I am in good spirits

Chapter 108 Bai Jin's life-saving secret is just one word: filial piety!

Chapter 108 Bai Jin's Secret to Survival Is Only One Word Filial Piety!
"There are two factions in wood law. One is the well-known healing technique, and there are similar ones in water law. The other is the method of killing enemies for fighting."

"It's like fighting for your teacher to teach you cuttings, wood falling, and using wood techniques to strengthen your physique, but do you know why in the cultivation world, only Xingluo Xianmen's wood techniques are famous?"

Walking on the primeval forest plain, Sui Mingxing sat by the stream and dipped his feet in the water, looked back at Bai Jin behind him and asked him to sit down and rest: "One of the reasons for this is that 'the flowers bloom in an instant', This secret technique belongs exclusively to the Xingluo Xianmen."

"The growth of plants follows the development of flower buds to full bloom, and then to wither, and the time of flower blooming can be controlled at will at will."

"Do you know what this means?" Sui Mingxing looked at the monster on the other side of the plain drinking water with its head bowed, and asked Bai Jin his own question.

"The disciple is stupid, please tell the master clearly." The corners of Bai Jin's eyes twitched slightly, and he vaguely guessed the meaning of Sui Mingxing.

There is a process for the wood method to give birth to plants. Sui Mingxing roughly recounted the process, but he didn't say the most important thing, let himself talk about the positive interaction between master and apprentice, and increase the intimacy value of master and apprentice.

But Bai Jin really doesn't want to say that the growth stage of plants can be controlled at will when the flowers bloom, but the growth and development of plants need nutrients. If the growth cycle of plants is compressed into one breath, who will provide the nutrients for development?
Since it is an enemy-killing technique, the caster must not be able to use wood techniques to complete the growth of plants.
Nutrients will be paid by the person who blooms in the middle of the flower, and the power of flesh and blood will be absorbed when the mana in the body is exhausted. Even the essence of flesh and blood is not enough to make the flower bloom, so the power of soul will be extracted!

It can't be terminated until the soul of the practitioner is scattered and his body is turned into ashes "the moment the flowers bloom".

Bai Jin gained a sense of being in the scene, and even said that the effect of the flowers blooming instantly felt guilty, afraid that Sui Mingxing would turn around and give him a slap, and shouted: "The flowers bloom!"

"With your intelligence, it is impossible not to guess, but you are kind-hearted so you don't want to say it."

Sui Mingxing smiled and was quite relieved. When he raised his hand, the vines seemed to break out of the ground as if they were alive, and they hit a monster on the other side with lightning speed: "Flowers bloom."

The vines hit the monster's waist, but the soft vines did not cause any harm to the leathery monster.

With a whimper, the bison spread its four hooves and prepared to run. A plant emerged from its side, and its flower buds bloomed in an instant.Under the watchful eyes of Bai Jin, the wild buffalo that fled with all four hooves turned into black-gray dust and scattered in an instant.
The colorful flowers fell to the ground, and the rich vitality and mana made Bai Jin think of the spiritual fruit made by the soul, but the colorful flowers did not last long and began to wither and wither.

"This is the core of Xingluo Xianmen's wood technique, the effect of the technique of blooming in an instant." Sui Mingxing said: "Only if you master this technique, the teacher can rest assured that you will travel."

For the cultivators who entered the urgent list, the training time needs to be greatly shortened, and it falls on Bai Jin's head. Of course, they have to go out to practice at a high speed, and use their own luck to find suitable refining materials before returning.

"In the next period of time, the teacher will devote all his energy to teaching you the art of spending a moment!"

Sui Mingxing glanced at the other side of the river. She killed a monster just now, and the strong vitality of the monster spread, attracting many sneaky animals: "Of course, before that, let's go to the other side to catch a few rabbits. At that time, we will have a lunch break and grill rabbits over charcoal.”

"Okay, Master's will is the meaning of my life in this world." The frightened Bai Jin replied blankly.

There are tens of thousands of wood techniques in the Five Elements, but Baijin, the wood technique secreted by Xingluo Xianmen, feels particularly evil.

From the method of cutting ears, to the method of slashing the internal organs, and now to the method of blooming instantly, there are more and more powers of magic.

Especially when the monsters were turned into ashes, he thought it was the spirits that used the 'Demon Duer' to devour the living beings.

Master Dudai's methods are not ordinary evil, even if he is really good at coaxing, he can't mess around


"Master doesn't have to go so far, does he?"

Bai Jin stared blankly at Sui Ming Xing: "You didn't play that big when you beat the vixen."

In the morning, he practiced the secret art of wood, and in the afternoon, Sui Mingxing arranged a fighting class, so as to ensure that Bai Jin would never suffer when he fought, and he had a good rest at night.

Bai Jin had no objection at the beginning. In his impression, life and stars are picturesque, like a natural scroll, a fairy with a faint scent of flowers and birds, how can you fight with just that green low-cut skirt? Woolen cloth?

But in class in the afternoon, Bai Jin regretted it.

The branches of the undead tree gushed out from the cuffs of the Life Star, seemingly endlessly, wrapping the Life Star in a skirt, forming a set of wooden armor.

Bai Jin has every reason to believe that this appearance of Sui Ming Xing is the boss who has opened the second stage.

"You don't need to fight that fox. As a teacher, you rarely use the undead tree mode, because this is a form that will only be activated against strong enemies of the same level."

Wrapped in the step armor, Sui Mingxing smiled and answered Bai Jin's question.

In terms of fighting posture, the appearance wrapped by the undead tree is definitely her strongest and most convenient form.

The undead tree is usually the same as an ordinary tree, but when it is attacked by spiritual power, it will shrink and become stronger and stronger, and it has unparalleled toughness. The sap can also form a coating with an upper limit that is ridiculously high.

Putting on the armor of the undead tree, Sui Mingxing will also maintain the Taoism of the moment when the flowers bloom and the mountains and rivers around his body, turning himself into a killer that can kill at the touch of a finger, and together with thousands of tree tentacles, he can crush the head of a powerful enemy with his bare hands.

The seven-tailed heart fox was not worthy of such treatment. At that time, Wu Zhao was worthy of it, but Sui Mingxing only went to the branch body and couldn't hold the soul-destroying demon king, so she didn't activate the undead tree form, and called teach.

"No, really not. Bai is just Jin Danqi's stinky younger brother, not as good as that fox. Let's talk after you take off the tree armor! I'm afraid of Master."

As long as Sui Mingxing took a step, Bai Jin could feel the wind pressure like an abyss, as if he saw nature materialized standing in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Master, my disciple didn't dare. You treat me with such kindness as a mountain, even if I practice fighting, my disciple doesn't dare to fight with you."

When Bai Jin saw Sui Mingxing wearing the armor of the tree, it was like seeing an anti-armor that was wounded ten thousand times. He refused to pull his hand out of the waistband no matter what, and began to play the filial piety card to Sui Mingxing. , hoping to escape this catastrophe.

"You hit me, I will never fight back Master Master!"


Sui Mingxing stared blankly at Bai Jin, isn't it the daily martial arts practice among apprentices?Do you want to be so filial?

For the first time, Sui Mingxing experienced that it is not a good thing for a disciple to be too filial.

She has been dutiful to
(End of this chapter)

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