Chapter 190
"I am here to prosper your martial fortune!"

The eel car nun took the white brocade and handed over the spirit stone, and threw it to the eel wrapped in the water ball very skillfully, letting it temporarily keep the joint property of the two, and then clasped her fists to wish the little ones in front of them a smooth diving.

"What kind of drug did you give her, I think she seems to be reluctant to let you go."

Watching the eel car nun leave, Zhu Fu couldn't help complaining about Bai Jin, if Bai Jin hadn't stuffed broken spirit stones into the nun's arms just now, they might have been able to take the eel car from the city center to the beach suburbs for free.

"Maybe it's because I'm relatively innocent, and the young nun can't hold back when she sees me?" Bai Jinyi shrugged and said with a smile on his face: "The nun is also human, as long as she is a woman, there is no one who doesn't like to listen to gossip in the market. , and you can exchange information if you like it, why not do it?"

"So that's how it is." Zhu Fu suddenly realized, but his suddenly froze face quickly.

It turned out to be such a fart!Auntie, I don't like to listen to gossip, what's wrong?Can you still expel me from my hometown as a nun?As far as you can tell!

Bai Jin stabbed Zhu Fu again without knowing it, and walked towards the coconut grove with a happy face, planning to find a tea shop to brag about until dinner time, and then let Brother Jin invite everyone to Wanhua Pavilion to find a girl to wash their feet.

"Boss, let's start with a portion of green coconut juice for each person, unlimited jackfruit, and salt and pepper sea king snake, give me the top ten pieces of the strongest, thickest and largest, and then some coconut treasure."

"If you don't have it, go take pictures, go fishing, and find someone to collect it!" Bai Jin came to the tea shop and knocked on the table, calling the owner of the shop and asking him to come and receive his group in person.

"Mr. Hao Le, please come inside." Acting as the cook, the boss hurriedly asked his wife to greet the distinguished guests to enter.

"Brother Bai, what kind of snake is the Sea King Snake?"

Seeing Bai Jin's impatient look, Wei Benliang looked at him curiously.

In his impression, Brother Bai is a gentle, educated and reasonable person, but now he can say such a strong word for a meal, how can he not wonder how delicious the so-called Sea King Snake is.

"The Sea King Snake is extremely poisonous to male cultivators. Its toxin damages the kidneys, damages the liver and coagulates the blood. Even if you can get your life back by luck, it's as boring as an eunuch visiting a barn."

With a smile all over his face, Bai Jin used the space barrier, moved the small bench, table and chairs aside, raised his hand and activated the cutting wood method to condense a more comfortable reclining chair, and a long table that can accommodate five people easily, and greeted everyone to take their seats.

"But the sea king snake's meat can nourish the yin and strengthen the kidneys, just like an eunuch who gets rid of the monster's things can kill indiscriminately in Wanhua Pavilion."

The Sea King Snake is not a powerful alien beast, but because of its special meat quality, it is recorded in the "Shan Hai Wei Beast Record" as a monster.

Bai Jin has heard about this for a long time, but because of Sui Mingxing or Tun Yin, she has been afraid to order food. She is afraid that the master will look at him strangely, or the senior sister Tun Yin will show her identity with ecstasy.

Sea King Snake plus Dragon Seahorse Spirit Wine, the price is as high as the real dragon's body, and it is out of stock.

Don't think that monks don't have that kind of trouble, but whenever you encounter a witch who is good at seductive arts, no matter how powerful you were before, now you can only pee your shoes with the wind, otherwise why are there so many soul medicines in Jianbao Pavilion.

Really think that the earth immortals have nothing to do, and want to take the risk of their cultivation level falling, and give birth to a brat to play with?
"Brother Jin, eat more later, you look thin and malnourished." Bai Jin patted Jin Lin on the shoulder, winking and teasing his small body.

Jin Lin's skeleton itself is not strong, and his body is covered with bandages to highlight his emaciation. At first, Bai Jin regarded him as a senior brother from Wanhua Valley, and almost planned to touch Yuming Peak at night and give him a dagger.

