Chapter 116

Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.

It was probably Li Qinzai who was talking about. Those bad deeds in the past are well known to everyone, but the deeds such as the invention of the magic arm bow and horseshoe are almost unknown except for the important officials in the court and the army.

After all, in this era, new inventions will not be issued with instruction manuals, and the government and the army will not deliberately post notices to announce who invented this thing.

So in the eyes of most people, Li Qinzai is still the stubborn Li Qinzai. If there is any difference, it is probably because he has not heard of any new bad deeds in recent months, and he may be honest for a while.

Looking at the bewildered crowd, Li Zhi smiled and said, "This man Li Qinzai is no longer Amon under Wu, everyone, you can't look at people with old eyes. Many people know the God Arm Bow and the Horseshoe. These two new objects have long since passed away." In the promotion of the army, there are generals present here, so they must be no strangers."

Several generals nodded slowly.

Li Zhi said again: "There is also a pulley block, which can be used in construction, which can greatly save manpower. The Ministry of Industry is currently building it, and it will be used in river construction and construction in various states and counties of Datang soon."

"By the way, not long ago, I asked Shangshu to save the text, and asked the states and counties to post the list and publish the entire "Hundred Surnames". The effect of enlightenment on children, especially in "Thousand Characters"..."

Li Zhi's smile gradually faded, and he said slowly: "Maybe all the ministers here don't know, or maybe they only know one or two things. What I want to tell you today is that these things are all from the hands of Li Qinzai."

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

The courtiers present here have different roles, different civil and martial arts, and they seldom inquire about matters other than their official duties. In this age when news is blocked, it is naturally not easy to know things that do not take the initiative to inquire.

Only today, when the Son of Heaven said it himself, did they realize that the grandson of the Duke of England is so remarkable, and that these novelty items with different civil and military skills all came from the same person.

It may be a coincidence to invent the same thing and two things, and it can be called a coincidence, but what about four or five?Is it a coincidence?
Seeing the shocked looks of the courtiers in the seat, Li Zhi smiled with satisfaction, he liked everyone's reaction very much.

When Li Qinzai created new things one after another, Li Zhi's reaction was the same as theirs, and now it's finally their turn.

"Everyone, this grandson of the British government is a man of great talent. He was buried in the world in the past and was not reused by the court. It is my fault. It is a big loss for the country to abandon such a great talent. Therefore, I want to use him."

"Li Qinzai's knowledge is quite weird, but it is very practical. No matter whether it is a magic arm bow, a horseshoe, a pulley block, or a hundred surnames, it is of great use to our community. What is even more rare is that Li Qinzai's profound knowledge is now revealed. Maybe it's just the tip of the iceberg..."

Looking around the seat, Li Zhi saw Qibi Heli in the crowd, couldn't help pointing at him, and said with a smile: "General Qibi."

Qi Bi He Li bowed: "The minister is here."

"You are a general of hundreds of battles, so you are naturally familiar with warfare. I have a question here, and I want to test you."

"Your Majesty, please tell me, I know everything."

Li Zhi smiled and said the topic of the pursuit of the two armies.

Qi Bi He Li pondered for a while, then slowly said: "I dare not say the exact time, but I can roughly calculate the hour, about two to three quarters."

Li Zhi greatly appreciated that a veteran is a veteran after all, and his sensitivity to the battlefield is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"The general is famous in hundreds of battles, so he knows everything about the battle, but what about the generals under the general's command? Can they all figure it out?"

Qi Bi He Li smiled wryly: "I'm not sure about this..."

Li Zhi said slowly: "Li Qinzai has figured it out."

Qibi Heli was startled and looked at him in disbelief.

Li Zhi sighed: "He really figured it out, and made a formula, anyone who learns this formula can calculate it."

As he spoke, Li Zhi called someone to bring a pen and paper, and based on his memory at the time, he wrote out Li Qinzai's formula for the pursuit of the two armies stroke by stroke.

After writing, let the eunuch pass the paper to everyone.

Shangguanyi, Zhongshu's assistant, took the paper and saw a string of numbers and words that he didn't understand at all, and finally only saw the result at the bottom. It really took more than two quarters, Shangguanyi couldn't help being surprised.

Li Qinzai was a dude who had never led a soldier or been on a battlefield. How could he calculate the timing of the two armies' pursuit so accurately?This is very unscientific!
In fact, most of the courtiers present were not aware of Li Qinzai's knowledge, but Qibi Heli was quite familiar with it.

