Chapter 1113
If death is unavoidable, then it is a blessing in life to walk to the end of life with these lovely soldiers.

It's just that Li Qinzai still felt very guilty. It was his unwillingness to escape and unwilling to surrender that made these soldiers have to pay the price with their lives.

I really want to say something that I'm sorry to everyone, but I also feel a little hypocritical, it's all this way, and everything I say seems pale and powerless.

On the edge of the circle, the fighting between the enemy and us became more and more intense.

For the enemy army, this is the last chance, as long as they can be the first to break the Tang army's formation, it will be a feat.

For Tang Jun, this is the last desperate fight. If he can live a moment longer, he can kill one more enemy, and he can earn money even if he dies.

Li Qinzai and the soldiers were numb after seeing too many bloody scenes.

Finally, under the round after round of enemy attacks, the shield formation outside the circle was torn open. Several soldiers holding shields were knocked down by the enemy, and the shield formation suddenly burst like the Yellow River.

Liu Renyuan hurriedly squeezed in front of Li Qinzai and said loudly: "Shuai Li, the shield formation is about to break!"

Li Qinzai narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Pei Zhengqing!"

Inside the circle, Pei Zhengqing said awe-inspiringly: "The end is here!"

Li Qinzai looked at him: "It's time for the Modao camp!"

Pei Zhengqing smiled ferociously, and said, "The general will obey the order."

When the shield array directly in front of it broke its embankment, Pei Zhengqing's roar came from inside the circle.

"Modaoying listens to the order, kill the blood, and spread the battle. Even if we die, we must let the bastards accompany us on the road!"

The five hundred soldiers of the Modao Camp who were squeezed into the center of the circle suddenly responded.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy Mo Dao flashed in the circle. Outside the shield formation, countless enemy troops were stabbed by the sudden appearance of the broad-bladed and long-handled Mo Dao, and the enemy retreated screaming.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the enemy's retreat, the Mo Dao fighters became more and more brave, and the Mo Dao in their hands flickered with cold light, and began to wave slowly.

Pei Zhengqing stood beside Li Qinzai, waving a small flag in his hand, directing the Modao Battalion to line up.

A weapon like the Modao has always been more cruel than a halberd or spear on the battlefield, because it has a large range of damage to the enemy, and as long as the formation is formed, it is an invincible meat grinder.

Under Pei Zhengqing's order, the array of five hundred Mo Daomen became wider and wider. Finally, on this battlefield with countless corpses, the Tang army reassembled their formation, standing in the blood and stumps of the Paoze brothers, Mo Dao The camp is like a phoenix reborn from blood, clanging and phoenix-crying in the raging fire.

The attacking enemy army couldn't believe it. They had an advantage and were about to wipe out the Tang army. They really couldn't figure out why the battle was turned around by the Tang army.

Looking at the impenetrable Modao formation in front of me, the enemy army was in a panic. Some unbelievers tried to charge towards the Modao formation, but as soon as they entered the edge of the Modao formation, they were smashed to pieces by the waving Modao formation. The shrill screams mixed with the blood mist of the stumped limbs.

The enemy army retreated in a hurry, and the enemy general watched from afar, stomping his feet and cursing in anger.

Li Qinzai and the remaining hundreds of soldiers were protected by the Modao Battalion in the middle of the formation. Seeing that the battle seemed to have turned around, the exhausted soldiers in the formation immediately cheered up.

Li Qinzai was not happy at all.

Why didn't Mo Dao Ying be used until the last moment, and why did he never think of letting Mo Dao Ying join so many Pao Ze brothers who died just now?

Because although the Mo Dao camp is invincible in the battle, the strength of the Mo Dao hands is limited.

A Mo Dao weighing more than 20 kilograms may be able to do it if you swing it for a while, or even for half an hour. when they died in battle.

In other words, using Modaoying is the last resort.

When the Mo Dao of the Mo Dao Camp is waving, it means that everyone's life has entered a countdown, and the end of the countdown is when the Mo Dao hands are exhausted.

How long can it last?One hour, two hours?

Regardless of the length of time, if you can't wait for reinforcements, it doesn't really mean much to live an hour longer or less.

As the formation of the Modao Battalion unfolded, the enemy was caught off guard and suffered a big loss. After leaving hundreds of corpses, they had to retreat.

The two armies fell into a confrontation again.

Pei Zhengqing walked up to Li Qinzai and said in a low voice: "Shuai Li, the Modao camp can last about an hour and a half, which is their limit..."

Pei Zhengqing didn't say what he said next, but Li Qinzai understood what he meant.

An hour and a half later, Modaoying had tried their best. They would lose their strength and become weak. Their hands were weak and they were not as strong as a scholar. They could only sit on the ground and let the enemy slaughter them.

Pei Zhengqing said again: "In this hour and a half, can Li Shuai come up with a good strategy to retreat from the enemy?"

Li Qinzai smiled wryly, and used all the means that should be used. In order to deal with the enemy, firearms, gunpowder, mines, explosives, trenches, Modao array...

All the wisdom in his life has been used here, and at this moment, he really has no other choice.

In the offensive and defensive battles on the plain, how can there be too many calculations?Since ancient times, bayonets have always been head-to-head. It is a rare miracle that Li Qinzai was able to lead his troops to stand for nearly ten hours under the disadvantage of the enemy's four times his own.

Li Qinzai didn't want to think about whether this encounter was considered a classic in ancient and modern battles. It has nothing to do with him, it is a matter for future generations.

Perhaps a few years later, this tragic battle will be nothing more than a few words in the history books.

Now Li Qinzai just wants to lead the soldiers to hold on for a while, so that a few more people can survive.

Seeing Li Qinzai's wry smile, Pei Zhengqing also understood, smiled heroically, and said: "It's okay, even if we are wiped out, we will beat up those dogs to pieces, and we will no longer be able to chase Yinggong and sneak attack my king." The main force of the division."

Staring at Li Qinzai's face, Pei Zhengqing said seriously: "If there is an afterlife, I would like to join Li Shuai again, be your Modao general, and build an invincible Modao camp for you."

Li Qinzai lowered his eyes and sighed: "If there is an afterlife, why not be reborn in a prosperous and powerful country, where generations will never suffer from wars, and there is no need to be separated from the flesh and blood, and there is no need to be left alone..."

Pei Zhengqing was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "If that's the case, it's fine to see Li Shuai in the future."

On the battlefield, the confrontation between the Modao Battalion and the enemy did not last long.

Soon, the enemy line on the opposite side suddenly formed a formation, and then there was a dull sound of strings, and the rain of arrows hit the Modao camp all over the sky.

When even many arrows in Mo Dao's hands fell to the ground with a muffled hum, a gap appeared in the Mo Dao formation instantly.

Pei Zhengqing yelled with angry eyes: "Fill the seat! Continue to swing the knife!"

The Mo Dao hand in the back row quickly took the position of Zhan Si Pao Ze, and continued to wield the Mo Dao as if tirelessly, blocking countless arrows from the enemy.

However, the enemy has other means to break the formation.

After seeing a commotion in the enemy formation, thousands of horses were collected quickly, and the horses were gathered together. With a whistle and a burst of whipping, thousands of unmanned horses rushed towards Modao formation frantically.

Behind the horses, there are thousands of enemy soldiers watching.

(End of this chapter)

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