Chapter 1029
The biggest difference between a top student and a scumbag is that a top student will demand himself without limit to make himself better and better, while a scumbag will go to the temple to burn incense and fulfill his vows if he can pass the test. Thank you Bodhisattva for your face.

It is undeniable that Li Qinzai is of course a top student, and he belongs to the top student who is extremely forced to be the best, referred to as "extreme bully".

The achievement of annihilating 1 enemies is nothing to him, but running away more than [-] enemies is his own failure.

Before the college entrance examination in his previous life, if he had such an idea of ​​​​motivation, Tsinghua University and Peking University would definitely have his name, and he would not get a second degree. After graduation, he joined a small company and worked as a social animal for several years.

But in this life, Li Qinzai was outstanding.

The enemy ran more than 1, which is unacceptable and must be deeply reflected.

However, the enemy's defeat was really irreversible. The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, and the Tang army had no time to pursue them.

Li Qinzai sighed helplessly as he watched the Goguryeo army fleeing all over the mountains and plains.

"Call the troops, there is no point in chasing them any longer, order the generals to clean up the battlefield immediately, and count the casualties in the battle."

There was a melodious sound of gold ringing in the middle of the Tang army. After a moment of surprise, the soldiers raised their swords and halberds high and let out loud cheers, mixed with crying and hysterical roars.

In this battle, the Tang army had the advantage in weapons, but it also suffered a lot of casualties.

Those who are still alive and kicking in the early morning, who are still wishing to earn permanent land for their families after victory and victory, will sleep forever in this strange foreign land after a few hours.

Numerous wounded were still lying on the ground moaning in pain. The battlefield was covered with broken limbs and arms. The thick blood was mixed with the muddy ground. The corpses were scattered all over the place. Crows circled in groups in the sky, making mournful cries.

After the big victory, joy and sorrow were mixed, and laughter and cries were intertwined, but they were not abrupt.

The cruelty of war is always noticed after the blood cools down, and only then does one realize that what has been lost has been lost, but what has been gained is so ethereal.

Li Qinzai walked on the battlefield, watching the soldiers around him crying and laughing, seeing the thick blood on the ground, and seeing the dead bodies of both the enemy and us. At this moment, his mood was not joyful, but extremely painful.

Hopefully, Haidong Peninsula is the last battle of this life.

I hope that after this battle, Heqing Haiyan, the Great Tang Dynasty will be peaceful, and comfort the dead heroes.

The soldiers of the Tang army were cleaning the battlefield. The so-called cleaning was just to collect the leftover weapons and the personal belongings of the soldiers who died in battle, including horses, armor, luggage and so on.

Of course, it also includes cutting weeds and roots.

When encountering those enemy soldiers who were slightly injured or seriously injured, they drew their swords and killed them without saying a word, completely ending their lives.

Wang Fangyi, Liu Renyuan and others hurried over, and when they saw Li Qinzai, they clasped their fists and saluted.

Li Qinzai glanced at Wang Fangyi with dissatisfaction, and said, "The left and right flanks wiped out the enemy an hour later than I planned, and almost missed our fighter plane. You'd better give me a perfect explanation."

Wang Fangyi hurriedly said: "Sailor Li, the last general will lead two thousand troops to cooperate with Sun Ren's division to wipe out the enemies on the two wings respectively, but when the enemy is charging head-on, the main general of the other side will temporarily increase troops to the left and right flanks..."

"The flanking armies of the last general and Division Sun Ren were in disarray for a while. After rectification, they calmly wiped out the enemy troops on both wings. This delayed our fighter plane. It was the last general's fault. Please punish Li Shuai."

Li Qinzai's face softened a little, and he hummed and said: "There is a reason for the incident, that's all, in today's battle, the left and right flanks have no merits or faults, do you accept it?"

Wang Fangyi bowed his head and said: "The general is convinced, and has no objection."

"Decree to count the battle damage and casualties of soldiers, count the roster of the dead, report to the imperial court, give preferential treatment, the wounded should be diagnosed and treated by military doctors, and the seriously injured should be transferred to the rear. "

Turning around and looking at the battlefield full of scars and corpses, Li Qinzai sighed and walked towards the Chinese army formation.

A rush of horseshoes broke the peace of the battlefield.

Li Qinzai's heart tightened, and he turned to look in the direction of the sound of horseshoes.

A scout with a panicked expression galloped up to Li Qinzai, dismounted and reported, "Shuai Li, the news of the defeat of the Goguryeo army reached Pyongyang. Come on, it's only fifty miles away!"

Li Qinzai's heart sank, and he looked around at the soldiers of the Tang army who were cleaning the battlefield, and told him rationally that the morale rose once, then declined, and finally exhausted. Now that the Tang army has just experienced a big battle, it is really inappropriate to fight the enemy again.

The Goguryeo army that was separated had a total of more than [-] people. After being defeated, they fled in panic. From the perspective of the overall strategic situation, the Tang army won this battle. .

Any king would not be able to accept this fact, so it is reasonable to urgently increase troops to fight again. After all, the capital is at stake. If the king loses the capital, the morale of the army and the people of Goguryeo will collapse. Never lose.

However, Li Qinzai's original plan did not intend to attack the capital of Koguryo. He knew very well that the garrison of any country's capital was at least [-].

Since there is little hope, how could Li Qinzai cause the soldiers under his command to sacrifice needlessly?
So his original plan was to go directly north after this battle and join Li Ji's main force.

After reuniting with the teachers, he lay flat and died, and handed over the soldiers under his command to Li Ji. Li Qinzai was that flirtatious, handsome and idle dude again.

Now that there was a sudden change, and another [-] enemy troops rushed directly, Li Qinzai's expression suddenly became dignified.

The Tang army can no longer fight, and can only choose to retreat strategically. To put it bluntly, it is to escape.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, this is the safest way.

"Dogs! Do you only pick soft persimmons? You have the guts to fight hard with my grandpa's main force!" Li Qinzai gritted his teeth and cursed bitterly.

Wang Fangyi stepped forward and said anxiously: "Li Shuai, our army has just experienced a big battle, and we can't fight anymore at this time."

Li Qinzai is very irritable now, and he gave him a hard look: "You remind me?"

Wang Fangyi said again: "Shuai Li, if we withdraw, the opponent's [-] troops will definitely catch up. After all, a battle is unavoidable. Our army retreats and rushes for a long distance, which consumes a lot of physical strength, morale and morale, and there is no chance of winning..."

Li Qinzai pondered for a long time, his expression gradually became fierce.

"A piece of toilet paper has its uses. Isn't Waguk and Silla even worse than toilet paper?"

"I don't allow them to insult themselves like this! Send an order to call in the commander of the Silla army, Jin Yuxin. The Tang and Luo countries have a deep love for father and son. The father has exhausted his physical strength, and he should be the son!"

(End of this chapter)

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