Chapter 551 The Inner Ghost
The Yellow Turbans soon became history.

Now there is no Yellow Turban Army in this world, but the Taiping Dao reappeared more than before.

Rumor has it that Emperor Liu Hong was inspired by Taiping Dao, so he canonized Taiping Dao Shou Zhangjiao as a national teacher.

Taiping Road is the state religion.

Taipingdao flourished again.

Zhang Mancheng also returned to Taiping Dao and became one of the only four guardian Dharma kings in Taiping Dao.

Under Qin Yu's care, Sun Xia also became one of the four protectors.

Both of them belonged to people Qin Yu could trust.

As for the remaining two Dharma Kings, they just selected some older people from the Taiping Dao to serve as them.

Taipingdao is now the number one force in the world.

No matter what Qin Yu said, it was impossible to watch this power disband or fall into the hands of others.

If these refugees and rebellious parties are really disbanded on the spot, they are not properly resettled.

They will inevitably bring great hidden dangers and fluctuations to the Han Dynasty under Qin Yu's rule.

These people are still in the state of just giving food to eat.

As the bottom layer, they have no other needs at all.

In other words.

As long as they have a full mouthful of food, they will turn their guns and join directly under the command of those powerful families.

There is nothing impossible for them.

Therefore, Qin Yu must find a way out for these people.

Moreover, the Yellow Turban Army currently in the hands of Zhang Mancheng and Sun Xia will be the team that Qin Yu envisioned can truly carry out expeditions in the future.

These people themselves are low-level refugees, and now they have no worries about leaving their hometowns.

As long as they are promised enough land as a reward, let them go on an expedition to India, they will definitely rush over there screaming.

Especially when they really see the fertile land of India.

I am afraid that even without Qin Yu's control, they can directly defeat India.

But it is not realistic to let them go on an expedition now.

At present, although Liu Hong has regained his position, the territory of the Great Han Dynasty seems to have returned to peace.

But in fact, after the last turmoil, the majesty of the Han court has dropped to freezing point.

Behind the scenes, I don't know how many people wanted Qin Yu to die.

Especially those groups of scholar-officials who were still employed in the official system of the imperial court at this time.

They have absolutely high-sounding excuses.

Qin Yu's behavior itself is disrespectful to Liu Hong, the emperor.

Although Liu Hong now has no intention of getting rid of Qin Yu in his heart.

On the contrary, the two of them have now become allies with the same goal.

But those scholar-bureaucrats don't think so.

After they restored order in the court, Qin Yu also went to several court meetings.

After coming down a few times, he no longer has the slightest interest in going to the court to be angry.

Don't tell me these scholar-bureaucrats, when some people really fight with you, they really don't want to die.

Even if he knew that a peerless murderer like Qin Yu would never hesitate to make a move.

They also dared to curse in front of Qin Yu.

Bisheng Qin Yu has not yet started to cultivate his own administrative system.

If you really want to take action against these scholar-officials, I am afraid that many officials in the world will abandon their official positions and leave immediately after they ascend.

In this way, confusion is inevitable.

It doesn't mean that there is really no one else in the world except them.

Anyway, these officials now, to a large extent, only make money when they go up.

In other words, it is not difficult to replace them.

But the problem is that the popularity rate of knowledge in this era is really too low.

To find a suitable replacement in a short period of time, it would be an extremely heavy task just to replace the administrative system of the whole country.

It will definitely drag down the rhythm of what Qin Yu wants to do in the future.

In this way, Qin Yu had to hold his nose and bear it for the time being.

Only let Liu Hong go to the court to deal with those ministers alone.

Qin Yu ordered Xu Shu to lead people to start building paper mills.

When he had golden fingers in his previous life, everything else was upgraded.

The good thing is that when the paper mill was upgraded, it wasn't the formulas that ordinary people couldn't get.

