I am in good spirits

Chapter 378 Ye Ya: "Woooooo...my little furnace."

After the Heavenly Demon battleship sailed in the sky for a long time, it was less than a hundred miles away from the Qizong, the largest sect in Xizhou.

On the fairy boat, Yu Xueqing changed her usual cowardly and submissive appearance, and chased after Bai Jin with excitement on her face, asking about Bai Jin's length.

In the past, she was afraid of Bai Jin because the little junior in front of her might have a stubborn personality, and on a whim, she would drag herself to the wilderness to have a big adventure, or break into the wolf's den and tiger's den to find some young men to start off with.

But after learning that Bai Jin was a thug of the Hehuan Sect, Yu Xueqing was completely relieved.

If a righteous person eats, drinks, prostitutes, gambles and smokes, robs and bullies men and women, he must be a scum, and it is unfortunate that such a scum can appear in the fairy gate. It's normal for the hostess not to let go.

It is wrong to measure Bai Jin by the righteous standard. After Yu Xueqing measured Bai Jin by the standard of the devil, she thought for a long time in the dormitory and even pinched her chest muscles. She suddenly realized the answer: Bai Jin is Bai Yueguang!

Looking at it this way, the little junior brother is quite a good person!

Because of this, Yuxueqing is no longer afraid of Bai Jin, but feels that her junior brother is a super good person. If she wants to kill people, she will kill them one by one, not in groups. She even took the initiative to help Hai Linger trim the greenery in Yuhai City.

Bai Jin is a good person by the standards of demon cultivators. Yu Xueqing just changed the standard, and Bai Jin immediately changed from a stubborn scum who loves to go around Goulan, to Bai Yueguang, who is loved by everyone in the cultivation world.

Bai Jin didn't know what happened to Yu Xueqing, but he was also happy to drink and brag with the beautiful senior sister.

Of course, drinking in moderation with Senior Sister Yu is fine, but Yuxueqing has set a record of killing a school friend by drinking alone, even Bai Jin cheated and couldn't drink half of her.

Water attribute monks are especially good at drinking, and because Yu Xueqing is a chimera and for unknown reasons, even if the monks in the transformation stage come to drink the same wine, as long as they don’t drink the spiritual energy to burst their bodies, no one can drink it better than Yu Xueqing .


"Dididi, is your suzerain at home?"

When he came to the frozen Qizong mountain gate, Bai Jin poked his head out from the fairy boat, and said unceremoniously to the Qizong disciples guarding the mountain gate: "We are the five chiefs of the Five Elements Mountain of Xingluo Xianmen. Disciple, I hope you can inform me if I need to visit Sect Master Ye Ya.”

"If you don't inform me, you three will be killed directly."

As a disciple of Hehuan Sect and Xingluo Xianmen, and the top annual fee SVIP of Qizong, Bai Jin has always wanted to try the refreshing feeling of being powerless in vain. Before, all the contacts were top-level immortal sects or giants from all sides. You can't just say that you hit someone to death without opening your mouth, or you have to rush all night to kick people's mountain gate directly when dealing with the little demon gate.

There is no one who is open and aboveboard and says he wants to hit someone, now Bai Jin will try it while he has the opportunity, otherwise the fairy boat he spent millions of spirit stones to build would be embarrassing.


The disciples of the Mountain Patrol Artifact Sect, who were originally full of frustration, all showed astonishment by coincidence, and looked at the super giant fairy boat above the sky that covered the sky and the sun: "... We didn't hear wrong or be dazzled just now, right? The one in the sky The thing should be a soaring fairy boat, right?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, notify the elders immediately, notify the elders to come up to welcome the Shangxian, the suzerain is saved!"

They didn't care about what Bai Jin said at all, they just stared blankly at the fairy boat above the sky, and after returning to their senses, they didn't even care about the Xingluo Xianmen, whether they were chief disciples or not, and they all raised their heads and shouted at Qizong. The elders inside issued a notice.

Since visiting Wuqingxian Wuguo, the suzerain of the Qi sect fell ill directly because of depression in his heart. Everything just accompanied the suzerain from a monk in the foundation period to the current summit of the cultivation world.

As the furnace froze, the suzerain also fell, completely paralyzed in bed and gradually haggard.

Because of the sudden cold in Xizhou, everything was frozen and unable to break through the ice. In this cold air, no fairy boat could sail, and all fairy boats would freeze into lumps of ice and fall from the sky.

In front of such a big fairy boat, flying freely in the sky without the slightest frost, the three Xunshan disciples of the Qi Sect thought that the suzerain was saved, so they told the elders to come out to visit the Shangxian and invited the Shangxian to the Qi Sect to serve him. The Sovereign solves the heart disease of the furnace freezing.

