Chapter 935

March 3, Surat.
"Prince Muazam wants those soldiers who were captured by our country?" Zhou Maoshen frowned after hearing the request made by the representative of the great prince of the Mughal Empire, Muazam. Looking at the other party anxiously, "What conditions can he offer in exchange?"

"What do you Qi people need?" Salman Akbar asked blankly.

"We need an indemnity from your Mughal Empire...Three crore rupees."

"Is there any more?" Salman Akbar's eyes twitched vigorously a few times, looked at the interpreter who was speaking on the opposite side, took a deep breath, and then continued to ask pretending to be calm.

"There is also the cession of land." Zhou Maoshen saw that the other party's demeanor was not intimidated by the astonishing amount of compensation, so he wondered if he asked for a little less, "East Bengal, including Chittagong, Dhaka and the surrounding affiliated islands and The land, the territory around Jiangling Fort (now Kolkata, India) and the coast of the estuary, as well as the entire Kathiawa Peninsula, these places need to be permanently ceded to our country."

"..." Salman Akbar froze, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and continued to ask with difficulty: "Is there any more?"

"The market of your Mughal Empire is fully open, and you must not set any trade bans and restrictive measures against the merchants and commodities of our country..."

"The Mughal Import and Export Customs needs to be stationed by our Qi people to inspect and supervise the implementation of free trade at any time. At the same time, the amount of tariff collection also needs to be negotiated with our Qi country before it can be implemented..."

"The inland waterway transportation in the Mughal Empire is fully open to merchant ships and armed warships of Qi State, and free passage shall not be obstructed arbitrarily..."

"In order to ensure the normal conduct of trade between the two sides and the safety of the lives and properties of our Qi merchants, our Qi will choose to garrison troops in the Mughal Empire..."


" there any more?" Salman Akbar had sweat on his forehead, and his complexion became even uglier.

"May Prince Muazam agree to these conditions one by one?" Zhou Maoshen said coldly, "If not, you are here to amuse us!"

"These conditions are really... a bit too harsh." Salman Akbar said with a embarrassed expression: "Can you make certain concessions to the above terms. It should be known that if our emperor is still alive, the conditions are Absolutely will not agree."

"However, it is very unfortunate that your emperor died in the battle." Zhou Maoshen said leisurely: "If not, we would not have put forward the above peace negotiation conditions. Oh, let me tell you that Prince Akbar in the Sindh area also They sent envoys to Rajkot City to seek to resolve the issue of the ownership of more than [-] Mughal troops."

"No, you can't hand over those imperial troops to Akbar." Salman Akbar immediately stopped loudly after hearing this: "Akbar is only the governor of Sindh, and he has no right to get those troops, let alone you Start peace negotiations. Prince Muazam is knowledgeable, has rich political experience, and has outstanding military and economic talents. When His Majesty the Emperor personally conquered Gujarat, he was appointed to act as an agent for all imperial affairs, and he is the natural heir of the empire."

"As far as we know, your Majesty the Emperor did not establish a legal heir during his lifetime." Zhou Maoshen said with a smile: "Also, according to the royal tradition of your Mughal Empire, each prince has to carry out a series of preparations before succeeding to the throne." It's a pretty tough competition, isn't it?"

"..." Salman Akbar stared at the Qi general in front of him, his heart filled with anger and... helplessness.

The people of Qi seem to have settled for the Mughal Empire, the defeat of the imperial army, the death of His Majesty the Emperor, and the upcoming war for several princes to seize the throne. Benefit.

However, the Qi people defeated the empire on the battlefield and won the war. As the victors, they did have full rights to take away their war dividends.

Will Prince Muazzam agree to all of these harsh conditions after learning about them?
March 3, Rajkot.

"There are so many captives, although they consume a lot of money every day and have been held in our hands for a long time, they are considered a hot potato. But it is really reluctant to hand them back to the Mughals like this." General Wei (Major General) Ren Maoyong rode a majestic Mawari horse and led many coalition generals to inspect a prison camp.

Near the small city of Rajkot, the coalition forces built more than a dozen simple prisoner camps, and placed more than [-] Mughal prisoners in them.As for the other [-] captives, they were placed by the coalition forces in two small seaside towns, Jamnagar and Baunagar.

It is impossible for so many captives to be kept in the captive camp for nothing all day long. Not to mention what kind of thoughts they will have when they are doing nothing, and what kind of mess they will make, even if so many strong men are detained like this, wouldn't it be too much? Waste of food!

