1635 Han style rises again

Chapter 907 "Majority"

Chapter 907 "Majority"

On April 1675, 4, Ningzhou (now Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan).

Yongwang Zhu Cizhao finished reading the "Qi State-Yunzhou Land Exchange Treaty" in his hand, and put it gently on the table, then twisted his neck, showing a meaningful smile on his face.

"Do you think our Yunzhou Town is at a disadvantage?" Zhu Cizhao looked at the civil and military officials on the left and right shifts, and some of them showed indignant expressions, and couldn't help asking with a smile.

"Your Highness, the northern part of Japan's Mutsu is the site that our Yunzhou Town has worked so hard to conquer, and at the cost of hundreds of casualties, we have personally conquered the territory." ) Yan Junqing got up and said: "The Qi State only relied on a treaty with the Japanese shogunate to place all of them under its jurisdiction. Now, these newly opened lands are used to replace the only ice-free port in Yunzhou Town— ——Qingyuan. This move by the Qi State is a bit...deceitful!"

"Your Highness, the State of Qi was previously in Qingyuan for lease, and it will be returned to our Yunzhou Town when the period expires." Luo Jiangyuan, the right-hand official of the Wangfu, also stood up and said: "But now, in order to legally obtain the Japanese Mutsu The territory in the northern region, but Qingyuan will be permanently handed over to the Qi State, I am worried that this move may cause endless harm, and it will be a trouble for Yunzhou Town in the future."

"Your Highness, what Yan Tuiyao and Luo Changshi have considered is really a mature move." Xue Jingrong, the magistrate of Yunzhou, got up and said: "If in the future, there is a gap between Qi and me, use Qingyuan as the base to seek my Yunzhou. In the daytime, you can go all the way north, and go straight to the heart of my Yunzhou. If this is the case, my Yunzhou is in danger!"

Zhu Cizhao just smiled when he heard this, and turned his head to look at the generals of the land and water armies on the other side, only to find that they were all sitting upright, not saying a word.

"Wu Qing, do you have any objections to this land exchange contract in your army?" Zhu Cizhao reached out and nodded Wu Pingyi, the governor of Yunzhou Town.

"Your Highness, the generals in our army are all ordered by His Highness, and they dare not do anything." Wu Pingyi bowed and said.

"Look at how cautious you are!" Zhu Cizhao smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "Several Qing family members say that the land exchange contract signed between Yunzhou Town and Qi State is a loss of power and humiliation to the country, and it is Qi State's extreme treatment of us. Do bullying. Let the military talk about your feelings. After all, the 70 people in my Yunzhou Town all rely on your military guards!"

"Your Highness, I don't dare to wait." Wu Pingyi had a wry smile on his face. This land exchange contract was personally directed and signed by His Highness Gan Gang. In the court -- well, our Yunzhou Town is like an independent vassal. The country, it seems, can also be called the court, how can we warriors have the right to peck it easily.

"Your Highness, even if the Qi State does not occupy Qingyuan, if it attacks our Yunzhou with its sea power and land warfare, the ministers think... that it will be difficult for me to resist it with the water and land troops in Yunzhou Town."

"Hehe..." Zhu Cizhao chuckled twice, "Your military is self-aware, and you won't get carried away with the success of a few victories."

"The minister is terrified..."

"You heard me." Zhu Cizhao turned to look at the civil servants, "The strength of our Yunzhou town is not worth mentioning in front of Qi State. They can cross tens of thousands of miles of sea routes and attack Japan, so why can't they just drop by? Come to destroy my Yunzhou Town?"

"Your Highness, my Yunzhou town has more than [-] people and more than [-] soldiers and horses. If Qi is attacked, Yunzhou, Zhenzhou, and Bitter Leaf can also recruit more than [-] township soldiers. If you resist it with all your strength, you may not be able to save it!" Yan Junqing said generously.

"Japan has more than a thousand people and hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Its strength is far superior to that of Yunzhou Town, but in the war that just ended, it is possible to fight against Qi?" Zhu Cizhao asked.


"Our soldiers and horses in Yunzhou Town are stronger than Japan and far better than North Korea. What is the reason?" Zhu Cizhen walked down the imperial steps and looked at the civil and military officials in the palace, "Only firearms! But I Is it possible for Yunzhou Town to build its own artillery and muskets? Can gunboats sailing in the ocean be built by itself? The new style of battle formation, military power deduction, and sergeant training may be better than that of Qi State?"


"Furthermore, if my Yunzhou Town directly annexes the northern part of Japan's Mutsu under its jurisdiction, in what name will it be used? Will this move be hated by the whole of Japan? You think that without the support of the Qi State, our Can Yunzhou Town stand alone against North Korea and Japan?... In time, if Sun Kewang's rebels usurp Ming Dynasty and stand on their own, and then send troops to attack Yunzhou, who can come to rescue them?"

