I am in good spirits

Chapter 128 The emperor takes turns to sit at my house this year.

Chapter 128 The emperor takes turns to sit at my house this year.

"The sacrificial offering is finally ready!"

When Elder Qing of the Spirit Beast Sect saw the puppies, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and a smile appeared on his face.

The puppy of the Taiyin Tengu in front of him is related to the most important step in his future plan. It took a lot of energy and money to search for the best beast. As long as it is obtained, it will definitely damage the Lingyue Fairy and win the Spiritual Beast Gate in one fell swoop. of control.

Changes in the cultivation world are imminent. After learning about Yue Lingxian's conservative choices and arrangements, Elder Qing was extremely dissatisfied with the sect master's inaction and pedantic rigidity, so he began to plan the assassination together with elders Xizhibai and Nanzhichi.

The former spirit beast sect was not like this. They thought that they were called "dominated monks", whose nature was to be both righteous and evil, and to separate from good and evil.

It's just that after being rehabilitated by Lianyoumen, and having experienced severe injuries in the melee of the cultivation world, he began to cultivate his body and recuperate.

The method of controlling the soul was forbidden by Yue Lingxian, and the method of offering sacrifices was even listed as a taboo technique, which was only allowed to be practiced by Sifang elders and sect masters. Some disciples in the sect did not even know the method of establishing the sect of the spirit beast sect.

Now that changes in the cultivation world are imminent, Elder Qing is extremely disappointed by Yue Lingxian's choice. The effort of the Spirit Beast Sect is not directly proportional to the harvest, and even his proposal to unseal the secret law of domination was rejected.

Yue Lingxian didn't want to get involved in the dispute, she chose to lead the entire spirit beast sect to protect herself wisely, and continued to guard the one-acre three-point land like a child, which made Elder Qing extremely uncomfortable and resentful.

Cultivation of Immortals is to sail against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. Now such a big opportunity is in front of you. Not to mention whether you can open up the passage between the immortal and the mortal world, just give up the natural materials, earth treasures and rare animals in the forbidden area of ​​the corpse mountain?

Impossible, the Spirit Beast Sect is standing still, and other immortal sects are growing crazily, isn't it just that the Spirit Beast Sect has retreated in disguise?Elder Qing couldn't accept it.

The Spirit Beast Sect experienced self-castration once, and the secret control and sacrifice methods that it was proud of were banned.

Now it's like this again, in Elder Qing's heart, Yue Lingxian is a cancer of the spirit beast sect, if it is not removed, it will only cause the decline of the spirit beast sect, and eventually become a monkey juggernaut.

"The number is correct, happy cooperation"

Shopkeeper Huang, please finish counting the treasures in the storage ring, and after confirming that there is no difference in the amount, he handed the deeply sleeping Taiyin puppy into the hands of Elder Qing, and with a big stone in his heart, he said with a smile: "The goods are delivered, and we are responsible for them." Then empty it. Please don’t reveal our existence when you use it.”

He doesn't care how Elder Qing uses the Tengu, nor does he want to know why the behind-the-scenes boss sells him. He just reads the spell according to the content of the contract document and cuts off the causal line of the two parties trading the Tengu puppies, so as to prevent anyone from following the cause and effect. come.

"The old man knows your rules."

Elder Qing held the puppy's hand and turned it around, using the animal-monitoring supernatural power to transfer the puppy to hide, and glanced at the shopkeeper Huang lightly: "Wealth and goods are strangers, if we meet, it is a way to bond with you, old man understands, But the old man still can't understand, why are you accumulating money?"

"With such a method and such connections, it is completely possible to appear in front of people. Why hide in the dark and eat leftovers?"

"Maybe our boss likes Lingshi?" Shopkeeper Huang smiled and didn't answer directly, and said, "Maybe eating it directly or eating it cold. View more."

"The guest officer doesn't know if you are a top student or staying in a hotel?"



The second floor of Bibo Manor Guanhai Garden.