He had studied the process of papermaking in a paper mill in his last life, and naturally he still firmly remembered the methods of papermaking.

Now Qin Yu only needs to take out the things that he wrote down in his head again.

A new big papermaking movement can be launched here.

Unlike the previous life.

He set up a paper mill, and the paper cannot be circulated on a large scale.

It can only be circulated in the small place of Lingling County temporarily.

It is almost impossible for people in other places to use these convenient conditions.

At that time, what Qin Yu was thinking about was still how to develop in order not to set up a powerful enemy for himself.

Let your means be used by others.

Now he doesn't think about this problem at all.

Think of a hammer.

Use it?
Now he can't wait to quickly compile all these papers into books, and quickly spread the entire Han territory.

Let those who do not have the opportunity to study themselves have the opportunity to study in the future.

In this way, maybe within a few years, he will be able to train a group of new people who can completely replace the previous officials.

Coupled with the implementation of the corresponding policy of meritocracy.

It is expected that it will not be long before there should be a new atmosphere in the court.

As for the original family classes.

If they can be content with the status quo, Qin Yu can continue to give them the opportunity to compete fairly with the poor family.

If you want to do some tricks behind your back.

Then don't blame Qin Yu for being cruel.

Those Taiping Taoists who are in his hands now will become Qin Yu's best intelligence network system in the future.

As long as anyone dares to make small moves behind the scenes, the killing will be over.

The strength Qin Yu possesses now is the biggest ballast stone for his reckless behavior.

Before there is a strong man stronger than him, or a strong man who can restrain him to a certain extent.

Even if this kind of thing is done too much, there is no problem.

Besides, what Qin Yu did was really based on morality.

He occupies the moral high ground, and students from poor families all over the world are his supporters.

Those stubborn families can only be completely destroyed under the torrent of social development in the end.

Admittedly, there are bound to be many problems in such an accelerated transformation.

But Qin Yu's strength is the guarantee.

in this way.

Under Qin Yu's instruction, Liu Hong directly ordered to reopen the gate of Taixue and greatly expand the number of admissions to Taixue.

In fact, it is impossible for this kind of thing to have an intuitive impact on the entire Dahan education system.

But Liu Hong's decree is actually just a signal.

A signal for real education reform to begin.

After that, the construction of the paper mill was quickly put on the agenda under Qin Yu's vigorous promotion.

He not only built a paper mill by himself, but also publicly taught the core process of building a paper mill.

Anyone who is interested in participating in papermaking can join this industry.

Anyway, Qin Yu has already left the time to make money by pointing at such things.

The benefits of the rapid popularization of paper are greater for him.

half a month later.

The first paper mill supervised by Qin Yu began to produce paper.

The paper produced by the core formula of papermaking he announced is not only cheap, but also suitable for writing.

As soon as this kind of paper came out, it immediately caused a sensation in Luoyang City.

There are many literati here, so they are naturally more sensitive to the appearance of paper.

Even if the eyes are not long-term enough, people who don't feel that the appearance of paper has any destructive power on the foundation of the family.

At this time, they also faintly felt as if they were going through a great event.

With this wave of confirmation in Luoyang City.

They all knew how powerful Qin Yu's papermaking technique was.

Many of these aristocratic families have paper-making workshops.

Now that they have this recipe, they immediately improved their papermaking techniques.

Once these papers are produced, they can attract a wave of gold for them.

At the same time, Qin Yu also began to let Zhang Mancheng, Sun Xia and others conduct preliminary experiments in Taiping Road.

The method used was still stolen from Jesus next door.

Since it is very difficult to actively make them spies.

Then the difficulty of being passive will be much smaller.

As long as they don't realize that they have actually become Qin Yu's spies.

This act is naturally 'confession'.

The current power of Taipingdao has further escalated since it became the state religion.

Even among those aristocratic and powerful families, there are many people who believe in the way of peace.

Now that Taipingdao has even captured Luoyang, it has been upgraded even more.

