Chapter 1062
As Liu Renyuan led his troops into the Wandu city gate, the last two cities in the east of Goguryeo were finally captured by the Tang army.

The pattern of the Great Tang's Eastern Expedition to Goguryeo was opened up at once.

Generals of the Tang army under Liu Renyuan rushed into the city to wipe out the remnants of the enemy, and looted them conveniently. Jin Yuxin and the Xinluo army stood outside the city gate, trembling with anger.

Tang Jun completely lost his face!

It was obvious that the Xinluo army had paid the price of casualties to take down the city, but Liu Renyuan was the first to rush into the city gate.

Tang Jun has strict rules and laws when discussing meritorious deeds. Whoever rushes into the city gate first will be the first to break the city.

In other words, Liu Renyuan inexplicably took the first job of breaking the capital city.When the lawsuit came to Li Qinzai, Jin Yuxin was unable to reason. Under the eyes of everyone, it was indeed Liu Renyuan who rushed into the city gate first.

It's like on the day of the wedding, the groom just took off his pants, but the best man broke in, grabbed the bride and gave it away, and finally the best man walked away.

—Are you polite?
Although the plot sounds exciting, if you are the person involved, it will not be too pleasant.

Jin Yuxin stood blankly outside the city gate, with an angry and irritable expression.

Thousands of soldiers of the Silla army stood blankly behind them, like a group of helpless and vulnerable children.

"General Jin, what shall we do?" A general asked boldly.

Jin Yuxin looked at Liu Renyuan and led the soldiers of the Tang army to eliminate the enemy in the city, burning, killing and looting all the way.

He gritted his teeth, and said viciously, "I...we will rush in too, kill the enemy and loot first, and then argue in front of Li Shuai!"

So what if the bride is exported?As long as it still works, the groom must have a good time.

Not to waste is a fine tradition of Silla. More than 1000 years later, Silla people picked up the canned food and rotten vegetable leaves left by the U.S. military, washed them, and boiled them, which became the famous Silla delicacy "army pot".

It can be seen that the people of Silla are hardworking and simple, and the tradition has not been lost for thousands of years.

The food that was spit on by the U.S. military can be eaten, but why can’t the bride who was spit on by the best man not be able to use it?
After some psychological training, Jin Yuxin suddenly felt calm.

Picking up the knife in his hand, Jin Yuxin roared angrily, and led the Silla army into the city.


Outside the domestic city, the Tang army is in the middle.

Seeing that the two cities had been captured by the Tang army, Li Qinzai was completely relieved, and his expression became more relaxed.

The significance of this victory is different from the past. It proves the birth of a new kind of arms and a new tactic.

The two cities were completely under the control of the Tang army at this moment, and the flames in the city were burning to the sky. Li Qinzai knew that it was the soldiers of the Tang army who were clearing out the remnants of the enemy in the city and engaged in more brutal street fighting.

Soldiers from both sides were fighting everywhere inside and outside the city. Some remnants of the enemy tried to flee outside the city, but were shot and killed by bows and arrows and three-eyed blunderbuss.There were also enemy soldiers who jumped down from the top of the city in despair, and screamed horribly before dying.

Li Qinzai looked indifferent. He knew that these pictures were just the finishing work after the city was broken, and the Goguryeo army was powerless to recover.

Turning the horse's head, Li Qinzai walked into the Chinese army formation.

Liu Ahsi and eleven special forces members were being bandaged by the military doctor. Everyone was grinning in pain, but when they saw Li Qinzai coming over, they immediately showed a look of determination and unyielding, and each of them instantly turned into a tough man.

Li Qin got off the horse and sighed: "Don't pretend so much, just call out if you want, how can you not hurt after being stabbed, how many times you call out won't affect your glorious heroic image."

As soon as the words fell, one of the team members screamed at the top of their lungs: "Doctor, be gentle, it hurts me to death!"

Someone took the lead, screams, cries of pain one after another, and some even cried out.

Liu Ahsi was not injured much, obviously his skills are not bad, he was trained by Old Wei day and night when he was in Ganjingzhuang, which can be regarded as the true biography of Old Wei.

Seeing the team members under him screaming miserably, Liu Asi let out a yell: "It's not up to par!"

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "I was yelled at by the knife a few times. It's human nature. You are the first to break the city today. I will write it in the request for merit later. Your Majesty will definitely reward you."

Everyone was overjoyed, even the wound didn't seem to hurt anymore, and they thanked Li Qinzai one after another.

Li Qinzai beckoned to Liu Ah Si, and the two walked to a remote place aside, and then Li Qinzai asked about the details of the broken city.

Liu Asi and other 21 people set off late at night and galloped on their horses. At dawn, they hid the horses in the mountains and forests.

At the gate of the city, the people were stopped by Goguryeo soldiers and they were not allowed to enter the city.

Liu Ah Si was also very clever, deliberately hid more than a dozen copper coins in his luggage, and when he turned to leave in disappointment, the copper coin happened to fall accidentally, and the Koguryo sergeant saw it and immediately picked it up. Of course, he finally stuffed it into the bag in his arms.

With the benefits of others, the Goguryeo sergeant let them enter the city.

It wasn't out of kindness, they knew that the city would be besieged soon, and if the Tang army failed to siege for a long time, young and strong laborers would be needed in the city to repair the city defenses.

After Liu Ahsi and the others entered the city, they quickly observed the layout of the city, and then made a plan of action.

The people were divided into three groups, each of them moved towards the east, west and south of the city, and when the Tang soldiers approached the city, they waited for an opportunity to burn the houses and set fire to them at the same time. An official searched the official office, but did not find the guard.

So everyone withdrew from the government office and hid in the pigeon cage-like residential complex to avoid being captured by the officers and soldiers all over the city.

Liu Asi and the others found some ragged and worn clothes from the houses, changed them, washed their faces, put on bamboo hats, and walked out pretending to be terrified.

I planned to get close to the top of the city to assassinate the guard, but the top of the city was heavily guarded, and Liu Ahsi and the others couldn't get in, so they had to give up.

At this time, the Goguryeo army at the top of the city was mobilized a lot, and they were busy putting out the fire in the city, and there was rapid beating of gongs everywhere. Seeing that there were only a hundred soldiers in the corridor of the city gate to the west, Liu Asi suddenly had idea.

Seeing that the Tang army had lined up outside the city and was about to attack the city, Liu Ahsi remembered Li Qinzai's explanation that the purpose of special operations was to obtain the greatest results at the lowest cost. If the Tang army formally attacked the city, the casualties would definitely be heavy. It is meaningless for the special team to sneak into the enemy city.

So everyone simply stopped pretending and had a showdown. After approaching the west city gate, they showed their short blades and fought desperately with the enemy in the corridor of the city gate.

After paying the price of nine people's death in battle, Liu Asi and others rushed to the city gate and pulled the city gate latch. This is why Tang Jun easily knocked open the city gate with a ramming stake.

After listening to Liu Ahsi's narration, Li Qinzai smiled approvingly.

"The technique is a bit rough, but it's your first time to act, so it's not easy to do this. After this battle, I will teach you what 'special operations' is."

(End of this chapter)

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