1635 Han style rises again

Chapter 912 Dedicated to the Emperor?

Chapter 912 Dedicated to the Emperor?

August 1675, 8, Nanjing, Longjiang Pass (now Xiaguan, Nanjing).

"What's over there?...the shipyard?" Qi Zilun stood at the bow of the ship and asked curiously, pointing to the towering hangers on the west side.

"Your Highness has good eyesight." Lu Boliang, the commander of the black guards stationed in Shanghai and Yuwu Xiaowei (captain) Lu Boliang nodded and said: "That is where Daming's shipbuilding is located, the famous Longjiang Shipyard. Years ago, when the shipyard was first built, the scale was very large. It reached Chenghao in the east, Qinhuai Guard Army Mintang in the west, Yifengmen First Chamber Residential Hall Base in the northwest, and Left Guard Right Guard Barracks Base in the south. In the north, it reaches the alfalfa fields of the Ministry of War in Nanjing and Zhangtian of Pengchengbo. At its peak, the entire shipyard covered an area of ​​more than [-] square meters."

"So big?" Qi Zilun was very surprised, "As far as I know, the largest shipyard in Qi State, Jianye Shipyard covers an area of ​​only 30 square meters, and can build six to eight large ships at the same time. Ruo Yilong With the scale of Jiang Shipyard, can't it be possible to build more than ten large ships at the same time!"

"Your Highness, Longjiang Shipyard may still have the ability to build more than ten large ships at the same time during the Yongle period." Lu Boliang shook his head and said: "During the Xuande period, because Zheng He The fleet of treasures led by the fleet patrolled Nanyang several times, resulting in a lot of expenses, and the warehouse of the Ming Dynasty was empty, so it was stopped by the court of the Ming Dynasty. Since then, the Longjiang Shipyard has also declined. After many years, not only various shipbuilding technologies and The regulations were completely destroyed, and even a large number of original materials contained in "Zheng He's Missions by Water", such as the emperor's imperial edict, Zheng He's fleet organization, list, navigation log, accounts, etc., have not survived."

"It is reported that the huge fleet led by Zheng He on his voyages consisted of more than 60 large ships, including more than [-] small and medium-sized ships. Except for a small number of these ships that sailed to the Western Seas, they were in Fujian and other places. In addition to local construction, most of them were built in Longjiang Shipyard. In the first year of Hongwu, in order to prepare raw materials such as tung oil and palm cables for shipbuilding, gardens such as lacquer gardens, tung gardens, and palm gardens were opened in Zhongshan, Nanjing. Tens of thousands of trees were planted. The Longjiang Shipyard was established at that time, and more than a thousand craftsmen from all over the coast were specially recruited to Nanjing to build ships."

"Five years ago, the Ming court rebuilt the shipyard again, with a fifth-rank engineer from the Ministry of Industry as the chief officer, with Yuanwailang, the chief officer, and the shipping administration division under his command, and fully dispatched craftsmen from Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, etc. There are more than [-] households. In addition to the awning factory for making sails, there are also seven workshops in the shipyard, including joinery workshops, paint workshops, twisting workshops, iron workshops, awning workshops, rope workshops, and cable workshops, as well as material-seeing shops, etc. .”

"The division of labor in the entire shipyard is also more detailed. The lower part is composed of four compartments, each compartment is divided into 500 armors, and each armor has a chief to manage [-] households. One compartment is divided into boat wood, shuttle, scull, and ropesmith; the second compartment is divided into boat wood. , iron, and cable smiths; the third compartment is the carpenter; the fourth compartment is divided into brown and awning makers. In addition, there are internal official supervisors, imperial horse supervisors, material watchers, watchmen, bridgemen and other personnel. The total number of people , estimated at [-] to [-] people."

"Can they build warships like the general equipment of our Qi Navy?"