Therefore, these Mughal prisoners were escorted separately by the officers and soldiers of the coalition army every day, or rebuilding the damaged city, or building water conservancy in the farmland, or launching vigorous road construction, just like a scene of construction in full swing.

Of course, the Qi people are not good people, helping the Mughals build a beautiful homeland.

The coalition forces defeated the Mughal army and killed Emperor Aurangzeb this time, which caused drastic changes in the situation of the Mughal Empire, and it is likely to trigger a bloody war for the throne.Therefore, the coalition command has increased the terms of the peace talks previously drawn up against the Mughal Empire by a certain amount, and is preparing for the lion to open its mouth and hit the Mughals hard.

Among them, cutting off the entire Kathiawa Peninsula has become one of the goals that Qi must achieve.Therefore, the coalition forces will spare no effort to drive these Mughal prisoners to rebuild the places damaged by the war, laying some material foundations for future rule and subsequent development.

However, the coalition forces wanted to "prostitute" these Mughal prisoners and use their free and strong labor for free. After all, they could not last long.In the past half a month, two groups of people have come from Sindh and Delhi successively, trying their best to obtain the ownership of these Mughal prisoners from the coalition forces in order to strengthen their own military strength.

There is no doubt that the four princes who seized the throne, no matter who owns the more than 13 Mughal troops, will definitely gain absolute military superiority, easily defeat the other three competitors, and then win the throne of emperor.

Although the conditions offered by Qi State are very high, for the eldest prince Muazam and the third prince Akbar who are in urgent need of reinforcements, there is naturally not much room for bargaining.

It is said that Prince Akbar, who is located in the Sindh area, has already agreed to all the conditions of the people of Qi. This prince with the same name as the greatest emperor Akbar in the history of the Mughal Empire really has a tough heart to endure humiliation , ready to follow the example of the ancestor Babur, without hesitation to use external forces, first seize the throne of the emperor, and then talk about other things, and regain the country.

As for the coalition headquarters, um, it should be said that the Qi army headquarters is doing detailed assessment and deduction to decide which prince to finally support as the emperor of the Mughal Empire, which is more in line with the interests of Qi.

"General, if you are reluctant to part with these captives, it is better to report more losses when handing them over to the Mughals." Chang Cunlin, Chief of Staff of the Allied Forces and Lieutenant Zhaoxin (Colonel), said with a smile: "Anyway, in the future, we will occupy and occupy the capital of Qi State." The rule of this vast area also requires a large number of servants formed by the locals to meet the basic security needs. These Mughal troops were defeated by our coalition forces, and they must have been terrified. During the captivity, they also behaved very Obedience can be used just right.”

"Hehe..." Ren Maoyong couldn't help but smiled when he heard this, "You have a good idea. Well, in a few days, your staff department will work with the black guards to select some obedient officers and soldiers, and form a team of 2000 people first. The large-scale security team cooperates with our coalition forces to appease the place. Today, the entire peninsula region has no order at all, and there are lawless bandits and thieves everywhere. All kinds of vicious incidents such as murder and robbery, robbing people of wealth, insulting women, etc. , are endless.”

"The place has been pacified and order has been restored. Maybe we can mobilize the local people to sow a season of spring wheat in time for spring, and then try to divert water for irrigation. Otherwise, the whole region may fall into a huge famine this year." Chang Cunlin looked far away There are still yellow thorn forests and bushes everywhere, and he said worriedly.

The Kathiawa Peninsula is located in the west of India, on the Arabian Sea, between Cambay Bay (east) and Kachi Bay (west). It has a typical tropical monsoon climate with an annual precipitation of 400-600 mm, while Rajkot The hilly area where it is located has slightly more abundant precipitation, between 600-800 mm.However, most of the rainfall occurs in the rainy season from June to October, accounting for more than 6% of the annual precipitation.

At present, the entire peninsula is in the midst of a dry season. Since the Qi army landed last year, there has not been a drop of rain so far, making the surface extremely dry, which is likely to trigger a large-scale drought.This situation is extremely unfavorable for the upcoming spring plowing.

If the Qi State finished the war and returned to the Hanzhou mainland, then naturally it would not matter whether the climate in the area was dry, whether the grain planting could ensure water irrigation, and other issues such as people's livelihood.

