1635 Han style rises again

Chapter 69 The Evolution of Indigenous People

Chapter 69 The Evolution of Indigenous People
Cao Xiong and his fleet have been away for six days, and more than a dozen small earthen kilns in the Jianye City camp have also fired bricks in two kilns, producing a total of nearly 6000 bricks.

Not far from the small clay kiln, the cement kiln is half completed, and a large brick kiln has also begun to be built. The foundation pit and foundation have been completed, and the construction will start when more bricks and cement are gradually accumulated.

The construction of the wooden house is still going on. Considering that Cao Xiong and the others will return in a month, they will bring a huge amount of supplies, and perhaps recruit craftsmen.According to the plan, [-] to [-] large wooden warehouses and about [-] residential and other types of houses need to be built.Therefore, logging, processing, and construction are still going on non-stop.

For safety reasons, the wooden fence around the camp is constantly being strengthened and expanded.Perhaps because the indigenous forces here are relatively weak, the fences on several sides have not been reinforced, and they can only slow down the large-scale influx of enemies.

Near the cement kiln and brick kiln under construction, a large wooden shed was temporarily built.Every day before noon, more than 50 swarthy indigenous people will come here with a basket of coal on their backs.According to the verbal agreement between the two parties (the language barrier, the ghost knows how the agreement was reached), the Black Valley Tribe needs to dispatch at least [-] people a day to repay the cost of "military aid" with coal, and each time they carry no less than [-] kilograms of coal. It takes a total of one month.

God knows, Qi Tian and the others used countless branches and countless saliva to let the indigenous people know how many 50 people are, and how many days are in a month.In this way, the "equivalent" exchange method is determined.

And when these aborigines first started, they didn't even have a wooden basket, so they ran here with one or several pieces of coal in their hands.It was only when the camp spent a day weaving fifty wooden baskets for them that they got rid of the pure hand-carrying.

One day, when a certain aborigine couldn't bear the hunger, he was allowed to carry coal one more time as "meal money".Since then, all the aborigines have changed from carrying coal twice a day to three times a day.Just for that delicious lunch!

Regarding this, Qi Tian's mood is extremely complicated.It is extremely cost-effective to exchange 20 kilograms of coal for a lunch.However, food consumption has also increased by more than [-] people.Be happy and worry.These indigenous people contacted them and indirectly improved their living standards.And of course, there's the level of warfare.

Although the aborigines of the Black Valley tribe are only equipped with forty long and short swords, they can be said to be the most powerful tribe in the history of this continent.

But Niu Hu still thinks that the fighting skills and organizational model of these indigenous people are completely scum.

Niu Hu taught them that when attacking, there must be a battle formation, long and short swords must be used together, before encountering the enemy, there must be reconnaissance and intelligence, and when attacking, they must cooperate with the team and try not to disperse.

Of course and eggs!After roughly training and teaching the natives seven or eight days of fighting skills, their tribal leaders couldn't wait to take all the young and strong to find their hostile tribes and prepare to regain their place.

After walking for a long time, about [-] kilometers, when approaching the camp of the hostile tribe.Niu Hu and Li Fade were about to explain to the tribal leaders how to get close to investigate and understand the situation of the enemy's camp and its defenses.After all, if you hit me, you must be careful to deal with my revenge.

"$...&...&$...*%..." The tribal leader roared for a while, then held up a long knife and swung it forward. All the natives rushed out with swords and sticks, shouting in their mouths,
"Damn! They didn't hear a word of what we said!" Li Fade stared blankly at the rushing team, and cursed.

"Damn it, what are we doing here? You said you want to guide them to fight, what a fool!" Niu Hu looked at the natives rushing out in a foolish way, shook his head, and sighed.

When the two approached the hostile tribe's camp carefully with knives, the inside was already in chaos, with natives chasing and fleeing everywhere.Roars, screams, and cries all rang out.

Watching the scurrying natives, the two slowly withdrew from the camp.These aboriginals, no matter how you look at them, all look the same, and they can't tell the enemy from us at all.

In a short time, Niu Hu and Li Fade chopped down five or six aborigines who rushed here in front of a big tree not far from the camp.Therefore, when the natives who escaped from the camp saw the corpses in front of them, they all bypassed them and fled into the forest.

After waiting boredly for more than an hour, I saw that there were no more indigenous people running out of the camp, and it seemed to be much quieter inside.Niu Hu and Li Fade felt that the natives of the Black Valley tribe should have dealt with their opponents and completely occupied the enemy's camp.They guarded each other and slowly approached the camp.

