I am in good spirits

Chapter 303 The bright moon is in the sky, send it away in one wave!

Chapter 303 The bright moon is in the sky, send it away in a wave!

"The soul bites it!"

Bai Jin, who had concealed his sense of existence, raised his finger and ordered the soul hovering beside him to kill the demon of unknown species in front of him, while he looked sideways at Jin Lin who was dying.

Bai Jin was completely dazed now. He was nearly [-] miles away from here when he noticed a strong mana wave erupting from Jinlin, so he hurriedly squeezed out all the prisoners and came here to watch the excitement.

The first thing he saw was rocks flying around, and that oddly shaped unknown demon. Its existence was too strong, and it was impossible for people to ignore it. Only when Bai Jin fell to the ground could he see it clearly. The Golden Scale where a fierce conflict broke out between the Great Heavenly Demons.

She looked really miserable, her body exuded the smell of ozone burned by electric current, and the shaving wood bandages that were tightly bound on Jinlin's body became loose, like a pile of rags randomly piled up, Bai Jin finally saw What does my good brother Jinlin look like.

She is a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old, her complexion should be extremely fair and red, because the blood vessels under her skin are clearly visible after not being exposed to the sun for a long time, it is obviously not a particularly healthy complexion, and her figure is also a normal girl should Some shapes.

Bai Jin watched helplessly as the bandages loosened and his brother's chest rose little by little, and he was stunned.

Although Bai Jin was a little confused by the sudden incident, the girl in front of her was [-]% Jinlin, and the gauze coats given to the chief disciples by the Xingluo Immortal Sect could not be faked, and the girl was also wearing the Taoist robe of Yuming Peak.

It is enough to be sure of this news, and the rest will be discussed after he gets rid of the demon!
After Bai Jin gave an order, the soul entrenched on the side directly showed its original form, jumped up and made an exaggerated punching movement to attack the demon head-on, as if it seemed that it had no combat experience.

A ghost with only a name made a feint attack, and the other two invisible souls armed to the teeth, armed with serrated swords, attacked the demon from both sides with all their strength. Bai Jin was ready to end this meaningless battle in an instant.

It's not like intelligent creatures that have no communication value, Jinlin's current situation is not quite right, there are white currents gushing out from her dantian, and in just a short moment, it changes from a lighter like an arc to something like two wires touching each other. An electric spark erupts.

If it drags on, Bai Jin is afraid that the golden scales will really disappear.

But what happened next was completely beyond Bai Jin's current knowledge.

Ripples appeared on the surface of the big demon, and his body violently jumped towards the feint attacking soul. The invisible impact began to swing away from its body to eliminate the arm of the soul, and then the big demon grabbed the head of the soul and made a The soul directly stuffed it into its own long alien mouth and swallowed it.

The invisible impact erupted violently, and the other two souls that had no sense of existence directly turned into spiritual energy and began to dissipate in the rock space. Even Bai Jin was affected by the invisible force of elimination and forced out of his body.

"what is this?"

Bai Jin, who was originally supporting the mana barrier, saw that he couldn't dodge because the barrier was broken, and touched Dasheng's left hand with the invisible impact of light blue light.

Those light blue rays of light are all pure mana expelled from his body, touching the invisible impact left hand is like a gap in the bottom of the water tank, allowing the mana in Bai Jin's body to flow continuously along the gap.

Fortunately, this state did not last long, and the gap was closed in just an instant.

But this didn't make Bai Jin feel at ease. Instead, the doubts that arose in his heart became more numerous. There was a feeling of confusion that the enemy felt when faced with arbitrariness. .

After squatting on the ground and devouring the soul, the big demon raised his head, the red light in the sunken eye sockets gradually dimmed, and the bloody evil energy radiated to the outside world began to subside, but the rocky cross bridge vibrated because of the intense spiritual energy.

Obviously, the Great Heavenly Demon is not hostile to Bai Jin after devouring the soul, but more excited.

It was accumulating strength and wanted to devour Bai Jin.


After recovering from the brief silence, Bai Jin raised his left hand again to summon a complete soul, a light blue Cyclops with a height of six meters, as if a vortex-like pull appeared in the rock space.

Then the movements of the soul and Bai Jin began to synchronize, and Bai Jin pinched out the seal with both hands, allowing the mana amplifier Soul to stretch out the mana tentacles to capture the surrounding aura, and circles of black curse marks were generated on the ground, and a large number of spirit stones were obtained from the Bai Jin storage ring fell into the black mud-like swamp.