But the problem is, in order to better hold back the Mughal Empire in the future, the Qi State forcibly wants to cut off the territory of this peninsula, so it has to bear part of the responsibility for the management of people's livelihood.It would be a bit embarrassing if there was a huge famine just after taking over, causing starvation everywhere in the area.

"You have a bodhisattva heart." Glancing at the general staff officer who was born in the early Li period of Hanzhou, Ren Maoyong said something unclear, then lightly knocked on the horse's belly, and drove straight to another prison camp .
Jamnagar, January 4.

It has been more than two months since the massive siege battle. On the battlefield outside the city, the ground can still vaguely see the blood-stained soil that has turned purple-black.

Liao Jinzhu, drummer and trumpeter of the [-]nd Company of Shunguo Left Battalion, and his companions held muskets and watched as groups of Mughal descendants boarded the big ship and left Jamnagar.

More than [-] Rajputs were specially selected from the more than [-] Mughal surrendered troops, and were "sold" by the coalition forces to Prince Akbar, Governor of Sindh of the Mughal Empire, to enrich his rebel army.

Oh, by the way, the great prince Muazam who lives in Delhi, with the support of his ministers, announced half a month ago that he would inherit the throne of the Mughal Empire. His title is **** Shah. For Shah Alam I.After proclaiming himself emperor, he immediately summoned several brothers who were ready to move in the local area to return to Delhi to accept his recanonization.

However, Prince Azam of Lahore and Prince Akbar of Sindh refused to recognize the legal status of Shah Alam I, and gathered troops to jointly attack Delhi.Although the fourth prince Kam Bakhsh in Malwa did not openly oppose Shah Alam I, he refused to return to Delhi, rallied troops there to protect himself, and prepared to wait and see the next development of the situation.

For this reason, Shah Alam I issued an imperial edict, declaring Azam and Akbar as rebels of the empire, and asked the governors of the provinces to lead troops to aid Delhi to attack the rebels.

Subsequently, several battles broke out between the two sides in Hisar, Gaitel, Mansa and other places in Punjab.Shah Alam I temporarily took the lead with two wins and one loss, and entered Ludhiana, threatening the city of Lahore.

The two brothers Azam and Akbar, who were obviously at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, immediately raised 1000 million rupees of gold and silver materials and delivered them to Qi State by sea in exchange for more than [-] captured Raj Putt warrior.

Well, Qi State expressed a "neutral" attitude towards the battle for the throne of the Mughal Empire, claiming that it would not support any military action by any party.However, they fully "respected" the ownership choice of some captured Mughal soldiers, and after receiving a certain ransom from the prisoners of war, they were immediately released and returned to their respective hometowns.

Moreover, the Qi people kindly provided sea transportation services for these "returning home" prisoners of war, transporting them all to Jinmen Fort (now Karachi City), and then returning to Sindh by land.

"Our war with the Mughals is over." Liao Jinzhu looked at the Rajputs boarding the boat one after another, turned to his companions and said, "Then we are going back to Borneo too?"

"To tell you the truth, living here is not as comfortable as in Borneo!" The companion curled his lips and said, "The climate here is dry and the environment is comfortable, which is much better than the humid, hot and rainy environment in Borneo. Besides, we eat and drink here , and make a small fortune from time to time, what a pleasant life! I think it’s best to stay here for a while longer.”

"However, last night I heard the Qi sailors on those ships seem to be saying that our army is going to withdraw some officers and soldiers from here." Liao Jinzhu said: "It is said that two groups of people from Daming are fighting."

"Da Ming's own two groups of people?...Which two groups of people?" The companion was a little confused by Liao Jinzhu's words.

"Well, it's the imperial court in Nanjing and Yongwang in Yunzhou. The two sides fought on the border of North Korea." Liao Jinzhu thought for a while, and then said: "The people of Qi are going to withdraw some troops, maybe they want to intervene..., um, It should be to persuade them to fight."

"Damn, Da Ming is already dead!" The companion spat, "That's Da Qin and Bei Ming. Hey, don't tell me, when the two fight, it's not just us Han people who kill each other Kill them. What kind of fuss is this!... The Qi people won't get away and beat them up, will they?"

"That's not accurate!" Liao Jinzhu shook his head, "If both parties refuse to listen to the persuasion and don't give Qi people face, maybe they will beat them up."

"Hey, are you going to take us back to the mainland again?" A look of surprise flashed on the companion's face, "If we really want to fight, shall we fight with the people of Qi?...That's our compatriots from the motherland !"

(End of this chapter)

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