I am in good spirits

Chapter 37 Greedy Ink

Chapter 37 Greedy Ink
"Welcome, welcome, and welcome all the immortals from the Star Network Immortal Sect to come from afar. This small shop is really flourishing!"

The guard of Jianbao Pavilion saw a group of people wearing Xingluo Xianmen tokens on their waists from a distance, and immediately turned around and ran to the gloomy inner hall of Jianbao Pavilion to inform the manager.

Let the manager who is in charge of the accounts come out. The shopkeeper turned into Yuanying and escaped to nowhere. Only the manager can come out from the Jianbao Pavilion to welcome the distinguished guests.

Xingluo Xianmen and Jianbao Pavilion have business dealings. They usually buy medicinal materials and spiritual plant seeds from them, and Jianbao Pavilion will also purchase entry-level pills from Xingluo Xianmen.

If the elixir refined by Suimingxing is a good treasure at the auction level, Jianbao Pavilion can't wait to hug Suimingxing's long legs, begging her to open a furnace when she is free, and refine some high-grade elixirs.

Suiming's Pill, Chenxi's Formation, and Yinghuo's Talisman are all little treasures with stable production.

Qixingxing and Zhenruixing don't have any deputy jobs, but Wuqingxian is good at it. Well, deduce the cause and effect of killing the whole family, right?

Xingluo Xianmen force value responsibility: Ruthless Immortal.

"Well, take us to the store to have a look!" Deacon Yan greeted with a slight nod, and let the middle-aged man who came out to greet his group lead the way.

"My dear elders, don't worry."

Si Li sighed, and said: "Everyone may not know something. In the morning, a major event that shocked the whole country happened in front of our Jianbao Pavilion."

"Princess Great Annoyance was peeped and changed her clothes, and she chased and killed the prostitute all the way to this point. As a result, the prostitute was not caught, but instead attracted a strong man from the Hehuan sect."

"The shopkeeper Yuan Ying broke his body with a slap, and kidnapped Princess Dayan. The guards searched the inside and outside of the Jianbao Pavilion, and now the store is still sorting out the shelves."

"Fairies, please go to the tea room and wait for a while. I will order more people to tidy up all the shelves as much as possible."


Deacon Yan was silent for a long time before uttering a word.

The Hehuan sect acts according to the heart, according to the heart, and there is no taboo in the direction of the heart. But in other countries, they still kidnapped a princess who was titled the name of the country in the capital.

In this way, they were not suppressed by the imperial guards and the superintendents of Jiantiansi. Even if they didn't like the deacon Yan of the Demon Sect, they had to say it was great convincingly.


Jin Lin leaned back, his eyes widened, and his face was full of surprise, just like an old man looking at his phone on the subway.

His abnormality did not attract the attention of others, because the expressions of others were more exaggerated than his.

Even Bai Jin's face changed, he was really being watched by two gossiping witches now.

"Don't mention those disappointing things, fairy elders, please, the tea room has prepared tea."

Si Li shook his head helplessly. Everything that happened today was completely unexpected, and he didn't expect that a common incident of capturing a prostitution thief would attract the Acacia Sect to get involved.

Not only did he slap the shopkeeper, but he also robbed the seller of the Puppet Palace in the Jianbao Pavilion.

Of course, he wouldn't say anything about being robbed, so who would spread the word about things that would damage the reputation of Jianbao Pavilion.

"Drink your tea first, I'll go outside for a walk."

Bai Jin said hello to Deacon Yan, and then he was going to go to the market outside to buy some snacks to transform into cloudy red spiritual fruit that could be swallowed.

A good magic weapon can be refined, and a damaged magic weapon can also be refined. Even as long as there is spiritual energy, even pieces of white brocade can squeeze out spiritual juice
Bad things are cheaper than good things, and Bai Jin has reached the age to consider daily necessities.

In the Xingluo Xianmen, it is no different than the Hehuan Sect, and there is no such a big old devil who indulges himself.

Although Sui Mingxing is rich, Bai Jin is afraid of death.


"Why don't you two go to the Bo Opera House, and follow me all the time?"

