Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1027: Battle Between the Two Armies

Chapter 1027
Li Qinzai is more pragmatic in his life and doing things, and he doesn't pay much attention to some meaningless rituals.

For example, with the handsome flag, if an army on the battlefield is about to be unable to withstand it, and when the morale of the army is about to collapse, Li Qinzai does not believe that a handsome flag can turn the tide and turn the tide against the wind.

It's so miraculous that both the enemy and the enemy will fight for their lives, and it will be over if they have more handsome flags and bigger flags.

No matter how clear and straight the flag is, how mighty it looks, if the strength of the army is not good, it will collapse when it should.

"Zheng Sanlang, Shuaiqi can find a place to install it securely, you... save some energy, energy is very precious, eat more if you use it more, don't waste it." Li Qinzai said sincerely.

Zheng Sanlang smiled honestly: "It doesn't take physical strength to carry the flag. It's good for the villain to stand here. If it's really bad, the villain can also help Li Shuai to block the knife and arrow."

"General Pei said that Shuai Qi is very important, even more important than the villain's life."

"Why is Shuai Qi more important than you? Do you know how much food I spent to support you?" Li Qinzai rolled his eyes: "What a fool, why don't you have a good eye after eating so much? You can carry it if you like. "

Squinting his eyes into the distance, he saw that the enemy army on the opposite side had begun to change formation. Li Qinzai pondered for a moment, then turned his head and said: "Order to beat the drum, and the Chinese army is ready to advance!"

When the voice fell, the rumbling drums suddenly rang out.

The rapid rhythm of the drum seemed to influence the heartbeat of the soldiers, and the heartbeat of every soldier in the army began to be excited.

The long horn suddenly blew, and the generals in the front of the Chinese army waved down the small flag suddenly, and the Chinese army of more than 1 people began to move forward step by step.

The left and right wings also raised smoke and dust, and countless figures slowly moved forward in the smoke and dust, as if two dark clouds enveloped the sky and the earth, sweeping away into the distance in blackness.

Riding on his horse, Li Qinzai watched silently that the Chinese army had advanced several hundred steps, then nodded to Liu Ahsi who was beside him.

Liu Ahsi raised the small flag in his hand, and soon there were generals echoing each other, ordering the army to stop.

"The front shield array is ready-!"

"The gunners are in place!"

"Fill the gunpowder pellets!"

The messengers waved small flags and galloped through the gaps in the queue on horseback, delivering orders to every soldier.

Soon, the enemy army on the opposite side also beat the war drum, and amidst the sound of the horn, the enemy army lined up and advanced towards the Tang army.

Li Qinzai held his breath and stared at the enemy in the distance without blinking.

I have to admit that he is a little nervous at this moment, because this is the first time he has commanded such a large-scale battle. He has led troops and killed enemies before, but it was only on a small scale, and he directly commanded tens of thousands of people like today Combat is the first time.

Seeing that the enemy army had taken the initiative to move forward, Li Qinzai said expressionlessly: "Head the order, the Chinese army will defend."

The first part conveyed the order to the army, and soon the Tang army set up shields in the front row, and countless halberds were erected between the phalanxes. , holding the three-eyed gun horizontally, aiming the muzzle coldly at the slowly advancing Goguryeo army ahead.

The war has begun, and the situation has changed.

For the next details, Li Qinzai no longer personally commanded. As early as a few years ago, after the Tang army was equipped with firearms, the Tang army officers and soldiers had already practiced over and over again in terms of the steps and procedures for confronting the enemy.

The shield array defends against the enemy's bows and arrows. The three-eyed blunderbuss must fire after the enemy has stepped into the range of two hundred steps. No matter how the enemy charges, once they fire, they cannot stop firing until the enemy rushes to the front of their own.

When the enemy army really rushed to the front, Tang Jun's cold weapons such as horizontal knives and long halberds came in handy, and at this time the enemy army was actually at the end of its strength.

Those who can rush to the front of the Tang army alive are all warriors and survivors. It can only be said that their spirit is touching, and there is no need to force anything else.

The enemy army on the opposite side advanced slowly, and as the rhythm of the drums in the enemy's center became more and more rapid, the enemy army obviously accelerated its advance speed, and finally almost began to trot forward.

The generals in the front row of the Tang army stared at the enemy's charge without blinking their eyes, until the enemy's front line stepped within two hundred steps of range, the generals of the Tang army waved their flags and shouted loudly.

"Runners, first row, let go!"

After the loud noise, the enemy troops two hundred steps away began to suffer casualties, and pieces of enemies fell down, and then they were ruthlessly trampled by Pao Ze's footsteps.

At the same time, there was a loud roar from the Goguryeo army, and then a rain of arrows poured down on the Tang army.

However, the shooting range of bows and arrows is far inferior to that of firearms. After the bows and arrows are shot, they only land a hundred steps in front of the Tang army, and they do not hurt the Tang army at all.

The range gap of more than a hundred steps created a blank death zone. In this zone, the Tang army formed a unilateral massacre of the Goguryeo army.

After the Tang army opened fire, it never stopped. Round after round, each soldier was equipped with firearms. More than [-] soldiers of the Chinese army, after each firing, the projectiles spread out in a fan shape, causing casualties to the enemy one by one. .

There were thousands of Tang soldiers in a row, and every time they opened fire, it was a harvest of death. When they rushed a hundred steps away from the front of the Tang army, even the brave Goguryeo soldiers were a little scared.

In such an unfair battlefield duel, there was no hope of survival at all, and the morale of the army suddenly fell to the bottom.

However, the Goguryeo soldiers are worthy of the name of bravery. Even though the morale of the army fell, none of them retreated and fled. They still gritted their teeth and marched forward against the bullets of the Tang army. charge.

Li Qinzai frowned as he watched all this from afar.

It doesn't increase the morale of the enemy, but I have to admit that such an enemy is worthy of respect.

The best way to respect the enemy is to kill them all on the battlefield, and let them reincarnate into the next life with a happy smile.

Seeing that the Goguryeo army was only a hundred steps away from the Tang army's front line, Li Qinzai looked up at the sky and said, "Fire the arrows and order Liu Renyuan's troops to attack the Goguryeo army camp from behind the enemy."

A ringing arrow was ignited, and rushed into the sky. After a scream, it exploded in mid-air, and a red firework appeared and disappeared.

Not long after, the Goguryeo Army's rear erupted like landslides and ground cracks, accompanied by loud bangs of three-eyed guns.

The Goguryeo army that was charging was suddenly stagnant, and the soldiers all turned their heads and looked back, with uncertain expressions.

We are still attacking, but someone robbed our house behind our backs?
After detouring the mountain road for dozens of miles, and lying in ambush outside Songshan Hill for most of the night, Liu Renyuan's [-] soldiers and horses finally turned a night's hard work into a victory.

Liu Renyuan rushed into the Goguryeo camp first.

There were only a small number of enemy soldiers and horses stationed in the camp. When the Tang army overturned the fence and rushed in, the enemy troops in the camp were basically wiped out after bursts of gunshots.

Liu Renyuan lit a torch and threw it at the top of a camp tent, and the fire broke out immediately.

"Light it up and burn it clean for me!" Liu Renyuan ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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