Mythic Three Kingdoms: My Entry Infinitely Improves

Chapter 557 The Fundamentals of Military Training

Two years later.

Liu Hong came to Qin Yu anxiously.

"Aiqing, you are sending three armies to go out now, but you are sitting in the city of Luoyang, is this really feasible?"

Although Qin Yu looked at it with worry on his face, there was more of an expectant Liu Hong in his expression.

He smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, this three-way army is the strong generals personally selected by the minister, plus the elites trained in the past few years, there will be no enemy around you!"

Liu Hong nodded: "That's good, that's good, but you have to be careful, Ai Qing."

"Never underestimate the enemy."

"I know you are brave, but the Huns are treacherous."

"When they see my great Han Heavenly Army, they will just run away. I'm afraid they won't be able to find their whereabouts in the vast desert. In the end, they will inevitably return without success."

Qin Yu looked at Liu Hong in surprise.

He didn't expect Liu Hong to have such insight in this kind of matter.

I thought this guy was a masterpiece of ignorance.

It seems that he really knows a little about the traditions of their old Liu family.

Seeing Qin Yu's surprised expression, Liu Hong secretly rejoiced.

Qin Yu quickly replied: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we have already thought about the worries in your Majesty's heart."

"Although the Huns are erratic in the vast grasslands and deserts, the gap in strength between them and us is too great now."

"And I have only one goal in this trip, and that is to destroy the country!"

"The battle of destroying the country is naturally to advance to the location of its capital."

"As long as I attack them all the way into their capital, no matter how hidden they are, the Huns will have to protect their ancestral foundation."

"Besides, there are those Huns who returned to Bingzhou in the early years. This trip will take them forward. First, let them lead the way and lead us to kill the enemy. Second, let them station on the grassland."

"Once those Huns really want to hide, the only way for them is to hide forever."

"The grassland they depend on for survival will no longer have a place for them in the future."

Liu Hong was surprised and said: "According to what Aiqing said, this trip to kill the Huns is not going to go deep alone?"

Qin Yu nodded.

Liu Hong was even more surprised: "The lone army goes deep, so you won't be afraid of being cut off by the Huns and encircled on all sides? Wouldn't it be a crushing defeat then?"

Qin Yu smiled confidently: "Your Majesty doesn't know something. When your strength is strong enough and your fists are big enough, all plots and schemes are nothing compared to your absolute strength."

"Whether they are encircled on all sides or ambushed on all sides, I only have a team of soldiers and horses. As long as the soldiers attack from the front, I can wipe out the enemies in front of me. The best attack is to attack them before they have time to defend and retreat. This is enough." gone."

Liu Hong didn't know what to do.

Although he still didn't know why Qin Yu had such confidence.

But at this time, he still chose to trust Qin Yu.

And the confidence in Qin Yu's heart naturally came from the absolute strength of his subordinates.

It has been almost three years since he became prime minister.

In the past three years, he and Liu Hong have taken care of many aristocratic families one after another.

Originally, Qin Yu's attitude towards those aristocratic families had become more peaceful.

But Liu Hong didn't do it.

Relying on Taipingdao, an absolutely useful channel for information collection.

He began to collect evidence that the powerful families embezzled the land, bullied the market, and ignored the king's law.

What Qin Yu didn't expect was that.

Under such circumstances, Liu Hong actually gradually struggled out of his superficial desires.

Focused his interest on the investigation of the case.

In fact, who would not love such a fulfilling thing?
In particular, it is even more fascinating that you only need to stare at a pile of materials, analyze and judge, and then give an order to produce results.

As the emperor, Liu Hong can naturally judge life and death in one word.

But therein lies the problem.

The environment in which Liu Hong lived before and the current Liu Hong is really quite different.

Even Liu Hong in the past knew that someone was sabotaging him.

How can he be?
If you know it, you will know it, and if you know it, you have to watch them continue to do it.

What stands out is a bad heart.

Unexpectedly, he didn't dare to offend these powerful families too much.

