I am in good spirits

Chapter 131 Junior brother, come, have a big drink.

Chapter 131 Junior brother, come, have a big drink. (seeking subscription)
"Come on, give me a bite!"

Bai Jin sat in the hall of Guanhai Garden, with his legs crossed, waiting for the seaside snacks to be delivered, while his self-will was transferred to the group of tadpoles before, and he went to the seaside to prepare to gnaw the boat of the Spirit Beast Gate, watching a group of little hapless bastards in the sea. Haili struggled to survive with a face full of horror.

But when he got to the beach, he realized that the boat from the Spirit Beast Sect had already set sail and was heading overseas from the pier.Bai Jin suddenly became anxious. The light blue tadpoles that evolved cannot leave the range of four kilometers from the main body.

After a while, Bai Jin felt that even if Senior Sister Tunyin gave him a kiss and hug, it would be boring, but they made him look like a fool, fishing foolishly with a fishing rod for an hour and a half in loneliness.

"Wait for me, I'll start eating right away!"

Bai Jin manipulated the tadpoles to gather together and turned into a large tadpole whose tail rotated at high speed like a propeller. It rushed towards the wooden ship that had just left the port, bit the wooden linkage at the stern, and split into dozens of tadpoles that had no sense of existence and Mana's tadpole opened its mouth to gnaw.


The tadpoles formed a circle and began to gnaw on the board, and then gnawed out an X shape in the circle to ensure that when the ship sailed on land at high speed, the water pressure could successfully squeeze the hull and create a large water inlet.

"Bai, I am elegant and easy-going, and I never hold grudges, because I basically have no overnight grudges. Except for the time when I gave Senior Sister Tunyin a sliding shovel, she caught me in the dormitory and humiliated me to the extreme"

One by one tadpoles gnawed through the planks and fell into the boat. Bai Jin gathered into a palm-sized soul, looking at the dozen or so circular holes that sizzled and leaked, with a proud face.

"Would you like to go say hello to the Spirit Beast Gate?" Bai Jin glanced at the stairs leading to the plywood, showing rare hesitation: "Forget it, leave them alone, why don't you go to the dormitory of the stinky brothers and get some scratching?" .”

The disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect are not outstanding, so there is no sense of accomplishment to frighten them, and they may also offend the earth fairy-level elders in black robes. Although it is nothing to lose a soul clone, the touch of the soul will be real-time. sent back to the body.

It's not like Bai Jin was shaking his head, he just ran to get a beating from an old man with white beard when he was idle.

"Let uncle take a look at your dormitory and see if you can find anything scary. I have always heard that the monks of the spirit beast sect are not taboo about meat and vegetables, and there is often love between human race and untransformed monster race." Bai Jin's face was full With a funny gossip look, he began to look through other people's dormitories to see if he could find the content of social death.

Flipping through the unoccupied dormitories, Bai Jin's expression became weirder the more he looked. The cultivators of the Spirit Beast Sect were really serious on the outside and inside, and all of them were turned down except for some little Liu Bei occasionally seen, and some female nuns' underwear. There is no social content.

"Forget it. No. Wait!"

Bai Jin threw down a bull's horn with a face full of disappointment, cursed bad luck in his heart, and prepared to leave.

But the faint voice from the next door stopped Bai Jin's leaving footsteps, and began to eavesdrop with his whole body slapped against the wall with a face full of surprise.

Because he heard the familiar term: arrogant insect!The person on the opposite side said something about the arrogant insect, but because of the distance and the sound insulation effect, he couldn't hear it clearly.

"...It would be even better if you can get it. With the power of the arrogant insect's bloodline, it should be able to... let's not talk about my side, how is your side doing?"

The previous sentence was still intermittent, and the speaker's voice could not be fully heard. After Bai Jin gently shaved the wooden board like shaving ice, all the familiar words on the other side could be heard here.

"I have already bought Taiyin's puppies. How are you preparing? Have the Chifei and Jiuying who were sealed under the Lingshan Mountain been released? Without their help, it is impossible for us to lure the Tumor Sect Master out."

