I am in good spirits

Chapter 147 Brother Jin Really Won't Let People Down!

Chapter 147 Brother Jin Really Won't Let People Down! (Please subscribe and ask for tickets)

With Mama Sang as the lead, and the group of people are also monks from famous families, the steward of the caravan was overjoyed when he heard about the intention, and strongly welcomed the monks from the Xingluo Xianmen to settle in his caravan.

"Boss, how much spirit stone is this cart of yours worth?" Jin Lin asked worriedly as he watched the boxes of goods getting on the cart.

"Thanks to the kindness of the immortals, I can earn three or five spirit stones from it." The steward said with a smile, but did not answer the specific value of the golden scale goods: "It's just that bandits and demons have become more rampant in recent years. After the pay, there is not much left.”


Looking at the seal on the wooden box, Bai Jin could roughly guess the goods transported by the caravan, with a subtle expression on his face: "It turns out that they are all pills sold by Xingluo Xianmen! No wonder I said the words on the seal are so familiar, it's not me Did you practice calligraphy and writing ghost symbols when you first started?"

Falling Star City is a city open to the outside world. Vendors can go to Starfall City to find the Xingluo Immortal Sect's supervisors, deal with these outer disciples, and obtain a large number of low-priced goods from them that the Xingluo Immortal Sect is too lazy to deal with.

The elixirs, spirit seals, and restraints that the vendors can get are all the works of the disciples when they practiced their hands. The real high-end elixir, spirit seals, and formation diagrams must either be digested by themselves, or sent to the top auction house for storage and auction.

"I don't know who you are, this fairy elder." The steward looked at Bai Jin up and down when he heard the words, and when he saw the emerald green belt, he didn't care about the account book in his hand, and hurriedly came forward to greet Bai Jin with a smile: " It turns out that the high disciples in the Suiming Star Great Immortal Lingshan disrespected and disrespected."

It is very common for Xingluo Xianmen to go out to practice disciples, and occasionally they can see some, but Xingluo Xianmen Wenyaofeng disciples are extremely rare.

This also indirectly made it difficult for small traders to do business. Rouxiangfeng's array map and Zhu Liufeng's Lingzhuan both required a large amount of investment to do business, but Wen Yaofeng's pill business required relatively low investment costs.

It's a pity that because Wen Yaofeng has relatively few apprentices, the production of elixirs has been unable to increase, and it is difficult for them to obtain goods.

The low-end products of Xingluo Xianmen are sold by the box, there is not a certain number of managers in charge of the business, and there is no way to get the defective products that are regularly cleaned from the Five Elements Lingshan.

Unless the supervisors of the Xingluo Xianmen went to the Wuxingling Mountain to help clean it, they could only wait for the guards to send it out.

Therefore, when the caravan steward saw Bai Jin, he was as enthusiastic as seeing a relative.

"No, you don't have to be so polite. Although I'm a student of Master Sui Mingxing, I'm not engaged in alchemy. Cultivating spiritual plants and medical skills are what I'm good at."

As soon as Bai Jin saw that wretched old face, he knew that the steward in front of him wanted to engage in sloppy deals, but Bai Jin didn't like the spirit stone on the steward of the caravan at all, and he didn't bother to use the spirit stone to make alchemy to lose his own value.

"Here, if you want to ask someone to make alchemy, see if the immortal elder Yuanrun has a perfect score in the alchemy test, and he can practice some ordinary pills, so go find him!"

Bai Jin took the trouble to the east, and left the steward in front of him to Brother Wei to handle it, while he slipped into the convoy and sat in the carriage specially prepared by the steward for his group.

"Hey hey?"

Wei Benliang, who was gnawing on the chicken leg, was stunned for a moment, looked at the friends in the carriage, and then at the steward who had already run in front of him and held up the kit, with a speechless expression on his face: "."

If you want to ask for a panacea, why don't you go to Brother Bai?He got the true biography of Sui Ming Xing, and even forcibly improving the root bone aptitude of the health pill and the spirit pill that is most in demand among monks, Brother Bai is handy in refining.

If you don't beg him, what would you do if you find me a layman who can practice Qi-returning pills and healing pills?
Wei Benliang was so surprised that he forgot to eat the chicken leg.


"Hum hum"

Sitting on the steps outside the carriage, Bai Jin couldn't help humming a ditty while watching the rapidly retreating scenery. He lay back and naturally pillowed on Jinlin's legs, who were sitting cross-legged in meditation, and said gossipingly, "Brother Jin, you Do you have any guesses about the opportunities you may encounter next? Tell me."

"I wish you, Senior Sister, to talk about it too!"

Aside from being curious, Bai Jin didn't forget to pull out a human-shaped crystal ball to predict the next itinerary.