"All your lords may have forgotten that the land of Yunzhou, including Zhenzhou, Kuye Island and other places, was discovered by the ships of the Qi State Navy and used for my use! It is the food and materials needed for the development at the beginning of the period. , and it is all for Qi State to raise supplies for me." Zhu Cizhao said, showing a smile, "It can be said that our Yunzhou Town can have today's situation, thanks to the gift of Qi State!"

"North Korea is small and weak, the situation is repeated, and it bullies the weak and fears the strong. It is really annoying. But the country has a very practical policy, that is, 'big things'. With this policy, North Korea has been in the hundreds of thousands of years. , they all take shelter of the powerful dynasty of our mainland China, so as to ensure that their country will not perish and the country will not perish. Therefore, given the geographical location and strength of our Yunzhou Town, we might as well take the "majority principle" of North Korea Come and use it."

"Major things?" Shi Ji Ximing, the left chief of the palace, heard the words, immediately understood, and echoed: "Mencius once said that only the benevolent can make big things small. That's why Tang is about Ge, and King Wen is about Kunyi. Only a wise man can use small things Big, so the great king does the work of the gods, and Jujian serves the Wu. Those who take great things small are those who are optimistic about the sky; Fear the majesty of the sky, and protect it at the right time'. What His Highness said is a wise man!"

Big things, as a Confucian diplomatic concept, was applied to China very early. The concept of "big things" was born in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Small countries such as Zheng Guo and Lu Guo who were close to big countries had to choose the strong to protect their country.

It is a very wise diplomatic concept to be bigger than small things and to make peace with the country. There is a saying in "Chunqiu Zuoshi Zhuan": "Small makes things big, and faith is also; big makes it small, and it is benevolence."

During the Song and Jin Dynasties, when Song Gaozong was forced to flee to sea by the Jin army, he once issued an edict saying: "If the Jin people still allow me to be the lord of your soldiers and people, then I will be disrespectful for the sake of great courtesy!" Well, as long as I can live in peace, I am willing to pay Jin Guogong a "big deal" gift.

However, it is the Kingdom of Korea that takes the "majority principle" to the extreme.The Tang, Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan, and Ming dynasties and North Korea all adopted the policy of "big things" and surrendered to the Central Plains dynasty.In particular, after the establishment and consolidation of the Joseon Dynasty of the Lee family, they felt "big things" from the bottom of their hearts.Corresponding to the "big things" is the "small characters" (love small countries) of the Central Plains Dynasty. The close interaction of "Small character with benevolence".

Having been in charge of Yunzhou Town for more than 20 years, Zhu Cizhao not only developed a strong ambition, but was also influenced by the regional environment and Qi State. toism.As long as the "new" Ming Dynasty can be established with Yunzhou, Zhenzhou, Kuye Island, and the northern part of Japan as its core territories, inheriting the Ming Dynasty's oak, and keeping a low profile in front of Qi, why not?

Furthermore, a few days ago, after a meeting with Qi Yuanshan, the special envoy of the State of Qi and the Deputy Prime Minister of the Cabinet, the State of Qi also stated that in view of the existing foundation of friendly cooperation between the two parties, the State of Qi will continue to provide security for Yunzhou Town. At the same time, it also revealed that the future relationship between the two parties is an alliance of comprehensive strategic cooperation, not a suzerain-vassal relationship like that of Weiguo and Luzon.

Zhu Cizhao was overjoyed by this, and immediately stated that he wanted to permanently cede Qingyuan to the Qi State. In addition to strengthening the close relationship between the two parties, he also wanted to use this method to tie the power of the Qi State to Yunzhou Town for the future. The "new" Ming Dynasty, escorted.

The Qi State readily accepted this, and naturally transferred the northern area of ​​Mutsu, Japan, to Yunzhou Town. The two parties also signed a "Land Exchange Treaty", which clarified the respective ownership of the two places in terms of legal principles.

However, Qi State still made some beatings on the small moves made by Yunzhou Town before the war.The state of Qi demanded that Yunzhou town withdraw from the occupied Sado Island and return it to the Japanese shogunate.In addition, Qi State also rejected Yunzhou Town's proposal to send tens of thousands of shogunate prisoners to Kuye Island for colonization.

In addition, for King Yong's proposal to weaken the power of the shogunate to the greatest extent and restore the whole of Japan to the Warring States era when they attacked each other decades ago, Qi State also clearly expressed its opposition and insisted on maintaining the ruling foundation of the shogunate.For this reason, even at the request of the Tokugawa clan, they sold munitions, armored battlements and other materials to them to enhance the combat power of the shogunate army and suppress many foreign daimyos who were faintly unstable in the country.

Although the cause of this war against Japan was that Qi State wanted to open up Japan's national market and sell the growing domestic industrial products, but the fuse was the seizure of a Qi State smuggling ship.Originally, the Tokugawa shogunate did not want to expand this incident, so as to avoid triggering a confrontation between Qi Riming.

