Chapter 101
I'm a little excited when it's on the shelves, and it's time to witness the results of this book, so I feel complicated.

I have been stumbling along the way for three months, and I am very grateful to all the readers who voted for their support. Although the results of this book are extremely mediocre, it is really flattering to be favored by so many masters as a newcomer.

Especially because of work reasons, every month, nine, nine, six, and every day, I can still see some readers reminding me to change my mood.

Bad job, what the hell, sooner or later I'll quit!

It must be updated and stable after it is put on the shelves, otherwise it would be a windfall for me who just lost more than 3 yuan without full attendance. I don't want to starve to death, so I gritted my teeth and kept updating.

When everyone sees this, don't be polite, just call me cool, if you insist on calling colored paper cool, then I have no choice.

Also, gentlemen, please rest assured to subscribe, there will be no plot of hearse drifting in this book.

I would like to ask all the masters to contribute to the first order, because this is really important. Whether this book is life or death is actually related to the first order. Today, I will update about five chapters and hope to get everyone's first order.

Then about the question of adding more.

A million rewards.

Leader buy one get three free, chapter thirteen.

Silver League. This should be impossible.

The first order is more than [-], and the update is two hundred and one. Let's see how many first orders can be made.

Of course, it is impossible to pay off all at once, and I believe that no one will recognize the journal-like thing written.

So please subscribe, dear friends!





Hmm. By the way, did I put it on the shelves today?Why haven't I seen the website short notice that it's on the shelves now?
It's strange. Forget it, it's not today, but next week. I'll talk about it later.

(End of this chapter)

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