I am in good spirits

Chapter 177 Liu Xianqun: "... Oh!"

Chapter 177 Liuxian Skirt ".Damn!"

"I'm sorry about the sect master's sacrificial method!"

Thousands of threads of spiritual power are entangled with the omen of catastrophe, and the laymen of Yuhun use the sacrifice to the master of heaven and earth as a guide, so that the catastrophe of the demon cultivator can be transformed into a punishment of heaven, and the invisible, colorless and textureless omen of catastrophe is manifested in all The sky above the spirit meeting.

A sphere as black as ink like a black hole hangs high like a pupil, as if a real coercion descends on this world, the ground begins to tremble, and the space is even more incomprehensible disorder, bringing all spirits here Layer upon layer of space is locked to prevent evil spirits from escaping.

Everything that the layman Yuhun did was undetectable to others. He forcibly attracted the omens of catastrophe that only those who survived the catastrophe could detect, and sacrificed directly, which caused a change in the space level.

You dare to sacrifice the omen of catastrophe today, do you want to detonate the earth veins next time and blow up this world to the sky?
Although Yuhun Layman was unable to pry the earth's veins, the law of heaven and earth still judged him as a threat and gave him heavenly punishment.

The laws of heaven and earth protect the cornerstone of the world. It doesn't matter how crazy you are, but you are absolutely not allowed to touch the cornerstone of the world without authorization. Any crazy thug who wants to shake the foundation of the world will be hunted down even more crazily and endlessly by the laws of heaven and earth.

Heavenly Punishment could not kill the evil spirits, so all kinds of sons of destiny were born to completely eradicate and kill them.

The master of the law of heaven and earth is very cautious, and the layman who attracts the punishment of heaven will undoubtedly die!


Ling Yuexian took a deep look at Yuhun layman, snorted coldly and said nothing.

It takes time to collect the fortune of the country, and now the punishment of heaven is about to come, if you don't stay away from the layman, even a celestial being is in danger, if you are targeted by the laws of heaven and earth, the loss outweighs the gain.

"The Fragment of the Immortal Artifact"

Bai Jin glanced at the bronze chime, and felt that the fragments of the fairy artifact in front of him should be very good. When the bronze chime first came out, it tortured Yuhun Layman to death.

"Come pick it up afterward, you guys evacuate as soon as possible and go to a crowded place." Zhizhi patted Bai Jin's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "Immortal artifacts have strong spiritual resistance, and they are things that can only be made in the upper world, even if there are only fragments left now." It’s not something that can be easily destroyed by Heaven’s Punishment in this world.”

The highest skill in the comprehension world is to make spiritual weapons. Immortal weapons are powerful weapons that can only be made in the upper world. The solid texture is one aspect and more importantly, it contains the spirit of the fairy.

It is very difficult for aura to crush the aura of fairy spirits, and the laws of heaven and earth will not attack things that do not harm the world.

"I understand"

Hearing this, Bai Jin's face showed a sudden look, and he said to his friends: "Go! Go to the inner city!"

"Well, you all go to avoid danger." Zhizhi smiled at the leaving juniors and juniors, but did not leave with them, but opened the folding fan in front of him and looked up at the black ball above the sky.

"God's punishment? I'm so lucky to have seen one of the top laws, Thunder Tribulation. If I can deconstruct the magic, I should be immune to the power of thunder."

Zhi Zhixiao's eyes narrowed, never expecting such a good thing to happen.


The black sphere in the sky cracked, and blood-red clouds swept across the entire Wanling Market, and a muffled sound of thunder and thunder turned into a shock wave and bombarded the original tutelary mansion.

A phantom eye floats in the sky, watching the chaos in the All Souls Bazaar.



"I can't, I really can't make Master Bai"

Shopkeeper Cai just stopped in front of the glazed box, looked at the mob in front of him with cold sweat and said, "Its existence is more precious than my life, even if you kill me now, I won't be able to open it."

"I'm calling you Grandpa, don't embarrass me."

"I don't have a grandson like you. If you don't get out of the way, I'm going to dig out the master teacher and come out!"

