1635 Han style rises again

Chapter 996 Target, Acapulco!

The circumference of Huaiyuan Fort is less than 2000 meters, and the outer wall is mainly built of wooden rafts, and some key parts are covered with a lot of rammed earth and stones.In the core area inside the village, there is a circle of masonry and cement walls and more than a dozen masonry buildings.

Even though this fortress is simple and crude, its military force is very powerful. There are more than 700 large and small cannons deployed in the village, and the firepower is astonishing. In addition, there are more than [-] armed immigrants in the local area, which is enough to face thousands of people. The enemy of crime.

In the past few days, thousands of people have crowded into Huaiyuan Fort in an instant, including naval officers and soldiers, army and servant cannon fodder for landing operations, and immigrants from all over the world who came with the ship, and immediately filled this small fort to the brim. .

The Pacific Special Attack Fleet composed of the Ryukyu Fleet, the Navy of the Wei Kingdom, the Navy of the Luzon Kingdom, and the Beiming Navy, after nearly three months of arduous sailing, finally arrived at Yinzhou and landed at Huaiyuan Fort.

The entire fleet consists of thirteen professional warships (including four steam-sail warships under the Qi Navy), two supply transport ships, and two armed merchant ships under the North American Trading Company.In terms of combat strength, it completely crushed the Spanish American Pacific Squadron composed of several backward armed merchant ships.

In addition to carrying a large amount of combat supplies, the fleet also brought more than 600 immigrants to the Governor-General of Yinzhou.What made many local young men even more delighted was that there were more than 800 women among these immigrants.

It goes without saying that these women must be assigned to local immigrants, as their wives, to reproduce offspring, warm beds, wash and cook, and live a normal settled life.

That's right, only when a man owns a woman and builds a small family of his own, can that be called a normal life, and that can be called a career.

Although, there are many aboriginal tribes in several colonial strongholds in the interior, with some tricks and a little money, they can still get an aboriginal woman as a wife.But after all, the cultural differences are too great. Apart from having children for you, you can't even talk to each other, just like a dumb person who can speak.

As long as there is a little spiritual pursuit, he is naturally willing to marry a woman from the Eastern world.Although there may be language barriers between different countries, they all belong to the same civilized world, and they communicate with each other for a long time, and they can more or less connect with each other.

"Governor, how are those women allocated?" Xue Qingbo, the commander of Huaiyuan Fort, followed Yinzhou Governor Feng Yiliang step by step, carefully probing with a smiling face.

"How to distribute?" Feng Yiliang stopped, looked at the extremely busy wharf in the distance, and said with a smile: "Of course, the distribution should be made according to the daily performance of the immigrants. Otherwise, how to motivate those who are motivated and how to punish those who are stubborn The spirit?"

"Governor..." Xue Qingbo showed some hesitation when he heard this, "From the perspective of obedience and obedience, those immigrants from North Korea, Japan, and Qin are the best. Prisoners in exile, in most cases, show all kinds of rebellious attitudes. However, in terms of knowledge and ability to do things, they are far superior to the above-mentioned immigrant groups. In addition, they are the subjects of our Great Qi Empire after all. Naturally, it is integrated with our colonial government. In this way, the distribution of this woman should be slightly tilted?"

"Huh?" Feng Yiliang couldn't help frowning when he heard these words, "This statement is absurd! If we go back 40 years, which one of our fathers is not from the Ming Dynasty? As for those from North Korea, Japan, Annan, and even Western Europe Immigrants are even more numerous. These people and their descendants are all subjects of the empire under the rule of our country of Qi. Our governor of Yinzhou accepts immigrants from all over the world, expands thousands of miles of land, governs the land, and controls the people. They are all regarded as citizens of the Qi State. If so, how can there be a distinction between natives, Qin people, Koreans, and Japanese?"

"..." Xue Qingbo was at a loss for words, and Nie Nie didn't dare to speak any more.

Colonizing in this barbaric area, due to the same cultural background and emotional closeness, as well as the psychological guard against unfamiliar environments and strangers, the colonial officials and garrison officers and soldiers of the colonization fortresses in various places naturally trust those exiled prisoners from the native land .Although there are many scumbags among these prisoners, they are from the mainland of Hanzhou or nearby overseas territories after all, and they have similar living habits and common cultural traditions.Immigrants from other countries are still slightly inferior to these exiled prisoners sent from the mainland, no matter in terms of knowledge or courage in doing things.