When I first visited Li Ji in the British government, I was envious of a unicorn born in the Li family. After returning home, I found my son disliked more and more, so I beat him several times.

Qibi Heli came to see Li Zhi today, not because he doubted Li Qinzai's knowledge, but because he just wanted to find out what kind of political trend there is in letting the prince study with Li Qinzai.

Seeing the more shocked appearances of the officials in the hall, Li Zhi said slowly: "This thing is called 'formula'. According to Li Qinzai, the combination of science and technology can be the foundation of establishing a country. The formula is the way of science and technology. It is the foundation of the law of everything."

"As long as all things have laws, they can be calculated with formulas, so as to grasp its laws. Whether it is marching, siege, building houses, embankment repairs, sowing, harvesting, etc., the theorems of all things are in it, and all things can be expressed by formulas."

"Now, do you all know why I sent the two princes to study and let them treat them like teachers?"

Everyone completely understood.

If Li Qinzai really mastered the theorems of all things in the world, and the laws of all things can be calculated with formulas, this kind of talent is truly world-class, can be passed on to the world, and can be used for thousands of years.

After a while, Shangguanyi smiled wryly and said, "Although I am old, I have to say a word of admiration to this unicorn from the Li family."

Qi Bi He Li laughed and said: "I knew that the Li family boy was very powerful. A few months ago, I secretly sold a white jade flying horse bestowed by the late emperor. , I didn't expect to underestimate his ability and send my family's unsatisfactory bastard to study, the old man can rest assured."

All the ministers hurriedly agreed, expressing that they would send their children and grandchildren to Ganjingzhuang.

The atmosphere in the hall was instantly ignited, Li Zhi looked at the crowd with satisfaction, then suddenly sighed, and said: "You are willing to send it, but I am afraid that Li Qinzai is unwilling to teach, didn't you just send your children and grandchildren back the same way yesterday?" ?”

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

Li Zhi smiled wryly and said: "I can tell that Li Qinzai is a man. He is really... very lazy. He doesn't seem to care about other things except doting on his son. Let him teach other people's children, I'm afraid he will be full of enthusiasm Unwilling……"

Looking at the sky outside the hall, Li Zhi smiled and said, "Wait a little longer, maybe there will be guests soon."

When everyone was surprised, they suddenly saw the eunuch hurried into the palace to report, and Li Qinzai, the grandson of the British Duke, begged to see him outside the palace.

Everyone in the hall immediately admired Li Zhi. It seemed that the emperor knew Li Qinzai very well, and knew that he would definitely return to Chang'an for an audience.

Not long after, Li Qinzai was led into the palace by the eunuchs. Before he entered the palace, he heard a loud shout from outside the palace.

"Your Majesty, keep people under the knife!"

The monarchs and ministers in the hall were stunned, and then they saw Li Qinzai rushing into the hall to salute profusely.

Li Zhi laughed and said, "Why does Jingchu look like this? What do you mean by 'keep someone under the sword'? I don't remember whose head I want to behead today."

Li Qinzai wiped his sweat with his sleeves up, and said: "I made a mistake, what I mean is, I beg Your Majesty to leave me a way to survive..."

"what happened?"

Li Qinzai sighed: "Your Majesty stuffed a bunch of students into my ministers, obviously not giving my ministers a way out."

The monarchs and ministers in the hall laughed, but Li Qinzai looked bitter and depressed.

After Li Zhi laughed, he said: "Jingchu is full of knowledge, if he can't pass it on to the world, wouldn't it be a waste of things? Knowledge doesn't matter big or small, if it is useful to the country, you should choose talents and teach them."

"Jingchu, you have the universe in your belly, you have the talents of Anbang, you must not lose your great knowledge, otherwise it will be a great loss to Datang and your Li family."

"I follow the legacy of Zhenguan, and want to create an enlightened and prosperous age. Your knowledge is justified. Jingchu, I need your knowledge to help me. I need you to teach a group of students, so that your knowledge will blossom and bear fruit, and spread to all ages. Jingchu, would you like to help me?"

Li Qinzai's heart became more and more bitter.

Own sin!

If he hadn't shown off the formula of the two armies' pursuit in front of Li Zhi, how could he have ended up where he is today?
It is said that wealth is not revealed, and the same is true of knowledge. Since it is exposed, it is inevitable that it will fall into the eyes of the gangsters and be counted by them.

Just now before entering the hall, he should have a mouthful of dog blood in his mouth, and suddenly vomited blood while talking, presumably Li Zhi would not force him to be a teacher, right?

(End of this chapter)

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