Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1035 New Military Order

Chapter 1035 New Military Order
There is a kind of person in the world who has ordinary IQ and ordinary ability, but luck seems to be on the hook. He can succeed in anything, even if he refuses to accept it.

Xue Na is obviously this type of person, as if he had the aura of the protagonist on, like a god in an anti-Japanese drama, the kind who can't be killed by random guns.

Fortunately, this guy is not an enemy, otherwise Li Qinzai would really have a headache.

What else can I do?Honestly record the credit book, and write memorials to ask him for credit.

Sitting in the tent, Li Qinzai carefully wrote down the course of the Songshangang battle stroke by stroke, emphasizing Xue Nali's contribution.

The more I write, the clearer my mind becomes. The writing is like a spring, and my thoughts are like a diabetes insipidus.

In the end, Li Qinzai, who was still unsatisfied, added a sentence to the memorandum, "Being a child should be like Xue Shenyan's words."

Whether these words are a curse or not, let Xue Na do the reading comprehension by himself.

Little Baga came in with a basin of hot water and helped him wash up.

Li Qinzai's heart skipped a beat, he pulled her over, and hugged her into his arms.

Little Baga screamed, subconsciously hugging his neck.

Then Xiao Baga seemed to have got some kind of hint, blushing and started to take off his clothes on his own initiative.

Li Qinzai was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

Little Baga was also stunned: "Don't you want to..."

"Why don't you be serious, why don't you feel ashamed? I'll just hug you, can't I?"

Xiao Baga said in a low voice: "I've hugged him, why are you talking about simplicity..."

As he spoke, he continued to undress.

Li Qinzai said with a dark face: "Can't you be more reserved? Only women who want to greet and refuse can seduce men. You look like 'Master, come and play'. It seems impolite for me to pay or not afterwards. ..."

Little Baga blushed and said: "The royal teachers taught us back then that women must make their men happy, and they must cooperate in all aspects. They must not make men feel unhappy. That is a woman's great sin."

As he said that, Little Baga suddenly buried his head.

Li Qinzai's cheeks twitched, and his mouth was displeased, but Xiao Li didn't do it...

After a while, little Baga raised his head and smiled at him charmingly: "Maidservant to give birth to a child for Mr. Lang, please? Both men and women are fine. Our child will be the future king of the Japanese kingdom."

Li Qinzai gritted his teeth: "Hold your words and concentrate on your work!"


The ending of the Battle of Songshangang was a bit unreal. Li Qinzai understood the cause and effect, but the soldiers still did not know.

Later, Li Qinzai beat the drum and gathered the generals, and explained the matter from beginning to end, all the generals in the tent came to a sudden, looked at each other with strange expressions, and finally asked to see Xue Na.

Li Qinzai understood their expressions.

Probably... I want Bi Mawen to give them a blessing.

With this koi in the army, why worry?
After the war, the war damage was counted. More than [-] Japanese soldiers died in the battle. Silla soldiers died about [-]. The Tang Army soldiers did not suffer much casualties.

The result was acceptable. Li Qinzai and the generals knew that if the [-] enemy troops did not retreat midway and carried the battle to the end, the Tang army's casualties would definitely exceed this number.

After the [-] enemy troops retreated, scouts came to report that Pyongyang City was in a state of contraction and defense.

The fire in the official warehouse and the supply camp obviously made the Goguryeo army raise their vigilance.

It's not about how much food and grass was burned, Mo Enjun only burned a few official warehouses, and the burned food and grass could not affect the overall situation.

What makes Goguryeo more vigilant is that there are still many lurking enemies in Pyongyang. Under such a situation of internal and external troubles, it is obviously unwise to send troops to take the initiative to attack. Safer.

In the camp of the Tang army, Li Qinzai and the generals also had several discussions on whether to attack the enemy's capital or to take a detour to join Li Ji's main force.

Of course Li Qinzai wanted to attack the capital of Goguryeo. If he could, it would be an outstanding achievement.

But strength does not allow it!

There are only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in hand, and only less than [-] Tang troops can be trusted. Wa and Silla can't count on it. Thank God if they don't defect before the battle.

It is too unrealistic for such troops to take down a capital city with more than [-] defenders, no matter how powerful the firearms are, it will be useless.

So Li Qinzai rationally decided to take a detour to the north and join forces with Li Ji.

As soon as the decision was made, Li Ji sent another messenger to report.

What Li Ji sent this time was not a military newspaper, but a military order.

Li Ji ordered Li Qinzai's troops not to join forces with the main force for the time being, but turned to the northwest to attack Goguryeo's Cangyan City and rescue Goguryeo's eldest son, Prince Quan, who was trapped in Cangyan City.

"Quannannan", this weird name that was eager to prove his gender, was the eldest son of Quangai Suwen, the previous ruler of Goguryeo. After Quangaisuwen passed away, Quannannan inherited the throne.

But who doesn't have many rebellious sons?

There is also a younger brother under the Quan boy, a younger brother in the literal sense.

The younger brother's name is "Quan Nanjian". Taking advantage of his elder brother's ignorance, Quan Nanjian launched a mutiny to usurp the throne, kicked his elder brother out of power, and became the lord himself.

The elder brother being kicked out of power can't make the younger brother feel at ease. Only the elder brother lying in the coffin can let the younger brother eat well and sleep soundly from now on.

So the younger brother Quan Nanjian who usurped the throne sent troops to chase and kill his elder brother. Fortunately, his elder brother was the orthodox lord of the country, and he had some soldiers who were willing to serve him loyally.

The elder brother, Quan Boyan, led the soldiers and horses and escaped from the capital Pyongyang, heading west.

He fled, he chased, he couldn't fly.

Quan Boy probably originally wanted to join Datang, but he was surrounded by his younger brother's soldiers in Cangyan City. That's right, it was hard to fly.

He is obviously the orthodox ruler of the country, but he is surrounded by his younger brother who usurped the throne. How can the elder brother bear this tone?

So Quan Boyan sent his son Quan Xiancheng to sneak out of the city, the first is to return to Datang, and the second is to ask Tang Jun for help.

Li Ji was furious when he heard the news.

This is not bad, my Tang Dynasty has zero tolerance for those who seek to usurp the throne!

At this time, Li Ji's main army was still in a stalemate with the Goguryeo army on both sides of the Liaoshui River, and there was no progress in the war for the time being.

Calculating the distance to Cangyan City, Li Qinzai's troops were relatively close, so Li Ji issued this military order, ordering Li Qinzai to lead his troops to break the siege of Cangyan City and rescue Quan boys.

Operation code name: "Save the little boy".

This military order undoubtedly disrupted Li Qinzai's plan, but since the military order is in his hands, he must implement it to the letter.

Of course, Li Qinzai also knew why Li Ji issued this military order.

Strictly speaking, this is not a military task, but a political one.

Quan boy's identity is very important. He is the eldest son of Quan Gai Suwen, the former king, and the legal successor king of Goguryeo.It's just that he was too weak and was usurped by his younger brother.

It was not difficult for the Tang Dynasty to destroy Goguryeo, but after the destruction of the country, it was necessary to govern the country, and the role of Quan Boys was revealed.

Measure his length carefully, does he look like a perfect puppet?
Especially in terms of lack of ability, Datang was more satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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