Chapter 526 Heading to Yingchuan
"Refining True Transformation!"

"It turns out that this is Refining True Transformation!"

Qin Yu got up from the magic circle and stood up.

The zhenqi in his body was like a stormy sea, constantly oscillating in his body.

With the shock and compression of true energy.

A brand new power began to gradually appear in his body.

Gang gas!

A power dozens of times stronger than true qi.

This kind of power already has the ability to materialize after being condensed.

In the past, Qin Yu thought that the stellar qi could only be placed outside the body to effectively block the incoming forces from the outside world.

If Gang Qi circulates in the body, the strength bonus it brings to the warrior itself should not be too much more than True Qi.

In other words, in his opinion, the realm of refining the true and transforming the astral is just an extra way for warriors to use their true energy.

Naturally, the means of defense have been strengthened a lot.

But in terms of offensive means, there has not been a corresponding big improvement.

But after he personally felt the way the stellar energy stored in his body.

He immediately understood.

I obviously had a stereotype that I shouldn't have about Gang Qi before.

Since Gang Qi is outside the body, it already has the effect of greatly strengthening itself and improving its own strength.

It makes no sense to have nothing in the body.

Now it seems that this is indeed a mistake caused by his ignorance of the cultivation of warriors before.

After all, he underestimated the warrior.

Now I have also been promoted to the realm of refining the truth and transforming the gang.

Only then did he truly feel the horror of a warrior in this realm.

"It's no wonder that Lu Bu and Huang Zhong, who once practiced the Realm of Huagang, can already stand at the top of the world."

"This kind of strength is indeed enough to fight against the established army on its own."

"Even if you encounter the weakening of blood energy, with the protection of the body, you can still be immune to most of the effects of blood energy."

"No matter how bad it is, Gang Qi itself has a defensive power beyond ordinary people's imagination."

"As long as the stellar energy covering me is not broken, no one can hurt me!"

"Unless I have to use my own strength to attack those super generals who have their own army."

"Otherwise, if it is just an ordinary person, there is no reason to survive in front of me."

Qin Yu's words were naturally not casual.

He has a reason.

The basis for this is naturally Guan Yu.

His current strength may not be very good, at most it is in the realm of true energy separation, even weaker than that of true energy separation, it is probably the peak of the eight-channel state.

This can also be seen from the fact that when he and Zhang Fei met Liu Bei, they were directly crushed by Liu Bei's own power.

However, in the ten years after following Liu Bei, the speed of strength improvement is obviously very fast.

During the Battle of Guandu.

Guan Yu will be able to take the head of the enemy general in the army.

This is actually a good illustration in itself.

Qin Yu felt that he should be in a state similar to that at that time.

However, refining the truth and transforming the gang does not mean invincibility.

Under the suppression of the army's blood energy, his stellar energy will be consumed very quickly.

If it is really involved in the army formation.

In the face of the opponent's strong attack regardless of the cost, plus a few strong people in the realm of true energy separation.

Qin Yu was afraid that he would have to drink his hatred directly on the spot.

In other words, with his state now, as long as he is careful, there will definitely be no problems.

The news of Qin Yu leaving the magic circle was naturally sent to Zhang Jiao immediately.

According to Zhang Jiao's plan, he should have cooperated with Ma Yuanyi to directly attack Luoyang.

But now he has been sticking to Guangzong City.

Just sit and watch the rest of the states cause chaos under the leadership of their respective leaders.

In the Jizhou base camp, there was no movement at all.

All of this was naturally because of Qin Yu.

Now seeing Qin Yu's breakthrough, he is naturally the most excited.

Qin Yu didn't say much either.

He knew what Zhang Jiao was thinking.

So he asked Zhang Jiao for the latest battle report.

After a while, Qin Yu put down the battle report without much surprise.

Ma Yuanyi's failure did not cause much disturbance in his mood.

It is not a simple matter for a rebellion to succeed.

After Zhang Jiao waited for Qin Yu to read the battle report, he asked, "Now that the situation is like this, how should we deal with the imperial court's siege in the future? Do you have any good strategies?"

