Chapter 179


A chain protruded from the blood-red cloud, and it fell into the deep pit of the tutelary mansion with a heavy blow. The barbed front end of the chain hooked an indistinct soul.The barb passed through his chest and hooked his collarbone, and slowly retracted.

In the end, the Heaven's Punishment Red Cloud began to disappear and left with the soul of the layman.

Zhizhi, who has always maintained his demeanor, is now lying on the high-temperature liquefied ground, covered in tattered clothes, and even his figure is a little unreal. Looking at the sky, the smile on his face has completely disappeared and his brows are furrowed, thinking.

After a long time, Zhizhi sat up from the ground and shook his head helplessly: "God's punishment is too specific."

To deconstruct Heaven's Punishment, one needs contact, but the Eye of Heaven's Punishment didn't care about Zhizhi at all. He forcibly shot Zhizhi down from the sky with his strength, ensuring that he didn't have time to interfere with the execution and ignored him.

Zhizhi was not within the scope of execution, and the laws of heaven and earth did not waste spiritual power on him.

Moreover, the duration of Heaven's Punishment is too short, and Zhizhi dissipated without touching the internal things. If there is another time, Zhizhi wants to try to catch the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment" and go back to raise it slowly. anatomy.

"Almost dead"

Zhizhi used his folding fan to pick up the fragments of the bronze chime bell in the deep pit of the town guard's mansion, leaped high into the sky and flew towards his juniors and sisters. What he saw was a wasteland of flowing liquid that had been completely destroyed by the punishment of heaven.

The All Souls Society is not only gone, but even the height of the ground has changed. If it used to be a plain, it has now become a trench. The original guardian mansion of the Spirit Beast Gate has sunk nearly a thousand meters deep underground.

Although the All Souls Society seems to have been beheaded by a ruthless fairy, it is not that there are no living creatures surviving here.

Like some people who are in destiny, who have made contributions to the world, or who have done good deeds, they have not been ruthlessly killed in the last round of God's punishment.

Of course, there are also people like Zhizhi who are not too murderous but extremely strong. Heavenly Punishment doesn't want to waste aura on this kind of nail household.

"Bang Bang Bang"

Zhizhi landed on the flat ground with a strange face, looked at the skirt stretched into a circle in front of him, and tapped the metallic Liuxian skirt with a folding fan in his hand: "What are you all crowding in here for? passed."

It was something that Zhizhi had never thought of for the younger brothers and younger sisters to hide in Liuxian's skirt.

He had previously asked Bai Jin to go to places with many people, to find those who have done good deeds or top big black eggs, and held them up as a shield to avoid being captured by the sky, but the choices of the juniors and younger sisters were beyond Zhizhi's expectations.

However, this approach seems to be quite good.

"Has God's punishment passed?"

Bai Jin poked his head out from under the hem of the skirt, looked at the clear sky, and slowly let out a sigh of relief: "I really almost died in this All Souls Society, Brother Jin, when we go to the next city, You have to ask me to wash my feet to calm my nerves."

For Bai Jin, Heaven's Punishment is really a huge trouble beyond imagination.

If some old monster bullies him, Bai Jin can cry and hide behind Sui Mingxing, or simply pretend to be frightened and sneak under the skirt of Wuqingxian, but heaven's punishment is really a very unsolvable thing.

The world and space are blocked, it is an extravagant hope to contact the master or the head teacher, and fortunately there is the treasure of Qizong's town store here, otherwise this time it will really end in a narrow escape.

"Wash your feet?"

Jin Lin's face was startled, showing a puzzled look, what is washing feet?Washing feet in the world of mortals has a miraculous effect?
"Senior Sister Zhu helped me, my feet are weak." Yu Xueqing crawled out of Liuxian's skirt, looked at Zhu Fu who opened his arms to breathe fresh air with aggrieved face: "I almost peed out of fear just now."

"Idiot! Even if you urinate, don't say it!" Zhu Fu looked at Yu Xueqing speechlessly, and stretched out his hand to pull up the shameless Dumb Junior Sister from the ground.