Therefore, among the colonial strongholds and fortresses in Yinzhou, those who undertake armed guards or hunt fur in the wild, and coerce local aborigines by force are generally those exiled prisoners who have been carefully selected.In other words, since he dared to commit crimes in his own country, he must not be an ordinary kind and humble person.In this "free and unrestrained" colony full of crises, some exiled prisoners with special abilities were reused by local colonial officials, which is a matter of course.

"Let's do this." Feng Yiliang pondered for a moment, and said: "Half a month later, the task force is about to attack the Spanish American territories. I, the Yinzhou Governor's District, need to mobilize and provide [-] armed volunteers. Those who are willing to go with the army In addition to being exempted from hard labor due to their merits, exiles can also get priority in the distribution of these women in order to boost morale."

"The governor is very thoughtful, and he has been educated in humble positions." Xue Qingbo sincerely praised: "This move can not only inspire those armed volunteers who fought bravely, but also make many immigrants from all over the world who are looking forward to the distribution of women have nothing to say. explain."

"Except for the 300 immigrants who were sent to the inland valley to open up two immigration strongholds this time, the rest of the people are all planning to enrich the nearby fortresses." Feng Yiliang continued: "This time our Qi task force has assembled ten With more than [-] professional warships and a landing force of more than [-], they will surely achieve a series of brilliant victories when they attack the Spanish American territories in the south. In this way, the various materials captured by the fleet are bound to be countless. Except for some high-value materials that will be directly In addition to selling to the accompanying North American trading company, most of the production and living materials will be received by the Governor-General of Yinzhou. Therefore, in the near future, local officials such as you need to recruit and mobilize a large number of people to build necessary storage warehouses and prepare to receive materials.”

"Yes, governor!" Xue Qingbo was delighted when he heard this.

It is said that Mexico in the south is the richest place in the Spanish American territories. It has been developed and operated for more than 160 years, and it is unknown how much wealth it has accumulated.Even if our naval task force does not dare to go deep into the inland and go straight to the core of the Spaniards' rule, as long as it breaks through several coastal port towns, it can still plunder a large amount of supplies.

Damn, this is going to make a fortune!
On February 2, the task force set sail at Huaiyuanbao Wharf one after another, and sailed away from the port one by one amidst the cheers of countless people on land.

Yan Guiquan was holding a musket, looking indifferently at the land that was gradually moving away and the cheering crowd.It is not his hometown, there are no relatives, let alone friends.

More than a year ago, he was still enjoying his life comfortably in Hanzhou Xiangjiang Mansion (now Rockhampton, Australia), engaged in a dangerous but lucrative business-speed car thief, that is, climbing onto a moving train at night On board, the goods carried in the carriages were thrown off the train, and then resold to accountants in the city for huge profits.

As we all know, the train travels at a speed of [-] to [-] kilometers under normal circumstances. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to climb onto the train at all.However, when the train is just started, or when it faces a long climbing section, the speed is not fast. If you move quickly, it is still very easy to climb on the train.

Yan Guiquan's village is right next to the railway. Based on the simple principle of relying on mountains to eat mountains and relying on water to eat water, a few years ago, when he was not yet 17 years old, he followed a group of old snitches and stole the goods transported on the train. As a result, a lot of illegal money has been accumulated.

The railway police along the way continued to launch several rounds of attacks on these train burglars, but they all let him escape by chance and were not captured.

I thought, after a few more years of doing it, after earning enough 1 yuan, I would stop doing it and enjoy the happy life for the rest of my life.However, there is no way to not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river.

In April last year, he and three companions took advantage of the darkness and quickly climbed onto the carriage when the train had just left the station.When he took out the iron tongs to snap off the door bolt and got into the carriage, he was hit on the forehead by two muskets.

Not surprisingly, their actions were betrayed, and the railway police set up an ambush on the train ahead of time, capturing them, the speeding thieves, in one fell swoop.

Afterwards, Dali Temple sentenced all of them to be exiled to Yinzhou for ten years of hard labor, and all their illegal gains were confiscated.Before boarding the boat, I wept farewell to my family and left the bustling and bustling Hanzhou mainland, and came to this wild world of the sky.

