I am in good spirits

Chapter 39 The Auction Is Coming Soon

Chapter 39 The Auction Is Coming Soon

"My friend, your reaction is very strange."

Bai Jin put his hand on the shoulder of Yu Li, who looked like a male cultivator but was actually a junior sister of Puppet Palace, and explained with a smile on his face: "This is not a normal thing. I just saw a young man in a Chinese suit in the toilet."

"I just want to make a friend with you, do you need to scream like a pig?"

Not only did Bai Jin not understand the meaning of the mistake, he even started to sue the villain first, and instilled some strange cold knowledge to the silly girl of the Puppet Hall.

It is actually a very reasonable thing for a boy to go to the toilet and glance at the pit next door.

This is a kind of comparison mentality. When Bai Jin saw Yu Li, he said that he would be the dragon and phoenix because of his rich clothes, so he had the mentality of making friends, so he greeted Yu Li in a manly way.

Of course, this is all Bai Jin's nonsense, pure lack of heart to bully Yu Li has never been a man.

Yu Li didn't notice anything wrong either, because she was a little accustomed to the fact that she looked like a male cultivator in front of outsiders.

When she encountered cognitive confusion at the beginning, her mentality collapsed and exploded.

However, she learned from Shimen that the cognitive confusion of Hehuan sect lasted for a long time, so she calmed down.

During the duration, she just acted in the appearance of her senior brother, being careful not to expose herself, so as not to be discovered by other monks and bullied by that bastard Acacia Sect bitch.
The three major magic sects have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they must belong to the Hehuan Sect in terms of ability to fight. The Ten Thousand Flowers Valley is extremely powerful, and it has branches in any big city.

Puppet Hall is not the case, it has always been relatively mediocre, known as the second ancestor of the cultivation world, all relying on the protection of their ancestors, in recent years, there has not been a soul refiner who can do it, and there is no outstanding masterpiece.

The monks of the Puppet Hall are extremely friendly and stubborn, and the Acacia Sect molested them every time they saw Jiao Lao.

Just like Bai Jin bullying Yu Li now.

However, Puppet Hall never abandons Hehuan Sect, and wants to catch Hehuan's disciples to practice Horcruxes and Soul Treasures all day long.

"Don't worry, I can still lie to you. If you care so much, come here, come here, and I will also perform a big water rush to the Dragon King Temple for you."

Bai Jin instilled a set of fallacies in Yu Li, and continued to bully the little junior sister of Puppet Hall to death.

Bullying Puppet Palace is a traditional art of Hehuanzong, Bai Jin doesn't know the reason, but it seems that Puppet Palace didn't talk about martial arts and stabbed Hehuanzong in the back.

It led to the death of the previous suzerain, and as a result, he was targeted by the careless Hehuan sect for more than 1000 years, and he still insults him every time he sees him.

"don't want."

Seeing Bai Jin, a cultivator from the Xingluo Xianmen, holding her hand and walking towards the toilet seat, Yu Li hurriedly broke away from Bai Jin's palm anxiously and shyly: "I believe it, is it okay if I believe it?"

"No, you feel that you are suffering in front of your eyes, and I will let you feast your eyes right now."

Yu Li felt uneasy in her heart. It has been rumored in the comprehension world that monks from the Xingluo Xianmen would step on the head of the magic cultivator into the cesspit and ask if your food is good. It is very scary.

Now, the Xingluo Xianmen's monks, latrines, and magic cultivators are all complete, so how can Yu Li not be afraid.


Yu Li, who has a female body and a male skin, was so tricked by Bai Jin that she ran away in a panic and was extremely embarrassed.

Jin Lin, who was about to enter the latrine, bumped into his body and fell backwards, hitting the shelves in the elixir shop.

"King, jingle, ding ding box"

The manager stared dumbfounded at the shelves, which collapsed like dominoes, and all the goods that had just been sorted fell down on the white marble floor again.

The jade bottle collided with the ground, making a crisp sound.

Yu Li, who also fell to the ground, looked at the monks of the Xingluo Xianmen who were all staring at her, and the creature who fell to the ground and was wrapped in bandages.