The battle of the Black Valley tribe was fought heartily and viciously, and it can be said to be a comprehensive victory.Our own side only suffered more than 100 casualties, while the enemy fell more than 160 and captured more than [-]. It is useless to escape.

The victors joyously plunder the enemy's property, hides, dried meat, wild fruits, and all kinds of... stones.

"What are they doing?" Li Fade stared dumbfounded at the natives of the Black Valley tribe. He dragged the captured young and middle-aged natives to the open space of the camp one by one, and stabbed them to death one by one with a sharp wooden stick. The scene was bloody.

"Damn it, this is killing prisoners!" Niu Hu was also taken aback.

The majestic leader of the Black Valley tribe grinned and walked to Niu Hu and the other two with a smile, and gestured happily to them, as if to praise them.

Yes, this tribal fight made the tribal leader feel an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.The swords provided by the people by the sea are indeed powerful, and they are far from being able to compete with the enemies who use wooden weapons as their main combat tools.

However, it is a pity that in the battle just now, more than 20 of the forty swords were damaged, broken, curled, notched... Although they are still much stronger than wooden sticks, who would not want to use the intact ones?
The leader of the tribe led Niu Hu and the other two, pointing to the pile of stones they had seized, hoping to make them like it, and maybe exchange for some iron swords.

Niu Hu frowned, not because he didn't like these stones, but because he didn't know if they were useful or not.

Seeing Niuhu's expression, the tribal leader sighed in his heart. It seems that the people on the beach don't like these stones anymore.They only seem to like black stones, although they have also shown a fondness for those golden ones.Later, they did not want those golden yellow stones.In the future, more people need to be sent to carry those black stones.

The tribal leader saw Niu Hu and Li Fade looking sideways at the scene of killing the prisoners, thinking that they were interested in it.He pulled them over together, and invited the two of them to kill the captives.

Niu Hu shook his head straight, it is one thing to fight to the death in battle, but to kill a captive who has no resistance, he always resists and despises in his heart.

Niuhu pointed to these captives, and then pointed to the nearby Heishan tribe natives who were carrying the trophies on their backs, and then pointed to all kinds of fur and dried meat scattered in the camp.

The head of the tribe took the lead and looked in the direction Niu Hu pointed in doubt, then lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and suddenly seemed to understand.He ran to the execution site in a few steps, kicked and beat the tribe's natives, and stopped them from continuing to slaughter the prisoners.He picked up furs from the ground and threw them over the shoulders of the captives, motioning for them to carry the trophies of the camp.

"Huzi, are you saving those natives?" Li Fade asked.

"I just think these natives are too stupid!" Niu Hu said contemptuously: "Obviously there are not many people in the tribe, and they don't know how to recruit some strong captives to help them work."

"Maybe they think it's dangerous to bring the strong captive back to the camp?"

"Birds are in danger!" Niu Hu pointed at the captives. "Being dragged over and killed, I dare not even stretch out a finger to resist! Just like this, they will be in danger!"

Li Fade nodded, stretched out his head for a stab, and retracted his head for a stab, why didn't he resist?It is estimated that he was defeated and scared.

Within a few days, Qi Tian discovered at the Jianye City camp that there were many more natives carrying coal in the Black Valley.Their tribal leaders also came, and promised to exchange more black stones for swords, salt, spices, and tools they thought would be useful.

"What, they have plenty of manpower? They want to take advantage of us!" Qi Tian looked at the increasing amount of coal, but was a little worried about the camp's food and other material reserves.

"If you don't have enough things to change, then just reject them!" Yu Fukun said indifferently: "I heard from Huzi that in addition to breaking the camp of the hostile tribe, they also went out for two days and broke up a tribe that had nothing to do with them. Moreover, they changed the tradition of killing captives and turned all the captured natives into slaves to help them work."

"What? They are all using slaves!" Qi Tian was extremely surprised, "So, they have evolved and developed from a primitive society to a slave society so quickly!"

"What primitive society, slave society?" Yu Fukun asked blankly: "How does it affect us?"

"If they are like this, they may develop stronger and stronger." Qi Tian said.If the natives of the Black Valley Tribe continued to conquer other tribes, their population and power would expand accordingly.Perhaps, they might, first a tribal confederation and then gradually transform into a slave state.

The evolution of the aborigines may not be a good thing for Qi Tian and their start-up base.

(End of this chapter)

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