Party imprisonment is already the most drastic method he has used.

However, there are many rebels in the world, and the eunuchs under him are not good enough.

One by one is also a bit of a hook.

The final result can only be that Liu Hong starts to play badly.

Know it as if you don't know it.

When I really need to let these people save their lives, I really want to call these people out again.

But it's different now.

Today's Qin Yu and his Taipingdao are really awesome.

He only needs to catch evidence of lawlessness in a family.

He slapped the evidence outside and asked someone to give it to Qin Yu.

In a few days.

That family will be directly held accountable.

what is this?
This is a true manifestation of the true supreme imperial power that he has never mastered before.

It feels so much different to have this and not have this.

Power is like poison.

Too attractive.

Liu Hong was not obsessed with rights before, but that was because the rights he had were only fake rights on the surface.

There is no place where he can really implement it and let him see the change.

But now it feels completely different.

This straightforward reaction and the fear of the powerful people of the aristocratic family greatly stimulated Liu Hong's heart.

Let him really start to enjoy this whirlpool of power.

As a result, in the past three years.

Qin Yu didn't take the initiative to make any attendance plan for Liu Hong.

He himself directly became a good hand in handling intelligence and part-time judging cases.

Although there are still many cases that are judged entirely based on his own likes and dislikes.

Naturally, unjust, false and wrongly decided cases are indispensable.

However, these things all have the verification mechanism set up by Qin Yu later.

The possibility of such unjust, false and wrongly decided cases can be reduced to the greatest extent.

But there is one thing to say.

Nowadays, these people who can become aristocratic families and local tyrants.

Basically, out of a thousand people can't find a good one out of the things they have done.

Unless it is those children who are not deeply involved in the world and have not had much contact with the outside world.

Relying on Liu Hong's obsession with solving cases and gathering intelligence.

Qin Yu also exterminated many aristocratic families, which greatly enriched the treasury's inventory.

In the shortest possible time, let him mobilize the best players in various armies.

And trained it to become a terrifying elite with excellent equipment and strong personal strength.

The generals of this era actually didn't pay much attention to such things as military training.

The biggest reason is actually not enough materially, and there is not yet a complete system for military training.

If the knowledge and experience in this area cannot be accumulated at home, it will naturally fail.

And many people are also somewhat skeptical about such things as military training.

Generally speaking, as long as there are enough people and a little training, they can be taken out to fight.

In fact, this is also a helpless move of the endless wars in the Three Kingdoms era.

Who can have so much time for you to train continuously?

Those soldiers who were just recruited today will almost be wiped out in the chaotic battle in less than a few months.

If it is said that every soldier has to spend part of his energy on training.

In the end, the price to be paid to train a truly elite team is too great.

With such energy, they might as well recruit some recruits.

Besides, the elite soldiers who have exhausted their energy may not be much better than those ordinary soldiers.

Material resources fundamentally limit their ascension.

But Qin Yu is not the same now.

The material resources he possesses now were copied from countless big families.

After another two years of recuperation, all the land was allocated reasonably, and then the tax was recovered.

This adds up to a considerable amount.

There are these material foundations.

Qin Yu also began to train these carefully selected soldiers as professional soldiers.

In fact.

Qin Yu actually didn't know much about military training.

But he has talents who have done considerable research in this area.

Now Xu Rong, Yu Jin, Gao Shun and others are all under Qin Yu's command.

He also asked Liu Bei to use the method Gongsun Zan used to train Baima Yicong by the way.

In addition, the unified martial arts skills selected by Qin Yu for them.

Once the coordination between the ranks is full, an army of this quality will be difficult to defeat.

Now seeing that all of his subordinates have been raised, the soldiers are strong and strong.

If you continue to raise it like this, the actual return will not be much.

No matter how strong the force is, they can only kill them bit by bit.

When the absolute value of force exceeds too much, the same crushing, no matter how strong the strength is, will have no benefits.

Qin Yu simply released all these elites ahead of time.

It's time for them to make a wave of siege for themselves.

