I am in good spirits

Chapter 273 Feng Yu's Absolute Beauty

Chapter 273 Feng Yu's Absolute Beauty

"Be careful when you enter the door. The future consort's mansion is being built over there. There are a lot of construction materials recently."

In front of the Bai family mansion, Bai Lu gracefully got off the carriage with the support of Bai Jin, and led everyone into the Bai family. The sight is the endless straight cobblestone road in the forest.

But there was a roar from the right side of the gate, and a magnificent palace under construction appeared in front of everyone.

The marriage between Bai Jin and the No.16 Princess Gushi was a favor requested by Emperor Hongchen. Everyone knows that the two married to protect the face of the royal family and prevent the reputation of the sixteenth princess from being damaged.

After the son-in-law joined the royal family, he didn't directly live with the princess in the imperial city, but the royal family directly built a son-in-law mansion next to the direct son-in-law's house, so that the princess and the son-in-law could have a place to do their husband and wife affairs.

Generally, the consort’s mansion built by a princess is magnificent and magnificent, and it is dozens of times larger than the husband’s house. There are more than [-] maids as dowry, plus a number of internal affairs officials who are in charge of managing the consort’s mansion, as well as various eunuchs and eunuchs of all sizes. Step armor people.

Directly stated that he suppressed his husband's family with the momentum of riding on his face.

But it is impossible to get to the Bai family. All the land in the upper left corner of Fengyu City plus the forest outside the city, plus the mountains and plains next door belong to the Bai family. Street, how can it be built directly on the right hand side of the Baijia gate.


Bai Lu led the crowd in, as if recalling some interesting anecdote, looked at Bai Jin and said with a smile: "Mother, I forgot to tell you about one thing, you are now in the Feng Yu Empire as the savior." of."

"Many son-in-laws are looking forward to your arrival. I hope you can reach a gentleman's agreement with them and resist the cruelty and inhumanity of your princesses together."

Although Bai Jin has never shown his face in Feng Yu, since the marriage contract with Sixteenth Princess Gushi was made, no matter the folks or the son-in-law and all kinds of son-in-laws, they all hope that he can stand up and speak out for the son-in-laws. Able to face the unruly and willful princess bravely and fearlessly.

Although Feng Yu is big, the princesses in the world have been suffering for a long time!

Bai Jin is different from other son-in-laws. His marriage with the princess is strictly a strong alliance type, not a humble son-in-law who can stand up straight and scold the princess directly without being beaten into a disability.

Only the news of Bai Jin's return to seal Yucheng spread, and it probably wouldn't take a day. Those son-in-laws who can get away will definitely visit secretly, draw Bai Jin as the backbone to fight against the unruly princess, and even go to the Cangsheng Palace to sue the princesses. Royal!
Mrs. Bai Lu also saw the concubine's mansion, and suddenly remembered the interesting stories about the concubine that Taishi Bai had told her, so she specially shared it with Bai Jin, and asked him and his friends to pay attention when they were shopping in Feng Yu, so that they would not be fooled by those The son-in-law took him to be a gunman.

Although the matter is not a big deal, but there is nothing not to get close to Hongchen Emperor.

The Bai Lu family knew a lot about the affairs of the imperial court, so they naturally knew the character of the secular emperor.Her only suggestion is not to contact him, and officials not in the court system should not inquire about the emperor.

"The other courtyards around here are empty. You can choose one by yourself if you want to see what scenery you like. I will order someone to prepare the dinner tonight. You can treat this place as your own home."

Through the teleportation array at the edge of the forest, a group of people teleport directly from the gate of the Bai family to a stone bridge, and they can directly see the Bai family manor on the island in the lake.

Bai Lu left with a smile on his face, and went to prepare a feast for Hao Daer.

In fact, she still has a lot to say to Bai Jin, but she doesn't know much about Bai Jin now. The message he sent through the Jade Slip of Voice Transmittal was very simple, just a rough description of her recent situation.