Bai Jin controlled the soul to clap his hands together eleven times, and sacrificed millions of spirit stones and the detonation of the earth fairy soul crystal, completely igniting the entire space at the next moment, and the invisible flame of nothingness swept across the spleen and rock space, burning all the souls in the space. The items are curled together and begin to compress infinitely, finally ushering in a gorgeous and colorful fire sacrifice.

Standing in the protective layer of the pitch-black curse seal, Bai Jin watched the demon sprinting in the flame of nothingness, the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily.

The fire method is layered, and the more common one is the real fire series that Zhu Fu often uses. This series of flames is divided into three, six, and nine real fires in terms of temperature and characteristics, and then only the earth immortals can perform the magic of nothingness. flame.

The flame is not nothingness, but its temperature has reached the limit and even the light can be distorted, forming a powerful flame that cannot be seen directly by the naked eye. It can be said that it is a flame that maximizes the temperature characteristics of the method of fire.

Bai Jin used the blasting style to sacrifice millions of spirit stones and the Earth Immortal Soul Crystals given by swallowing drinks, so that he could summon the unique skill of suppressing evil and killing demons.

The soul crystal is a derivative of the ability to swallow. The person killed by her is not really dead, but a life form that has mutated into a metal cube-like thing. The raw material of an earth fairy soul crystal is a living earth fairy .

In order to deal with this demon in front of him, Bai Jin directly used his savings in recent years to throw them away.

But the effect is obviously not very good. In the flame that has been compressed and appears to be liquid and is about to crystallize, the thing is still struggling to move forward and wants to kill itself.

Without saying a word, Bai Jin raised his hand and pinched it, controlling the last stage of the explosive sacrifice, and began to explode the flame of nothingness that had been compressed to the extreme.

But he reckoned that this move should be useless. After two rounds of confrontation, Bai Jin also saw that the demon in front of him seemed to have magic immunity and dispelling characteristics. .Soul like?
Although it has gone beyond the scope of knowledge and understanding, Bai Jin is not too flustered now, because the last part of the explosion-style diffusion with the least power is actually the natural form of the high-temperature spreading of the residual power of the blast.

It's not a magic spell, it's just a high-temperature gust of wind when the high temperature leaks out.

If he can't flick away the demon in front of him, Bai Jin can only pray for Jin Lin's life. As a friend, he has already done this, and if he can't beat the enemy back, he won't be able to spare time to treat her injuries.

How long the golden scales can last depends on good fortune.

But the worst result didn't happen. The gust of leaking high-temperature gas generated by the explosive terminal really succeeded in sweeping away the big demon who looked like a god of war. The high-temperature gas even left a large area of ​​burns on its skin.

It was still struggling unwillingly, and opened its mouth as it flew upside down to vent its anger, but due to the influence of high-temperature gas and speed, it could not make any roaring sound at all, and the invisible impact could not eliminate the high temperature formed by natural laws tornado.

The entire Trial Demon Nest was under Bai Jin's move, visibly shaking and trembling.

After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the explosive formation that had been protecting Bai Jin and Jinlin also dissipated. The surrounding space was like a cosmic space. Red glowing magma remnants.

Bai Jin glanced at the direction where the demon bounced off, picked up Jin Lin, turned around and descended into the abyss, ready to hide his body and find a place to hide temporarily, so as to end all kinds of sequelae on Jin Lin's body.

As for where the demon was bounced to, Bai Jin was not interested in continuing to explore, anyway, just don't run in front of him again Bai Jin wished that the thing would be bounced directly in front of Zizai Laomo, or in front of the Wuqing Immortal. A demon surprised each other.

If the demon persists, there will only be one sacrificial material left in the white brocade that can repel it.

Just now, I lost half of the yearly money and an inestimable Earth Immortal Soul Crystal.

It would be a lie to say that I don't feel distressed, but who would call my big black friend so unlucky to meet such weird demons in no man's land.
"Brother, it's fierce! That thing you met is really too fierce."

Bai Jin landed on a rocky platform, lightly lowered the golden scales and began to inspect, her right hand covered the mouth with light blue mana condensed into fangs and sharp mouth, and pressed it on her dantian, which was scattered randomly, to isolate the weird white lightning.

"After I save you and come back later, if you don't tell me some interesting stories, I will strangle you to death!"


In the next chapter, this chapter talks about asking for tickets, but forget about this chapter. I don’t think many people are interested in first aid treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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