I am in good spirits

Chapter 271: The Rules of Fengyu Empire!

Chapter 271: The Rules of Fengyu Empire!
Three dog-like Pegasus horses pulled the carriage with built-in space formation slowly forward, with a large number of armored men acting as guards on both sides, and a large group of soldiers walked from the main road to the end in such a mighty manner.

Inside the carriage.

Still excited, Bai Lu stood up and touched Bai Jin who was sitting cross-legged.

"The change is really great. In a blink of an eye, I grew taller than my mother."

Sitting beside Bai Jin, Bai Lu looked up slightly at the smiling child, and sighed: "Our good boy from the Bai family should be upright and upright. The most gratifying thing for mother is that you have joined the Star Network Immortal Sect!"

"The secret work of the devil's sect should kill Wushe. At the beginning, my mother tried her best to persuade your dead ghost father to let you go to the Xingluo Xianmen or the Zhenmo Mansion."

In Bai Lu's last sentence, there was obviously a lot of resentment in it.

Of course she knew that Bai Jin belonged to the Hehuan Sect, but by accident, she went to the Xingluo Xianmen Shouming Xingmen as a teacher. These previous voice transmission messages have explained it, but this does not prevent Bai Lu's dislike of the Demon Sect.
The generations of the Bai family have been destined to be the children of the Demon Sect, and now one of them has finally walked on the right path, unlike those old and disrespectful ancestors who kept talking all day long to kill whoever refines whose soul. harm their own descendants.
No matter how big the Feng Yu Empire was, the murders committed by the spirit tablets offered in the Bai family's ancestral hall would be as big.

All the foreign races in the vast empire were persecuted by the ancestors of the Bai family who were the commander-in-chief of soldiers and horses. Even the traces of the hundreds of clans have been wiped out, and not even a single written inheritance or object can be found.

The sins committed by the ancestors at the beginning have now fallen on the heads of their own children and grandchildren, and the whole family is almost extinct. Now the Bai family really only has a single seedling of Baijin, and it is impossible to find another blood relative. strenuous.

"Mother, I'm not a child anymore, my friends are still here, please show some face!" Bai Jin looked at his mother in silence.

At first, he sat leaning against her, then she held her arm to rub against her, and now she hugged her neck, as if she wanted to hug her head and smooth her hair.

Bai Jin doesn't hate this kind of intimacy, but now there are other people watching from the sidelines.

I don't have a big face, mother, don't worry, I know that your personality is more out of touch than mine.

Bai Lu's character is not a lady's character. When Bai Jin was young, he could often witness his old mother standing on a chair with her hips akimbo arguing with her old father. Bai Jin had no doubt that her mother could hold his cheek with both hands on a whim. Give yourself two kisses.

"cough cough"

When Bai Jin mentioned it, Bai Lu didn't even react. The four members of the Xingluo Xianmen who were watching the show excitedly looked away with embarrassment on their faces.

Wei Benliang continued to bury his head in eating the nuts on the table, Zhu Fu pretended to be nonchalant and turned his head away, Yu Xueqing blushed and lowered his head in embarrassment, Jin Lin calmly opened the book he bought at the city gate and prepared to read it.

But as soon as he opened the page, the expression on Jin Lin's cheek suddenly froze and stared at the words on the page: "Huh?"

At least forty or fifty pages of "Feng Yu's Survival Book", only a table of contents is written at the beginning, and the main text only has the words "follow the law, don't be pretentious, and be frank and lenient".

The rest were all scribbled grimaces, and some provocative phrases, Jinlin's blood pressure soared upwards.


Jin Lin shut the book abruptly, took a deep breath, and stuffed the book into the storage ring with a full face of indignation.

She seemed to understand a little bit why the stall owner in front of the city gate gave the book to herself without taking any money, and then ran away without a trace.
If he appeared in front of her again, Jin Lin would never be able to restrain the urge to punch him!

"Brother Jin, what's wrong with you?" Bai Jin turned his head to look at Jin Lin who was making noise.

"No, it's nothing." Jin Lin hesitated to speak, but in the end she shook her head and didn't read the contents of the book in front of Bai Jin's mother.

The next time that damn profiteer sees him, he must use vinegar to brush his stinky mouth.

Bai Lu tilted her head, and after a little recollection, she remembered what Jinlin stuffed into the storage ring, and she suddenly realized: "By the way, Auntie was a little too excited to see the baby for a long time, and almost forgot to talk to you guys." Let’s talk about the rules of the Feng Yu Empire.”

"Our place is different from the world of comprehension. Feng Yu abides by the laws promulgated by His Majesty Hongchen, and has quantitative standards for all crimes, good and evil, and does not just judge punishment based on the moral standards of good and evil in the heart of the heart."

"It can range from a fine to compensation for losses, to severe ones may face imprisonment and direct permanent deportation. If a bloody crime is deliberately committed here, one life may pay for one life."

Bai Lu said to everyone with a smile: "Everyone in the city is actually quite friendly. Even if there are any disputes and troubles, the infantry will come to fight them. But you must not relax your vigilance easily, although there will be no vicious things in the city. Incidents or murder, but there are many liars."

"For example, the book that little friend Jinlin bought just now cannot be defined as fraud according to the law, because the book has already been printed and put on the shelf. The buyer and the seller are legal and reasonable transactions. Careless not checking merchandise."

"I don't think the book seller should have boasted to you how amazing his books are?"

Jin Lin froze and recalled carefully, and found that the boss really didn't have any words of praise for his book, and he just nodded his head repeating the title of the book.

"So it can't be defined as fraud, and he doesn't care about your money for buying books at all." Bai Lu said with a strange expression on his face: "He's trying to get you to punch him, and as long as you hit him, the infantrymen will come out and let you You pay for his soup and medicine."

"If he is shameless, if you beat him, he dares to piss his pants in front of everyone. Those yamen may punish you for maliciously beating someone seriously, and the money you need to pay will be high at that time."

Bai Lu is giving examples for everyone, and wants to tell Bai Jin's friends about Feng Yucheng's recent popular scam.

But the traveling carriage stopped abruptly, and the strong shaking was transmitted to the carriage, making Bai Lu's figure, who was not too high, accidentally knocked down the teacup on the table and spilled tea stains on her skirt. .

"Madam Bai, are you okay?"

The armored man in charge of driving the carriage turned around and asked after the carriage stopped.

"It's okay, what happened outside?" Bai Lu frowned unhappily, waved his hands and the tea on the skirt and table regrouped into water balls and fell back into the poured teacup.

"Reporting to Madam, there is a fight on the road ahead, blocking our way forward." The infantryman said respectfully.

Bai Lu was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "Which princess is making trouble outside?"

In Fengyu City, the only people who can stop the infantry from advancing are the important officials of the imperial court and members of the royal family. Today is the working day of reporting to the emperor. It is impossible for important officials of the imperial court to come out to compete with others in idleness.

If ordinary people or monks beat up and blocked the carriage, the infantrymen would have stepped forward to fork the person blocking the way and sentenced him to a felony.

Therefore, the group of people fighting outside must be the barbarian princesses who frightened Feng Yu.

"It seems that the third princess is beating the third son-in-law? I can't recognize who that pig is for a while."

"Oh, let's wait for a while! We won't go home until they finish beating us." Bai Lu nodded and said.


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(End of this chapter)

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