I am in good spirits

Chapter 136 Demons: "Ghosts, goblins, go away, goblins, goblins..."

Chapter 136 Demons "Devils and ghosts leave quickly, demons and ghosts leave quickly" (subscription required)
"Eat meat, eat human flesh and blood!!!"

The centipede with a human head opened its mouth wide, its body stood up and bit down from top to bottom, blocking the moonlight in the sky of the canyon like a giant pillar, making creepy clicking sounds and maddened roars.

"Mana barrier."

Bai Jin raised his right hand, a light blue arm grew on his back, and stretched out a huge barrier to completely stop the centipede's bite, causing its head to hit the barrier, and its joints were layered on top of its head .

Bai Jin raised his head and looked at the head of the man who had knocked down on the light blue barrier with twisted face and tears running down his face, and said with a strange expression: "Although I am not a monster, you should at least look like a monster. Cannibalism is not like opening your mouth like this." You can eat it."

"The soul taught it how to be a qualified monster!"

Strands of light blue mana burst out, weaving a strong body behind the white brocade. His thick arms were stretched out and his head was raised in a stretched posture. The one-eyed rapid eye movement in the hollow of his face finally locked on to the centipede essence. .

The soul's body was pulled back, the right hand was covered with mana to form a sharp gauntlet, and the arm was raised for a stab, piercing the solid barrier, inserted into the centipede's head, clenched into a fist and squeezed.

The centipede's head exploded, and the dark green blood and venom splashed all over the canyon. Its tens of meters long body fell heavily to the ground, making earth-shaking vibrations and loud noises, scaring the dormant monsters in the canyon.

"Returning to the peak of the golden core stage, I really can't bear to fight"

The soul propped up a light blue barrier to block the poisonous blood falling down for Bai Jin. Bai Jin raised his foot and stepped on the centipede's body, walked to the highest ridge and looked around into the cave on the rock wall. Crimson pupils.

"I came here for two reasons. From now on, this unknown canyon is my cave. You have been suspected of illegally embezzling my property."

"Whoever agrees, whoever opposes, stand up for me!"

The body of the soul gradually swelled, growing from a normal human figure to a half-pound [-] meters. The waist and spine covered Bai Jin's whole body like armor, and the thick arms were covered with sharp gauntlets. Mouth, slowly spit out light blue gas.

There is silence in the canyon, only the sound of the breath of the soul and the whistling of the wind.



Outside the children's version of the alchemy cave.

Wuqingxian moved slowly, and came to the long square pit that Bai Jin complained about in his heart, which was suitable for placing coffins. Looking at the spiral staircase inside, he said, "This cave is counted from the moment you step in, until a stick of incense In time it will release you from the cave."

"You need to come every day after class. Only here can you wash away your cowardice and become a qualified monk."


Bai Jin fell to the ground, leaning against the wall at the end of the stairs, staring straight ahead with his eyes, and touched forward as if in disbelief.

Wuqingxian didn't enter the cave, and she could sense Bai Jin's mood swings up there.

All monks want face, and no one wants others to see their embarrassing side, so Immortal Wuqing didn't enter the cave to let Bai Jin calm down.

But she didn't say one thing, the teleportation array is bound to the user who activates it. Once Bai Jin is seriously injured or the mana in his body is exhausted, the teleportation array will forcibly pull Bai Jin out of the children's version of the alchemy cave.

No matter what he said, he was also the most favored apprentice of Senior Sister, Immortal Wuqing couldn't let Bai Jin die, if he wanted to kill Bai Jin, he didn't need so much trouble at all.

Just choose a day when the school is over, wait for Bai Jin on the way back to Wenyao Peak, kick him into the waterfall, and he will fall into the alchemy cave.It is the ultimate demon refining cave in the gap between the Xingluo Xianmen's mountain guard formation.

Once it falls there, even if Wuxingxian has the waist card to open the formation, it will take a lot of effort.

