I am in good spirits

Chapter 243 The Demon King's Original Wish

Chapter 243 The Demon King's Original Wish
"It's not difficult to summon the Nether Lady, but anyone who has anything to do with the Netherworld will be cursed. The person lying on the ground is cursed. I came here to take him back according to the contract."

The Dementor Demon King looked at Bai Jin and Ling Yuexian, and told them roughly the purpose of his trip, and why the men on the ground kept oozing black blood from their bodies.

The legendary Nine-headed Bird of Cursing Grudges used to be the ten phoenixes that represented auspiciousness and was admired by all people, but later, one of the ten phoenixes was cut off and turned into Nine-headed Birds of Cursing Grudges.

Because the time is too long, so long that even the patriarch of the Nine-headed Bird Clan, the Dementor Demon King, does not know the exact ins and outs. He only knows that the reason why the ten-headed phoenix became the cursed Nine-headed Bird is because of the Netherworld.

And their nine-headed bird clan also became the representative of the Nether Empress here, and was protected by the Empress.

She was originally healing at the Huoyanshan Hot Spring, but when she sensed the call of the Nether Empress, she let go of the shy Su Tu in her arms and put on a piece of clothing. She activated her space ability and transferred to Yuhai City to treat the thief who was cursed by the Nether. For recycling.

"Who is the Nether Empress?"

Bai Jin reached into the storage ring, took out the wooden box that sealed the fairy boat, released the fairy boat inside, and asked the dementor demon king to go up and discuss the past in detail.

He was just scratching the surface just now, about what happened in Yuhai City and the Resentment Family, Bai Jin would actually tell the two celestial beings one by one, and asked them to send messages to Wuqingxian and Zizaixian for him.

When he was in Gu Dan Kingdom, the Dementor Demon King came to talk to Bai Jin specially, saying that she felt that someone pushed behind her resurrection, so she was proud that Su Tu could resurrect herself smoothly.

Although he didn't talk about it in depth at the beginning, Bai Jin still remembered the words of the Dementor Demon King.

Before the feast of heaven and man started, Bai Jin actually didn't take seriously the words of the Dementor Demon King. It's impossible for such a big thing to happen in the cultivation world. It's just that the resurrection process is smoother. What's the big deal? Do you think the resurrection is too easy? Do you feel it?

But during the feast of heaven and man, in the opposition alliance that opposed opening the gate of heaven and opening the road to immortality, the demon clan accounted for the majority!

The Sun and Moon Immortals who ruled the land monster clan, and the sea dragon king, the representative of the ocean monster clan, without exception, are extremely resolutely opposed to connecting the two worlds, and believe that the immortals are a group of scourges to the cultivation world!
How terrifying would it be to have a world where there is no distinction between immortals and immortals, and where immortals can go out freely? It would be a disaster for all the monster races whose bloodlines are cherished!
Combined with the original suspicion of the Dementor Demon King, Bai Jin vaguely felt that her resurrection might really be an organization that was unwilling to come forward or open the gate of heaven, and deliberately resurrected the Dementor Demon King to let her check and balance the alliance of the Ruthless Immortal.

That is to say, it is a strategy to completely balance the combat power of both sides so that no one can fight.

As a result, the Dementor Demon King wished to immediately open the Heavenly Gate to kill a refreshing one, and even wanted to devour the soul of an immortal.

After the feast of heaven and man, the Resentment family immediately planned the rebellion of the high-level elders of the Spirit Beast Sect, and the plan to hunt down the high-level leaders of the Spirit Sword Sect against Yuhai City.

Although Bai Jin has no evidence for the previous incident, but he witnessed the whole process of the civil turmoil in the Spirit Beast Sect and indirectly participated in the shocking change in Yuhai City. He has every reason to suspect that the previous incident was planned by the resentful family!