"Not yet." Lu Boliang said affirmatively: "But after a few years, with the continuous exploration and improvement of Ming Dynasty's shipbuilding technology, it may be possible to build some [-]-[-]-ton warships on the basis of imitating our Qi warships. The small and medium-sized ocean-going warships. After all, Daming has a large population, and the number of excellent craftsmen emerging from it will naturally not be too small. Moreover, the craftsmen of the Daming Ministry of Industry and Longjiang Shipyard can learn from the existing "Southern Ships" and "Longjiang "Shipyard Records" are two technical monographs that collect the culmination of shipbuilding technology in the past dynasties, and can avoid many detours."

"How's the defense here?" Qi Zilun asked suddenly after being silent for a while.

"If our state of Qi organizes a raiding fleet to come here and destroy the shipyard, I think it will be very difficult." Lu Boliang heard the words and immediately understood, "Da Ming set up a water village in Chongmingsha, stationed in There are two thousand soldiers, and dozens of large and small artillery are deployed to guard the mouth of the Yangtze River. In addition, Nantong, Jiangyin, Zhenjiang and other important towns along the Yangtze River have set up river defense forts and thousands of garrison troops. Naval ships are moving slowly along the river. , and the channel is fixed, if you rush to go deep, it is purely a living target for the Ming army's fort."

"Oh..." Qi Zilun nodded, looking in the direction of the Longjiang Shipyard in the distance, thoughtfully, "This Daming, has he also started to look at the ocean?"
On August 8, Nanjing, Qin Wangfu.

Just as the carriage stopped, Sun Zhenghao jumped down first, then quickly turned around and went to hold his wife's arm, and carefully helped her out of the carriage.

Qi Ziyi was very grateful for her husband's hospitality, smiled at Sun Zhenghao, and walked towards the other courtyard where he lived together.

From a distance, he saw an eight-year-old boy running happily towards him. Seeing this, Qi Ziyi immediately took a few steps to meet him.

"Mother, why did you come back here? The child reads so hard!" The child hugged Qi Ziyi's arm and said coquettishly.

"Why are you reading us? I'm afraid you don't want to listen to the teacher's homework." Qi Ziyi stretched out his hand and pinched his son's face, and said with a smile.

"Mother, Master's homework is really boring. It's far less lively and interesting than the textbook about the country of Qi that my mother told me." The child shook Qi Ziyi's arm, "Mother, go and tell dad about it. Go and listen to your master's homework, and let my mother teach me instead, okay?"

"Your father can't make the decision." Qi Ziyi turned to look at Sun Zhenghao, "That's the wife your grandfather chose for you, and the lessons taught by your grandfather are also approved by your grandfather."

Hearing this, Sun Zhenghao glared at the child, and said with a stern face: "Others can listen to the teacher's lectures carefully, why are you so used to skipping and don't like schoolwork? Hmph, if you fail the monthly exam, be careful Family law waiter!"

"Father, although my son doesn't like the teacher's lectures, why did he ever fall behind in every monthly exam?" The boy said proudly: "Others just blindly study and don't understand anything. They even live in the same place as us. Huge balls don’t even know! Hmph, and why the sun and moon alternate day and night, I don’t even know. My child is ashamed to be with them!”

"Little bastard, you speak nonsense and look at no one!" Sun Zhengzheng couldn't help being annoyed when he heard this, and he was about to teach his son a lesson.You must know that those children who study together are all the children of the Sun family, including the eldest son and several sons of his brothers. If this word is spread, it will cause him great trouble.

"Look at you scolding!" Qi Ziyi stopped Sun Zhenghao's arm, "You call him a little beast, then what are you doing? Our Yu'er is smart, you think he will spread such nonsense Talk nonsense with people?"

As he spoke, he took his son's little hand and walked straight towards the courtyard.

Looking at his wife in a moon-white light dress and a blue horse-faced skirt, she walked slowly in a plain and elegant attire, with a swaying appearance and a temperament completely different from that of ordinary women in the Ming Dynasty. Although Sun Zhenghao He was robbed, but he didn't feel any resentment, he just smiled wryly in resignation.