After leaving the team of Xingluo Xianmen, Bai Jin reconnected with the people from the bad team, and said angrily.

"Of course I care about you! There is no sister to take care of you in Xingluo Xianmen. I am afraid that you will catch a cold when you sleep at night and be bullied by those cold-blooded monsters."

Shi Feiyan's face was full of sadness: "After all, your identity is so embarrassing, once you are exposed, you will die. Why don't we hurry up and find a place for a bridal chamber, so that I can have a legitimate reason to annex the property you put in the family."

"It's too much! I'm still alive!"

Bai Jin's face was full of black lines, he stretched out his hand, pinched his unreliable cheek and began to pull: "Be a bit like a senior sister to me, don't spend all day thinking about eating, drinking and having fun, whoring junior brother for nothing!"

"What are you afraid of? Xiaobai is so rich, the family can definitely raise a salty fish." Shi Feiyan squatted down so that Bai Jin could pull her cheek, and wanted to trick some Lingshi into the theater by being cute. Return a book.

Bai Jin is very rich, quite rich, as long as he has money, his abilities can become stronger quickly.

Therefore, for Bai Jin, the suzerain usually wears loose trousers. If you want to devour magic weapons, elixirs, and spirit stones, you can go directly to the Acacia Sect to apply.

The Hehuan Sect is very old, and the Lingshi veins do not know how much they occupy. As long as the suzerain who serves is not a greedy and guarded character, the disciples will not be short of money at all.

However, it is an exception for Concubine Shiyan, and the Hehuan Sect can't afford this money-giving scammer.

"She seems to be jealous. Eat that red dress." Meng Qi said with a smile.

No one in Hehuanzong knows that Shi Feiyan and Bai Jin are directly related as senior sister and younger brother, but Shi Feiyan never lets Bai Jin call her senior sister.
Either call him by his first name, or call him Greedy Mo Dao.

The word greed represents her extreme greed for money, and the ink word contains two meanings, one is greedy, and the other is black.

How could such a greedy person watch Xiao Baifei fly away when he was raised until he was so white and tender.

This bad woman plans to prostitute her junior for free!From the beginning to the end, I planned to grow fat and strong, and then go whoring for nothing!
"It's not that bad. Isn't it normal for a sister to care about a younger brother? Besides, Xiaobai is so brave that I don't dare to mess around." Shi Feiyan completely erased her sense of existence, swore to God that she was innocent, and showed a weird smile.

"Don't mention my black history."

Bai Jin slapped his face with one hand, habitually erased his own existence, put the existence he had snatched from Puppet Hall on his body surface, and pretended to be another person.

"I'm going to buy snacks. If you don't have money to spend, go and rob those courtesans who are making quick money, or... directly take down the gambling real estate and have fun yourself, go and go."

After saying that, Bai Jin left directly, and began to pick up trash from the first stall he saw.

I don't want to relive old dreams with Shi Feiyan, that woman's Taoist name should not be called Greedy Mo, but Unreliable!
"This, this, this... and the carpet, you keep your body covered, and wrap everything else up." Bai Jin raised his left hand slightly, released the soul's head, stuck out his tongue like a snake and shook it around.

All the tattered aura values ​​in front of him have been detected clearly.

"What did you do to Xiaobai?" Meng Qi asked in surprise as she looked at Bai Jin who was leaving in a hurry.

"Too many things to do. How can I remember, who knows which time Xiaobai said!"

Shi Feiyan shrugged her shoulders, raised her right hand high and wiped it from the top of her head, her figure disappeared in front of everyone, even the weak ones could not remember her.

"However, what Bai Jin said is quite right. Since the Bo Opera Building won me so badly, we should take revenge and come back. Let's go, do something big, and then burn down the Bo Opera Building. Just build another one."

".Why don't you take out your instrument, so you can have as much money as you want."

The concubine Shi Yan is good at playing musical instruments, and her music is like the great music of heaven, which is unforgettable forever.

The sound of nature or the sound of subjugation is within her mind.

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(End of this chapter)

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