To open up the road to immortality and close it, Bai Jin's heart is actually inclined to open the gate of heaven!
When the spirit of the fairy falls into the realm of cultivation, all monks will be able to obtain more cultivation resources, and it will be easier to be promoted to a high-level monk!

Although he can't participate in the high-level game, Bai Jin is willing to share the information he has collected, so as to completely prevent the opposition alliance and outsiders from making trouble, and affect the plan to open the heavenly gate and open up the two realms of immortality and mortal world!


Sitting in the open-air tea room on the top floor of the fairy boat, Bai Jin talked about the rebellion of the Spirit Beast Gate and the shocking changes in Yuhai City, basically telling everything in detail, and also narrated his guess about the resurrection of the Dementor Demon King.But Bai Jin chooses to hide the medical fairy who is irrelevant to the incident.

He has other plans for the medical fairy Bai Jin, and he doesn't want others to know about this god-defying genius doctor.

"Oh? A resentful family?"

The Dementor Demon King listened with great interest, but Lingyue Fairy had a look of disgust on his face: "I said, why did the old Dongtou find Taiyin Gouzi? It turned out that other people made an ambush plan for them. That old resentful woman is still holding grudges against me!"

"This is the information I know, please tell the two of you to Wuqingxian and Zizaixian for me."

Bai Jin glanced at Shopkeeper Huang and shook his head, "I now suspect that the Resentment Family is still planning something, but I don't have any information to support my inference. If I can directly search for the soul, I think I should know something."

"Looking at the information you provided, this king will not settle the previous account with you for the time being."

The demon king of soul-hunting leaned back on the grand teacher's chair, raised his legs in a heroic posture, was soaked in plain clothes and a heroic posture, which made both Bai Jin and Lingyue Xian stunned: "If you want to search for the soul This king does not recommend it, unless you want to try the feeling of death."

"His soul is now connected to the Netherworld. Before your empress finishes interrogating him, searching for his soul is equivalent to connecting directly to the Netherworld to reincarnate!"

With Bai Jin's information, the Dementor Demon King probably knew when his secret technique was leaked.Coupled with the fact that her strength has begun to recover recently, her soul fragments have been replenished, and her wife has prepared wine pools and meat forests for herself, her mood has always been great.

She doesn't care about the previous affairs with Bai Jin for the time being, and now everyone is doing business in partnership, and she will not torture Bai Jin to death until the huge benefits are completely distributed.

And he also reminded them very readily, don't plan to use the soul-searching secret technique on Shopkeeper Huang, his current soul is being tortured by the Nether Empress, and anyone who touches his soul will be dragged into the Nether Underworld.

The Nether Empress is a true god, and it is a cornerstone to build the reincarnation of the heavens, which is not comparable to immortals.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at me?"

After the Dementor Demon King finished speaking, she found that the two of them were staring at her in a daze. She lowered her head and saw no filthy blood oozing from her body, nor did any resentful souls beheaded from eating too much. Crawled out of the throat, so he looked at them with a puzzled expression.

Aren't you still talking about major events in the cultivation world?Why don't you talk and stare at me?
"Senior Dementor. There is nothing in you." Bai Jin reminded with emmm all over his face.

With her bold and unrestrained sitting posture facing each other, both of them could clearly see what was inside.

"It's a fucking giant monster again." Ling Yuexian looked away with a full face of disgust.

"Are you all perverts?"

The Dementor Demon King was taken aback, and sneered, "Why are you a male cultivator looking at this king's body so shyly? I might be stronger than you, this king."

"Do I have you? It's just a difference in size. This king likes all kinds of styles, and a petite and lovely type like you is especially likely to arouse my desire to protect and abuse."

As the Dementor Demon King spoke, he began to show his true qualities of a scumbag again.

Even if she becomes a majestic nine-headed bird, she still cannot forget her previous majestic nine-headed bird.

Bai Jin listened with gusto, and the scumbag's desperate reminiscence of the past was really interesting.


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(End of this chapter)

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