I am in good spirits

Chapter 53 A beautiful day, from meeting......

Chapter 53 A Beautiful Day, From Encounter.
"Master, it's good taste to make such a big and lifelike stone sculpture scary at the door."

Returning home to the emerald green courtyard that he hadn't seen for several days, Bai Jin's mentality was relatively relaxed, but when the tall wooden door opened, he was almost scared to raise his hand to summon the spirit, and began to slay demons and slay demons to enrich himself.

There is a spider stone sculpture in front of the courtyard, with the aura of a phoenix and a dragon flying like a bullfighting bull, as if it will come alive at any time and launch a thunder strike, which makes people deeply wary of the sculpture from the bottom of their hearts.

The guy who can carve such miraculous stone carvings like a living thing must have reached the pinnacle of spiritual practice.

"What nonsense are you talking about, it's a bug!"

When Sui Mingxing heard the stupid words of the stupid apprentice, he rolled his eyes angrily, and said: "When a part of the monster race breaks through, it will be accompanied by shedding behavior. Chongxing has now broken through to the Nascent Soul stage. Waiting for her Once you've finished shedding your skin and rested, you'll be ready for Thunder Tribulation."

"Stupid apprentice, how do you read books on weekdays!"

Chong Xing has always been able to break through the Nascent Soul stage, but the spiritual power accumulated in his body is not enough to shed his skin, so he procrastinates again and again.

Chong is lucky to live in Wenyao Peak for so long, and he can enjoy the elixir made by the top alchemist every day.

Not long after Bai Jin went out, Chong Xing fell into a state of shedding sleep and was promoted to a Nascent Soul cultivator.

When Bai Jin comes back three or five days later, maybe he can see Chong Xing wearing silk stockings, with an ambiguous face, sticking out his thin hand from behind him, and slapping his ass.

Instead of a stone sculpture that absorbs the moonlight in front of you.

"Sister Bug's cowhide."

Bai Jin thought for a while, and organized words in his heart many times to break the embarrassing atmosphere, but in the end he could only utter a vulgar word with his face blushing.

In front of the spider the size of a house, Bai Jin really couldn't see anything related to Chongxing on it, besides, Chongxing is not a spider!
He is the king of stinging insects, the arrogant insect, a commanding intelligent beast that was born to command poisonous insects.

"Study hard, as a teacher, I am worried that when you go to the mountains to collect medicine in the future, you will be ashamed if you are injured by any monsters and cannot be identified!"

Sui Mingxing didn't criticize Bai Jin too harshly, after all, it's only been a few months, so it's normal not to get used to Wen Yaofeng's tradition of studying frequently.

As long as you remember to study hard in the future, there is no need to make a big fuss.

"So what if you recognize it?" Bai Jin asked strangely.

"Do you have no friends as a teacher? As a teacher, go to the virgin forest and ask around. You can clearly see who hit you and when they hit you!"

Sui Mingxing smiled all over his face, elbowed Bai Jin's arm and said, "Don't say that you are a teacher and don't help your apprentice, and you don't recognize that you were beaten by a monster, that's your responsibility."

Teaching apprentices, relying solely on strictness and harshness, it is impossible to teach excellent apprentices!
Suimingxing visited the first of the remaining Five Elements Mountains to learn from them the teachings of his disciples.

It is concluded that if one wants to teach high-quality apprentices with both good morals and morals, one must give both kindness and prestige to education.

Correct education should be given to mistakes, but a little temptation should be given on the road of practice to motivate students to make progress.

There must be a degree of temptation, so as not to nourish endless greed and give birth to a powerful inner demon, or directly become a demon.

As a young man, Bai Jin must have a good face. As long as his apprentice's progress satisfies Suiming Xing, any reward Bai Jin wants can be discussed.


From Sui Mingxing's point of view, during the few days he hadn't seen Bai Jin, the experience of his apprentice was like the past few months.

On the day of returning to the emerald green courtyard, out of pity, Sui Mingxing did not arrange for Bai Jin to conduct a cultivation test, but asked the kitchen to arrange delicacies very pragmatically.

