Chapter 233

The original Bibo Manor Island is on the sea.

"Are you persuading me not to go deep into the pursuit, just want me to watch you feed the fish here?"

Linlong stood above the void, looking indifferently at Shopkeeper Huang who was squatting in front of him in mid-air, holding the secret animal trap of the Spirit Beast Sect and sprinkled it on the sea, and said: "My seat's time is far longer than yours." Thinking is precious."

It actually had a chance to kill the old city lord just now, and it could keep him as long as it paid a small price, but the shopkeeper Huang suddenly sent a sound transmission to tell it not to continue chasing it, otherwise the blood fusion may be wasted.

At the technical level, Linlong still believes in the Resentment Family very much. It can now obtain the power of the Dragon and Qilin Family because of the resentment family's spells, otherwise it is just a dragon now!

"Master Sea Beast God, don't worry."

Shopkeeper Huang replied with a smile: "Of course there is a reason why you are not allowed to continue chasing. What I am doing is not just feeding fish and attracting enough sea beasts to use as dead men."

"Yuhai City is not a simple city. It is not a wise choice to break into the city with your current cultivation level and face the monks besieging the entire city."

The two were located at an altitude of one thousand meters. As the animal trap from the Spirit Beast Gate fell into the sea, a large sea beast had gathered under the two of them. From a distance, the entire sea area seemed to be churning.

Shopkeeper Huang took out a box from the storage ring, and lifted layers of seals on it to reveal the crimson blood-like crystals inside. Immediately, shopkeeper Huang threw the red crystals in his hand into the sea.

A crimson formation unfolded, including all normal sea beasts.

The sea beasts in the formation were devouring the seawater, eating the animal trap scattered in the sea by the shopkeeper Huang, and eating the seawater polluted by the blood-red crystals by the way, causing a mutation.

"I would like to trouble Lord Beast God to give you an order. The sea beasts in front of you are not enough to break through the formation of Yuhai City. You need to continue to prepare some more." Shopkeeper Huang said with a smile.

Linlong glanced at the surface of the sea, the sea beasts that devoured the red sea water were rapidly aging, and they performed blood fusion at the cost of burning their lives, and in a blink of an eye, the limbs of the human race grew completely and completely blood fusion.

There are also some weak sea beasts whose cultivators are still growing rapidly due to the burning of life, but their lifespan is also running low, as if they have cast some magic spell that burns soul and blood in exchange for power.

"Lurk into the sea."

Linlong exuded bursts of domineering dragon power, and lightly ordered the sea beasts under him to obey his orders, and let them go to the bottom of the sea to wait for his orders.

"Thank you, Lord Beast God, for your help. You have to be patient a little longer. Counting the special individual sea beasts you made before, it won't be a big problem to defeat Yuhai City. Then the whole city will be your hunting ground."

"My lord, you can also take this opportunity to incorporate the blood of the phoenix into your body, and reproduce the divine power of the dragon at the right time."

Shopkeeper Huang greeted Linlong respectfully, and flew towards other sea areas, ready to continue feeding the sea beasts.

"What's the significance of your move?" Linlong looked sideways at Shopkeeper Huang and asked.

Linlong is not on the same road as the Yuyu family, it is just a guest of the Yuyu family, and came to visit the method of blood fusion after being invited by them by chance. After many days of thinking, he agreed to accept the VIP privilege of blood fusion.

It is actually not very clear about the plan of the Resentful Family. At present, it only knows that they want to destroy Yuhai City, and use an open conspiracy to tie themselves on board. Want to integrate the last blood of the Dragon of Time?
OK!Of course no problem!

But you need to devour about 20 monks to enhance your spirituality to integrate, otherwise your end will only explode and die.

The Dragon of Time is a dragon god born in response to destiny, born with destiny.If Linlong wants to return to his ancestors and become the dragon of the season, he must deceive the secrets of the sky, and only by matching his own destiny with the dragon of the season can he succeed in returning to his ancestors, which is an extremely rebellious act.

The resentment family has already calculated everything, and Linlong only needs to do what they say to become the dragon god.

Meticulousness is not enough to describe, it is even more careful than a nanny taking care of a baby, Linlong really doubts whether the people of the resentment family have lost their minds, and if such a good thing is not left to their own people, it is really a random choice among many distinguished guests One lucky guest is drawn.

"It's just an order from my boss, it doesn't make any sense to me at all"

Shopkeeper Huang shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just collect people's money to eliminate disasters for others. Maybe my master thinks that the current cultivation world has become an eyesore and wants to smooth it out and create a planet I like. He tore down the realm of comprehension, who knows."

"Anyway, I'm just a part-time worker, and I'll do whatever the salary can keep up with the risk. I can't answer your doubts, Lord Beast God."

Linlong looked at Shopkeeper Huang for a while, then turned his gaze back to look in the direction of Yuhaicheng and kept silent.

What the shopkeeper Huang said just now has actually told Linlong very clearly that it is meaningless to ask. Since the risk has been equated with the profit, it is actually your own choice whether to do it or not.
Everyone uses money to do things, and we cannot participate in the minds and open and secret struggles of the big shots.

Shopkeeper Huang has already made it clear that it is meaningless for everyone to continue talking.

Seeing that Linlong didn't look at him any more, shopkeeper Huang turned around and flew towards other sea areas.



In Yuhai City · City Lord's Mansion.

"Father, is grandpa okay?"

Hai Linger, who was standing anxiously in the small courtyard, saw her father coming out of the dormitory with blue blood on his clothes, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask about the situation of the old city lord.

"No serious problem for the time being, just need to rest." Hai Qizhi shook his head and didn't say much. The injury suffered by the old city lord was not fatal yet, and he had stabilized his injury by taking high-level wound medicine to supplement his spiritual energy.

Although there is nothing wrong with the old city owner, the real trouble is not here.

"Elder, have you contacted my family?"

Hai Qizhi rubbed his daughter's head, looked at Elder Hai who was sitting on the stone chair in the small courtyard and had broken his left arm, showing a trace of helplessness: "I have made people search for all the useful people in Yuhai City. Come, but the junior really can't assess whether it can compete with that monster."


Elder Hai shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "We have always been counted against. In the city, only the jade slips of thousands of miles can be used. The messages from other jade slips seem to have disappeared without any response."

Yuhai City has been artificially blocked the communication channel, and currently no news can be sent out, and the only way to communicate in the city is to use the Jade Slip, which is a thousand miles of sound transmission.
If you want to get in touch with the outside world, you must destroy the blocking formation secretly arranged by the resentful family.

Of course, it won't take long for Elder Yihai to run out of the blocking formation area with his extremely fast feet, but he dare not leave Yuhai City for half a step.Since the Resentment Family can cut off all means of external contact at this time, it means that they intend to slaughter Yuhai City before the outside world becomes suspicious.

Once Linlong leaves and strikes, the entire city may be subverted in an instant.

"Hey, how troublesome is this matter, Fellow Daoist Bai." Elder Hai looked at Hai Qizhi and said, "The problem we are facing now is that we cannot contact the outside world, but I dare not leave Yuhai City for half a step. If you can persuade Fellow Daoist Bai If you come to sit at the core of the formation for me, I can leave the blocking formation at full speed and contact the Spirit Sword Sect."


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(End of this chapter)

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