tall as a man grew everywhere in what looked like an extremely fertile land.

I don't know how long this thing has been growing in this place.

Qin Yu had tried to pull it with his fingers before.

Just the flexibility of these weeds made him feel even tougher than the demon skins captured in the Forbidden Land before.

Fortunately, the sickle is sharp enough.

As soon as Qin Yu went over, the tall weed was cut almost to the root.

He also gathered the cut weeds and put them aside.

This thing can be used for recycling.

After all, you can't just throw it away like this.

Land reclamation is very difficult.

Fortunately, Qin Yu's current physical strength is really ridiculously strong.

Such a high-intensity work did not make him feel too much burden.

After he started to enter the state of reclamation, he threw himself into it with all his heart.

three days later.

Qin Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Finally, he barely cleared the weeds in the ten acres of land in front of him.

But when he looked at the weeds that he cut off on the first day.

It is very clear that the weeds have grown significantly again.

If you don't care about it, maybe it won't take long.

These weeds will completely occupy this great field.

"It seems that ten acres of land is my limit now."

Qin Yu also felt a little helpless.

If he wanted to cultivate more fields, these overgrown weeds would not give him time.

After that comes root removal.

Qin Yu originally thought that this matter would not last long.

In the end, I realized that I was still a little too young.

In general land, if you want to completely dig out these weeds, digging up to four or five inches at most is enough.

However, for the weeds growing in this place, he dug the ground more than a foot away, which was not enough.

Qin Yu brandished the hoe without stopping.

Finally, after five days, the weeds in this farmland were completely cleaned up.

"It's finally time to start planting."

Qin Yu took a long breath.

"This valley is interesting."

In the past few days, besides weeding, Qin Yu also surveyed the place.

In fact, the place is not that big.

These divided farmlands are actually only about a hundred acres.

This place is apart from these fields.

There are also a dozen thatched cottages scattered here and there.

It seems that the farmland in this white jade secret realm was originally prepared to cultivate less than ten acres of land per person.

to be frank.

Qin Yu didn't know what the reason was.

In his opinion, for a powerful organization like Baiyulou, the strength of the people they recruited must be beyond doubt.

Not to mention Bai Yuan's super genius.

It was Mu Ningbing's strength that allowed her to come and farm.

There is no pressure at all for one person to plant this hundred acres of land to the full.

Anyway, his strength has been raised to this level, so he can't be worse than a farmer in the world, right?

But that's how it is today.

Qin Yu could easily tell from the location of the thatched house.

This basically divided different areas from the beginning.

Even if the amount of land left for each of them to cultivate is not mandatory, it certainly does not seem to be too much.

If it weren't for the weeds in this field, it would be too difficult to deal with.

Qin Yu really felt that it would not be difficult for him to plant all the plants in this place.

"Could it be that there are some secrets that I don't know?"

He rubbed his chin, putting the thought aside for a moment.

You will know when the seeds are actually planted.

The valley of this hundred acres of farmland is surrounded by high mountains on all sides.

It looks like a secluded place.

However, Qin Yu still found a teleportation array built in a hidden corner.

There was a hazy glow on the teleportation array.

He didn't go up hastily, thinking that there should be a place where he can freely enter and exit the valley.

"Let's try farming first."

Qin Yu put the matter of the teleportation array aside.

He didn't want to take risks in this white jade secret realm.

I knew before that there would be monsters here. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable if I encountered monsters outside the teleportation array?
Although Qin Yu was very confident in his own strength.

But this place is fairyland after all.

You can't be too careful.

He took out the seeds that had been prepared a long time ago from the thatched house.

These seeds look a lot like rice.

Crystal clear.

But the rice grains seemed to be a little bigger than he remembered.

Full and crystal clear, smaller than broad beans.

It was the first time he had seen this plant.

Qin Yu picked up one and put it in his mouth.

Not as hard as expected.

And the taste is not as uncomfortable as chewing rice grains dry.

After this kind of seed enters the mouth, it is crushed by the teeth without much effort.

Speaking of it, it really can be described as chewy.

And there is a faint fragrance in the mouth, even if there is no taste, it is very comfortable to swallow.

"This kind of seed is a bit powerful."

When Qin Yu was in the Hanging City, he didn't miss the marching rations.

After eating this strange seed now, he immediately noticed the difference.

After eating this kind of seed, it not only provided him with a sense of fullness.

The seeds that fell in the stomach pouch were slowly releasing a warmth, it felt like he had eaten the flesh and blood of a demon before.

"Food that can directly increase the strength of the physical body?"

Qin Yu savored it for a moment.

He felt that this might not be his own illusion.

It's just that now I don't have system assistance, and I can't digitally display my attributes in front of me.

Na Siming Daoguo still hasn't responded in the slightest.

No matter how he pushes it, the Siming Dao Fruit is like a completely lifeless thing, just quietly staying in his mind.

Like a smelly, hard rock.

However, Qin Yu could still feel that the Siming Dao Fruit seemed to be giving birth to something.

Now he has no choice but to wait and see what happens.

Two days later.

Qin Yu planted all the fields he had cultivated before with this strange food.

He reclaimed a whole ten acres of land.

Sure enough, the grain seeds in this thatched hut are not enough to support the consumption of ten acres of land.

He also successfully found some surplus grain seeds in other thatched huts.

After bringing those grain seeds back, not only did he meet his needs for planting, but he also hoarded a considerable amount of food for himself.

Although the satiety provided by a grain of this spiritual rice is enough to support his consumption for three or four days.

But after discovering that the Lingmi itself could increase the strength of his physical body, Qin Yu unceremoniously began to eat it.

"As expected of something from the fairy world."

"Even if it's just the most basic rice, it has such a terrifying effect."

"This is much better than me devouring the flesh and blood of those monsters."

