I am in good spirits

Chapter 75 My Little Junior Sister

Chapter 75 My Little Junior Sister

In the capital city of Gudan approaching the early morning, there was no bustling bustle of traders in the past. On the streets, traces of the slaughter of the Dementor Demon King last night could be vaguely seen, and black smoke was still emitting from the ruins of the city gate.

In front of the gate of Wanhua Pavilion, Bai Jin led Shi Feiyan to turn directly to the left, preparing to go to the west of the city to meet Meng Qi.

Wu Zhao hugged Su Tu and walked to the right. Su Tu looked at her husband with a face full of reproach, and his collar was slightly tightened.

The roads on both sides are open to the sky, and each side walks on one side. It was as if nothing happened last night, and everyone did not violate the river.

"As expected of Xiaobai, he fooled the Dementor Demon King so easily, tell me, where did you collect the remaining mana breath of the Ruthless Immortal, and give me some too."

Drifting away from the Dementor Demon King and his gang, Shi Feiyan, who was full of surprise, finally couldn't help but speak.


Bai Jin, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, and looked back at Shi Feiyan with a bitter smile: "The jade slip is real. The jade slip just now was something I sold, and the Wuqingxian gifted it to me to protect my body." of."

"I still have an ice crystal around my neck that can summon the clone of the Wurui Immortal."


Shi Feiyan's eyes gradually straightened, and she looked at Bai Jin in doubt: "Can you really summon the Wuqingxian? I'm afraid you didn't follow the bed of the Suifingxing to the Wuqingxian's bedside, in the gate of the Xingluo fairy. Is it that easy to mess around with?"

Now she is confused by Bai Jin, and she can't understand how Xiao Bai coaxed that ruthless man who killed along the line of cause and effect to be so obedient.

"The ones in the Xingluo Xianmen are not stupid and sweet, I can be so chic purely because of the face of the master!"

Shi Feiyan pouted, Bai Jin knew what was going on in her mind, and immediately spoke seriously, warning her not to think about unrealistic things.

He was able to enjoy such a good time in Xingluo Xianmen, in fact, the proportion of luck is very high.

If it wasn't Sui Mingxing who arrested him on the spot, but the other four of the Five Elements Immortals, then he would have to sing cool.

If it wasn't for the Wuqingxian's habitually coaxing Sui Ming Xingxin to melt before Wuqingxian reacted, Bai Jin believed that Wuqingxian could make him passive and permanently lose contact.

Otherwise, it would be like now, relying on the identity of Sui Mingxing Dumiao's direct apprentice, wandering around in front of the ruthless fairy without being cut into corpses by her sword for 6000 yuan, and the soul was hung by the bed as a night lamp for getting up at night.

The more he thought about it, the more sad he felt, and Bai Jin felt a little wronged.

I didn't do anything, I just watched the excitement in Dayan Border Town, how could I become lively.

"There is no."

Shi Feiyan smiled and said: "With the famous sayings you taught me, Xiaobai, my sister is not short of money now!"

"What did I teach you?" Bai Jin asked in confusion.

"It's possible to make money from robbery, but you must make money from extortion." Shi Feiyan said triumphantly: "On top of this, I have developed another implementation rule to guarantee the rate of return."

"That is, during the kidnapping process, I can still let the victim go out to work and make money. After realizing it, I immediately turned everyone in Wanhua Pavilion into a victim and looted all their property."

"The male cultivator was sent to work as a handyman at the dock, and the oiran served him with delicious food and drink, so that they could all work hard!"

"You are really a villain."

Bai Jin was at a loss for words by Concubine Shi Yan, and didn't know what funny expression to put on: "Aren't you afraid of meeting those goddesses from Wanhua Valley and being beaten all over your head?"

"Hey, I'm afraid I won't make any money. It's okay. At most, I'll find my brother and get the ransom."

Shi Feiyan held Bai Jin's arm, and turned her head closer with a cute expression: "My good brother, will you save me?"

"I'll give you a kick! Bet you!"

Both of them were in a state of lack of presence, as if no one was arguing, a line of armored soldiers from Liecheng was patrolling cautiously on the street, for fear that they would really encounter the female devil who slaughtered the strong men in the city last night.

Wu Zhao is not interested in ordinary people, and the souls of ordinary people are of no use to her except to free them and release them. She doesn't even bother to kill them.

Bai Jin rushed towards the main gate in the west of the city, while reprimanding Shi Feiyan for plotting her wallet.

The lady-in-law not only looked at her pocket, but also planned to ask herself to borrow [-] million points!

"They are here."

Meng Qi, who was sitting in a tea shop at the west gate of the city, stopped drinking tea, and glanced at the closed city gate: "The senior brother you have never forgotten is here too~ Su Jie'er."

Su Jie'er, who was at the same table with Meng Qi, was the princess who had met once before.

She was not present on the day of the incident in the capital city of Dayan, and she was sent to the south of Dayan in a muddleheaded way by the national teacher. In addition, Taoist Zhenbao came out to persuade her to fight, so she did not escape from the wolf's lair of Lianyoumen and into the tiger's mouth of the Ruthless Immortal.

"As long as I pass the test of arrogance, can I officially join the Hehuan Sect?"

Su Jie'er glanced at the direction of the city gate, but she didn't see anything unusual, and she couldn't see anyone, so she simply turned her head to look at Meng Qi who was smiling all over her face, and said, "You don't need to go back and talk to the elders in the sect. ?count?"

"It doesn't matter. With the recommendation of me and Li Mo, you are more than enough to enter the outer sect. If you get the recommendation of the senior brother, you may even directly have the privilege of entering the inner sect disciple selection competition."

"We are all for your own good," Meng Qi said with a smile all over her face.

Joining the Hehuanzong is very simple, just find the Hehuanzong Mountain Gate and sign up.

But if you want to enter the inner sect, the process of obtaining the Dao name from the elders of the master sect is extremely difficult and complicated, because those old bastards haven't come back once in hundreds of years, and when they come back, they just deal with a few things and leave in a hurry.

Every outer disciple of Hehuan Sect is taught by the inner disciples to the foundation building stage, and the senior brothers and sisters will contact the direct master of the outer disciples to ask for the address.

Then let the outer disciples go out alone, looking for the master who was assigned at the beginning
If you find it, you can learn the secret method and Taoism casually. If you can't find it, you can only rack your brains to fish out your master.

The treatment for disciples of Hehuan Sect's outer sect is not much different from that of orphans in orphanages.

Su Jie'er wanted to take revenge on that vixen, and wanted to enter the inner sect of the Hehuan Sect, and get recommended by three or more direct disciples, so that she could attract back the elders who went out to play with her talent.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Su Jie'er to enter the inner sect. She is now in the early stage of foundation establishment, and she is only twenty years old. The Hehuan Sect has never accepted such an old apprentice.

Meng Qi was an accident. After she was kicked out of the house by that bastard, she was hungry and cold and penniless, so she directly bumped into Zizai Laomo.

It is a model of surviving a catastrophe and having future blessings.

After learning about the evil thoughts in her heart, she was sent by the old devil Zizai to Huanhuanzong to be tempered.

"Su Jie'er, I've seen Senior Brother Arrogant!"

As the distance approached, Bai Jin showed her figure when she was approaching the tea shop, Su Jieer quickly stood up and saluted the white figure directly: "I am a young junior who just joined the outer sect of the Hehuan Sect."

"We met once in the country of great displeasure. I don't know if you still remember it."


Ask for votes~ Good brothers, count the votes for me

(End of this chapter)

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