Chapter 106

Since Li Zhi didn't want to break up the marriage, Li Qinzai had nothing to do.

Originally, he didn't expect anything, but when he thought about it, he felt unreliable. As long as Li Zhi's IQ is above the line, it is impossible for Li Zhi to get involved in this marriage.

It's okay to eat melons, but it's impossible to play in person.

There are many deep-seated things behind the marriage between Li and Cui's two families, and it even has something to do with the layout of the court. Li Zhi will definitely not destroy the balance of the court just because of a marriage.

Returning to the other courtyard in a dispirited manner, Li Qinzai propped his chin in worry.

He knew, and Cui Jie should know, that there was no way to hide from this arranged marriage.

On the day when the veil is lifted, the marriage between the two families will continue according to the will of the elders. Cui Jie's hiding in Ganjingzhuang is only for a while, or in other words, in her subconscious mind, it is just for temporary escape.

While Cui Jie and Congshuang were picking mushrooms, another person came to the village.

This time it is not a guest, but an official.

A team of Habayashi guards escorted the two officials to Ganjingzhuang.

One of the officials was an eunuch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the other was an old acquaintance, Cui Sheng, a member of Zhongshushe in the palace.

The eunuch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was called by Li Zhi to send a fast horse from Chang'an. Regarding the Li family's tribute of toilet paper to the palace, the Ministry of Internal Affairs must send someone to discuss the regulations with Li Qinzai.

Cui Sheng from Zhongshushe was sent by Empress Wu.

Li Zhiyun travels in Guanzhong, but every step he takes has a fast horse reporting to the Tai Chi Palace.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty went on tour in micro-clothes, not as simple as a cavalry team of imperial guards with hundreds of people.Li Zhi's daily itinerary had to be reported, even how much rice he ate every day, what he ate for each meal, where he stayed every night, etc. Everything was minute and the palace had to be in control.

Those bloody so-called emperors were overwhelmed by the government and fled to the people privately, and the plot of the people in the palace who turned their backs on their backs and couldn't find them was basically unlikely to happen.

In the Sui Dynasty, there was a very famous emperor, Sui Wendi Yang Jian, who ran away from home.

Yang Jian, who is already the emperor, fell in love with the daughter of a criminal named Yu Chizhen, and doted on her day and night, but Yang Jian's queen Dugu Jialuo was jealous, and ordered Yu Chizhen to be executed while Yang Jian was in court.

Yang Jian lost his love and was heartbroken, so he immediately left the palace and ran away alone.

The emperor ran away without saying a word, and the harem and courtiers were terrified. All the cavalry from the imperial palace were out that day, searching everywhere for Yang Jian's whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian's escape skills were worse than Cui Jie's. Less than two hours after leaving the palace, Yang Jian was discovered by the cavalry team from the Forbidden Palace before he even had time to walk out of the gate of the capital.

He was found within two hours of leaving the palace. Yang Jian's short period of rebellion was difficult, like a big health care that was unable to meet his ambitions. He thought he could add an hour, but he trembled and disappeared.

Li Zhi left the Taiji Palace and went on a tour of customs. Of course, Empress Wu couldn't make the same mistake as Empress Dugu. The whereabouts of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty must be known.

The day before yesterday, Empress Wu heard that Li Zhi had gone to Yinggong's Zhuangzi and met Li Qinzai, and stayed in Li's Zhuangzi that night.

Empress Wu should even remember that Li Zhiben wanted to call Li Qinzai into the palace to play the duet a few days ago, but he suddenly fell ill and fell into a coma, and the match between the monarch and his ministers was nothing.

Now that Li Zhi meets Li Qinzai again, there must be a match between the monarch and his ministers.

Playing pairs must be recorded by historians and handed down to later generations.

Li Qinzai's son has been getting a lot of attention recently, he is a handsome talent who has suddenly risen from the children of the rich and powerful in Chang'an City, if the emperor and ministers play it right and no one records it, many precious things must be buried in the history.

Empress Wu's courage is still very unusual, and Dang even ordered Cui Sheng, a member of Zhongshushe, to rush to Ganjingzhuang immediately, and no matter what, she had to record every word that the monarch and ministers played correctly.

After rushing all the way, Cui Sheng and his party finally arrived at Ganjing Village in the afternoon.

Looking at Zhuangzi with the scattered farmhouses wafting from the cooking smoke, Cui Sheng took a deep breath, expressionless on his cold face, but a smile flashed in his eyes.

After spending all day in the city of Chang'an, which is full of flowers and brocades, camping dogs and dogs, I suddenly came to the countryside, and my mood was inexplicably relieved, and the rural scenery also had a special flavor.

When a group of people came to the other courtyard of Li's house, Cui Sheng and others entered the hall to pay respects to the emperor.

Li Zhi was not surprised by Cui Sheng's arrival. In today's Taiji Palace, Empress Wu can make decisions about many things, and she is very strong when making decisions.

Li Zhi couldn't tell what was wrong with her, because every decree of hers was correct and irrefutable.

After a few simple greetings, Li Zhi waved Cui Sheng away and ordered him to settle down by himself.