Therefore, she was basically talking about all kinds of interesting things in Fengyu City just now, basically not involving anything related to Bai Jin, so as not to expose Bai Jin's identity due to misunderstanding of the information between the two parties.

Bai Lu's family likes Bai Jin's prodigal son so much, and doesn't want him to return to Huanzong at all. He can't wait for the elders of Xingluo Xianmen to use the purification method to clean Bai Jin's demon heart.

"Stay away from the river bank. There are some monsters appearing there from time to time. I have encountered giant salamanders before."

Seeing that Jinlin was very close to the river, Bai Jin subconsciously stretched out his hand to pull him back from the stone bridge, and complained to them about a strange thing he experienced when he was young.

Even if there were monsters in the house, it turned out to be a giant salamander with dragon blood, Bai Jin was extremely speechless about this.

"Your house is really special. At first glance, I thought I came to some hermit family or fairy gate." Zhu Fu saw that Bai Lu's family had gone far, and finally couldn't hold back his slander and began to complain about Bai Jin: "Who can build a house?" So extravagant."

Bai Jin's home really touched Zhu Fu's blind spot of knowledge as a monk.

Even if she doesn't know the price of the outside world, and lacks understanding of the secular life of the world, her sixth sense tells her very firmly. It must be a thing against common sense and logic that the Baijin family can be so big. Even in the cultivation world, it should be found No second case!
Was his ancestor full of bandits?Otherwise, how could he occupy such a large piece of land, and artificially build magnificent mountains, rivers and waterfalls that amazed her, even if he became an emperor, he would not be as ostentatious as your family, right? !

"Ask my ancestors, their tokens are in the Houshan Ancestral Hall." Bai Jin himself was full of slander and wanted to vomit, but he didn't know how to vomit for a while: "Or you can ask my father when he comes back from get off work. Let's take you to choose a different courtyard now!"

"Mountain view, river view, hut in the forest, or live in a village with a more dense atmosphere?"

The Baijin family cannot be described as a home or a manor. It should be called a village. It is more appropriate to call it a village. There are resident servants and maids plus personal guard infantry. The minimum number of 3000 people does not count all kinds of spies and infantry patrolling the mountains, forests, and surrounding areas. A people.



Feng Yucheng Yanjue Building.

"Oh? Interesting."

A beauty who was dressed in tulle and could vaguely see the new triangular underwear inside, looked at a jade slip handed over by the young lady, and smiled sweetly, revealing her charming and enchanting state, and laughed straight away.

"I'll take the business of this business banquet. It is rumored that Mr. Bai is an amazing talent."

"I'd like to see if he's really capable." Liu Lian'ai threw the jade slips casually, stood up from the seat and stretched, stretching her graceful figure into a seductive figure. S shape.

She doesn't mean to be coquettish, her daily gestures are full of temptation, and she always puts on her most beautiful and charming posture, which is almost her instinctive subconscious reaction.

Liu Lian'ai walked out of the dormitory with her hands in her arms, with a playful and playful smile on her face.

She really didn't expect that she would be able to meet Bai Jin who was talking about reincarnation in the last meeting so soon.

Although the leader ordered that he was forbidden to mess with him, Liu Lian'ai didn't intend to shoot him openly, but just wanted to make a harmless joke.

"My daughters have a big order here. The Bai family is going to set up a table to cleanse the dust. I want our Jueyan House to send some babies who are both excellent in piano and dance. Mom is going to bring some people. Who of you wants to sign up?"

Putting her hands on the guardrail, Liu Lian'ai continued to smile at the baby girls who were preparing to perform downstairs and said, "This time even the young master of the Bai family who is rumored to have traveled all over the world is here. Can the babies take it?"

"I, my mother took me there. I hate that stinky man who made my little husband heartbroken. I will go up and cut him and let him be a good sister with us!"

"Oh, you stay at home!" Liu Lian'ai denied her infatuated daughter's proposal and looked at the other daughters.


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(End of this chapter)

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