I am in good spirits

Chapter 95 The scenery above the Tai 1 Palace

Chapter 95 The scenery above the Taiyi Palace
"Master Headmaster, wait for me!"

Bai Jin let go of his hand covering his buttocks, used the technique of flying into the air and floated to Wuqingxian, and asked, "Master Zhangjiao has been hearing everyone talking about the 'Forbidden Land of Corpse Mountain' just now, where did it come from? It feels so good .”

The demons and ghosts that are dangerous to others are just a piece of meat to Bai Jin. Whether it has sores on the top of its head or pus on the soles of its feet, its whole body is highly poisonous. When it is sent to the open mouth of the soul, it is a piece of muddy spiritual fruit.

There are many wild monsters in the forbidden area of ​​Corpse Mountain, and Bai Jin is very interested in places he has never heard of.

"The place where our target is located is most affected by the blood rain and the remains of immortals, and there are many demons and demons. Every five or ten years, we will send people to encircle and suppress the demons."

Walking outside the magnificent palace, the Wuqingxian raised his hand to beckon to the fairy boat parked on the edge of the floating island, and calmly said: "Your master and my master are buried in it, considering the pollution from the blood rain, they should be able to survive." big jump."

The Forbidden Land of Corpse Mountain was formerly known as Mingyang Mountain. It is famous for its rich and flawless top-quality jade, and it belongs to a place with beautiful scenery.

But when the Xianfan Unicom incident happened, the pile of corpses in the [-]-kilometer core area was three meters high, and a large number of powerful practitioners from the cultivation world fell here. After that, the dissolved corpses formed a terrifying river of corpses.

The land that absorbed the rain of blood and the corpses of the monks underwent unspeakable mutations and became a deadly place.

The restricted area of ​​the mountain of corpses spreads thousands of miles away, and the famous decent sects send their disciples to clean up every five and ten times. They only clean up the monsters in the outer area, and they can't really enter the inner area, let alone the core'corpse that has been most affected by the mutation. Mountain'.

"If you want to join in, you have to practice hard. Now we are just taking the first step to make the voices in the cultivation world seem unified. There is still time for you to grow and prepare for the real plan of digging the road to heaven."

The Ruthless Immortal sighed uncontrollably, the Forbidden Land of Corpse Mountain is purely a man-made Jedi, a large number of uncertain factors are randomly piled together, and finally formed a Jedi where life stops.

Before picking up Bai Jin, she was trying to break into the core area in the forbidden area of ​​Corpse Mountain to explore Jianmu.

As a result, it was difficult to move an inch in the core area, and finally a mutilated immortal corpse blocked the way.

The body of a strange fairy was not the fairy who was beaten to death by a giant palm and fell to the mortal world.

"That's all I can tell you, if you want to know more about the inside story, just work hard!
"Remember. Don't let Sui Mingxing down." Immortal Wuqing said lightly: "Otherwise, don't blame the teacher for being ruthless."

Wuqingxian is more casual with her own people, and reminding Bai Jin again is purely because she feels that Bai Jin may deceive Sui Mingxing many times in order to become stronger quickly!
Although I really don't want to admit it, but the practice method of Hehuan Sect is really much faster than that of Xingluo Xianmen
The Wuqingxian is not afraid of Baijin's ability to practice both magic and magic, but is afraid that Baijin will deceive Suimingxing to help alchemy, give Lingshi other flowers, and use his efforts to make connections. In the end, Baijin incarnates as a demon and raises his hand to perform wooden techniques to suffocate a vine.

The Ruthless Immortal can stab Bai Jin with a random sword!

"How dare you? I was born to respect my teacher! I will always be filial to Master Suimingxing!"

Bai Jin looked at Wuqingxian's face full of doubts, completely not understanding why she brought up the old matter again, but still put on a serious expression to assure Master Zhangjiao.



Back on the fairy boat, Wuqingxian's private club, Bai Jin slipped into the bathroom, took off his trousers, lay flat on the bench where the clothes were placed with a speechless face, and used the art of imperial things to take out the wound prepared for him by the star of life. medicine to heal injuries.

He had been punched hard before, and he was also bombarded by spells in a contest with his senior brother, but Bai Jin never thought that one day, he would put medicine on his backyard.

"Those two wives are too cruel."

After Bai Jin finished applying the medicine, the nameless swollen poison began to dissipate almost instantly, and he could sit upright again: "Next time I see the Dementor King, I'll change a pair of shoes and kick her ass directly!"

"Sit tight, I'll take you to another place."

Wuqingxian's cold voice came from outside the door, and Bai Jin was taken aback and said, "Aren't we going back to Xingluoxianmen? Why don't you take a long detour and throw me back to Wenyao Peak first, Mr. Zhangjiao?"

The feeling of going out with the Wuqingxian, Bai Jin felt like a social butterfly, she had to maintain a dignified and upright character and not be sacked after the fact, and she had to have a mouth full of righteous words.

Coupled with the Wuqingxian watching, Bai Jin had no choice but to pretend to be the hard-working disciple who was the favorite of the bosses.

Now he just wants to find a place to fish. He doesn't want to go out with Wuqingxian to pretend to be aggressive.

"Sit tight, I only borrowed you from your master for seven days, and now the time has passed," Wuqingxian said lightly.

When she borrowed the brocade from her senior sister, the reason she used was because she saw his talent was good, and she planned to let him go to the Library Pavilion to accept the test of divination.

Now it's almost enough to get a breath of Zangshu Pavilion and return it to Sui Ming Xing.

The outer formation of the fairy boat began to deform, linking together like chains and intersecting with the giant formation at the bottom, forming an oval-like protective cover.

The speed of the fairy boat did not increase, but the surrounding scenery like a starry sky kept changing.

The speed of the ruthless fairy boat is not slow. The reason why it took three days to reach the floating island is because Bai Jin, whose cultivation level is not high, traveled at an even speed.


Bai Jin sat on the bench outside the spirit pool, the light blue mana covering his body like a rising flame, staring dully at the wooden wall in front of him: "I want to vomit."

The body is sitting motionless, but the perception of the outside world is very fast. He is now jumping and moving, and there is a squeeze coming, which makes him extremely uncomfortable.

To put it simply, Bai Jin's five and sixth senses fought, and an unknown evil wind blew, and now every part of his body feels uncomfortable.

I don't know how much time passed, and Bai Jin, who was feeling uncomfortable all over, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and all the uncomfortable feelings on his body began to subside.

Then the scenery in front of him changed, from the interior of the cabin to the night starry outside, Wuqingxian stretched out his hand just to grab Bai Jin who was unable to stand still due to dizziness.

"Turn on."

Immortal Wuqing stepped on the vaulted roof of the Taiyi Palace, jumped slightly as if stepping on something, and stood firmly in the midair, watching the changing scenery ahead.

A circular stone staircase with no support suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, spiraling upwards.

"I hope you can take everything you see and hear with me to heart."

Immortal Wuqing lowered her head, glanced at Bai Jin who was leaning on her arm and said, "This is the origin of our Xingluo Xianmen, and it is also the first eternal resting place of Taiyi and Wuxing Mountain. It is not open to the public."

"Our family's grave. Put it in the sky?" Bai Jin murmured to himself as he looked at the stairs that had broken through the atmosphere and ascended to nowhere.

"It's really quite a sight to see all the mountains and small ones."


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