When the white brocade falls inside, it will be surrounded and besieged by the strain within three seconds, and the other demons will be awakened within five seconds, and within seven seconds, the demons will divide and eat them, leaving no bones left.

"My tribute. Is there any more?"

Bai Jin's face was speechless. He was fighting with the soul in the misty canyon just now, hardening his fists to tame the recalcitrant beasts. In the next second, the whole person was transferred back to the bottom of the spiral staircase and knocked down on the wall.

"Forget it. Just have fun, and leave the tribute there for now. Anyway, the canyon is so big, and there are only [-] tenants in it. As long as there are fewer things, there will be an excuse to beat up those honest people."

"Sure enough, the white wolf with empty gloves is a shortcut on the road to wealth"

Bai Jin stood up from the ground, glanced at the stains on the white Taoist robe, put on the cleansing technique three times, and then flew up into the air flutteringly.

He was quite happy to play. Although he is not a fighting madman or a violent maniac, he is liked and reasonable, but it is really super enjoyable to be able to vent the mana in his body wantonly.

The reason for cultivating immortals is not just for happiness?
Is there anything more joyful than moving mountains to fill seas, turning hands into clouds, and turning hands into rain to dominate the land?

Life in Xingluo Xianmen is okay, with the love of the old master above, the support of brothers below, and the sexy and beautiful girl Chongxing in the same generation, and other eccentric chief disciple friends from Wuxing Mountain.

But you can't squander your mana recklessly, Bai Jin felt a little uncomfortable with one being held in his body, now he's fine, the beloved headmaster read his mind and saw that he was uncomfortable, so he specially built a secret amusement park for himself.

Bai Jin was so happy that he couldn't be happier, Wuqingxian also understands Hehuan Moxiu too much, right?Knowing that I have been holding back for too long, I need to find a place to vent the stagnant mana.

Bai Jin dared not stand in front of Sui Ming Xing, he raised his arms and clasped his palms together to show the 'brilliant light'.

Once he did this, even if Sui Ming Xing didn't use Blooming Blossom to open himself instantly, Bai Jin felt that Wu Qing Xian would teleport there, draw out his sword, and chop himself up with a sneer of "you're finally exposed" on his cheek Lose.

"Master Headmaster is here?"

Bai Jin returned to the ground, looked around for a week with the night wind blowing in the forest, but didn't see the Wuqingxian, and asked if Master Zhangjiao was there?

If you are here, I would like to thank you intimately, the master teacher is really great to me, when I come to vent tomorrow, I will definitely bring you tea for the old man.

"Go back and rest! Don't let Sui Mingxing wait"

Immortal Wuqing didn't show up, but said calmly through the sound transmission of spiritual thoughts: "Come here to practice in your spare time, and the cultivation base of wood law should not be neglected. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

You have to come here every day to practice courage, try the Mahayana wooden method of the secret code of the magic door to conjure a wooden stick, see if I can use the wooden stick to blow your dog's head off!

Wuqingxian's ordinary exhortations, when Bai Jin's strange painting style suddenly changed, it turned into a series of vulgar words that hit his eardrums, Bai Jin stood there with black lines all over his face and pulled out his ears: "Is there something wrong with my cochlea?" What a serious illness, how can I receive some things that make my head inexplicably afraid?"

Not only translation, but also a visual sense.
The Q version of himself was full of complacency, holding the wooden stick with his hips crossed, and the ruthless fairy with red eyes full of anger, grabbed his collar and snatched the big wooden stick, ready to knock his head full of bruises.

The same Q version of Sui Mingxing hugged Wuqingxian's arm with tears in his face, pleading frantically for himself.

"I can't have this cochlea. Let's see if there is anything to change at Sui Mingxing another day. If there is, I will change it." Bai Jin muttered and jumped into the air and left.



 .Shocked, I bought something in jd, but pdd sent me the goods, have you ever encountered such a thing?
(End of this chapter)

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