After returning to the room, the child had gone to study by himself, but Qi Ziyi was leaning on the window rail, looking at the flowers and plants in the yard, dazed.

"What's the matter?" Sun Zhenghao took a folding fan and shook it gently to dissipate the heat of the summer.

"I think I might become a queen in the future." Qi Ziyi turned his head and looked at Sun Zhenghao fixedly, and after a while, he suddenly said softly.

"You..., why did you... say that?" Sun Zhenghao was shocked, and the folding fan in his hand fell to the ground.

"Is your father planning to abolish the establishment?" Qi Ziyi asked softly.

"Is it easy to abolish the establishment?" Sun Zhenghao said solemnly: "Your Majesty has been on the throne for less than a year, how could the father abolish the establishment at this time?"

"It's because His Majesty has been on the throne for less than a year now, and he doesn't have half a semblance of prestige, so he can abolish the establishment." Qi Ziyi gave her husband a white look, "Could it be possible to wait until His Majesty is quite prestigious after more than ten years? At that time, I am afraid that even your father may not be able to wait."

"Then...then it wouldn't be right now...to abolish His Majesty."

"Li Dingguo is going to die." Qi Ziyi said: "Your father has always been most afraid of Li Dingguo. But there is news from Datong that he seems to be on the verge of death, and the time is not long."

"Not at all. The news from Datong only said that Li Dingguo asked for an order to return to Nanchang to be honored and raised, and to step down as the general of the Northern Expedition."

"Look at the essence through the phenomenon!" Qi Ziyi was a little annoyed at her husband's dullness, "If Li Dingguo wanted to return to Nanchang to be raised, why would he be willing to leave all his soldiers and horses in Datong instead of bringing them back to Jiangxi? He is doing it for his death. Things to consider! The prince of Gan may not be able to defend the huge Jiangxi, let alone the arrogant soldiers under Li Dingguo's command! Therefore, Li Dingguo is going to exchange the land of Jiangxi for the security and wealth of his family and descendants."


"Li Dingguo is dead, and there is no one in the world who can check and balance your father. Do you think he will not be able to hold back, and find an opportunity to directly abolish the Ming royal family and become emperor?" Qi Ziyi said with a smile.

"...Even if the father becomes emperor, it's not my turn to be the prince!" Sun Zhenghao said quietly.

"In the past, it was definitely not your turn, but now, maybe there is a chance." Qi Ziyi said: "Your elder brother is a concubine, and in recent years, he has been sick and difficult to see things, so naturally he cannot be the prince. Candidates. As for your second brother, two months ago, in order to make contributions, he suffered a severe defeat in Suiyuan and was seriously injured. So, next, is it your turn?"

"Second brother was only injured. After being diagnosed and treated by the doctor, he has recovered from his illness. How could it be my turn to be the crown prince?"

"Health is good, why not send him back to Nanjing to recuperate?" Qi Ziyi sighed, "It's the same sentence, see the essence through the phenomenon! If your second brother was not seriously injured, why would you stay in Zhangjiakou to recuperate? Even if you don't send him back Nanjing, at the very least, Beijing’s various conditions are better than Zhangjiakou’s!”

"You mean, second brother... he..." Sun Zhenghao's eyes widened, and he looked at his wife in disbelief.

"Just wait." Qi Ziyi said confidently, "As long as your second brother's family sets off for the north, it means..."

"You are still pregnant with a child, so don't think about it." Sun Zhenghao's heart was fluctuating, but he pretended to change the topic unintentionally, "There is no conclusion about everything, it's just your guessing out of thin air."

"Hehe..." Qi Ziyi listened, stopped talking, sat on the side of the bed, and gently stroked his lower abdomen, "There are some things that we can't avoid if we want to. Plan ahead, make arrangements early, Only then can things come to an end, and be able to do it calmly."
On August 8, the Forbidden City.