With panic, thinking that he would face a very harsh environment and perhaps suffer all kinds of inhuman torture, Yan Guiquan was even ready to die.

But it never occurred to him that although the living conditions in Yinzhou Governor's District are a bit poor, the daily work is also a bit hard, and the food, clothing, and entertainment are not comparable to those in the local area.But the environment here is barely acceptable. Except for the relatively cold winter, other natural conditions seem to be no worse than those in the local area.

In addition, although they were exiled prisoners, their work was similar to that of immigrants from Qin, Japan, North Korea and other countries. Building fortresses, building wooden houses, logging and burning wasteland, and building canals to divert water were all hard work of colonization.

Because their knowledge and abilities are superior to those of immigrants, those exiled prisoners who performed outstandingly were even entrusted with important tasks by local colonial officials, serving as armed guards and grassroots officials.

Maybe it was a relatively relaxed environment, maybe it was because of his native origin, or maybe it was because he was extremely poor, Yan Guiquan drank a little wine with a guard who was also an exile, and rushed to a nearby camp of an indigenous tribe. Two native women.

This move triggered the most serious external crisis since the establishment of Wanlingbao. The natives united and asked outsiders like them for an explanation. If there was any disagreement, conflicts might break out.

Out of long-term considerations, the colonial officials of Wanlingbao took the approach of calming down the matter, compensated the aborigines for some insignificant property, and "married" the two aboriginal women to Wanlingbao.

Yan Guiquan and another accomplice were sentenced to three years of hard labor and ten lashes, and each took an indigenous woman as his wife.

To be honest, Yan Guiquan really didn't like the aboriginal woman with feathers on her head and strings of ornaments made of shells and bones on her neck and earrings.What's more, the aboriginal woman actually has facial tattoos and tattoos on her face, why does she look a little creepy?
What the hell is this!

However, after all, she was ruined by me, maybe she still has her own seed in her stomach, so she can only accept her with her nose pinched.

The local navy joined forces with several vassals and allies to beat up the Spaniard. The Governor's Office issued a call-up order. All those who went out with the army and immigrants would be allocated land in advance. If he has made great achievements, he may even be pardoned for his crimes directly, and become a formal resident of the colony, and be allocated land and houses.

Yan Guiquan took the initiative to sign up at the first time. Apart from not wanting to face the native wife in Wanlingbao, he also tried to win a fortune and fame on the battlefield.Our Daqi army is invincible and invincible in every attack. It is just a mere western barbarian. It doesn't mean that the army will fall apart as soon as it arrives.Going to war with the military is all about taking advantage of it, getting credit for it, and exempting yourself from a few years of hard labor. It's not too cost-effective!

On March 3, the fleet intercepted two Spanish fishing boats in the middle waters of a long and narrow peninsula (the Baja California Peninsula), and captured 14 fishermen.

On March 3, the fleet arrived at the southernmost tip of the peninsula, stopped in a sheltered harbor, and took a rest for a day.The fleet commander sent two hundred armed men to land to replenish fresh water for all officers and soldiers.The nearby Guaykura people may have been attacked by the Spaniards, and they maintained a very high level of vigilance against the Qi people who landed. Almost all the indigenous people in the tribal camp avoided the distant mountains and observed every move of the Qi people.

On March 3, the fleet pulled anchor and set sail, heading southeast towards the distant mainland.

On March 3, the fleet arrived in the waters of an archipelago consisting of several small islands (now the Marias Islands on the Pacific coast of Mexico) and stopped.

In the early morning of March 3, Yan Guiquan watched helplessly as four warships from the fleet headed towards the southeast mainland, while most of the ships were still parked near a small island, basking in the warm sunshine idly.

The fleet stayed there for five days without taking any action.After the four warships returned covered in gunpowder, the fleet commander immediately ordered the ships to raise their sails and continue heading south.

On April 4th, the fleet arrived at a semi-circular harbor (Acapulco Bay), then deployed an attack array, and slowly approached the port in the bay. All the gun windows had been opened, revealing a series of hideous gun ports .

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Founded in 1550, it was once the starting point of Spain's trans-Pacific trade route - the port of Acapulco, which was attacked by Qi from thousands of miles away.

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