Chapter 142 Confessions of the Fate Star (seeking tickets)
"Brother Wei chose a place on the edge of the primeval forest. When we return, there shouldn't be any problem going to that place with our cultivation base."

The area of ​​the primeval forest is extremely vast, and the area occupied by the map has already exceeded the range of the animal skin on the map. Wei Benliang chose a desert on the left edge of the primeval forest near the West Mountain. There is almost no danger. The only trouble is that the traffic is inconvenient.

But this is just a trivial matter for Bai Jin. When I leave the Xingluo Xianmen to practice, I will buy a fairy boat. Then I will say hello to Chong Xing's mother, and I will be able to go directly across the primeval forest to the Gobi Desert.

"Let's plan an itinerary!"

Bai Jin said with a slightly weird face: "After all. The training locations you have chosen are all over the world, and you need to plan a non-procrastinating itinerary. How can we go around from Xingluo Xianmen and return to Xingluo Xianmen?"

There was actually something in Bai Jin's words, but he only talked about planning the route because he was afraid of hurting Brother Jin's sincerity.

If they really want to go straight from point to point, their journey will need to pass through N well-known branches of the Puppet Hall, and they will also go straight through the Spirit Beast Gate and the headquarters of Zhenmo Mansion to enter the Kingdom of Wanhua Valley, stepping on the border of the Hehuan Sect To be able to complete the experience.

As far as Brother Jin's luck and rebellious attributes go, I'm afraid that the three pillars of the right path and the three giants of the Demon Sect will besiege the Xingluo Xianmen.

Bai Jin was afraid that Wuqingxian would think that he had a bad idea, so he sang "Cruel Quotations" to himself coldly, and added a sentence at the end: "Cut it!".

"From the perspective of the experience area, we should go this way to be safer."

Bai Jin put his fingers together, gestured with a sword, and drew a line on the map: "From Xingluo Xianmen, go south to Wanlinghui, then turn to Yuhai City and Fengyu area, and return through Yulong Glacier and Gobi Desert , and finally cross the primeval forest and return to the Xingluo Xianmen!"

While drawing the line, Bai Jin looked at Jin Lin, his eyes seemed to be saying something.

Jin Lin understood the meaning of Bai Jin's eyes in seconds, and could see the embarrassment on the bandage on his cheek: "I understand the truth."

If experience is not mandatory, Jinlin actually doesn't want to have a warm home-like mountain protection formation, but the ancestral method of Xingluo Xianmen is immutable, so he must experience it.

Judging from the tortuous route planned by Brother Bai, it is obvious that he is avoiding special scenic spots with high star ratings.

"I have no objection, what about you?"

Zhu Fu looked at the road map and had no objections. She wished to take a longer detour. She only wanted to play outside. The last time she hadn't had fun in Dayan Country, as a result, Dayan Country and its land were turned into a vast inland lake.

At the time when she was disgusted with the country, as a big sister, Zhu Fuzhen was so worried that she kept an eye on Bai Jin to ensure that he would not do anything that would insult the family, and she didn't have much free time at all.

"I. I have no problem."

Yu Xueqing, who was leaning against Zhu Fu, also nodded, all she wanted was to go home and put on her underwear, it was too difficult for her.

"As long as you don't hit me, any route is fine." Wei Benliang said with embarrassment.

The place he chose was purely a death zone, and there shouldn't be any signs of life. Even so, Brother Bai and Jinlin senior sisters all agreed to accompany him for a walk, so what can he say to have such a companion.



After successfully pulling Bai Jin on board, everyone roughly discussed the route and the supplies they needed to prepare, and went home without staying at Wenyao Peak. Everyone has intensive special training recently and there is not much time for chatting.

"The places chosen for practice are all good, and I didn't choose any high-risk areas."

Sui Mingxing looked at the monster skin map, and finally stopped his eyes on Bai Jinxuan's 'Feng Yu area', frowned slightly and said: "Only the training place chosen by Tuer"

Experience is not a once or twice event. As a traditional activity of Xingluo Xianmen, the area on the map has been explored by the disciples of Xingluo Xianmen through generations, and they basically know the dangers and taboos in the area.

It's just that the elders generally don't talk about it, because no one knows where spirituality and luck guide people to do, maybe they are participating in an auction, or picking up a leak at a roadside stall.

As soon as you said that there was an ancient ruin in a certain place, he ran over full of curiosity, and the person might disappear as a result.

There is a powerful empire in the Fengyu area, which was established with the support of the four pillars of the righteous way, and it is used as a buffer zone in a special area and a defense line to delay time.

The level of danger there is not high, but there is an ancient relic in the Fengyu area, which is called the "Trial Devil's Nest" by the monks today, and that relic is extremely evil.

It looks like an ordinary mountain tunnel, but from the entrance to the exit, there will be a change in the level of life, changing into an incomprehensible disgusting creature. This is considered a failure of the trial.

If the trial is successful, the cultivation base will jump, or some precious secrets will be realized.

There is no need to fight or attack on the way, as long as you simply walk from the entrance to the exit, success or failure does not depend on whether you are prepared enough, everything depends on destiny.