The four hairless spirit monkeys were busy with this, and even the private possession of monkey wine was taken out by Sui Mingxing to wash away the dust.

The protagonist of the banquet is obviously himself, but Bai Jin feels that his master is just greedy.

It's good to take advantage of the excitement and eat two more bowls of food.

After drinking, eating, bathing, changing clothes and washing feet, Bai Jin didn't run around and go wild, but went back to the dormitory honestly, ready to take a good rest and go play with Zhu Fu tomorrow morning.

What he experienced at the Great Weary Country Auction was actually very tiring for him.

First, there was a head-to-head confrontation with the six-tailed heart fox, and then there was the coercion and threat of the divine sense of the extremely powerful Dementor Demon King.

If it weren't for the soul, and the assistance of the Hehuanzong Tianmo Freedom Sutra, so that he could recover quickly, Bai Jin would probably have been consumed to a blank sheet of paper

It was late at night, and Bai Jin, who was in a drowsy sleep, suddenly felt a chill coming, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch a blanket or clothes to cover him.

But he didn't feel it for a long time, but instead touched the colder jade ground.

The drowsiness receded like the tide, and Bai Jin was shocked by the texture of the jade.

This thing is exactly the same as the jade he touched in front of the Taiyi Palace, and it is as cold and biting as hell!
Bai Jin, who woke up from the fright, opened his eyes, and what he saw was Wuqingxian who was sitting on the recliner and reading.

She took off a simple and quiet Taoist robe, her hair was tied with a rope and placed casually on her side, and she was wearing a white loose silk pajamas
There is only one tie on the top to ensure that the Wuqingxian will not tear the clothes from it in public, and the pajama pants on the lower body are as loose as cropped flared pants.

Bai Jin was taken aback for a moment, then turned pale with shock, and hurriedly stretched out his hands to cover his eyes.

"woke up?"

Immortal Wuqing raised her head slowly, and said, "Let go of your hands, one of the basic etiquettes of conversation is to focus your eyes, stare at the other party or concentrate on thinking so as to promote the progress of the conversation."

"Don't stare blankly, stare at people's private parts and look around indiscriminately."


Realizing that Immortal Wuqing didn't come to mess with him, or find an excuse to beat him up, Bai Jin let out a sigh of relief and put down his hand, bowed and asked, "I don't know why Master Master captured his disciple to Taiyi Palace in the middle of the night, why?"

"The Dementor Demon King was on the verge of death, but was saved by a friend of mine with a guarantee of his life"

Wuqingxian put down the book in his hand, looked at Bai Jin in front of him and said, "I cut off half of Wu Zhao's life, and it will take 15 years to recover to the strength of a celestial being."

"She still has the power of a Nascent Soul cultivator, so don't think about taking the opportunity to get rid of Wu Zhao and Su Tu."

Although Wuqingxian didn't say it clearly, what she meant was to tell Bai Jin that it's okay to go out in the near future, but don't think about a group of Didi killing the Dementor Demon King.

She has a backer behind her now, and the strength of the backer is the strongest person at the same level as her.

"Give you."

Immortal Wuqing clenched her hands tightly, squeezed out an ice crystal, raised her hand and threw it at Bai Jin, saying: "This is a reward, a reward for remembering that the promise you made to me did not disappoint me."

Before Bai Jin left Xingluo Xianmen, he was interviewed once by Wuqingxian.

Guaranteed not to make Sui Mingxing sad, nor to dampen Sui Mingxing's enthusiasm for teaching apprentices, so the Ruthless Immortal allowed Bai Jin to leave the Xingluo Xianmen without restraint.

Now that Bai Jin kept his promise, he was appreciated by the Ruthless Immortal who specially gave him a life-saving treasure.

"Thank you for teaching the real treasure."

Bai Jin raised his hand to catch the thrown ice crystals, but accidentally saw Wuqingxian's straightened cuffs, and his pupils shook like an earthquake.


The ice crystals fell on the jade floor, making a crisp falling sound.

Bai Jin and Wuqingxian looked at each other and fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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