Qin Yu shook his head: "I'm not good at strategy. Of course I don't have good strategies, but if it's just fighting, then there is no pressure on me."

Zhang Jiao was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Okay, then I will appoint you as the General of Destiny, and you can take charge of all the soldiers and horses under my Yellow Turban Army."

Qin Yu nodded indifferently in response, and then asked: "To this day, I still have one thing that I don't understand, and I still hope that the Taoist leader will explain it to me."

After Zhang Jiao responded, Qin Yu continued: "I just want to ask one more question, if we can really overthrow the imperial court and push the emperor off the throne, what will happen after that? The Taoist leader is interested in the throne ?”

Zhang Jiao immediately waved his hands and said, "I didn't expect that the doubts in your heart would be like this."

"But that's right, now that you have broken through to this level, few people in the world can compete with you."

"There's nothing wrong with having that kind of confidence."

"This matter, if I say that I haven't thought about it from the beginning, do you believe it or not?"

Qin Yu nodded.

Seeing Qin Yu's reaction, Zhang Jiao was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly, "As I said before, I haven't thought about the matter of the throne, and neither has my brother."

"As you can see, after I received the book of Taiping Qing, I originally wanted to save the common people. Although I am too deeply involved in the world now, I have committed many taboos, but after all, I am still doing justice for the sky. There is a silver lining."

"If I really sit on the throne, there will be a dead end with no room for change."

"As a warrior, you only cultivate yourself. It's normal for you not to understand the movement of the world and the theory of luck."

"Not everyone can sit on this throne. Those who are not very lucky will not be able to suppress the luck of a country."

"Forcibly sitting on the throne will only end up being backlashed by luck."

Qin Yu said: "Then if according to this statement, you were unwilling to sit on the throne from the very beginning, then what is the reason for this rebellion?"

Zhang Jiao sighed, and his face looked even more bitter: "Do you think that with the power we have now, we can compete head-on with the huge imperial court?"

"From the very beginning, I knew that this kind of thing was impossible. I rebelled on the way of peace, and the final result must be an empty dream."

"But now the arrow is on the string, and it has to be launched."

"All powerful families rely on my way of peace to gather refugees from all over the world and stabilize their foundations."

"As everyone knows, they act recklessly, no matter how I try to save the common people, I can't take over the mess after their chaos."

"On the surface, Taiping Dao seems to be full of flowers, but in fact, it has already reached the point of being overwhelmed. If we can't solve these powerful families once and for all, or make them fully aware of the sins they have committed, the world will be destroyed. , the common people of the Li people will never have a bright future."

After Qin Yu listened to it, he finally realized it.

No wonder he always felt that Taipingdao was a bit weird before, but he couldn't say exactly what was weird.

In the final analysis, the really weird thing is that Taipingdao has been unable to maintain their own balance of payments over time.

Part of their already fragile balance of payments is to rely on refugees to cultivate their fields.

It's like the Xiaofang Village that Qin Yu was assigned to before.

The other part is to rely on those who have converted to the Taiping Taoism among the powerful families, and the money donated by them has contributed.

The two may have been able to maintain some balance of payments before.

But this balance has also become more difficult to make ends meet with the passage of time and the increase of refugees.

This is also what makes Qin Yu feel strange.

He always felt that the Taiping Dao was a powerful force that traversed almost the entire Han Dynasty and had millions of believers in its hands.

Ordinary life always makes people feel a little aggrieved.

I thought it was his illusion.

Unexpectedly, the real root cause lies in the financial problems of Taipingdao.

"In that case, then I understand."

Qin Yu responded, and after discussing with Zhang Jiao again, he got up and left.

Outside Julu City, the Yellow Turban Army had already received orders.

Qin Yu selected more than a thousand people from the team that Zhang Jiao had carefully selected and trained, each equipped with a horse, and then led Xu Shu and headed straight towards Yingchuan.

Qin Yu, who had already experienced the Yellow Turban Uprising, was naturally very familiar with this turmoil.

The initial combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army led by Bocai around Yingchuan was extremely fierce.

In the early stage, he was able to suppress the official army.