"Isn't Jiuying still there? Alright, after I send the disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect back to the outer gate, I'll go help. It's a pity that the Queen of Pride and the Star of Life were there just now, otherwise we wouldn't be in such trouble."

Elder Qing's mind will be completely immersed in the jade slip, and he will try his best to amplify the signal of the sound transmission jade slip, communicate with two elders thousands of miles away to verify the plan to assassinate the sect master, completely unaware that there are ears in the partition wall.

"I have prepared the materials for the formation, and I can kill the master of the Lingyue Sect once he enters the formation. The main enemy of the sect, the monster who was alienated by the sealed blood rain, was severely injured and disappeared. I believe that no one in the sect will notice the abnormality. "

"Let's come again."

Bai Jin in the next dormitory had a sudden understanding expression on his face: "Understood. The heavens have sent a great mission to everyone, I'm going to brush up the reputation of Master Zhangjiao right now!"

Although I don't know what to say before, but the general content can still be deduced, this old Gobi wants to capture Chongxing, but he is afraid of Chongxing's mother's heavy punch, and the prestige of Sui Mingxing kicking his face and not dare to do it.
Moreover, this guy wants to rebel against the heavens, and he will perform a miracle by defeating the master of the Nucao Yueling Sect!
Bai Jin felt that he could stand proudly in front of Wuqingxian, kneel down on one knee and hold her hand, and said affectionately: "Reporting to Master Master, this training disciple has found out that someone is going to kill your ally. You see whether to kill his whole family along the line of cause and effect, or find this genealogy for you to kill."

Then observe Wuqingxian's expression, Bai Jin is very fortunate that if he can see the expression of the melting iceberg, his state of mind will be greatly satisfied, and maybe he can break through to the middle or late stage of Golden Core in one fell swoop.

"I'll call you a small report"

Bai Jin showed a bright smile, and the ultra-miniature soul body melted into a puddle of liquid, which seeped under the splint, and disappeared completely when immersed in the seawater that had begun to flow in.


Bai Jin, who was far away in Bibo Manor, opened his eyes and was stunned by the scenery in front of him.

"Come on, let's have a drink."

Bai Jin is no longer sitting in the lobby of Guanhai Garden, and now he is no longer anywhere, but sitting in front of him is the senior sister Tunyin who has shed Bai Yongshou's presence, and there is a bottle of very familiar Haima family sparkling wine on the table.

"Drink, drink a big cup!"

Tun Yin took a sip from a small white jade wine glass, but filled a glass with a beer mug-like mug, and hit Bai Jin's face to signal him to drink it quickly, so that the medicinal wine would take effect.

"What shape are you, and what shape am I?"

Bai Jin pulled out the wine glass close to his face, and looked at Tunyin speechlessly: "Do you think you can act recklessly under the eyes of Sui Mingxing and a mountain god? You are not afraid of being caught by my master or the proud heroine." Catch the devil's den?"

"I knew my junior brother would love me dearly"

Tunyin smiled and said: "But when you went shopping just now, Sui Mingxing came back and asked Chongju to assist her in alchemy. My art of self-existence and my art of erasing existence? It doesn't matter."

"After this farewell, I don't know how long it will be before we meet again. Let me take a good look, Senior Sister!"

As he spoke, Tunyin drank the wine from the wine glass into his mouth and threw himself at Bai Jin, knelt on his lap, held his cheeks with both hands and lowered his head, swallowing all the liquid medicine in his mouth.

"Let's keep a little memory between us! Senior sister's most beloved junior brother!"

Tunyin was extremely excited, and she was so eager to wait when there were all the people and they were still next door.

There is Chongju who is half-human, Sui Mingxing who is a level stronger than himself, and a newly married wife, and there is a Chongxing who clearly wants to prostitute his junior for free.

Simply. Let Wang Tianyu be so excited!
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(End of this chapter)

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