However, King Yong put pressure on the shogunate through several warships, completely intensifying the conflict, and indirectly caused more than [-] Qi sailors to be killed by Japan.Of course, during the war, Yunzhou Town not only sent the most troops to the battle, but also sent valuable cavalry troops to the battlefield, and fought bravely to be the first in all previous battles, playing an extremely important role in the entire coalition army.

However, this does not prevent the State of Qi from warning King Yong in due course, don't use our State of Qi as a knife in your hand, and be careful not to cut it on your head in the future.

Besides, if you want to smash Japan into a mess, wouldn't it make your Yunzhou Town close to Japan to expand wantonly, and take advantage of the opportunity to grow, how can you easily hold you back in the future? ——
April 4, North Korea, Hanyang.

In September last year, in the ancient land of East Asia, two kings died successively.One was Emperor Guangde of the Ming Dynasty, who died in the Forbidden City in Nanjing on September 9 after lingering on the sickbed for several months, and the whole country was mourned.Each temple in the capital rings 9 pestle bells, and slaughtering is prohibited for 15 days.During the period of national mourning, officials and common people are forbidden to marry women, drink alcohol and eat meat, and suspend all sacrificial ceremonies for a hundred days.

The crown prince Zhu Hejun, supported by the ministers, succeeded him as Emperor of the Ming Dynasty and announced it to the world.

And less than two days after the death of Emperor Guangde, the king of Joseon, Li Wei, died in the Yangxin Pavilion of Changdeok Palace on September 9, at the age of 17.Well, it can be regarded as an untimely death.

The eldest son Li Xuan succeeded to the throne, but because he was too young, less than 14 years old, he reused his uncle Jin Xixuan, used people from the Southern People's Party on a large scale, and expelled Song Shiyeol and other Western People's Party people from the court.

Because North Korea is a vassal of the Ming Dynasty, the king's succession to the throne naturally needs to be canonized by the Ming court in order to be justified.Generally speaking, when the throne of Joseon is changed, the Celestial Dynasty will send angels in February and March of the following year to read the canonization edict in the Hanyang Palace and formally establish the king of Joseon.

But last year was too special. Emperor Guangde of the Ming Dynasty passed away, and the new king succeeded to the throne. North Korea sent envoys to Daming to announce the funeral, and asked the Celestial Dynasty to issue a succession edict (canonized proclamation).Moreover, another mourning mission will be dispatched to Nanjing to attend the funeral for the Son of Heaven, in order to express the meaning of the vassal.

The new and old kings of the Ming Dynasty changed, and various affairs in the court were so complicated that the Chinese imperial edict to the Korean king did not arrive in Hanyang until late April this year.

"How does your honorable envoy feel about the just-concluded Qiri War?" Nam Jiuwan, the leader of North Korea Yizheng (Zheng Yipin), held a teacup and looked at Ming envoy Yan Banghua with a smile on his face.

"The Japanese people's country is small and weak, and their armaments are slack, and their military power is not improved. It is common sense that they were defeated by Qi State this time." Yan Banghua's expression froze, and then he replied as if nothing had happened.

"Qi State gathered Yunzhou Yongfan to deceive us in North Korea. Now, following Qi State's defeat of Japan, seeking land and extorting money, it is very arrogant." Nan Jiuwan sighed, "Since Daming is our suzerain of North Korea, it should be Protect the safety of the small country. In this battle of the same day, several important towns in Japan were defeated in a few months, and the shogunate was forced to sign an alliance under the castle. If it is the case, Yunzhou Yongfan will seek North Korea again in the future, may the Celestial Dynasty support it?"

The Qiri battle not only shocked the entire Ming Dynasty, but also frightened the monarchs and ministers of North Korea.Last year, the former king Xiaozong sent a huge communication mission to Japan, with the idea of ​​secretly allying with the shogunate to fight against Qi and Yunzhou Town.

Unexpectedly, because of the "Fukuyama" incident, Qi State entangled nine vassals and military towns, gathered more than a hundred large and small warships, and more than [-] troops, brazenly invaded Japan.

Moreover, from the beginning of the entire war, it was in a one-sided situation. Several important cities in Japan were captured by the Qi army.Finally, last month, the shogunate had to take the initiative to make peace, admit defeat, and signed an extremely unfair "Edo Treaty".

This record made the king and ministers of North Korea inexplicably horrified.You know, during the Imjin Japanese Invasion, the Kingdom of Korea was under the attack of Japan. In just two months and two days, North Korea "did the fall of three capitals and disintegrated in all directions" and was almost wiped out. If it weren't for Ming Dynasty Dad came to help. The Korean tusk might have been extinct during the time of King Sunjo.

If Qi turned around and attacked North Korea, the consequences would be even more dire.This can't help North Korea from top to bottom, panicking about it.Now that the Great Heavenly Angel is coming to the court, as the leading minister of state affairs, Nan Jiuwan will naturally inform the suzerain of their concerns and anxieties.

Da Ming's father, help!

(End of this chapter)

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