Yu Li fell into a stupor, all the students of Xingluo Xianmen had expressions of surprise on their faces, and Deacon Yan's face was as black as ink.

Zhu Fu looked at Yu Li, and complained about his fuss: "Are there any monsters in the toilet? It's so urgent."

"We will compensate for the loss in the store." Deacon Yan rubbed his aching head.

"You and I."

Yu Li was so anxious that she couldn't say a word. Surrounded by the Xingluo Xianmen, she was so anxious that she rushed into her throat with a mouthful of sweetness: "cough cough cough"

Jin Lin got up from the ground as if nothing had happened, patted off the dust on his body and strode towards the toilet, saying: "I will compensate for the loss of the store, please, Mr. Manager, please make a count."

"Well, I really don't need it. The jade bottle is extremely strong and not easy to damage, and it can maintain the efficacy of the medicine. It just needs to be rearranged." The manager quickly waved his hand, evading the compensation proposed by Deacon Yan and Jinlin.

"Brother Bai, I knocked someone and vomited blood."

Jin Lin entered the latrine, grabbed the white brocade that was tied to his trousers, and ran outside quickly, asking for help from the only doctor in the team to treat the patient.

"What's the rush, what's the matter?"

Bai Jin was grabbed by the waistband of his trousers, and followed Jin Lin out speechlessly, and he saw the little junior sister of Puppet Hall who was kneeling on the ground and spitting blood.

Immediately, the expression on his face changed, becoming holy and dignified like a doctor: "My friend. You are seriously ill!"



The night of lingering in the inn.

"Thank you, brother Bai, for your help. I didn't expect you to be so weak." Jin Lin held a pot of rice wine, knocked on Bai Jin's door, and thanked Bai Jin who was lying on the couch.

Yuli fell into Bai Jin's hands for the third time, and she was still spitting blood under the eyes of everyone. As a doctor, Bai Jin penned the dragon's snake and prescribed the medicine, planning to drink it badly.

I collected all the medicinal materials in the Jianbao Pavilion, and prepared a pair of bitter medicines for Yuli to nourish her body.

After the medicine cured her illness, Yu Li was able to run and jump, and even jumped out of the encirclement of the Xingluo Xianmen with a big jump.

"It's a little effort, nothing to do."

Seeing Jin Lin come in with a jug of wine, Bai Jin was quite surprised and said, "Brother Jin, do you still drink? Why haven't you seen it before?"

Bai Jin, Jin Lin, and Wei Benliang three had more than one appointment to have a barbecue by the spirit pool in front of the mountain gate, and also drank wine, but Jin Lin always refused because he was not good at drinking.

Even Zhu Fu came to drink, but Yu Xueqing, a good baby, dared not sneak out of Rouxiang Peak in the middle of the night, otherwise she might gain a few catties.

"Wine made from coarse grains is different from spirit fruit wine." Jinlin said, "I'm not good at drinking, so I can't drink that kind of wine."

Jinlin doesn't like to drink, but today Brother Bai worked so hard to remedy the injury he hit and almost died.

With bad wine and good meat, he felt that he was a little ignorant of flattery.

Spirit fruit wine is unacceptable, and Jinlin thinks that he is fine with rice wine made from coarse grains with weak alcohol strength.

"Curious. Will Brother Jin go crazy when he's drunk?"

Seeing Jin Lin constantly taking out oily paper bags to wrap meat and pots of rice wine from the storage ring, Bai Jin waved his hand to indicate that it was almost done.

It's just the two who drank so much, and they're not old alcoholics.


Jin Lin was silent for a moment before saying: ". But I dare to say anything without holding back my mouth, and I want to try to do everything."


"Brother Bai, is there anything you want to win at the auction the day after tomorrow?"

Jin Lin didn't answer Bai Jin's doubts. Even as a friend who lived and died together, he still felt that there should be some privacy between the two parties.

His ass is swollen from being beaten by the master, and punching a hornet's nest is not worth showing off.

"Probably just buy a fat fox as a gift to Master? I haven't seen anything cost-effective."

Others participate in auctions for treasures, but Bai Jin happens to be the opposite of others, he likes rags.

(End of this chapter)

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