Bai Jin pulled out the ice crystal from his chest, looked at shopkeeper Cai with a kind face and said, "I'm in a hurry now, I just borrowed it from your Qi sect, and don't take it out of the gate of your Qi sect shop, what are you afraid of? "

"Come on, throw shopkeeper Cai out of the door and eat dirt!"

Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi were expressionless, and approached the shopkeeper Cai whose forehead was already sweating, not giving the middle-aged man in front of him any chance to react.

"It's great to be able to stick it!" Wan Hua Zhiyan said excitedly in the wide-sleeved fairy dress.

Bai Jin took his little friends back to the inner city, rushed straight to the Qizong store without saying a word, raised a chair and was about to smash the safe of the 'Wanhua Sunyan Wide-sleeved Fairy Dress' to take this life-saving one thing.

It doesn't matter whether you want Liuxian skirt or not, but now that Heaven's Punishment is about to start massacres, Bai Jin is not used to shopkeeper Cai's stingy virtue, kicks him away, and takes out the amulet given by the respected and beloved master, scaring the others He backed away and did not dare to step forward.

In the world of self-cultivation, you may not be able to frighten monks with the name of Immortal Zizai, but Immortal Wuqing's name will subconsciously sell face to Immortal Wuqing as long as there are relatives and friends.

Bai Jin is not the only one who is afraid of Wuqingxian, other people who are not familiar with Wuqingxian are even more afraid.


There was a thunder in the sky, and a large area of ​​buildings in the whole city began to collapse like an earthquake. The bright sky also turned into a layer of blood red, and the feeling of ominousness and depression began to spread around, and the body seemed to sink.

"Broken Soul Slaughter."

With a crochet needle in his mouth, Bai Jin raised his right hand and clenched his fist to let the soul cover the gaps in it, and smashed the glass box protected by layers of formations with his fist: "Hurry up!" Quick, get all of them into Wanhua Zhiyan's wide-sleeved Liuxian skirt!"

Break Nima's formation, labor and management blow it up with one punch!


The elated Liuxian skirt was taken aback for a moment, seeing a large group of people running into her skirt, all of them huddled together, no one wanted to sign a blood contract with her, a question mark could not help but pop up in her head: "... you all sneak into the skirt What are you doing here? Come and take me to post it!"


Looking at the bloody clouds sweeping across the sky, Shopkeeper Cai finally understood why Mr. Bai was so crazy. Damn, it's the end of the world outside!

"Any seats left? Give me a seat."

"Go away, the skirt is full, get yourself into the collar"

As soon as the hem of the skirt was lifted, Bai Jin kicked the heavy foot covered in light blue mana and kicked shopkeeper Cai upside down, gliding on the ground and hitting the wall at a distance of nearly [-] meters.But shopkeeper Cai didn't want to get entangled in those trivial matters, and hastily followed Bai Jin's wishes to forcefully shrink his body size, got into the sleeves of Liuxian's skirt and tied the sleeves to death.

"You guys." Liu Xian stomped her feet angrily, seeing that group of people stretched themselves until they were out of shape, but there were still more Qi masters and uncles crawling and rolling into the refuge, almost made it cry with anger come out.


The blood-red thunderbolt pierced through all the formations of the Weapon Sect, and fell directly into the hall, corroding everything, turning everything into a liquid-like thing emitting scorching heat.

"Wow, I lost it."

Liu Xianqun was taken aback, and didn't care about cursing the bastard who was desperately trying to squeeze into her vessel. She jumped directly back into Liuxianqun's body, blocking all the hollows on the top and bottom of her skirt.

"It's so scary."

"You soul too!"

Fearing that it would be unsafe, Bai Jin subconsciously let the soul put another layer of spirit-eating protection on the outside, and layered mana barriers on the outside of the soul. Meng Qi also hooked her fingers and began to draw the spirit seal to prepare for the matryoshka.

The blood-red thunder of corrosion began to wreak havoc.

 I have something to go out for a meeting, and I am writing two updates at night
(End of this chapter)

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