"...Do what I can, I don't eat much." Jin Lin frowned slightly, instinctively rejecting the Sea King Snake.

"Senior sister, look over there."

The content of Neptune Snake is only about male cultivators, and the two senior sisters have no interest in chatting with idiot juniors. Both Yu Xueqing and Zhu Fu are looking at the coastal scenery, watching the exposed male and female monks galloping on the sea with their swords.

Yu Xueqing saw a female cultivator of the Qi Sect, wearing a particularly tight chest wrap, tight trousers and a slanted skirt to hide her shame, galloping on the sea with a flying sword, followed by a group of people A ferocious sea beast the size of three to five sticks.

Yuxueqing hurriedly asked Zhufu to take a look, her face full of excitement, obviously she liked the nun's outfit and her heroic behavior very much.

"I refuse, I dress like a girl in a hook bar." Zhu Fu knew what Xiao Qing was thinking at a glance, and directly interrupted Tian Niang's girlish fantasies.

She wouldn't wear such embarrassing clothes. It was a challenge for her to see people in white clothes, not to mention that weird thing that exposed her breasts.

After sitting in the tea shop for a while, more and more monks came ashore from the sea, came to sit in the tea shop area, and drank a sip of sweet tea to wash away the bitterness of the sea water in their mouths.

More and more monks entered the tea shop, and the monks sitting in the tea shop couldn't help but focus on the white brocade table, which was very large and strange.

Everyone is a square table and small chairs. Why do you have a long solid wood table with a high-back chair that can sit cross-legged.

"Huh? There are two blue spirit octopuses?"

Someone leaned in front of the long solid wood table, looked at the two little octopuses in the glazed jar on the table, and immediately sarcastically said, "You really are a fool with a lot of money, don't you know that the price of spiritual pets has tripled now?" ? Then why don’t you give me some if you have money?”

"Hey, why don't you reward me a little bit."


Bai Jin stopped chewing in his hands, and looked at the arrogant Golden Core Stage monk squatting in front of his desk with an inexplicable expression on his face: "Are you talking to us?"

"By the way, I see that you all seem to be rich, so I'm squatting here to ask for some money to spend. It seems that you don't seem to be short of money. My friends and I have been betting so badly that we have to go fishing in the sea recently. Lie." The man continued to beg Bai Jin for money confidently.

"Oh, so it's a red-eyed gambling dog." Bai Jin put down the salt and pepper snake section in his hand, looked at the man and said with a smile, "We are friends if we meet by fate, me."

"Go eat shit! You guys!"

Before Bai Jinhua could speak, a slightly hoarse female voice interrupted him, and pressed the head of the Jindan Stage monk into the octopus tank, and the frightened Blue Spirit Octopus spit out a lot of venom.

The blue venom was sprayed all over the face of the Jindan stage monk, causing him unspeakable misery. The fierce poison invaded his body through the skin in an instant, turning him into a smurf in an instant, wanting to struggle crazily.


Bai Jin's face was a bit subtle, the sudden intrusion of female cultivators disrupted his plan, he originally wanted to take a group of dog-gambling cultivators in front of him to see the soul, but now one of them was lying on the ground, and the other two were stabbed It hangs on the neck and dare not move at all.

"Are you guys all right?"

A little girl poked her head from behind her elder sister, revealing her sea-blue hair, and said, "They are hooligans from the Blood Demon Sect on Youlin Island, and they often blackmail you who seem to be rich."

"My name is Hai Ling'er, and I'm a trainee law enforcement officer in the city's law enforcement team!"

"My blue spirit octopus."

Yuxueqing looked at the fish tank with tears in her face, and saw the two octopuses whose blue rings had faded away, leaving only two white octopuses as if they had been skinned.

The weather girl almost burst into tears.


 Let’s watch the next update tomorrow morning. Watching an anime will catch your fancy. Dog food fan: no doubt

(End of this chapter)

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