If it wasn't for being defeated by Huo Gong later, leading to the collapse of the whole line, what the final result is, I'm afraid it's still two things.

If these Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan can be pulled up.

Then hook up with Zhang Mancheng in Nanyang Wancheng.

These people gathered together, from south to north, and Zhangjiao in Jizhou from north to south.

Surrounded on several sides, I am afraid that the Han court would have no way to deal with this situation.

Of course, Qin Yu didn't think that he was promoted to become a strong man in the realm of refining and transforming, and that he could defeat the entire big man with his own strength.

This in itself is an unrealistic thing.

If Lianzhen Huagangzhen is already so powerful.

Then Lu Bu and Huang Zhong wouldn't make people feel aggrieved for most of their lives.

Qin Yu's goal from the very beginning was to become a sharp knife.

Since there is no way to influence the whole world with the power of one person.

Then simply borrow.

As long as there is a strong enough force behind him and enough people are helping him do things.

Coupled with his extremely powerful knife tip.

The final result will definitely not be bad.

like now!
Yingchuan County.

Bo Cai led the 200,000 Yellow Turban Army and caught the imperial army by surprise at the moment of the uprising.

No one would have thought that the normally docile Taiping Dao would suddenly attack.

What's more, they didn't expect that they had already achieved the most brutal extreme right from the very beginning.

There's a world of difference in the challenge between doing things well-planned and hastily.

Just like today's Pocai.

With only a small price, he emptied all the local officials in Yingchuan County.

Those from aristocratic families who chose to resist toughly if they did not surrender did not end well.

If the dispute is only in name, then the result is that it is absolutely impossible to mobilize a huge number of people's hearts.

But if you add the wealth accumulated by those aristocratic families on weekdays.

The result is completely different.

These Yellow Turban soldiers who have just transformed from ordinary people in Taipingdao should have been a group of rabble.

But what was before them was an unprecedented stimulation of the material senses.

A large amount of property and food is firmly in their hands.

Farmers who were used to honesty never imagined that there is such a way in this world that allows them to live so effortlessly.

The shackles in my heart were all opened.

From the most docile sheep, they revealed a cruel wolf side.

It doesn't matter if the individual's strength is not strong!
Although the aristocratic family has raised many warriors, but the number of warriors is not many, and each of them is scattered in their own Wubao Manor.

There is simply no effective collaboration between them.

So much so that they were heaped to death by these ordinary people who didn't have much strength.

And these ordinary people after several trials between life and death.

Coupled with the accumulation of a large number of seized resources.


Those ordinary people who have the potential to practice martial arts themselves, under such huge pressure, the speed of their realm climbing is beyond ordinary cognition.

From a most ordinary ordinary person.

It took only about seven days to upgrade to full of blood.

From being full of blood to being upgraded to steel and iron, the average time is only about half a month.

After the Bocai incident.

Just over a month.

His soldiers will be in constant loss.

The number dropped by tens of thousands from 200,000.

But soon.

The 200,000 number has been replenished again, even tens of thousands more than before.

And these people, among them are only ordinary people, only account for a very small part.

These ordinary people became the logistics for delivering food and grass to the soldiers who killed the enemy ahead.

As for the yellow turban soldiers fighting against the enemy ahead, nearly [-]% of them have reached the state of steel and iron.

Those who are full of true energy have now fully covered about 70.00%.

Among them are those who have crazily attacked the aristocratic families during this period of time, absorbed from their side, and absorbed from the surrounding bandit green forest.

Some of these people are in the state of Hunyuan Wuleu, and many of them have already gathered their true energy and become true true energy fighters.

With the joining of tens of thousands of people, the strength of the Yellow Turban Army in Yingchuan has been strengthened like never before.

Ever since, Zhu Jun only brought more than 20,000 court officers and troops, and he wanted to face the [-] tiger and wolf troops head-on.

The consequences are obvious.

In Changshe City, Zhu Jun and Huangfusong looked at the Yellow Turban Army camped outside the city with thoughtful expressions in their eyes.

At this time, the reinforcements led by Cao Cao had not yet arrived.

There are more than a thousand people and horses galloping on the road!

(End of this chapter)

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