I am in good spirits

Chapter 139 Sit at the tea table and listen to the story told by Sui Mingxing

Chapter 139 Sit at the tea table and listen to the story told by Sui Mingxing

Bai Jin, who was intoxicated in the happy time of Xingluo Xianmen, didn't know about the conversations in the Hehuan Sect. The life he is living now belongs to the three points and one line.

Every morning, I set off from Wenyao Peak to the school, lay in the arms of my elder brother with a full face, yawned and watched the deacon lecture on the podium, and at noon, I went to the golden house built by the master to fight for half an hour. Teach demons how to write the word "evil devil".

At noon, I went home to have dinner with my master and my mother and daughter. After lunch break, I went to practice in the dense forest with my master in the afternoon. First, I grabbed the thunder wood and punched it twice, and then Sui Mingxing personally taught Bai Jin how to bloom.

In the evening, it’s more leisurely to go out for a walk, find the Acacia Sect branch stationed in Xingluoxianmen to pay public food, and then make alchemy with Suimingxing in the alchemy room, and Chongxing will tell Bai Jin some cannibal stories before going to bed, Let him dream of having material to fight those weird and strange beasts.

The days are flat and full, and there is no big turmoil. Time passes day by day.

Bai Jin's life is really quite boring. As the most outstanding student in the academy, and also the biggest bully in the academy who can tease even the teacher, there is no foolish critic who doesn't have eyesight to scold him.

It was also Jinlin and Zhu Fu who challenged him when they broke through to the foundation-building stage. The battles that took place during the rest of the time were either practicing against Sui Mingxing, punching monsters in the misty valley, or going to see the monsters in the Taiyi Mountains. There are no monsters that are hungry, so grab them to fill your stomach.


"Bai Jin."

Deacon Yan took a deep breath, and when he looked at the book in his hand and saw the first name, he couldn't help turning his head and calling out his name without looking directly at Bai Jin: "Although I don't want to believe your grades at all, all the invigilators I was there. I trust my eyes and my senses."

"Congratulations on your perfect score in cultivation, full score in alchemy, full score in prohibition, and the literary test has almost reached the full score standard except for the deduction of points for indecent words. I hope to leave the academy"

Deacon Yan said polite words as usual, but he didn't know what to say.

Generally speaking, when outstanding students graduate, he will say: "Leave the academy and keep working hard. Leaving the academy is just an introduction, and you will be humble, patient and hardworking under your respective masters, and you will be able to learn something in the future." Be at ease."

Let Bai Jin keep his state in the academy?Is it an extremely indecent strongman lock man who uses his brother as a backrest and his legs as armrests to lie flat in class, or take a leave of absence
Deacon Yan thought for a while, took out Bai Jin's assessment booklet from the table and put it together with the report card, straightened his words with a serious face and said, "Give the booklet to your master, and get out of my school right away!"

"You are definitely the most difficult teacher I have taught since I joined the job before I lay in the coffin!"

Bai Jin: "."

What is the most difficult to teach?It's like I learned it.

Bai Jin glanced at Deacon Yan, then raised the grade book in his hand and said, "Okay, Deacon Yan, see you at the end of school ceremony the day after tomorrow."

"Congratulations on your graduation."

Deacon Yan shook his head and said a word of congratulations, and then continued to roll the roll: "Congratulations to Yu Xueqing, I hope you can maintain diligence and hard work, keep a focused and careful attitude under the master's door, and continue to boldly explore the path of practice and strive for longevity The road goes further."

"Zhu Fu."

"Wei Benliang"

"Where's Deacon Yan?"

Seeing that the students were about to leave, Jin Lin, who was quite confident in his grades, had a subtle expression on his cheek under the bandage: "Is my grade... the bottom?"


Deacon Yan waved his hand and said, "Your report card was messed up and included the piss of the evil animal and the reincarnation of the five grains, so I threw it away, and I will make up for you later."

"Your grades are still ranked in the top [-] in the whole class. If you don't have an explosive alchemy furnace, you should be in the top eight."

Golden Scale: "."


Wenyao Peak·Green Garden
"Is Master not happy? I graduated with the No.1 grade in the whole school."

Bai Jin handed in the grade book with a face full of pride. He originally thought that he could see Sui Mingxing's face full of excitement, hugging him and turning around and kissing him on the cheek twice to show his joy.

