Chapter 166
"All the disciples of the shop in the Puppet Hall participated in the hunting operation and were wiped out by the Gu Poison Masters. Dong Huang's family recently returned to report on the 'Bone Temple'. The old master who was blown up by Brother Zhizhi just came here as a temporary agent."

Walking on the quiet street, Bai Jin explained the current situation to his friends with a relaxed face.

"Weeds need to be eradicated. Brother Zhi will plan to wipe out the All Souls' stronghold in the Puppet Palace later. We just need to bring a storage ring and buy it for zero yuan."

"Are we going to rob? Isn't it good?" The bandage on Jinlin's face twisted slightly.

"Things without an owner have virtue, and everything in the world has karma." Zhizhi said with a smile: "The cultivators of the Puppet Hall do a lot of evil on weekdays. Naturally, they need evil people to grind them. You are still relatively immature in walking experience, and you may not understand. My words now."

"But remember one thing, the essence of the cultivation world that seems to be like a prosperous age has not changed, and the cultivation resources in the world are limited. If you want to go farther and farther along the way of cultivation, you must give up some kindness."

Zhizhi talked about cultivating immortals as if chatting.

The environment in the comprehension world cannot be said to be intrigue, but basically it is not bad.

Zhizhi had sneaked into Xingluo Xianmen before, and knew that Xingluo Xianmen's education method is very meticulous, and the allocation of cultivation resources inside is an excessive allocation system.The disciples of Xingluo Xianmen don't need to think about cultivation resources at all, they just need to practice diligently and strive to become elite disciples.

Their cultivation atmosphere is extremely friendly. It is not an exaggeration to say that brothers and friends are respectful, teachers are kind and apprentices are filial, but it is also because of this that the disciples of the Star Network Immortal Sect are very naive.

Ten people travel and ten people are deceived into beggars, and there are even some who work and earn money while wandering and practicing.

It is precisely because of knowing these that Zhizhi kindly reminds his junior and junior partners to understand the scale of doing things.

As for Bai Jin, he wasn't worried at all, the Hehuan Sect Orphanage was not in vain, and if he wanted to formally become an inner disciple of the Hehuan Sect, he had to go through a journey of finding a teacher.

When encountering those who like to play around, disciples even have to intrigue with their own masters, stealing, deceiving, and seducing the secret method to get out of it.

Bai Jin is the most ruthless person Zhizhi has ever seen. He directly blasts Immortal Zizai's Library Pavilion, and takes whatever he wants to learn.

The 'explosive style' was taught by Zhizhi, but Zhizhi couldn't understand where Bai Jin got so many spirit stones to detonate.


"The Wind of Desolation!"

When he came to the Puppet Pavilion, Zhizhi raised the folding fan in his hand and slammed it from top to bottom. The invisible wind of erosion swept out and shattered the outer array of the shop, and poured into the shop to wreak havoc. It turned into ashes in the evil wind and was swept into the sky.

"You can hang around for a while, and I will solve some things."

Zhizhi closed his folding fan and turned around, looked at the people of Xingluo Xianmen and said: "Things without an owner have virtue. If you don't take them, trust me, after the other monks confirm that there is no danger, they will take it here. We moved so much that there wasn’t even a single chair left.”

Zhizhi is not interested in the goods of the Puppet Hall, he just wiped out the strongholds of the hostile sect forces.

Although the things inside are useless to him, they are still useful to the disciples of the Xingluo Xianmen, like the energy cores in the self-propelled puppets, those are all high-level liquid spirit stones smelted by secret methods.

There are other energy reserve cores, which are very useful to these foundation-building monks, and can greatly reduce the time for them to accumulate aura.

"Xiaobai, hurry up, senior brother treats you tonight"

Shi Feiyan, who has been following the crowd all the time and has erased her sense of existence, took Bai Jin's hand, and was about to take her little brother to accompany her to go shopping: "I have never been to the Puppet Hall store before. I'm curious, why don't you hurry up now that you can go shopping openly?"

"What else can be sold in the Puppet Hall, not just some low-quality Horcruxes and some housekeeping puppets." Bai Jin greeted the little friends of the Star Network Immortal Gate, and planned to take a stroll inside to see if there was anything to buy.

"Is this really good?"

Seeing that Zhizhi turned and left, and went to the backyard of the Puppet Pavilion not knowing what to do, Jinlin frowned: "I always feel that our behavior is not very good now, or that we are doing some petty theft. I have a threshold in my heart."

Although it is very comfortable to drop pies from the sky, and it is also great to have a big boss take them to eliminate demons and defend the way, Jinlin doesn't want to take the goods from the Puppet Pavilion too much, because she always thinks it is weird.

If you insist on describing it, it is not practical.

The demon was beheaded by a strange senior, and the treasure was also dug up by a strange senior. Now it's too strange to let them pick up all the treasures. It's so strange that Jin Lin dared not do anything for fear of offending some old devil.

"We have all given money." Bai Jin waved his hands casually and said, "There are even more given. It's not like you don't know the '6+1' puppets in the Puppet Palace."

What petty theft, Bai Jin could tell from Brother Jin's expression that he hadn't lost his morals, and his mind hadn't turned around. Bai Jin had struggled before.

But there is no need for the Puppet Hall at all. Bai Jin still remembers what Shi Feiyan said: "Robbery? Can someone who robs the monks of the Puppet Hall be called robbery? This is called debt collection! Our former suzerain is even dead by them." Is it too much for the direct descendants behind us to get some interest if they are arrested and sent to work?"

It is precisely because of this concept that the monks of the Acacia Sect bully the monks of the Puppet Hall very smoothly. If they want to kill, they will spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and if they don't want to kill them once, they will die as smooth as silk.

The same is true for the Xingluo Xianmen, but they have many monks in the hands of the Puppet Hall.

"Then take a stroll?" Jin Lin hesitated, and finally looked at Zhu Fu, Yu Xueqing, and Wei Benliang.

"It's more than just shopping, burn it after shopping!" Zhu Fuyi said angrily.

Bai Jin didn't say that she hadn't thought of it yet, but after Bai Jin reminded Zhu Fu, she suddenly remembered the content about the cruelty of monks in the Puppet Hall in Deacon Yan's exorcism class.

"This girl is very nice, as long as you dare to burn down the shop in the Puppet Palace, my concubine will recognize you as my younger sister!"



Xingluo Xianmen Taiyi Palace.

"Nearly [-] days have passed. Presumably they are used to the outside world, so let's go!"

Wuqingxian stood in front of the gate of the Taiyi Palace, and a group of 36 monks standing on the platform under the stairs spoke lightly and ordered them to start hunting.

"Teaching a real person!"

One of the monks from the Taiyi Palace stood up, bowed to the head teacher and said: "The disciples will not disgrace their lives, and I promise to deceive all the disciples who go out to practice!"

"It doesn't need to go through that, the clothes and badges still need to be reserved for them." Wuqingxian said calmly.

Xingluo Xianmen training is not a game, and the disciples who are released must go through various setbacks.

The high-level officials of the Xingluo Xianmen will silently provide assistance to ensure that all experienced disciples experience the dangers of the cultivation world.

Otherwise, where are the "quality-struggling brothers"? They have all experienced the dangers of the cultivation world, and have evolved from ignorant, kind and cute to lack of quality.

This is the tradition of the Xingluo Immortal Sect, and the Wuqing Immortal was once tricked into penniless by the same sect.


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(End of this chapter)

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