I am in good spirits

Chapter 116 Bai Yongshou and Ye Lin

Chapter 116 Bai Yongshou and Ye Lin
Sui Mingxing's fairy boat is not like a ruthless fairy. After starting it, it goes directly to the space gap, and then turns on the space movement mode to go to the end of the world. Sui Mingxing's fairy boat just runs smoothly at high altitude.

Knowing that life would be better than death, Bai Jin breathed a sigh of relief and followed Sui Mingxing's wishes to go to the bathroom inside the cabin, looking at those weird plants, Bai Jin didn't dare to untie the belt for convenience.

"The bathroom in Suiming Xingxianzhou is not so weird."

The toilet is a normal toilet, but there are some servant plants in Sui Mingxing's bathroom, with fangs and tentacles swinging around like piranhas, they are always ready to clean the bathroom, so that the master can be as happy as possible. The toilets were spotless.

They are all creatures living in the fairy boat, and the owner of the fairy boat, Sui Ming Xing, is their master.

Looking at the piranhas and seeing their enthusiasm, Bai Jin was afraid of being attacked by them when he untied his girdle to go to the toilet comfortably, so he didn't dare to make a mistake and even crawled and rolled back to the first floor in the cabin.

"Master, the toilet is so evil."

With a weird expression on his face, Bai Jin wiped his wet hands with a towel and acted as if he had just gone to the toilet, complaining to Suimingxing about the evil facilities in the fairy boat:

"If it weren't for my physical and mental health, I might not be able to go to the toilet surrounded by so many plant demons."

Sui Mingxing looked at Bai Jin and said with a smile: "There is nothing I can do as a teacher. After my fairy boat was refined, it absorbed a lot of my mana because of years of use, and some hardworking cuties were born on the fairy boat."

The fairy boat is a relatively private magic weapon, and it is generally customized according to its own attributes. It absorbs the aura of the holder all the year round and may produce some derivatives.In particular, Suimingxing is good at the wooden method of hair growth and birth.

In the fairy boat woven by various plants, it is normal for some wood-type life forms to derive by themselves.

"I want too."

Bai Jin's eyes glowed, if he used his spiritual power to build the fairy boat, wouldn't his fairy boat be a bulldozer, just like an ancient giant celestial demon that devoured the sky and devoured the earth.

"Then you have to work hard to make money. The price of an ordinary fairy boat is as high as one million and does not include the main materials. The buyer needs to provide materials that meet the attributes, and you have to use your own mana to maintain it all year round."

Sui Mingxing poked Bai Jin's forehead, waking him out of his fantasy: "It's not difficult to buy, just talk to fellow Daoist Ye Ya of Qizong, and I also have the materials. It's just that the daily maintenance also requires a lot of work." Mana."

"Don't let the fairy boat drag down your practice"

If you want it, you can buy it. It's not expensive anyway. Sui Mingxing is worried that Bai Jin won't be able to bear the loss of the large fairy boat.

Simple to buy, expensive to use.

"I can't do it, I'm in good shape!" Bai Jin's eyes twitched, feeling that his self-esteem had been hit, and he was an outstanding student of the Acacia Sect and also practiced wooden techniques, so there was nothing wrong with him!
A mere fairy boat still wants to cut my foundation, dreaming!
"is it?"

Sui Mingxing nodded noncommittally, intending to contact fellow daoist Ye Ya to see if there is a compact fairy boat suitable for young fellow daoists to control, and plan to give it to Bai Jin as a reward for returning from his travels in the outside world.



The bedroom of the owner of the north house in Yuhai City Bai Family.

"Sui Mingxing and Chong Ju will bring their apprentice and daughter, and they will probably be able to arrive at Yuhai City tomorrow morning."

A woman in a tube top and a short skirt turned her head with a smile on her face, her green eyebrows were like black eyes, and she looked at the young man who was preparing for tomorrow's wedding at the long table, with a slightly tired face on his face: "I will receive them, You will rest a little longer tomorrow morning to prepare for the wedding banquet in the evening."

"Oh? Didn't Yinghuoxing come?"

The white-faced young man in green shirt raised his head and said with a happy smile: "How can it be done? Sui Mingxing is a distinguished guest, and tomorrow is our wedding day. Although some red tape can be exempted from the banquet, it cannot be exempted from the reception of guests." Not at all especially in the reception."

"It doesn't matter if I'm tired, the most important thing is that you can get married in a splendid manner and earn the reputation you deserve."

He has not rested for a long time, and not long ago he repelled the leader of the mermaid clan and the invading red kissed beast.

Afterwards, he was busy with important life events non-stop, without a moment's rest, which made his wife feel distressed.

Suimingxing and Chongju are very familiar with her. Although they are not close friends, they are still good friends, so she told her husband just now that she can lead Suimingxing and Chongju to play tomorrow morning and don't worry about him.

"Oh, you!"

The woman gave him a reproachful look: "Then you go to rest quickly! A dignified monk in the fit period, with fatigue and dark circles on his cheeks, let Sui Mingxing see me and still laugh at me for practicing magic. Hurry up!" Go! Go! Go!"


The young master let out a chuckle, put down his pen and ink, got up and left the long table, and said, "That's fine, I'll meditate for a while to rest my mind and show off my majesty tomorrow, so that your sisters can know that Madam has a unique vision and found a good husband-in-law."

"Still poor!"

"Good good."

The young master took off his jacket to reveal the long gown inside, put it on the screen and stretched out, glanced at the starry night outside the window, and said with a smile in his heart: "Sure enough, I didn't guess that the star of the year will bring the precious apprentice."

"Since the last time we parted from the Hehuan Sect, we haven't seen each other for three years. Unexpectedly, that guy has embarked on the road of relying on women for food."

"I really look forward to what frightened expression you will show when we meet, little brother!"


Brother Gongzi couldn't control his facial expressions anymore, he was full of playfulness, which made him look evil.

Of course, now that there is a screen covering him, his wife didn't notice the abnormality of her husband, otherwise she would definitely be shocked.

Because no matter what the situation, Bai Yongshou's face is calm and calm, whether it is helping their family to solve other family suppression, or helping Yuhaicheng repel the invading ocean tribe.
Even being severely injured by the water unicorn, at most he showed a painful expression and smiled, stretched out his hand to touch his head and comforted himself
Bai Yongshou has always been very sunny and motivated. He is upright and has a certain strategy. He was also born in the Bai family, the official family named Yu, and he is a very noble son.

When was it so evil?Anyway, Ye Lin had never seen it before.

But there were many things she hadn't seen before. The monks of the Hehuan sect were full of wonders, like a kaleidoscope.

If you can follow Bai Yongshou in the future, you will be able to see scenery that you have never seen before.

"Ma'am, go to bed early, I'm going to rest."

Bai Yongshou changed into a set of pajamas, bent down and hugged Ye Lin, who was sitting anxiously in front of the dressing table, and kissed her gently on the cheek: "Don't worry, you will be the most beautiful at the wedding banquet tomorrow, there is no doubt about it .”

"It's really not possible. Tomorrow I will secretly take some sacks and hide them under the reception table. If there are people who are more gorgeous than those dressed up, I will directly knock them out and put them in the firewood room."

Bai Yongshou teased Ye Lin and said.


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(End of this chapter)

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