Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1073 Sudden Bad News

Chapter 1073 Sudden Bad News
It has to be said that Liu Ahsi's knowledge is relatively broad, he actually knows that gunpowder can be used to make alchemy.

The appearance of gunpowder was indeed invented by Taoist priests inadvertently.

As we all know, although Chinese Taoist priests are indifferent, they are really courageous, and this is not acceptable.

In order to seek longevity and immortality, he dared to do anything, mixed mercury, sulfur, and various heavy metals that would kill people in the elixirs. To the emperor.

As far away as Qin Shihuang and as close as Li Shimin, they have all been harmed by Taoist elixir. If the two of them believed in science and did not take drugs, they could live at least 20 years longer.

Gunpowder came out unintentionally during the process of Taoist alchemy.

There is a book "Tai Ping Guang Ji" records that in the Sui Dynasty, a man named Du Zichun went to visit a Taoist alchemist, and heard a bang in the middle of the night, and the alchemy furnace exploded, and the air exuded a strong smell of sulfur and saltpeter. This is probably the earliest record of gunpowder.

Li Qinzai admired Liu Ahsi's erudition, but it was out of date.

"I asked you to take the No. [-] Scholar Examination!" Li Qin said angrily: "Gunpowder, besides filling the three-eyed gun, what else can you do? Use it to explode, grave bastard!"

Liu Asi smiled sheepishly: "Don't blame Shuai Li, the villain was very smart when he was with Shuai Li, but after hanging around with those bastards from the Special Operations Team for a long time, he seems to have woken up..."

Li Qinzai ordered Moqu to bring a few pieces of oiled paper and half a catty of gunpowder, and demonstrated in front of Liu Ahsi that he sealed the half catty of gunpowder tightly layer by layer with oiled paper, and finally pulled out a long stick from it. lead.

A simple version of the dynamite pack is complete.

"The lead wire should be longer, and the posterity will be farther away after being ignited. The power of this thing... Well, you have seen landmines anyway, right?" Li Qinzai said.

Liu Asi's complexion changed, and he stuttered: "Li, Li Shuai, this thing...what is it used for?"

Li Qinzai pointed to the top of the canyon at the end of the mountain road in his spare time, and said, "You take the special operations team to make a few more explosive bags according to the method I just did, and bury them in the canyon."

"After the ambush, if the enemy escapes from here by chance, you will be our last sniper position. When the enemy passes through, blow up the canyon. Do you understand the meaning?"

Liu Ah Si nodded: "Understood."

Li Qinzai smiled and said, "Go ahead, if you make a contribution in this battle, Brother Huihui will find you a sister-in-law."

Liu Ahsi thanked excitedly, rubbed his hands, held up the freshly baked dynamite package with a solemn expression, and left tremblingly like holding an ancestral tablet.

The scout's information was very accurate. Two hours later, a 3000-man army came on foot and passed through the mountain road.

Li Qinzai looked coldly at the enemy troops passing down the mountain, and did not give any orders.

He knew that this was the vanguard of the enemy army, and this group of people had to be let go, otherwise they would startle the enemy.

After the enemy's forward passed, and after waiting for a long time, the Chinese army finally came slowly.

Li Qinzai's eyes lit up, he held his breath and stared at the enemy soldiers walking on the mountain road with a slightly nervous expression, then silently looked at Wang Fangyi beside him.

Professional matters are left to professional people. Li Qinzai has delegated power to Wang Fangyi, and he decides when to launch an ambush.

In the quiet mountain forest, a thin layer of mist was shrouded at some point, and murderous intentions lurk in the mist.

Wang Fangyi stared at the enemy army on the mountain road, and after the Chinese army passed thousands of people, finally, Wang Fangyi personally lit a loud arrow.

There was a sudden explosion, and the reverberating sound echoed in the valley.At the same time, countless Tang soldiers stood out from the dense forest, and the three-eyed guns fired at the enemy on the mountain road at the same time.

In the first salvo, thousands of enemy soldiers fell down screaming.

The surprise attack caught off guard instantly stunned the enemy, and the general had no time to react, let alone ordinary soldiers. The entire army was in a panic. The generals did not know the soldiers, and the soldiers did not know the generals. It's messy.

When the soldiers of the Tang army slaughtered the enemy mercilessly, Wang Fangyi pointed at the enemy's rear and shouted: "Liu Renyuan, lead three thousand soldiers and horses to detour, go around to the enemy's rear, and cut off their retreat!"

Liu Renyuan led the army and left in a hurry.

Wang Fangyi said again: "The black teeth are always there, the dog bastard only cares about his own happiness, what about people?"

In the depths of the dense forest, Black Tooth Changzhi jumped out excitedly.

Wang Fangyi glared at him and said: "You are a vanguard officer, why are you here to join in the fun, immediately lead the vanguard battalion to the front, and cut off the enemy's way forward."

Hei Chi Chang Zhi chuckled, turned around and ran away again.

Wang Fangyi breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at Li Qinzai, and said, "Shuai Li, the front and rear are tightly blocked, the enemy army has probably entered the gate of hell, and the king of Hades can't save him."

Li Qinzai nodded: "I will give you the command in wartime, I can rest assured."

Wang Fangyi was quite moved by Li Qinzai's trust, and sighed: "It would be great if the last general could follow Li Shuai all his life. Following Li Shuai to fight is really a great joy in life."

Li Qinzai glanced at him, and said indifferently: "You just bully me and don't understand anything, and dare not make fun of the lives of soldiers, so I can only delegate power to you, right?"

Wang Fangyi smiled and said: "What is Li Shuai talking about? No matter who is in command, the court only recognizes Li Shuai. I'm just your lieutenant general."

On the mountain road, the enemy army has become more and more flustered. This army is a bit strange. Judging from their fighting qualities, it is quite different from the Goguryeo army that Li Qinzai encountered before. They are obviously much weaker and inexperienced.

After observing for a while, Li Qinzai finally came to a conclusion.

The seemingly mighty [-] enemy soldiers and horses should be a team of recruits, or in other words, they were formed temporarily by the Goguryeo people. There was no time for drills and actual combat. That's why they behaved so badly after encountering an ambush.

In the current situation, Goguryeo is retreating steadily, losing cities and land one after another. The Tang army has taken the initiative, and the soldiers and horses of the whole country of Goguryeo that can fight against the Tang army are also constantly being consumed.

The regular army is becoming less and less sufficient, and there will be more and more troops made up of temporary Latin men in the future.

The power of the country is gone, and the weapons and soldiers are gradually declining. It is so intuitive.

Li Qinzai was completely relieved of today's ambush.

There is no suspense about belonging.

Seeing that the enemy's casualties were almost halfway through, and they still couldn't organize an effective counterattack, the soldiers of the Tang army were simply massacring on one side, Li Qinzai showed a relaxed smile on his face.

At this moment, a scout was sweating profusely through the dense forest and rushed to Li Qinzai's side.

"Report to Shuai Li, Urgent report from Black Bone City!"

Li Qinzai was taken aback, then looked at the scout: "Say."

"Three days ago, Yinggong, the general manager of the Liaodong Road, was on the way to lead the king's division to pull out the black bone city. The horse's eyes were blinded by the wind and sand.

(End of this chapter)

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