I am in good spirits

Chapter 144 The Dismissal Ceremony of the Academy

Chapter 144 The Dismissal Ceremony of the Academy


Bai Jin leaned against the big tree in the school dojo, watching the deacons let out a bored look. Deacon Yan acted as a command to use the means of imperial possessions, taking out the decorations from the warehouse from previous years to decorate the scene of the end-of-school ceremony.

"I asked you to endorse the book, and you leaned against the tree to be lazy?"

As if aware of someone's eyes full of disgust, Deacon Yan looked back at Bai Jin and said, "As the head of the class, you need to take the lead in taking the oath in front of all the heads. If you have problems reciting the oath or get stuck in words, it's you!"

Bai Jin has a heavy task in the dismissal ceremony. He needs to be the headliner, leading the other students to swear that they will not violate the law of their ancestors during the training process, and they must have a decent and upright character, not bullying the weak, and not causing trouble at will.

It was Bai Jin who told the sages of the sect that other students would read aloud after him. If he made a wrong oath, Bai Jin would probably be able to buckle the soles of his shoes, and Deacon Yan's toes could also buckle a set of Taiyi Palace.

Therefore, Deacon Yan deliberately got up early in the morning, went to Wenyao Peak and Sui Mingxing to explain his intentions, and brought Bai Jin to the school to supervise his endorsement.Deacon Yan doesn't want to smash his [-]-year-old teacher's famous brand!

"Yes, yes, anyway, from the beginning to the end, I said that you can't violate the rules of the sect and don't cause trouble at will. If you encounter the social arrogance of the Demon Sect, you can stuff it in the toilet." Bai Jin responded to Deacon Yan with a relaxed face.

"Abbreviations that you can't make up your own mind, you can memorize them as you write them on paper!"

Deacon Yan put more emphasis on the prose. He didn't forget that when Bai Jin was a martial arts referee, he could even recite auspicious dates. Is it worship now?Why didn't I see you add the last sentence and send it to the bridal chamber! ?

"All right, all right," Bai Jin said extremely perfunctorily.


With the means of controlling things in the air, it didn't take much time to set up the dojo. The ground and walls in the martial arts dojo were completely new, and the banners representing the Star Network Immortal Sect were hung all around.

The students who participated in the dismissal ceremony also came to the dojo one after another and began to wait. The students were originally wearing ordinary white Taoist robes, but today they all changed into the same clothes as the chief disciples.

The chief apprentice's collar and cuffs are all embroidered with bright patterns corresponding to the five elements, and the colors and patterns are different for different attributes. The clothes of the other named disciples are very ordinary white Taoist robes.

But successfully graduating from the academy means that they are already part of the Xingluo Xianmen. As long as they can pass the master's test in the future, or work for the sect, they will be rewarded in addition to the monthly money.

"Line up!"

Deacon Yan closed all the ticked rosters, glanced at the sky and said in a deep voice, "Divide into five rows, in order of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth! Then start to line up from front to back according to the results of the evaluation."

Standing on the temporary steps set up by the Heavenly Ring, Deacon Yan looked at the rearranged team and at the five familiar little bastards standing in front of him, and said, "Welcome the first uncle, uncle!"

Stairs were built on all sides of the square arena. Following the guidance of Deacon Yan, the Immortals of the Five Elements standing in the auditorium moved to the arena and stood in front of the disciples of corresponding attributes, watching without saying a word.


After being glanced at by Deacon Yan, Bai Jin stepped forward to the front of the ring, led the other students to bow and salute, raised his right hand and hit his chest, and said: "I hereby swear to Chicheng Daoxin as a disciple of Xingluo Immortal Sect , always remember the door rules and take them as the code of conduct, grow up and assume the responsibility of support, development, and confidentiality”

"Do nothing, do nothing, have no taste, and are willing to undertake the good deeds of killing demons and eliminating demons, and stifle all possibilities for the task of eliminating evil."

"Respect for teachers."

Bai Jin didn't do anything stupid, and honestly recited it according to the content on the paper. Wuxingxian and the head teacher sitting in the audience looked indifferent, and the students swore that they could recite it backwards. The scriptures recited at the ceremony are all very similar.

"Go forward and salute!"

After Bai Jin finished his vows, Deacon Yan asked the five chief disciples in the first row to come forward, bow in front of the master, and receive the necessary items that the master bestowed on the disciples to go out for training.

"Hey, time flies so fast, more than a year has passed in the blink of an eye."

Looking at the white brocade saluting in front of him, Sui Mingxing sighed in his heart, reluctantly took out a set of pure white silkworm gauze clothes from the storage bracelet, and the whole body was as deep as a starry sky, and the center was inlaid with emerald green jade. Put the waist card in Bai Jin's hand: "Be careful when going out to experience everything."

Seeing Bai Jin put on the pure white gauze, Sui Mingxing straightened his collar with a bright smile, and said, "Even if Bo Xi loses until he has no spirit stones, don't squat under the bridge. Actually, you can't get money there, and you can buy it at night." Some wicked drunks pissed under the bridge!"

"Make good use of medical skills to make money. If you encounter medical skills along the way, you can also use the banner of being a teacher and ask the old seniors for advice." Sui Mingxing said while reaching out to take out a ball of paper from his belt, and secretly stuffed it into Bai Jin's pocket. In his hand: "In short, be careful in everything, don't be reckless and impulsive, and discuss it with your companions!"

"Yes, Master!"

Bai Jin shook the ball of paper in his hand, feeling as if something was stuck inside, but he was too embarrassed to open it because there were too many elders and friends around him, and then secretly glanced at the expression on the face of the ruthless fairy in the auditorium, Bai Jin was relieved from it. Go down both sides of the arena.

"Next row, step forward and salute!"

When the last person came down, Deacon Yan asked the people in the second row to come up to the stage to receive the gift packages for newcomers.

The rest of the students were not like the chief disciples, they had the pure white gauze clothes specially presented by the master, they only received a waist card of the Xingluo Xianmen when they came to the stage, there was a space spirit seal talisman in the waist card and a small storage space.

In the storage space, there are spirit stones and pill maps, as well as standard long swords uniformly issued by the Academy.

The masters are admonishing a few words, and saying some words of blessing will count as completing a process.

"This gauze is pretty good. It's a magic weapon." Bai Jin raised his hands and twisted his waist, then looked at the four people who were waiting for him and asked, "How about it, should we start now, or rest for a day before leaving?" .”

"Huh? Don't you know?"

Zhu Fu was taken aback when he heard this, and said: "The dismissal ceremony in the academy lasts for a whole day. From morning to lunch, we take oaths and bid farewell to our master. At noon, the academy will hold a banquet in Luoxing City to practice our experience. "

"Falling Star City is not within the range of the mountain gate, and its customs are closer to those of other city-states, so it is a transitional area." Jin Lin explained lightly.

In fact, many of the disciples in the Xingluo Xianmen were adopted since they were young and had little contact with the outside world. Not everyone among them is like the chief, who can win the opportunity to go out to participate in the inter-class practice by force.

The Academy has considered this aspect quite comprehensively, instead of letting the disciples go out to ignore their life and death, it has arranged a city under the jurisdiction of the Xingluo Immortal Sect to allow those disciples who are out of touch with the mundane world to get used to it.

Although Bai Jin and the others don't need to get used to it, they still have to attend the practice banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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