Meng Qi was the last one to come out of the skirt, and there was a small flying squirrel footprint on the left side of her face.

"The source of happiness is gone"

Seeing the hundreds of square kilometers of depression in front of her, and the sea water flowing backwards from the pier, Shi Feiyan snuggled into Bai Jin's arms with a heartbroken face, and was about to fake cry to cover up the ecstasy of all the creditors offering sacrifices to heaven, but she just happened to face A pair of big black shiny eyes.

"Ah? Sister Lingyuexian is crushing you?" Shi Feiyan looked at the expressionless face of the flying squirrel, her face full of embarrassment.

Bai Jin ignored Shi Feiyan, and after looking around at the surrounding scenery, his eyes stayed on the bronze chime bell placed on the ground in front of him.

This is a bronze chime without a top, only the bell body of the trumpet-shaped bronze chime is still there, and the top is missing.

Although Bai Jin has a different temperament, he has also seen his gambling dog play musical instruments, and he knows that a set of chimes requires at least three chimes and a maximum of 65 chimes. There is only one blue copper chime left in front of him, and there is no sky cap!

This... I'm afraid it's one of the fragments of the fairy artifact.

"Hey, hey, don't touch it with your hands."

Seeing that Bai Jin wanted to take the bronze chime, Zhizhi pressed his hand with a folding fan and said, "All fairy artifacts have spirits, but the artifact spirits in broken fairy artifacts have long been broken, full of viciousness like a wounded lone wolf. Not recommended Take it."

Immortal Artifact Fragments Artifact Spirits are all irritable, and if you touch them rashly, you will be attacked by hysterical spirits.

Even if it can't hurt anyone, it will hurt the spirit of the artifact, causing the most precious spirit of the artifact to dissipate.

Immortal artifact fragments are never recommended to be touched.

"Is it okay to put it in the storage ring?" Bai Jin looked at Zhizhi and asked.

"You can do whatever you want." Zhizhi said with a smile: "The fragments of fairy artifacts are actually not so particular, the rules are just to protect the delicate fragments."


The group of Qi Zong next to him hesitated to talk, wanted to explain in detail the knowledge of the maintenance of the fragments of immortal artifacts, and also wanted to ask Mr. Bai Jin if the fragments of immortal artifacts in his hand were for sale?Or give it to Qizong to create a top-level spiritual weapon.

But due to the power of knowledge, a group of rough men of three, three, and five thick did not dare to speak out, and the aggrieved expression on their faces was more aggrieved than Yuxueqing's.

"It seems that there are still survivors?"

Among the friends who were watching the fragments of the fairy artifact, Zhu Fu could just see the lake of the All Souls Society visually, and when he saw something running wildly on all fours there, he couldn't help beckoning everyone to look at it with a face full of surprise.

"Is it a Firefox?"

Everyone followed Zhu Fu's expectations, and saw a fox with a tear-stained face rushing towards them, crying as if he was wronged by the heavens: "Didn't you say that you want to take me under your seat? Why did you kick me away? Little Honghong, I am so miserable!"

Bai Jin's expression froze for a moment, watching the fire fox flying into his arms with a look of displeasure, he lifted his foot to let his cheek hit the sole of his shoe.

"Go away, you male vixen!"

The fire fox in front of him has degenerated into a beast. Bai Jin didn't recognize it for a while, but when he heard its voice, he immediately knew where the evil animal in front of him came from. Isn't this the fire fox brought by the security chief of the town guard's mansion?

Such a big muscle is expensive, and raising it is purely equivalent to catching a mouse and throwing it into a rice jar.

"Hey, I'm really willing to do anything."

"Are you willing or not? Get lost!"

Bai Jin's face was full of disgust, and he kicked his legs frantically, trying to shake off the fire fox who was hugging him.



ask for votes
 At two o'clock in the morning, my silly friends came back and forth, and now they ask me to go out again, everyone, let's watch it tomorrow morning!
(End of this chapter)

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