As for the right of the monarch and his ministers, let's talk about it when we are in the mood.In the past two days, Li Zhi didn't care about government and state affairs, he was busy with the days of idle clouds and wild cranes.

Cui Sheng took the ceremony to leave, and turned around after exiting the hall.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Li Qinzai in the yard.

Seeing Cui Sheng for the first time, Li Qinzai was shocked, and he even forgot to respond to Cui Sheng's salute to him.

"You, what are you doing here?" Li Qinzai blurted out.

Cui Sheng frowned, this guy was his brother-in-law in name, but since Cui Sheng saw him for the first time, he always disliked him anyway.

Not only Li Qinzai's bad reputation in Chang'an City, but every change of Li Qinzai's expression made him feel disgusted.

There is a magnetic field induction between people. Some people have similar magnetic field frequency bands, and it is easy to make friends. If the frequency bands differ too much, they are born enemies that are not pleasing to the eye.

That's why there is a poem in the world that says "the cover is as old as before, and the white hair is as new".

The relationship between Cui Sheng and Li Qinzai is not only white hair like new, but white hair like hatred.If it wasn't for this guy who was about to become his brother-in-law, he wouldn't bother to talk to him.

"I came to your mansion according to the queen's order to record the details of the match between the monarch and his ministers." Cui Sheng said coldly.

Zhongshusheren is a fifth-rank official, and Li Qinzai's military supervisor is also a fifth-rank officer. The two have the same official rank, and Cui Sheng has the confidence to be neither humble nor overbearing in Li Qinzai.

Li Qinzai squeezed out a smile: "Ah, Cui Sheren came to the humble house, and the humble house is full of flowers... Well, Your Majesty and I have no intention of playing a match recently, so there is no need to record it. I am so sorry that Cui Sheren has made a trip in vain. very……"

After speaking, Li Qinzai turned his head and said loudly, "Guan Song, see off the guests!"

Cui Sheng's face froze, and he said subconsciously: "Wait! Li Shaojian, whether I leave or not, I will follow the orders of the emperor. If the emperor has no will, I have no choice but to stay even if I want to return."

Li Qinzai's expression was not good either.

Cui Sheng came suddenly, it would not matter if it was a different day, but now Cui Jie lives in his Zhuangzi, if the brother and sister meet on the Zhuangzi, Cui Jie's existence will be exposed.

Once it was reported to the Cui family in Qingzhou, the Cui family would definitely send someone to arrest Cui Jie, and after a while, the marriage between the Li and Cui families followed suit, and Cui Jie was married in while playing suona.

In the end, Li Qinzai dreamed back in the middle of the night, and turned around to find Cui Jie rolling her eyes at him.

And Cui Jie is his regular wife, she is protected by law, so she cannot be thrown into the well...

"Haha, I lost my composure just now. Forgive me. It's been cold recently, and I've suffered from an old mental illness. Since Cui Sheren is here, I'll arrange for someone to decorate the wing for you. Let's stay here first." Li Qinzai said haha Son laughed.

Cui Sheng looked at him expressionlessly and didn't speak.

Li Qinzai laughed a little awkwardly: "The village is remote and in the wilderness. After Cui Sheren lives in it, remember not to leave the gate of the other courtyard. There are many wolves outside, maybe there are tigers and bears. There are often farmers in the village who are bitten. Die. Remember, remember!"

Cui Sheng said coldly: "Don't worry, I'm just staying in your residence temporarily, waiting for the emperor's edict at any time, and I will never go out unless there is nothing to do."

Li Qinzai laughed along, and secretly decided to arrange for Cui Sheng to immediately send a letter to Cui Jie, asking her to go out of the village and hide for a while. As long as the siblings don't meet, everything can remain as it is.


Outside the other courtyard, in front of the simple farmhouse on the east side.

Cui Jie and Congshuang came back happily, carrying bamboo baskets.

After receiving advice from Li Qinzai, the two daughters had a great harvest today. They found a place with the back of the sun, and there really were a lot of mushrooms growing there, colorful and beautiful.

Cui Jie's impression of Li Qinzai got better unconsciously.

Although this dude has a bad reputation and has done all kinds of bad things, he is not without merits.At least he is quite talented and knows a lot. He came from a noble family and knows where to find mushrooms.

Sneak a point for him.

In the yard of the farmhouse, Liu Ah Si was sitting alone on a stone mill, quietly watching the two daughters approaching.

The second daughter entered the yard and suddenly found Liu Asi. Cui Jie recognized him as Li Qinzai's trilogy, and looked at him curiously.

"This...a strong man, but Brother Li has something to ask me?" Cui Jie asked politely.

Liu Ahsi nodded, and involuntarily glanced at the bamboo basket carried by the second daughter. Seeing that the bamboo basket was full of colorful mushrooms, Liu Ahsi's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but secretly startled.

Fortunately, Wu Shaolang ordered him to block the second daughter here, otherwise, if the mushrooms were really eaten by the second daughter, within half an hour, the government would send someone to collect the body.

 Happy New Year everyone!I wish you all the best in the new year, good health, and most importantly, prosperity for everyone.

  If you get rich, come to subscribe to the old thief's book and support the genuine version.Ha ha

(End of this chapter)

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