All the way to the south, first go to open up the Southeast Asian battlefield, and walk out a road to the Ganges Plain from the direction of Southeast Asia.

Wait until they take that place once they reach the Ganges plain.

In the future, the Ganges Plain will become a logistics base that can continuously provide food for the Han.

The general along the way is naturally Sun Jian.

It is worth mentioning that although Sun Jian joined the training camp from the very beginning.

In his heart, he had a dissatisfaction with Qin Yu.

But as time went by, Liu Hong and the civil and military ministers in the court gradually began to lean towards Qin Yu's strategy.

Sun Jian also gradually realized that if he went to trouble Qin Yu again at this time.

For himself, apart from asking for trouble, there is no other benefit.

He can maintain the current attitude towards Qin Yu in his heart.

But the conditions for beheading Qin Yu have been completely lost.

Xu Shu and the others also noticed Sun Jian's ulterior motives, but they followed what Qin Yu had ordered before.

Now Sun Jian is still entrusted with the task of crusading those barbarians in the south and opening up roads.

For Sun Jian's journey, Qin Yu did not have much hope.

For Qin Yu, the development of the Ganges Plain would be acceptable if it could be completed within five to ten years.

After all, the most difficult thing to overcome on this southward route is not those people on this road at all.

It is those wild environments that are extremely difficult for humans to adapt to.

To walk through the wild tropical rainforest, the non-combat attrition caused by this, plus the restraint with the local barbarians using the terrain.

It will greatly increase the difficulty of pioneering this route.

The goal all the way to the north is the Huns.

The general along the way was Lu Bu.

He himself was born in Bingzhou, and he fought against the Huns from the beginning.

During the time he was by Qin Yu's side, he had made a breakthrough in martial arts.

It's just that there is not enough resources for him to improve his strength.

He led an army, plus those Southern Huns in Bingzhou who had already surrendered to the Han.

Combining the two into one, it is not difficult to kill all the way to the court of the Huns.

The last way is to the northwest.

This road is in the direction of the countries of the Western Regions.

It is also the general direction leading to Europe in the future.

The generals on this road were commanded by Liu Bei.

He with his second and third younger brothers, plus the well-trained soldiers who are now already well-trained.

There is no need for any military strategist's strategy around them.

Just push it all the way.

In this way, the three roads go hand in hand and open up a third-line battlefield at the same time.

For Liu Hong, such a move was stimulating and exciting.

Excitement naturally expands the territory.

I want to become the master of ZTE who will be famous in history.

Excitement, that is naturally the huge logistical pressure brought about by the third-line war.

Such high risk must bring high return.

If it is said that these three lines can have huge gains.

Then Liu Hong is very close to being called the Lord of ZTE.

Out of desire for the name of the master of ZTE.

Liu Hong finally agreed with Qin Yu's statement of a three-front war.

In fact, Qin Yu himself didn't think there was any risk in the third front war.

What Liu Hong is worried about is the guarantee of logistics materials.

And these things were not in Qin Yu's plan from the very beginning.

In his very simple opinion now, what supplies should he bring to war?
Wouldn't it be nice to support him with war?

Besides, none of his three-way expeditionary forces were large-scale group army operations.

Except that Sun Jian brought 50,000 people, of which 30,000 people are the main combat force, and the remaining 20,000 people are logistics support, bridge building and road repair, medical and health care and other aspects of support personnel.

The remaining Liu Bei and Lu Bu rushed forward with 40,000 people each.

In fact, the configuration of Liu Bei and Lu Bu's subordinates has not met the requirements Qin Yu envisioned at all.

in his plan.

In order to ensure that the supplies will not run out, these expeditionary forces must at least be all cavalry.


The places controlled by the Han court now want to gather the excellent war horses needed by an army of nearly [-] in just two years.

This is basically an impossible thing.

But this kind of thing is not unsolvable.

The Huns were nomads.

They had nothing else in their hands, but the number of horses was definitely not small.

As long as the Huns are defeated, everything is easy to say!

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