"If you calculate it, this grain of rice has a greater effect than the demon flesh and blood I ate the day before!"

Qin Yu held the steaming rice in his hands.

I don't know how many rice grains are put in this big big bowl.

Even if there are no side dishes, just eating white rice can make Qin Yu feel articulate and feel good.

After a big bowl of rice.

Qin Yu patted his belly, punched in the small courtyard that had been cleared out, and practiced the Fusion of True Transformation for a period of time.

Then he went out, ready to go to the field to weed.

It has been more than half a month since he planted the seeds before.

The seeds sown before have all sprouted.

But this growth rate is still a bit too slow.

In half a month, these seeds have grown to less than a palm height.

One must know that he does not have the Hanging City now.

It also has the powerful bonus of Shennong Dishu.

Under the passive effect of greatly increasing the growth rate of grain, Qin Yu felt a little helpless that these spiritual rice only had such a growth rate.

But those weeds are growing very well.

Even if you don't look at it for a day, the weeds can re-emerge sharply.

Qin Yu felt that he was on the verge of weeding.

Do nothing but weed every day.

No wonder this place only allocates less than ten acres of land to each person.

If weeds grow at this speed, it would be impossible to plant a hundred acres.

"Wait and see."

"Anyway, according to the current speed, it seems that this batch of seeds should be mature and harvested in three or four months."

"The question now is, will the fast-maturing BUFF brought by my Shennong Dishu attract the attention of Bai Yulou?"

"I feel like they should be a little concerned?"

"After all, this is the case."

"But I shouldn't worry too much."

"Even if this fast-maturing BUFF is really powerful, in the end it's just farming."

"I'm a farmer who works in the fairyland. Is it possible that someone will really take a fancy to my craft?"

"It's not a great skill, there must be someone who wants to snatch this ability from me, right?"

Thinking of this, Qin Yu couldn't help but want to laugh.

It's like a farmer worrying all day whether the villains in the city will take a fancy to his precious iron hoe.

"Someone touched the formation..."

"How many years have no one been able to touch the formation again?"

In the void of the White Jade Secret Realm, an almost whispering voice resounded.

This voice seemed to be everywhere, and no one could detect the existence of this voice at all.

"The inheritance of the agricultural road has not been cut off..."

"It's really strange..."

"However, even if there are still some inheritance left, there won't be much content in it..."

"Do you want……"

There seemed to be a hint of hesitation in that voice.

After a long time, there was a sigh between heaven and earth.

"Forget it, let's do it as before."

"Perhaps, this is the last time to activate that formation..."

"A space-time formation specially built for the agricultural road in this white jade secret realm."

"Three times the speed of time, one year later, I hope you can surprise me."

The voice gradually became weaker.

It was as if she had done something that made her very strenuous.

There was an unconcealable exhaustion in this voice, and then completely disappeared without a trace.

And it was just outside the valley where Qin Yu was.

The huge patterns covering ten miles away began to be lit up one by one.

The originally abundant and rich aura in the White Jade Secret Territory began to crazily fall towards the pattern.

As the pattern began to be lit up on a large scale.

The concentration of aura in the White Jade Secret Realm also began to drop continuously.

In just a short period of time, it has dropped by one percent compared to before.

After evacuating 5.00% of the spiritual energy in the entire White Jade Secret Realm.

The pattern was finally lit up.

The space shrouded in the pattern began to become blurred.

It was as if the quilt was covered with a layer of frosted glass, making it hard for people to see clearly what was going on inside the glass.

Under the cover of this formation, the entire valley is no longer seen by outsiders.


Wait until the fuzzy feeling is raised to the maximum.

Accompanied by a hum.

Something seemed to be solidified in the void.

The valley shrouded in the array was completely engraved on a picture.

Green mountains and green waters are still green mountains and green waters.

It's just that green color, but it has been completely isolated from the surrounding world.

Qin Yu, who was within the envelope of the formation, was unaware of the changes in the flow of time around him.

He has no idea that the time he is experiencing now has been tripled by the air conditioner.

His three months are only equivalent to one month outside.

And one year outside means that he will stay in this valley for three years.

Three months later.

Next to the original thatched hut, there is an extra wooden hut that looks very simple.

This wooden house looks simple, but it is unique in its specifications.

"I seem to be getting more and more wrong."

Qin Yu turned his head and looked at his arm, which was thicker than the original thigh, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

There is no fat on such a thick arm.

The hideous muscles tensed.

On the bronze-colored skin, there are obvious silk threads drawn by muscles.

It was as if there were thick tendons embedded in his arms.

With the swing of his arm, that muscle tendon will definitely burst out with incomparably terrifying power.

'But what's the price, Gouldan? '

The price is that Qin Yu's current height has rapidly climbed from the previous 1.8 meters to the current [-] meters.

This is only three months.

To Qin Yu, the original small thatched hut seemed to be a bit immobile.

If this continues, after a few months, Qin Yu doesn't know what he will become.

"Isn't this a side effect of the fusion of truth and will?"

Qin Yu was like a gust of wind passing by, while frantically digging up the weeds in the field, while thinking about his own problems.

No matter what Rongzhenhuayi says, this thing is still just a cultivation technique for demons.

The Beiwu Yaojun can reach the Yaojun realm by virtue of the fusion of truth and intent, and there is still hope to continue to break through to a higher level.

But the problem is that demons themselves are not a race known for their slenderness.

In Qin Yu's eyes, they all seemed to be oddly shaped and huge in stature.

Generally, the most intuitive point to judge the strength of monsters is their body.

However, there are some exceptions.

It's like the Beiwu Yaojun after the transformation.

But here comes the problem.

Beiwu Yaojun was born after his transformation. Qin Yu had never seen what he looked like before his transformation.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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