I am in good spirits

Chapter 92 The Holy Spirit Fairy: Dawn

Chapter 92
“What a waste”

Wuqingxian's right hand and Bai Jin's left hand were frozen in the red to bluish black ice mass. Bai Jin sat on the ground in front of the bench, looking at the black and red water droplets falling into the metal plate with regret.

Wuqingxian held Bai Jin's hand and completely froze it to prevent the 'curse of the nine-headed bird' from spreading. The black liquid dripping into the metal plate now is the curse entity dissolved in the ice water.

If the soul eats those curses, it should be possible to condense a good quality spiritual fruit.

But asking the soul to come out and lie on the bench, poking out his tongue to lick the ice on the joint between himself and the Wuqingxian, seems a bit impolite
"The sloppy, here you are."

Immortal Wuqing glanced at Bai Jin, and a condensed cloud of cold mist appeared in front of her divine sense, which finally froze into a lollipop and floated in front of Bai Jin.

Bai Jin had been staring at the ice ball all night. Although Wuqingxian didn't want to talk to this uneducated idiot, he saw the little coward's face full of grievances, and his mouth was still muttering pitifully.
In the end, he decided to ask him to eat ice, lest he really lick those poisonous black ice.

Although there are countless magical powers in the world of cultivating immortals, it is still difficult to eat clean ice. Unless it is cold and freezing in winter, it is difficult for ordinary people to enjoy popsicles in hot summer.

At least, Wu Qingxian has never seen it, who dares to ask himself to eat popsicles in summer.


Bai Jin stared blankly at the popsicle handed in front of him, immediately took it, and said, "Thank you, master, for the reward."

"Think about what to clean up, the curse dissolves and we set off." Wuqingxian said lightly: "I hope you will save me a little embarrassment later."

"Otherwise... no, you are still free to play."

The 'Heaven and Human Banquet' will start soon, Wuqingxian hopes that the little counselor will act more majestic later, so as not to lose face as one of the representatives of Xingluoxianmen.

Otherwise, if he returns to Xingluo Xianmen, he will be punished to stay in his own palace to make up lessons, but Immortal Wuqing thinks it's okay, Bai Jin comes from the Acacia Sect, so he may be so cowardly because of his spiritual practice.

This point needs to be rectified, the Xingluo Xianmen does not need the "Acacia Spiritual Awareness Free Mind Method" of the Acacia Sect.

"Slightly licking it can't be melted! Master Zhangjiao."

Bai Jin looked at Wuqingxian with a dazed face, a frosty popsicle sticking to his tongue.

The elder handed him food, although he didn't know what happened, but Bai Jin still ate it, and ended up being tricked by the Wuqing Immortal and became the victim.

The tongue was welded to death at the first bite, and the tough popsicle could not be crushed even with hard teeth.


Wuqingxian looked at Bai Jin and sighed, and continued to lie down and read as if nothing had happened.

Where did the senior sister pick up the idiot?


In the core hall of the Floating Island Palace, an oval wooden table is placed in the center, and dishes comparable to a full banquet are placed on the table one by one, covered by aura, and some ribbons and bonsai are hung around it for decoration.

Daoist Zhenbao sat at the waist of the table. Opposite him were Fairy Lingyue, the Grand Master of the Spiritual Beast Sect, and the Suzerain of the Qi Sect.

"It's almost time." Taoist Zhenbao said with his eyes closed and his eyes open.

Fairy Yueling was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help leaning against the master of Qi Sect.

Among so many celestial beings, she is the smallest in figure, and her own combat power is not outstanding, and she usually relies on the little babies to fight the world.
The Sun Jinwu who ruled the Yaozu during the day, the Taiyin Tengu who ruled the night, and the Sea Dragon King, the representative of the ocean tribe, were all present. Fairy Yueling would feel embarrassed every time she participated in the Heaven and Man Banquet.

Moreover, there will be a nine-headed bird "dirty Taoist" attending the banquet later, making her situation even more embarrassing.