"From their excited eyes, gradually heavy breathing, and trembling bodies, I can clearly detect it."

Bai Jin stared at the group of spirit beast disciples, and with a strange face, he elbowed Chong Xing: "The group of beasts can't wait to slip and kneel in front of you and shout respectfully: Mom."

"I don't bother to talk to them about calling my father," Chong Xing replied without interest, and then looked at Bai Jin with a teasing expression: "Of course, it's okay for us to be parents to each other quietly in private."

"I don't think my aunt will agree." Bai Jin waved his hand to reject Chong Xing's proposal.

And we can be parents to each other, I'm afraid your mother will put down the fishing net later and beat you into a sieve.

The disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect entered the manor one step later than Bai Jin and his party. When they came to the lounge on the second floor, they saw the famous Suimingxing Fairy in the world of cultivation. They all went up to pay respects to Senior Suimingxing .

When bowing to Sui Ming Xing, they noticed Chong Xing who was yawning beside him.

The disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect were stunned for a moment, and immediately recognized that the fairy in front of them was an unknown kind of transformed beast, and a look of hesitation appeared on their faces, and they wanted to say hello to Chong Xing, but they were concerned about Sui Mingxing and There were so many people talking and they didn't speak.

Otherwise, they would really be able to take turns kneeling, and ask the Yishou aunt in front of him to return to the mountain gate and confess like an ancestor.

A powerful spirit beast means that the monks of the spirit beast sect can change their lives against the sky. If they can be valued by the beast, they can even use the power of innate supernatural powers.

Face and dignity are worth a few dollars. If you can get the value of a powerful alien beast, the monks of the spirit beast sect can immediately turn into unscrupulous, whatever the master alien beast says.

Spirit beast monks can't just ignore any beast master for the sake of dignity, maybe one day the master beast master who has been friends with him sees himself in such a miserable situation, and donates his gifted supernatural powers to change his fate against the sky?
"It's a pity."

The monks of the Spirit Beast Sect looked disappointed and sighed helplessly as they looked at Master Yi Beast who was almost lying in Bai Jin's arms.

They are notorious among the monster clan, and it is extremely difficult to find a strange beast to return to the mountain gate to be an ancestor. What's more, the master of the strange beast knows at a glance that he has a deep relationship with the disciple of Sui Mingxing, and it is impossible to coax OK.

Although it felt very pity, they didn't take this matter to heart.

I am lucky to have the alien beast, but I have lost my life. I can't force it, otherwise I don't know how to die. The masters of the alien beast punched me, and the body couldn't bear it.

The cultivators of the Spirit Beast Sect are very open-minded, some things are destined to be there sometimes, and there is nothing they can do without you.

"Huh? Why are you all sitting here and didn't choose sea beasts for the old man?"

Elder Qing, who had gone back and forth, looked at the disciples sitting around on the second floor, frowned and reprimanded him.

"Reporting to Elder Qing, the fish pond is full, and we are queuing up to enter." One of them replied.

The sea beasts and exotic beasts in Bibo Manor are all raised in the Sea Viewing Garden. Suimingxing, Chongju, and Bai Yongshou and his wife filled all the four openings, and prepared to salvage the sea beasts to make fish meat.

Hmm. Except for the three employees and their family members who cannot catch the seahorse, the errand worker, the tiger shark, the sashimi chef, and the octopus, who is responsible for driving the fish to the mouth, all other sea animals can be salvaged by themselves.

Even if you can't catch it, the manor also provides fishing nets and even diving suits for customers to choose, ensuring that every customer will not be ashamed in the manor.

The Yuchi channel was occupied by Sui Mingxing and his party, so the monks of the Spirit Beast Sect naturally had to line up outside. They didn't dare to play tricks in front of Sui Mingxing. Even other ordinary monks would not necessarily jump in line.

No matter how you say it, it is also a decent family, shameful.

(End of this chapter)

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