"I have no clue, I don't lack anything." Jinlin said indifferently, "The only thing I lack is my current cultivation. If it is my chance, I hope it can improve my cultivation."

"I think it should be a precious material!"

Zhu Fu inadvertently glanced at the golden scale saber, and casually said his guess: "But I always feel that Junior Brother Jin will make a lot of noise, and when the time comes, should we change our clothes and take off the waist badge?" ?”

Although he said it casually, Zhu Fu really felt that Jin Lin would make a big commotion.

"Oh, will there be a lot of trouble? That's right, it would be strange if Brother Jin's talent can easily get a chance."

With the affirmation of the hell, Bai Jin showed a bright smile on his cheeks, and he knew that it must be a lively and exciting experience to go with brother Jin: "I just hope that you don't provoke the great powers of the cultivation world and get involved in inexplicable struggles. I can't stand the toss!"

Qiuqiu, please don’t get involved in the grievances and grievances of the Earth Immortals, I beg you to be as good as you are in the Transformation Stage Nascent Soul Stage, my soul has been suffocated in the Xingluo Immortal Gate for a year, and I’m going crazy with hunger!
In this encounter with the All Souls Society, Bai Jin's goal for himself is to fatten up the soul. Under normal conditions, it is best to increase the height from three and a half meters to a little over four meters. it is good!
The strength of the soul is not linked to Bai Jin, but its ability is linked to Bai Jin.

If Bai Jin can be promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, it can awaken another ability similar to supernatural powers.


Bai Jin lay on Jinlin's lap, eyes closed, feeling the gentle breeze and the shaking of the carriage, thinking about things in his mind and preparing to take a nap.

But suddenly there was a loud shout from the front of the caravan, and the bodyguards in charge of transporting the elixir stopped immediately. The strong inertia of the sudden stop made the caravan mess up. , hit Zhu Fu in the carriage.

"Bai Jin!"

Zhu Fu was also caught suddenly, and was so shaken that he was completely drowsy, and there was a dead man's head stuck on his abdomen in his arms: "You are still lying! Why didn't the jewelry on my lap kill you?" !"

Zhu Fu complained, while pushing Bai Jin out of his arms, intending to go outside to see the situation.

The steward of the caravan let them ride for free, and also gave them the first-class carriage. Now that something happened, Zhu Fu would certainly not stand by and try to help.

"Brother Jin, see if my face is broken, why does it feel hot?"

Bai Jin rubbed his cheeks, yawned and puffed up his cheeks to look at Jinlin beside him. He felt that the left cheek where he bumped into Zhu Fu was burning hot, but he couldn't feel anything when he reached out to touch it.


Jin Lin didn't speak, but put the straight sword in front of Bai Jin and slowly pulled out the mirror-like blade, letting him see if his cheek was scratched.

"Oh, it turned out that there was a mark. It seems that the impact just now was serious. No wonder Zhu Fu was so angry."

Bai Jin rubbed his cheeks, followed Zhu Fu and planned to go ahead to see what happened.


"Fellow daoists, please stop, how much do you think I look like a human and how much like a demon?"

A dog-like orc-shaped monster with bright golden fur squatted halfway on the road, stopped the convoy and asked with a kind smile on his face, "I'm a good monster who practiced in the nearby forest. It's okay, you guys Just look at me and say it straight.”

"How much do I look like a human, how much do I look like a demon?"

The middle-aged man who was the leader in the convoy looked at the monster beast in the form of a beastman standing on the main road, and the lingering haze enveloped his heart. The boss of the bodyguard immediately got off his horse and handed over a kit with a respectful face: "Please also ask the monster to raise your hand .”

It is very dangerous to encounter monsters blocking the way. What the monsters say is actually meaningless. No matter how you answer the monsters, they are going to catch people and draw life yuan.

Back to people, does it say I look like a person?Why don't you give me a helping hand!

When it returns to the demon, it vulgarly asks for life as a toll or kills people directly.

"It doesn't matter what you look like, it's better to say, what do you think we look like."

Bai Jinpa pulled away the bodyguards who were blocking the way, looked at the weasel squatting on the road, with a strange expression on his face, glanced at Jin Lin out of the corner of his eye, and continued: "I don't have to tell you now, but every time you Wasting every second of my life is the reason why I beat you up!"

"Forget it, I fell."

Seeing Bai Jin come out from the crowd, exuding the power of the Jindan stage, the weasel who is also in the Jindan stage slowly stood up and released the attacking posture: "Go! I just didn't store food for the winter, and I came out to hunt some wild animals. I didn't want to hurt Human meaning. That's it!"


(End of this chapter)

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