That is the evil vestige of betting on life.

Therefore, Sui Mingxing frowned when he saw Bai Jinxuan's training location.

"Alas, misfortunes depend on blessings, blessings and misfortunes depend on blessings and misfortunes. I can only pray for my disciples, and hope that I don't get lost on the way of experience." Sui Mingxing sighed slowly: "If it is possible to die by accident As a teacher, I will never sit idly by."

When accepting Bai Jin as an apprentice, the purpose of Sui Ming Xing was not too pure.

Her cultivation base has been stuck in the tribulation stage for many years, and she is actually one step away from breaking through to heaven and man, but it is impossible for her to take that step, because her Tao name is the star of life, a kind of inheritance, and a responsibility.

Obtaining the Dao title of "Sui Ming Xing" can inherit the understanding of Mufa from the Sui Ming Xing stars of the past generations, and can also share the powerful luck of Xingluo Xianmen to gain great benefits, but her cultivation will be stuck at a certain level and cannot be improved. .

This is also the main reason why Wuxingxian and Wuqingxian urged her to find an apprentice all day long.

But after experiencing the apprentice's death and escape, Sui Mingxing was already disheartened about teaching apprentices, until the branch leader encountered Bai Jin when he was chasing down the escaped demon.

The branch body is in charge of the 'Lamp Instrument', and one can see Bai Jin who has not yet practiced the method of perfecting the five elements at a glance, deduced from the secrets, and concluded that this guy's life is as hard as black iron, and he was caught as a wild monk by accident. Go back to the mountain gate.

In the later questioning, it was also confirmed that he had no family and no sect and that his parents had lost contact. After obtaining the correspondence between Bai Jin's birth date and astrology, and then deduced it in depth, the conclusion drawn by Sui Mingxing was shocked.

Bai Jin has a very high compatibility with her. If she accepts him as her apprentice, the overlapping degree of fate will almost show a straight line. The relationship between her and his master and apprentice is very long, so long that even with her cultivation base, she can't deduce where the end of the line is.

Sui Mingxing began to work hard to teach Bai Jin to inherit the Taoist title of "Sui Mingxing", but after getting along with her gradually, she really liked this apprentice who suited her taste more and more, and sometimes sighed: Yuan is really a Something wonderful.

She really didn't want to let go more and more, she didn't want to be like the two apprentices she had accepted before.

One let him go to Lingzhi Garden alone to collect herbs, but fell off the cliff for some reason. She happened to be not at Wenyao Peak at that time, and there were no bones left when she came back.
The second female disciple took her out to a wedding banquet, but it turned out that the groom was a woman, and was approached by the monks of the Puppet Hall to capture her and make a puppet.Suimingxing's friend's cultivation base is not high and she has no family background. She has a good relationship with Suimingxing because of practicing wooden methods and medical skills.

Of course, Sui Mingxing wanted to stand up for his friends, and directly squeezed all the troublesome things into flower fertilizer, or nailed them to the ground and turned them into wooden sculptures. The only pity was that the bridegroom of the Acacia sect escaped.

The female disciples were all frightened by Suimingxing, and when they returned to the mountain gate, they concealed Suimingxing, found the deacon and the head teacher, and explained that their fear of Suimingxing in their hearts left the Xingluo Xianmen.

Sui Mingxing was almost the last to know that the female apprentice left without saying goodbye, and it was Wuqingxian who found Sui Mingxing and told her that she knew the reason for his disciple's departure.

After that, she didn't take any apprentices, she just stayed in the emerald green courtyard to kill time leisurely, and she didn't even teach the registered disciples, and handed everything over to the branches.

Therefore, Sui Mingxing cherishes Bai Jin very much, and lays the groundwork for things related to wooden techniques in advance. When he is with him, he should try not to do anything if he can, so as not to scare Bai Jin, who is not deeply involved in cultivation.

Otherwise, Su Tu wouldn't be able to twist Bai Jin's butt at all, and the branch of Suimingxing would have been torn to pieces long ago.

She couldn't bear Bai Jin to go out for training, and she couldn't bear Bai Jin to experience the ups and downs on the fate line.

Even the Shuangwen that Wuqingxian showed her, what she brought in was not the protagonist of Shuangwen who killed all directions and rescued the suffering as if he was a child of luck, but those passers-by who were tortured by the demon cultivator before being rescued by the protagonist.

She has been struggling with it for a while, but in the end she decided to let go and let Bai Jin go out to travel.
The reason is the same as the medicinal materials in Lingzhi Garden and the medicinal materials in the virgin forest.

The medicinal materials in the Lingzhi Garden are all refined to sell to generate income or to feed spiritual pets.

The elixirs used in Xingluo Xianmen are all collected by Chongju in the virgin forest, and they are obtained by Sui Mingxing or pre-ordered by the major auction houses before the auction. Toxic.

Sui Mingxing didn't want to cultivate his precious apprentice into a poisonous weed, so he could only reluctantly let him go out to experience the wind and rain.


Ask for tickets, ask for this chapter to say, dear

(End of this chapter)

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