I am in good spirits

Chapter 121 Night

Chapter 121 Night

"Fairy Suimingxing gave a 'flame bead' to wish the couple a happy life after marriage."

In the evening, the banquet guests came in one after another to present gifts to bless Bai Yongshou and Ye Lin. The servants at the door would specially read out the valuables, and let the maids inside prepare seats for the real distinguished guests.

"The Queen of the Pride gave a 'Barring Stone' to wish the couple a happy life after marriage."

Chongju put a dark green stone on the table, ignoring the eyes of everyone in the banquet hall and taking Chongxing with her, she walked inside and hung on the cloak hanging on the ground, with vigilant insect monsters sitting neatly on both sides.

Both Suimingxing and Chongju sat at the host's table, surrounded by familiar old faces. Bai Jin also smiled and greeted the seniors of Yuanying stage and Huashen stage. He was very knowledgeable and looked like a junior.

Everyone in front of you has wrapped red envelopes, and the red envelopes are full of love for the younger generation, good seniors who do not contain stones or broken metal, Bai Jin likes it very much.

It's still a respectable senior from a well-known family who has a face, not like a cheating old ghost from a devil's family who stuffs some stones or bugs into the red envelope to tease the younger generation when he has nothing to do.

"The hospitality is not good, the hospitality is not good, forgive me."

Bai Yongshou held his wife's arm and went to toast with her everywhere, and there were some former rivals in love, but they couldn't say anything on the wedding day, they could only say something strange with the extremely forced smile on their faces.

"Brother Bai, congratulations! You got a beauty so quickly, and you bought such a big mansion, it's really enviable and admirable to others," An Mingju added yin and yang as he raised his glass to toast.

He and Bai Yongshou are not rivals in love, but they have some conflicts with the Ye family in the business field. They could have earned tens of thousands of spirit stones by holding the Ye family's blessing bag, but Bai Yongshou got in the way and destroyed it, allowing the Ye family to get Another supply channel can deliver on schedule.

"Mr. Xie An is auspicious, Bai is responsible for being able to live in a mansion and raise a hundred servants. Thank you all for coming to join us today!" Eggs.

She is sincerely grateful to these idiots, if she wants to win Ye Lin without their assists, without using the magic spell, even if she has a good means, it will take at least two more months to waste.

Although getting married in the realm of comprehension is very simple, even the wedding banquet can be kept simple and simple, but it is very difficult to capture the heart of a fairy. After all, they are all immortals. Who is not a long-lived species who has no worries about life span?

After observing for dozens or hundreds of years, there are many fairies who form Taoist couples and continue to observe for decades, especially those fairies with conservative personalities, it is as difficult as heaven to coax.

Although Ye Lin's clothes are more sexy, but this is because of the influence of seaside customs, not her openness.

"Little brother, this little idiot is quite rich, and the only person in his family who is an avatar ancestor sits in town. It's easy for you to loot his family if you take a little time, and be careful about the one on the other side. His family has nothing but a bill of arrears. "

Bai Yongshou and his wife toasted around, while introducing some friends to Bai Jin Chuanyin, let him see if there are any idiots he likes, and he can pick some at random. Those who have been named are all guys who can loot at will, and it doesn't matter if they die.

"By the way, you'd better not go to the city lord's house. Although the girl in that house is always chattering, but the old man in the family is an old monster in the stage of refinement, and he is extremely vicious."

"It's a vicious thug that I can't even handle. When you come to Yuhai City, don't be polite. Take some seafood back home and show respect to the stars. I think she is really very wary of you. You have to work hard to get a chance of."

"Huh? What. That's right. With Wuqingxian, the number one thug in the cultivation world, he can run away even if he eats it."

Tunyin Deairen tirelessly pointed out his junior brother, trying to come up with some bad ideas for Bai Jin to try.

Bai Jin doesn't believe in the evil of the elder sister. This guy is the most scumbag girl in the cultivation world. If she believes in her evil, her house will be evacuated the next day.


Outside the White Mansion.

"Hey, hey, I can smell the scent of a good brother."

Concubine Shi raised her head with a smile on her face, and looked at the plaque on the White Mansion: "I knew that little brother would definitely try to get out of Xingluo Xianmen and take a walk outside, and look at chasing souls in his free time." The compass will definitely find surprises!"

"You really have no conscience. If Xiaobai knows that you have lost 18 spirit stones, he can strangle you to death." Meng Qi complained about Shi Feiyan speechlessly.

"Can I be called a loser? I took the only 30 spirit stones left on my body and won [-] spirit stones from the All Souls Society overnight by creating a miracle."

Concubine Shi was so proud that she had her hips akimbo, her chest high above her head, and then she said with embarrassment: "It was just a little accident, and I got excited when I pressed it all down, and I accidentally pressed it out of place."

"I want to make a comeback, but it doesn't matter if I lose so much that I almost have to be sold to Wanhua Pavilion. Didn't the owner say that we can get credit first, and then come to our Acacia Sect to collect the bill at the end of the year?"

"They didn't melt you away, it was because of the face of Senior Brother Zhizhi." Meng Qi raised her hand, and slapped Shi Feiyan on the chest to make her shrivel up, and Shi Feiyan covered her chest with her face covered. Staring at Smelly Mengqi sadly.

"There are a lot of strong people in there. The sound transmission jade slip contacted Xiaobai? I guess he won't even answer your jade slip." Meng Qi said with a strange expression on her face.

"Wait! We are squatting opposite the mansion and waiting for him. As long as the good brother comes out, we will definitely meet." Shi Feiyan glanced at the seaside restaurant diagonally opposite the Baifu.

Shi Feiyan felt her whole body up and down, and managed to find three or five spirit stones, her face full of emotion, as if lamenting that people's hearts are not the same in the world.


Bai Yongshou, who was walking towards the new house holding Ye Lin's hand, suddenly stopped, looked back at the courtyard as if he had sensed something, and gradually smiled on his slightly drunk face: "I seem to have sensed my little junior sister? I have already reached the stage of transformation." Is it on the edge of time?"

"Huh? What happened to Yongshou?"

Ye Lin, who was snuggling in Bai Yongshou's arms, asked strangely when she saw her husband stop.

"No, it's just that I have some emotions. I tried my best to go through so many ups and downs with you, and finally we can cultivate together and have such a warm home together. For a while, I feel a little unreal." Bai Yongshou explained.

"Eternal life."

Ye Lin rolled her eyes and embraced Bai Yongshou's neck, tiptoed lightly, kissed him clumsily, and tried her best to soothe her husband's emotional ups and downs.

In fact, she also felt that it was very unreal, especially when she thought of going into the wedding room later, she was ashamed and ashamed, and also a little anxious.She felt that Yongshou's heart should be the same as hers.

Bai Yongshou lowered his head to respond to his wife, then hugged Ye Lin by the waist and walked towards the wedding room with a smile.

"Hey, I'm really busy tonight. I need to get rid of Xiao Lin first, and I have to eat a little junior brother later. There is also a little junior sister waiting outside the door."

"I'm really looking forward to my little junior sister's expression!" Tunyin licked her cherry lips, and flicked her colorful tiger tail.

The relationship between Tunyin and Shi Feiyan belongs to cat and mouse, but wherever there is Tunyin, Shi Feiyan can't wait to dig a hole in the ground to take refuge.

Bai Jin knew that the two had a big and small relationship, so when he found the rich man of the Hehuan Sect, he didn't think about telling Shi Feiyan to come here to support himself.

But Bai Jin never expected that Shi Feiyan would fall into the trap by relying on the soul-chasing compass.


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