"They're in Hanzhou... are they all right?" Emperor Jianping put the letters in his hand on the table, looked at Qi Zilun who was sitting on the chair and looked bored, and couldn't help smiling.

"Ah?" Qi Zilun was taken aback by the question, and looked at Emperor Jianping without knowing why.

"I mean, how are my...brothers and sisters in Hanzhou?" Emperor Jianping asked softly.

"Oh, they're all doing well in Hanzhou, they're all married and living happily." Qi Zilun replied.

"That would be the best." Emperor Jianping nodded, and finally sighed again, "Even if something happens to me, my bloodline of the Zhu family will not be cut off."

"Your Majesty, you are the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and you live in the palace, how could there be an accident?" Qi Zilun couldn't help looking at the Jianping Emperor who had a blood relationship with him, and then asked seemingly casually.

"During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Wei Emperor Cao Mao once said a sentence that has been passed down to this day. Do you know what it is?" Jianping Emperor glanced outside the hall, and then asked softly.

"Sima Zhao's heart, passers-by know?" Qi Zilun said subconsciously.

"My feelings are the same as Emperor Wei's."

"Oh." Qi Zilun nodded.

Um?Why did this person respond like this?

I am telling you about the dangerous situation you are in now. As the son of Emperor Qi and my cousin, shouldn’t you express your righteous indignation, or Emperor Qi’s guarantee of the safety of my Ming royal family?
Why just "oh"?

There was a strange silence in the hall, Emperor Jianping had a bit of worry and disappointment on his face, Qi Guo didn't seem to care about him, the Great Ming Emperor.

"Your Majesty, do you want to be Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, or the...resolute Emperor of Wei?" Qi Zilun broke the silence.

"..." Emperor Jianping was startled, and asked in a surprised voice, "Is there any difference?"

"Of course there is a difference." Qi Zilun said: "One followed the general trend and abdicated the throne, thus preserving himself, and ended well; the other was unwilling to be resigned to the imperial power and fought hard, but finally died on the street, leaving only the name of bravery."

"..." Emperor Jianping fell into silence after hearing the words.

As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he should have the integrity of Zhu Ming's descendants and sacrifice himself for the country.However, since childhood, he grew up in the deep palace and was raised in captivity. For more than [-] years, he and his father have always been under the pressure of Sun Kewang, like puppets in front of the stage, always in fear, afraid of what will happen that day. arrival.

Under such circumstances, the first emperor could only indulge in the pleasures of the palace, and in more than ten years, he added nineteen younger brothers and sisters to him.

It was also because of too much indulgence, coupled with too much worry, that the late emperor's body had already collapsed a few years ago.Two years ago, he was unable to lie down because of the occasional cold, and finally passed away last year.

As for myself, compared with the late emperor, whether it is fame or change, it is far inferior.When the courtiers gathered for a meeting, almost no one would look up at him. All political affairs, big or small, were decided by King Qin with a single word.The guards in the palace are all from King Qin, and even the eunuchs and maids are mostly the eyes and ears of King Qin.

Such a situation is like Wei Wulin at the end of the Han Dynasty, who was also Sima Shiwei. The name of the emperor is just an empty show!
"My father once said a word." Qi Zilun looked at the hesitant Emperor Jianping, felt a little sympathetic in his heart, but he still said hard-heartedly: "Da Ming has died in Jiashen. Your Majesty, look at the history of China for thousands of years. , Excluding the three ancient dynasties, dynasties in the past dynasties rarely have a national fortune of more than 300 years....Da Ming, how can it be an exception?"

"Three hundred and seven years have passed since the Ming Dynasty..." Emperor Jianping was stunned for a moment, and then said unwillingly.

"Oh?" Qi Zilun shook his head and said: "My father said that after Jiashen, there are still many opportunities for the situation in the world to go back and forth. If the Ming royal family catches any one, it can at least lead to the situation of the Song Dynasty, and it is not like today. This situation. Therefore, Your Majesty might as well do... the matter of dedicating the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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