I am in good spirits

Chapter 14 I...

Chapter 14 I.

Throwing the roots of the plants as a shield to rescue Zhu Fu who didn't know why he appeared in the back mountain, Bai Jin raised his hand to stop the wolf demon who wanted to counterattack, forming a short confrontation scene.


The wolf demon let out a threatening growl, and looked at Bai Jin who broke into the battle with some scruples.

"Hey senior sister, how did you mess with it? It looks like it still wants to harm us"

The wolf demon in front of him was just a little foundation-building demon, and even if Bai Jin didn't use 'He transforms into a demon at ease', the incarnation of the psychic demon could easily crush him to death.

But Bai Jin didn't want to make a move too much, the wolf demon in front of him was a relatively famous monster.

It is a ground wolf that is famous for symbolizing disaster. Legend has it that encountering a ground wolf will definitely bring bad luck.

Of course, the legend is half true and half false, and the so-called bad luck is not caused by ground wolves.

But encounters with ground wolves do lead to scary things.

"I, I. I saw a figure walking straight towards the back mountain. I thought that some younger brothers and sisters had strayed into the back mountain, which is forbidden to enter at night, so I..."

Zhu Fu murmured and spoke softly, not daring to look directly at the dignified Bai Jin.

She heard that Bai Jin and Junior Brother Jin had an appointment to fight, so she sneaked out of Zhu Liufeng and went to Wenyao Peak, hoping to watch the excitement and then cheer for Junior Brother Jin, so that he could defeat Bai Jin who had been fooling around in the academy all day.

But when she went to Wenyao Peak, the competition between the two was over. The disciples of Wenyao Peak said that Bai Jin left with the shoulders of the defeated Junior Brother Jin, with a strange smile on his face when he left.

She made some unreasonable associations, and chased him to Houshan with a blushing face.

"The art of cutting ears!"

Bai Jin glanced at the wolf's eyes with regret, so a wolf in the foundation-building period, no matter what, is worth the mana value of thirty or forty standard spirit stones.

It's a pity that you and I have no chance to argue.

A large number of seeds fell on the ground, roots and vines criss-crossed through mana, intercepting the ground wolf and completely isolating the three people and one monster.

"Let's leave!"

Bai Jin approached Zhu Fu who had fallen to the ground, and while reaching out to help her up, he said, "That monster is called Dilang, an earth-type wolf monster that lives underground all year round, and it has excellent ground detection capabilities. "

"Once it detects danger, it will rise from the ground to the surface and escape quickly"


The ground wolf roared, and glared fiercely at Zhu Fu, who was empty of mana and soft all over, then turned and sneaked into the ground and began to quickly evacuate to the west.

"Let's leave first! Brother Jin shows the way."

Bai Jin pulled Zhu Fu up from the ground, looked at Zhu Fu who was lying limp like a corpse, ignored her mouthful of incommunicado speeches, looked over her shoulder and said to Brother Jin.

"Mount Qian, Lingquan, and the headmaster's Qingxiu Dojo." Brother Jin said three safe choices.

The air was silent for three seconds, and Bai Jin and Zhu Fu said in unison: "Brother Jin (Junior Brother Jin), Lingquan!"

The distance to the front mountain is relatively long, but entering the Qingxiu site of the head teacher is undoubtedly a self-inflicted trap.

"Sister Zhu, my brother has a doubt, can I ask my sister if she can answer it for me."

Bai Jin, who was running on the ground, felt a slight tremor on the ground, tangled for a moment, stretched out his left hand to grab Brother Jin's waistband to activate the flying ability, and directly transformed into a prance into the air.

"Our fairy sect, do we have spiritual pets that can spray poisonous mist to suppress mountain gods and beasts?"

"Spiritual pet that spews poisonous mist"

Zhu Fu frowned and thought about it: "Yes, there was an incident of monster clan breaking into Xingluomen back then, and the former head teacher raised a three-legged turtle in a lake near the primeval forest in the Taiyi Mountains to prevent accidents. "

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Fu and Brother Jin were startled, and followed Bai Jin's gaze to look forward.

A black turtle as huge as a mansion, with two strong and huge feet in front of it, poked its head out of the lake, and was surrounded by violent blue-purple poisonous miasma.

Between one breath and one breath, huge waves were set off on the lake.

Zhu Fu and Brother Jin's mouths were wide open, and their brains were still in a state of shutdown on weekdays.

"leave here"

The three-legged tortoise glanced at the three of them from the corner of their eyes, and out of kindness, sent a voice transmission to the three of them, telling them to leave here.

After saying this sentence, the three-legged turtle's single foot hidden in the lake left the lake and brought out tens of thousands of catties of lake water.

It seemed to be in a hurry, and walked straight towards the primeval forest, and the forest behind the Xingluo Immortal Gate was shaken by its single foot.

The poisonous miasma that diffused made the monsters living in the back mountain jump up and down, and started to flee in a panic.

".Nothing happened."

Bai Jin took a deep breath, and continued to fly towards Lingquan as if nothing had happened.

I was going to wash my face in the Lingquan to suppress my shock.

Bai Jin admits that he underestimated Houshan a little bit, and underestimated Brother Jin's unlucky talent.

He has already made sure that the back mountain is definitely not a place where he can pack up and run.

There are not only spirit beasts raised by Xingluo Xianmen, but also a shortcut to the headquarters of the monster clan.

There are also a large number of wild beasts and monsters of unknown origin that are malicious to human monks, as well as a Zhenshan Spirit Turtle cultivated in the Nascent Soul stage.

Obviously, the back mountain is only suitable for wretched development, not a shortcut to leave.

Bai Jin's mentality is like that of a tired scumbag, now he is ready to stay with Suimingxing, and after the school courses are all over, he will go out in a group with his brothers and sisters to slay demons in the world.

It's better to be honest now, don't be like a mouse licking a cat's fart, just looking for excitement.

"thank you"

Falling from mid-air to the ground, Zhu Fu sat on the grass and looked at Bai Jin beside him, and thanked him solemnly: "Although I am very grateful to you for saving my life, I will stop you from bullying senior brothers and senior sisters in the future." of!"

"I, Bai, have a pure nature, and the world knows it"

Bai had a sixth sense of Zhu, and felt jealous. He began to plan to find Sui, an alchemist, and ask if there was a vicious magic pill that could turn sisters into brothers.

"Who is your master?"

Along with the chill, a cold voice rang out from the woods: "The back mountain is very dangerous at night, didn't your master tell you this?"

Hearing the cold female voice in the middle of the night, Bai Jin jumped up from the ground in fright, turned around and put on a defensive posture to look at the person who came out of the forest.

The person who came was a female monk with wet hair, a hazy figure outside the bath, and half-covered by tulle
She looked at the three people in the escape group, and she could clearly see a trace of displeasure on her cold face.


Zhu Fu of the Second Generation of Immortals saw who was coming, and even had a brief shortness of breath, and stood up with a serious face: "Disciple Zhu Liufeng, Chief Zhu Fu, I have met the real head teacher."

Bai Jin's breathing stopped suddenly, and he looked back at Brother Jin who also showed a surprised expression.

Brother Jin, if you let me strike you with an axe, Bai will be very grateful.

"Bai Jin, the chief disciple of Wenyao Peak, has met the real Master Wu." On Bai Jin's face was a smile that was slightly better than crying.

"Yuming Peak chief disciple Jin."

(End of this chapter)

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