Qizong not only froze the suzerain's furnace, but said bluntly that Qizong had nothing but people.

They don't even have a change of clothes, and most of the disciples can wear a pair of underpants for a week without changing them.Since the arrival of the cold air, Qi Sect was more than miserable, which can be explained simply.

As soon as Bai Jin spoke, the disciples of Qi Sect raised their voices, and within a second, Xianzhou was surrounded by elders.

But after seeing the appearance of the super-giant fairy boat, the elders swarmed and fled in all directions, leaving only one red-haired and strong elder standing there with an embarrassing expression on his face:
"Friends of the Hehuan Sect came to visit for some reason?"

The shape of the fairy boat in front of him is extremely eye-catching, and the elders can tell at a glance that it is the Heavenly Demon Battleship taken away from their Qi Sect not long ago by the Zizai Immortal of the Hehuan Sect. The practice of grilling and cooking in the furnace, and even the craftsman who is good at cooking, will be included and recorded in a book called Qizong Recipes by the Hehuan Sect.

Seeing the visit of Zizai Immortal of Hehuanzong, the elders of Qizong were naturally jumping around for fear of running a step behind.

Taoist Yanhuo, who stayed where he was, did not stay where he was sincerely. It was entirely because he was the one who built this Heavenly Demon warship. causing trouble.

"Emmm, let's visit Senior Yeya."

Seeing Qi Zong jumping around, Bai Jin couldn't help but twitched his brows slightly and said: "Senior Fireworks, we only met a while ago, so Ning must have forgotten, right?"

Sui Mingxing and Sui Mingxing had visited the Qi Sect before, and Sui Ming Xing took the lead to contact the Sect Master Ye Ya, hoping that he could build a suitable weapon for Jin Lin. In the end, Zi Zai Xian came forward, and the Qi Sect was helpless The 'Different Magical Alloy' was forged into the 'Quexie' that Jinlin now uses.

At that time, the elders of the Qi Sect gathered together, wanting to watch Immortal Zizai smelt the strange magic alloy stronger than the immortal weapon, just to learn the technique of Immortal Zizai's forging, but in the end they learned a loneliness, and Bai Jin also learned from the mouth of the old devil Zizai. Li learned that the strange magic alloy came from the demon clan, and originated from another hall where the dimensional war broke out with the cultivation world.

"It's you! Why did you come here in the fairy boat that you took arbitrarily?" Taoist Firework was stunned, and the person on the fairy boat looked suspicious and asked.

"What do you mean? When the Corpse Mountain Forbidden Area was opened before, the old devil Zizai was blown up by the ruthless fairy, and scattered all the treasures and high-level magic weapons all over the place. We just picked up the fairy boat in the wooden box." Bai Jin's face was full of righteousness, Said that Immortal Zizai's leg was broken by Immortal Wuqing, and he was half paralyzed like a stroke: "The old devil Zizai is probably still in Abaaba begging his disciples to feed him medicine, don't just pull out his lung tube and donate his body .”

"Understand, understand." Taoist Yanhuo greeted everyone into Qizong with sweat profusely, and said, "Before I heard from my disciples that you wanted to visit our suzerain, although it's okay for you to meet, it's just that the situation of suzerain is not optimistic now. If you have any questions, just ask me directly."

Taoist Yanhuo didn't make any detours, and directly brought Bai Jin and his party to the courtyard where the suzerain lived, pointed to the courtyard in front of the forging studio, and pointed to the black long-haired gentleman lying on the completely frozen furnace.

He was lying in the center of the smelting furnace, the flames that had been tumbling like magma were completely frozen into lumps of ice, and Zhengtai was lying in the center of the furnace with empty eyes, the furnace under him had been filled with tears of grievance, and even the clothes on his body were gone. Wet and dyed with tears and freezing.

I believe that in the near future, the ending of the black long-haired heroine will be completely frozen like a melting pot.

"This is Sect Master Ye Ya?" Bai Jin pointed at the seven or eight-year-old child with a face full of astonishment. He gestured to his height of about 1.3 meters and [-] meters, and stepped in front of Taoist Fireworks to compare that Sect Master Ye Ya was more than two meters tall.

Taoist Fireworks took it for granted: "That's right! Our suzerain was originally a dwarf, and in order to maintain the dignity of the Qi sect, he has always shown his appearance to others."

What he said was so straightforward, and so smooth and without any hesitation, that Bai Jin was stunned and completely forgot what he wanted to ask.

Rather than asking what. Should I call Lingyuexian and Chongju over now, and hold a children's party with the top powerhouses in the cultivation world?

Bai Jin complained maliciously.


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