As a result, Sui Mingxing sighed after reading it, pressed his elbows on the tea table and held his cheeks in his hands, staring at Bai Jin all the time, seeing that Bai Jin was not well.

"Of course I am very happy to be a teacher. When I think of being able to educate such an excellent apprentice, I can't wait to call all my brothers and sisters to celebrate and drink."

Sui Mingxing sighed again, and said: "Just thinking that you are about to go out to practice, the mood of being a teacher becomes inexplicably depressed. When I think of you making yourself miserable like a beggar outside, being tricked by outsiders, Outsiders are cheated, and possibly even caught, to make the most of it.”

"As a teacher, I can't help but worry."

".I'm just a monk. No matter how I make the best use of everything, I just have to suffer and do some physical work." Bai Jin looked at the sad and sentimental Sui Ming Xing, and was extremely speechless.

"Which one! Like witches, they may eat you up and wipe them clean, and then sell them to demon cultivators for blood sacrifice and soul extraction. In the end, your corpse can be sold for a third hand, to the inhuman cultivators of the Puppet Hall "

Sui Mingxing's face was full of sadness, and he stretched his hands forward to pinch Bai Jin's cheeks, and began to knead: "Then... when my teacher wants to avenge you, they will use the magical puppets made of your corpse to fight me, let us Staged the tragedy of master and apprentice killing each other."

"I even think that the monks of the Acacia Sect will secretly film such a tragic scene, and sell it as a comedy in the Momen area, and sell it at a high price."

"I don't think it's possible, but I think Master, you seem to have a lot of experience."

Being pinched by Sui Mingxing on the cheek, Bai Jin put both hands on her master's hands to play with her, casually complaining about his master's astonishing imagination, such a cruel way of saying that he, an orthodox magician, was a little scared.

One thing to say, it is also the first time that Bai Jin knows that a monk after death has so many uses, and there is really no waste at all, from mana to blood, soul, and finally even mutilated and shriveled corpses can be sold.
If the monk is in the hands of the witch, and then use ecstasy to make him work as a coolie during the day, and hand in two layers at night, a set of procedures can be called one fish and four meals.

Absolutely more fun than a greedy gambling dog.

"I've read it in the book, not only the body, but also the soul. In addition to offering sacrifices, it can also be sold to the monks of the Puppet Hall, to the rich and perverted ghost cultivators, and to those perverted rich businessmen. .”

Sui Mingxing sighed: "The outside world is so dangerous, how can you rest assured that you go out as a teacher. As the saying goes, the rich are the same, and the poor are all strange. It is entirely possible for monks to risk their lives for petty profits."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Bai Jin repeatedly waved his hands to veto, Sui Mingxing said that he was a little afraid of going out, and it was not that he had never been to the world of cultivation, so why did he not see so many damn things.


Chong Xing had a strange expression on his face, holding a book with a dark blue cover in his hand, shaking it in front of Bai Jin, with a few large characters written on it: "Hundreds of years of my demon slaying. "

Bai Jin was taken aback when he saw the name of the book, frowned, and then suddenly woke up, isn't this the novel written by little Liu Bei that the head teacher read when he has nothing to do?How did it fall into the hands of my master.

Master Head Teacher, you don't know that Sui Mingxing likes to worry about character. After you give Master a book of harem literature, how dare she let me practice it? !
Waiting for Wuqingxian seems to not want to leave at all, she can't wait to tie my limbs to the feet of the four beds, and is responsible for accompanying Suimingxing every day to make her happy.

If it weren't for the strength of my old butt, the head teacher should be able to discount my legs!

"Master, I have grown up, and I will act cautiously in everything. Besides, it is not traveling now, and there is a teacher banquet and group break-in. There is no rush. You really don't worry."

The corners of Bai Jin's mouth raised slightly, and Tu Qiong saw: "You can press me on the alchemy furnace and punch me again. I think I can punch six on one side of my ear, and three or five on my tongue, as well as the nose and belly button. Eye"


Seeing his disciple's mischievous appearance, Sui Mingxing couldn't help but burst out laughing, stretched out his hand and tapped Bai Jin's head lightly: "Master gave you a brain break, you greedy brat, those things are hard to make, There is no material for the teacher right now."


Ask for tickets at the end of the month
(End of this chapter)

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