In the void, black round holes opened one after another, and the gods led their disciples or companions to attend, and everyone sat on both sides of the long oval table consciously divided according to their strength, taking Taoist Zhenbao as the dividing line without saying a word.

"Master Headmaster, where is the table where the child sits?"

Coming out of the gap in the space, Bai Jin glanced at the long oval table that was almost full, and couldn't help asking Wuqingxian where he should sit.

"If you don't mind, you can sit on my lap."

In the first vacant seat on the left of the main seat in front of him, a smile slowly appeared on his face, and Zizai Xian, who was sitting sideways with his legs crossed, said, "If you don't sit, there will be no seats for children in our banquet!"

Although Heaven and Man Banquet refers to banquets, it is actually an occasion for negotiations, quarrels, and conflicts.

It doesn't matter whether the dishes are good or not, they are just decorations and throwing props that increase the sense of ceremony.

"You stand behind me."

Wuqingxian didn't explain too much, but just ordered Bai Jin to stand behind her, sit on the main seat, and then looked at the other side without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the hall seemed oppressive, and the disciples brought by the heavenly beings stood behind the master's chair.No matter how detached his previous personality was, he was infected by the dignified atmosphere and looked at the opposite side with a serious face and straight eyes.

Standing between Immortal Wuqing and Immortal Zizai, Bai Jin looked around curiously, to see what the big shots in the legends looked like.

He didn't feel the slightest solemnity in his heart. Instead, he felt that so many people gathered together, as long as they didn't fight wildly with real knives and guns, it was quite interesting.

The monks in the hostile alliance are all handsome or picturesque strong men. The luck of the monks who can stand at the top of the cultivation world is not too bad, and some are even lucky all the way from birth.

Then Bai Jin began to look at the people in his own alliance.

"Yo~ little brother!"

The woman sitting under Zizai Xian on the left seemed to sense Bai Jin's gaze, turned her head and smiled, and cast a very exotic wink.

The big golden waves set off the old skin of Wanhua Valley Gu as white as snow, and the coquettish red lips made it impossible to take your eyes off her face.

"Damn little brother, his name is worse than pet names like Xiao Wang Wang and Xiao Bai Bai."

Bai Jin complained in his heart, and said with a smile on the surface: "Good afternoon, senior Wanhua Valley, junior Xingluo Xianmen Wenyao Peak Bai Jin has met senior."

"Little Baibai"

Zizai Xian waved at Bai Jin, with a not-so-serious smile on his face, and said, "Don't be fooled by her, this woman is very fond of teasing people, as soon as you lift her skirt, a snake will bite you, a very thick snake .”

"That's Master's Red Raised Snake Gu, senior, please don't use strange adjectives on Master!"

Behind Elder Gu stood a group of female disciples, one of them bowed politely to Immortal Zizai and said with a serious face.

"Holy Spirit Fairy?"

Bai Jin and Zizai Xian Qiqi turned their heads sideways, and when they saw the fairy who stood up to speak, they nodded suddenly.

There is only one goddess like this in Ten Thousand Flowers Valley with a serious and old-fashioned personality, unable to gather people's hearts.

"Baby apprentice, you can't do this."

Old Gu looked at the Holy Spirit with a smile, and said, "Look at so many young talents around you, if you don't take advantage of this to hook a few back and use them as wallets or furnaces, forget it."

"Master has taken a fancy to this heavyweight for you. You don't even look at him. Mistress is very worried about you!"

"I don't need those crooked ways. I can rely on the refined Gu worms." The holy spirit glanced at Bai Jin coldly and said, "Besides, from my reading point of view, the young master in front of me must be a female singer, and the one who vomits is really a It may not be a high-quality furnace."


Hearing this, Bai Jin was stunned.

The mouth of the little girl in front of her is really poisonous, she deserves to be the little milk dog that Senior Brother Zhizhi said!

Wuqingxian spoke lightly, interrupting the friendly exchange between Hehuanzong and Wanhuagu's senior management, saying: "All Daoist Zhenbao are already in place, let's get ready for the banquet!"

(End of this chapter)

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