I am in good spirits

Chapter 168 Passionate Ren Pingsheng, only hates her daughter!

Chapter 168 A Passionate Ren Pingsheng, He Only Hates Her Daughter!
(See what this chapter says.)
"I'm just animalistic suppressing human nature, I just want you to help me enjoy myself"

The flying squirrel jumped into the dormitory, closed the window that was just opened and fell to the ground to regain its human form, looked at Bai Jin with a smile, and said, "Hurry up, I can't wait, don't keep me waiting. "

With that said, Ling Yuexian turned and walked towards the dormitory, the pure white silver silk embroidered lapel belt fell to the ground, the robe slipped off to reveal a smooth back and the apron strap in the middle, and the black silk fell down as the hairpin was picked to cover up the scene .

"Daxian and so on, is there any misunderstanding between us, or my words are wrong, as long as you say it, I can quibble."

Bai Jin was dumbfounded the whole time, watching Ling Yuexian's movements in shock.

"Rational thinking is the top thing, and emotional thinking is the bottom thing. Aren't I sexy?" Ling Yuexian sat on the big bed and stretched her waist, looking at Bai Jin inside with a happy face through the screen: "There is no special meaning, the world of adults is very simple."

There was no reason why Lingyue Xian came to Bai Jin, she just thought Bai Jin was very interesting, she just wanted to see how Bai Jin could be so popular in front of many heavenly beings and female earth immortals.

Although she looks relatively immature, but in terms of age, she is a round older than Wuqingxian. After shedding the heavy pressure of the head of the Spiritual Beast Sect, Lingyuexian doesn't need to care about any moral constraints at all, she can do whatever she wants .

It happened that Bai Jin could arouse her interest, so she had an automatic one-night love affair.

"Hurry up, don't keep me waiting!"

Ling Yuexian caressed her throbbing chest. It had been a long time since she felt throbbing, and her heart had always been silent because of the development of the spirit beast sect.

"You don't always give me a kick, do you?"

Bai Jin's clothes were neatly dressed and he looked out from the screen, looking at the beautiful woman sitting cross-legged on the quilt.

"come over."

Ling Yuexian stretched out her hand to the back of her neck, slowly opened one of the bandages, and raised her hand, a jet-black bandage shot out from the surrounding shadows, and pulled Bai Jin into her arms: "Give it to my old lady!" Take a sip first, let’s talk about fees later!”

With Ling Yuexian hugging her neck, Bai Jin couldn't exert any strength at all and could only be pulled down on her body.

"Since your sensibility starts to think. Then it proves that my appearance is still beautiful. Don't talk, talk about it later!"



In another attic of Qizong Bieyuan
"Forehead cough cough cough."

Jin Lin, who was sleeping on the bed, shook violently, and the blood in his chest coughed up to his mouth, but his mouth was wrapped in a bandage and the blood couldn't be coughed out smoothly, instead, it was squeezed and poured into his nose, making him wake up from a drowsy state. Awakened by danger.


Jinlin leaned sideways to the side of the bed, reached out and pulled out the bandage around his mouth to spit out the congestion, the congestion that flowed back into the trachea almost made him cough up his lungs, until tears flowed from his eyes.

"Huh, I almost died."

Jinlin sat up from the bed and gasped for breath. The bandage on her head began to slip off due to the violent movement, and her short hair, which was soaked with blood, fell to her face, revealing her delicate, fair and bloodless cheeks: "The head hurts too."

"I remember hitting my head against a hollow iron pillar. After the crash, I fell in front of Brother Bai, and then it seemed that something was embedded in my head and transferred back to Qizong and used the knife."

Jin Lin rubbed his still-paining head, flashing vague memory fragments in his mind, staggered up and staggered to the dressing table, picked up the moist towel in the copper basin and wiped off the dirt around his mouth and nose. congestion.

The clear water in the copper basin gradually turned red, and Jinlin, whose thoughts were extremely chaotic, also gradually became sober. Looking at the weeping but not weeping sick beauty reflected in the bronze mirror, the sickly beauty with her body tightly wrapped in bandages revealed her beautiful face. wry smile.

"I don't even know how to explain this to Brother Bai."

Looking at the bronze mirror, Jin Lin felt his head hurt even more. It used to be because he was too lazy to explain the misunderstanding, but now he doesn't know how to explain the misunderstanding at all.

When she and Bai Jin met for the first time, Bai Jin called her brother and brother. At that time, she actually wanted to say that she was her senior sister, but because Zhu Fu jumped out from the side and insisted on showing her off, she couldn't make it clear.

Her character is actually very timid and stubborn, and because she was not familiar with Bai Jin at the beginning, she didn't explain it at all.

After slowly getting used to it, Jinlin was ashamed to speak.

She had no playmates since she was a child, and she was basically alone even in the Xingluo Xianmen. The only difference was that she had an extra master. Keep a safe distance and don't dare to approach at will.

Bai Jin, Zhu Fu, Yu Xueqing, and Wei Benliang were not afraid of her bad luck at all, and they always called her brothers and played wildly with her. Jinlin really enjoyed the cozy atmosphere with companion care from the bottom of her heart.
It is precisely because of this that she is ashamed to speak, and she is worried that after she reveals her gender, the atmosphere with her partners will become alienated or an embarrassing gap will appear.

For example, Brother Bai hugs and cuddles at every turn, and occasionally lies in the same bed with him when he is drunk. If he finds out that he is actually a fairy, he will be embarrassed to death.

She also never expected that the small misunderstanding at the beginning would become so complicated now.

"Hey, I have a passion for Ren Pingsheng, and I only hate that I was born as a daughter."

Jin Lin lightly brushed the sickly beauty-like face, and sighed in his heart, if he was a man, he should be able to get along with everyone more openly, and he could put Brother Bai's shoulders openly, pointing his sword at Chaoyang and go crazy with everyone Play crazy and break into the comprehension world.


When Jinlin's fingers touched and separated from her cheeks, the dark blue electric arc danced on her skin, which immediately made her fingers and cheeks numb, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly rewrapped the bandage around her exposed face.

In a hurry, he put the bandage back on, even the short hair was wrapped in it.It wasn't the fluff of just growing hair that came out of her bandage, it was just the ends of the hair that squeezed out because the bandage didn't have room left.

"Let's keep it in the bottom of my heart! Speaking out will only embarrass everyone"

Although the bandage was damaged, Golden Scale rewound it very skillfully, took out a bottle of green liquid from the storage ring and poured it on his head, the damaged and cracked bandage miraculously began to grow by itself.

The full name of the bandage magic weapon is wood shavings bandage, which is a long-term healing magic weapon condensed by the life star wood method. It has activities that ordinary people cannot understand. can bring back the cause.

"It's still numb."

Shocked by the lightning in his body, Jin Lin's whole body was numb, and even his voice became a bit rough, as if he had eaten a subwoofer, without the affectation of a delicate, sickly beauty at all.

Jin Lin was like a penguin, swaying from side to side and pounced back on the bed to continue spreading the dead body, feeling speechless and having a headache.

He will be shocked within 3 minutes after untying the bandage. Isn't the thunder in his body too tenacious?
My name is Jinling, not Zhao Leiling. Leifa has been entangled in my body for three years, and he still refuses to let go.


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(End of this chapter)

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