In addition, Liu Hong gave them an official endorsement.

This influence is even greater.

Qin Yu added the term "repentance" to the teachings of Taiping Dao in due course.

After that, all he has to do is to train some 'priests' with primary intelligence gathering capabilities.

Then let them go to various places to collect those confession information.

From this information, let's analyze what kind of thoughts are in the hearts of those powerful families.

Then either win over or clean up, this is a later story.

So, two months later.

The first batch of books with the Xiping Stone Classic printed on paper began to be officially sold.

After that, Qin Yu still didn't worry too much.

He just told these great educators in Luoyang City about the experience he had developed before.

Naturally, someone will help him perfect all the remaining processes and loopholes.

Qin Yu's transformation of Taiping Road has also achieved initial results.

The confession mechanism began to spread strongly under the leadership of the navy.

Where have those powerful families seen this kind of world?

They never thought that their relatives could sell themselves indirectly by repenting in Taipingdao.

This is really too difficult.

Qin Yu wiped out several aristocratic families with the help of the information in his hands.

After that, they randomly arranged a pretext for them.

Confiscate all confiscated property.

And because the power of Taiping Dao under Qin Yu's hands is too strong.

As a result, almost the entire territory of Dahan.

But all the aristocratic families that he targeted, including the branches they had separated before.

They were all found out in a row, and none of them were left, and all of them were beheaded and killed.

After two or three times, this method of beheading and killing came.

Those aristocratic families were terrified.

Has anyone seen a lunatic like Qin Yu before?
Isn't he afraid of offending the nobles of the whole world, and then being targeted by everyone?
But Qin Yu is really not afraid.

But his superficial effort is still very good.

Even if the whole world knows that he did it.

But he himself didn't recognize it.

You have nothing to do with him.

Especially this kind of killing and extermination, from the perspective of those aristocratic families, is absolutely unacceptable.

They can accept hedging bets, even if a branch is wiped out, the bloodline will remain after all.

But what Qin Yu is doing now is a thorough killing.

In the eyes of those aristocratic powerhouses, this kind of method of extermination has never been seen before.

And it doesn't make sense at all.

This reminded them of Lian Zuo in the Qin Dynasty.

What Qin Yu is doing is basically a variant of Lian Zuo!

After doing this several times, those aristocratic families suddenly discovered that they resisted no matter how they wanted.

But there was still no way to really resist Qin Yu's methods.

And the more they want to resist, the more they want to stand out.

The faster you die.

After they died, Qin Yu benefited a lot from the vacated positions, the vacated land, and the large amount of family property that was confiscated.

He then used these benefits to train and attract more children from poor families, including some powerful families who had already fallen into poverty.

Then these people quickly filled the previous vacancies.

What's more, there are too many people who want to defect to Qin Yu in the end.

So much so that the positions vacated by the exterminated families are not even enough to allocate.

Such a discovery immediately made Qin Yu happy.

He really didn't think that there would be such a good thing in this world.

What's more, he didn't think that targeting the aristocratic family might lead to some unbearable results.

Now, not only has none of them appeared, but it has given him a brand new opportunity.

can only say.

These capital lords who are pampered and pampered on weekdays are always weak and cowardly in nature.

And the least determined.

They look very strong on the surface, but in fact they are just paper tigers with teeth and claws.

There is no need to worry too much about dealing with these people.

As long as they use stronger methods than theirs, with the belief that the fish will die and the net will be broken, they will naturally make concessions, and continue to make concessions until they reach the bottom line they can accept.

The bottom line Qin Yu gave them was obviously much higher than the bottom line they drew themselves.

The problem of land annexation still exists today.

Qin Yu didn't want to touch these things yet.

He didn't know much about tax laws and the like, and he didn't directly change them.

All of this will wait until he has enough talent reserves in his hands, and then Qin Yu will think of a way to try again.

(End of this chapter)

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