I am in good spirits

Chapter 188 Exploring the Sea Spiritual Pet

Chapter 188 Exploring the Sea Spiritual Pet
Entering Yuhai City, there were bursts of yelling, and there were all kinds of cries and bargaining sounds, accompanied by a slight salty sea breeze, and there was a lot of people coming and going.

"Brother Wei, don't run around! Be careful that your belongings will be wiped clean."

As soon as he entered Yuhai City, Wei Benliang couldn't restrain the glutton in his belly anymore, he ran to a charcoal oven on the side of the street, and beckoned the boss to order a plate of crispy prawns.

Bai Jin smiled and opened his mouth to remind, then looked at Jin Lin, Zhu Fu, and Yu Xueqing and said, "I can be regarded as someone who has visited the whole picture of Yuhai City. The food here tends to be hot and sour and sweet. The side tastes the most authentic and fresh, and there are also plenty of dry goods that are great to take home as gifts.”

"There are also many small sea pets here, I think you should like it."

Yuhai City is a place where you can earn spirit stones, but there are not many places where you can really relax and have fun.Bai Jin is not interested in those who walk around the streets. He usually looks for chain stores such as Wanhua Pavilion or Jianbao Pavilion. They are not required to provide high-end services, but at least they are not bad.

Speaking of playing in Yuhai City, Bai Jin remembered the street he had visited with Suimingxing before, and that street was dedicated to selling all kinds of cute little spirit pets.

Those spiritual pets are all from the ocean, they are not only cute in appearance, but also guide the monks in the sea, but they are indispensable for monks who want to go to the sea.

Female cultivators should like those. As for Zhu Fu and Brother Jin, it’s okay. They can wash their feet more comfortably when they go shopping with Yu Xueqing and wash their feet at night.

"Well, it's really pretty good."

Bai Jin ate the crispy prawns bought by Brother Wei, with a look of joy and enjoyment on his face.

The crispy prawns are wrapped in a layer of batter, and the arm-thick sea prawns are half-cooked. With the sweet and sour and slightly spicy sauce, it is tender, fresh, and slippery to bursting juice.

"Ha ha."

Zhu Fu looked at the raw pickled crabs in the bowl, and turned his head to see Bai Jin and Wei Benliang, who were eating their mouthfuls of oil, and rolled their eyes with a speechless expression on their faces.

Yuxueqing looked at the cold sandworm in the bowl: "."

Jinlin shook her head and politely rejected Wei Benliang's raw salt. She would not eat any raw food. Once she ate it, she would be with the latrine all day long. Once, she almost fell into the cesspit because her feet were so soft. .

Bai Jin is not as squeamish as they are. He is a human and ghost, not to mention raw and cold, and the food is super comfortable.

"We have arrived."

Bai Jin chewed the crisp cold sandworm, raised the chopsticks in his right hand and pointed to a street in front of him: "I saw a lot of cute pets here last time, see if there is anything you want to buy."

The street in front of Baijin is relatively deserted, not as crowded as the main street, but brick fish ponds or glazed ponds have been built in front of every shop, and all kinds of palm-sized marine creatures swim in it.

The containers for the ocean spirit pets are different, but the only thing that is the same is that there are signs erected beside the pool, and the price of one ocean spirit pet can easily start at thousands of spirit stones.

"Such a cute elf~"

Yuxueqing squatted down and looked at the little octopus swimming slowly in the glass pond, with a happy smile on her face.

The little octopus is about the size of three fingers and has a snow-white body, with symmetrical blue rings all over its body emitting a faint blue light, and a pair of cute eyes-like patterns growing on its big head.

But its price is not beautiful, the price tag is marked with 360 spirit stones per piece, and after the discount, it takes [-] spirit stones to buy a juvenile body.

"Little girl, that thing is very poisonous, don't move around."

The shopkeeper saw someone squatting in front of the blue spirit octopus, looked up lazily and reminded.

It doesn't matter if the little girl can afford it or not, the most important thing is not to die in her own shop.

"There is no antidote for the blue spirit octopus, and a bite from it can kill a person."

"Really that powerful?" Bai Jin was dubious: "Shopkeeper, don't tell us to come and play."

"The poison of the blue spirit octopus is known to passers-by, just ask anyone to find out." The shopkeeper waved his hand, and didn't mean to talk to the young man in front of him. Judging from their clothes, it was obvious that they were some kind of sect group Go out for sightseeing or to do errands.

This kind of young monk is about as poor as a poor ghost, and there is a lot of dio money in the storage bag without anything.

"Then bring me a Nascent Soul Stage one." Bai Jin thought for a while and said, "Find a bigger one, a bit more poisonous one."

Bai Jin is not interested in octopus, but when he heard from the shop owner that takoyaki is poisonous enough to kill half a person, he immediately became interested in it.

The poisons can continue to drain the water, squeeze out a cup of venom juice every day, and eat the soul blue and strong.

"Yuanying? You can buy me and go home!" The shopkeeper got up from the counter with a blank expression and a speechless face. He shook his hands on his hips and shook the pair of meteor hammers in front of him. In the foundation building period, all the little guys in our store are sold in the Qi refining period."

"Don't think about those during the foundation building period. Recently, someone discovered a powerful cave of the monster race on the bottom of the sea. At present, the trained sea-exploring pets on the market have all been bought."

Ordinary sea beasts are not expensive. A hundred spirit stones in the vegetable market and the morning market can buy foundation-building seafood. Even if the Yuanying stage is relatively rare, as long as the price is affordable, some monks will pay special attention to powerful seafood.

But Tanhai pets are different, they are all cute little animals that have been artificially domesticated to obey their master's orders.

Bai Jin opened his mouth and said that Yuanying Qi was exploring the sea spirit pet, if there was such a thing, the store would not dare to accept it.

I don’t know who has tamed who. The store doesn’t want to be bruised and swollen by seafood, and only old men and monks will buy those old products. Where can there be juvenile spiritual pets for sale, girls like it very much.

"Then I want to buy two." Yuxueqing squatted in front of the glazed pool, and weakly raised her hand to ask Fengying store to help her choose two.

Although the price of octopuses is so expensive that it makes people feel distressed, but Yuxueqing fell in love with blue spirit octopuses at a glance, and felt that their appearance, movements and habits all poke their cute spots.

Cute and cute, she can't take her eyes off, buying just one is too lonely, so why don't you just bite your teeth and buy two!

The shopkeeper gave a whimpering sound, twisted her waist and walked quickly to Yu Xueqing, took her hand and began to choose the blue spirit octopus she wanted, and also introduced the life habits of the blue spirit octopus by the way .

"What a shopkeeper with an open eye for money." Zhu Fu looked at the scene in front of him with black lines all over his face.

In the beginning, he lay half dead on the table, but when Bai Jin opened his mouth to prove that he was not short of money, he twisted and twisted, and let the dead man eat the white soft tofu casually. What a dissatisfied oiran.

"Where is your focus?"

Bai Jin raised his hand to touch Zhu Fu's head, and asked with a strange face: "Didn't you hear what the shopkeeper said just now, is there a cave on the bottom of the sea where the great power of the monster clan lived?"

Zhu Fuli didn't even bother to talk about the Yaozu's Da Neng cave. Did this damn sixth sense predict something?
"Bite you!"

Zhu Fu patted Bai Jin's troublesome hand away.

(End of this chapter)

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