Chapter 1191
The ancient gods wanted to gain power, and the process was much easier and faster than those powerful officials who worked hard to cultivate their qualifications and cultivate party members.

After all, they belong to monopoly technical jobs, and cheating is also a kind of technology.

As long as he can see the emperor, as long as he behaves normally in front of the emperor and shows his deceptive routines, it will be very easy to gain the trust of the emperor.

Once trusted, the Son of Heaven will be astonished as a heavenly man, revering as a god, giving power to power, money to money, any national teacher, any Dharma protector, this Zen or that sect, who can be sealed.

Once he gains power and acts recklessly, the prime minister of the current court will respect him three points.

Li Qinzai was most worried about this situation.

This kind of thieves who have caused chaos in the world must be eliminated, otherwise Li Qinzai and countless bloody soldiers, everyone's efforts and sacrifices will become meaningless.

"Tell Feng Su, prepare the carriage, I'm going back to Chang'an." Li Qinzai ordered with a cold face.

In the front yard of Li's house, Xue Na and Wu Minzhi were still arguing, Buqu secretly released the water according to Li Qinzai's order, at this moment Xue Na was riding on Wu Minzhi, punching Wu Minzhi screaming.

Seeing Li Qinzai walking out of the front yard, Xue Na was taken aback, and was about to scold Li Qinzai for cheating him, but saw Li Qinzai's expression was indifferent, his eyes were anxious, and he hurried out the door without even saying hello.

Xue Na stopped his hands unknowingly, and looked at Wu Minzhi who was riding under him in amazement: "What's wrong, brother Jingchu? What happened?"

Wu Minzhi covered his head with his hands, his expression was very painful, but his eyes were more excited after being beaten.

"What do you care about him, are you going to beat him up? Today you are so humiliated, are you just letting me go? Pee your pants, how will you look up to others in the future?"

The anger that had just subsided was burning again, Xue Na gritted his teeth: "You dog thief, die!"

After speaking, Wu Minzhi slammed down his fist hard, and Wu Minzhi let out another joyful scream.


The carriage wobbled and entered Chang'an City after more than two hours.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Li Qinzai hesitated for a while, so he ordered to drive directly to Taiji Palace.

Li Qinzai was a frequent visitor to the Tai Chi Palace, and the guards outside the palace basically knew him. Soon an eunuch came to the palace and led Li Qinzai into the palace.

After walking a long distance, Li Qinzai came to Anren Hall.

According to the rules, he removed his shoes and entered the hall, stood in the hall to salute, and before he even looked up, he heard Li Zhi's hearty laughter.

"Jingchu is free of courtesy, come quickly, I will introduce an expert to meet you."

Li Qinzai looked up, and the first thing he saw was Li Zhi's face. The gloom and pain on his face a few days ago had disappeared without a trace today, replaced by joy and excitement.

Immediately, Li Qinzai looked sideways slightly, and saw a middle-aged man sitting not far from Li Zhi.

The man was about 40 to [-] years old, dressed strangely, his complexion was as dark as a Kunlun slave, his eyes seemed deep and mysterious, but there was a glimmer of shadow from time to time.

Li Qinzai knew in his heart that this was probably the magic stick named Lu Jiayiduo.

The two met for the first time at this moment, and Lu Jiayiduo knew that the person who assassinated him the day before yesterday was instigated by Li Qinzai, and Li Qinzai knew that this person was a monster who brought disaster to the country, but in front of Li Zhi, the two nodded and smiled at each other friendly .

Li Zhi was unaware of the grievances between the two, and pointed to Lu Jiayiduo with great interest, and said with a smile: "This is a Brahmin from the Udu Kingdom, named 'Lu Jiayiduo', and he has a high status in the Udu Kingdom. , All the subjects of the country respect him like a god."

Pointing to Li Qinzai again, Li Zhi smiled and said: "He is the mainstay minister of our Tang Dynasty, Li Qinzai, Lord of Liaodong County, my most trusted minister and my best friend."

Lu Jiayi got up and put his hands together first to Li Qinzai, what he did was actually a Buddhist ritual.

"Ministers from the small country of Nanman, I pay my respects to Your Excellency Duke Li of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Qinzai also put his hands together in return: "Your envoy is very polite."

After the two saluted, it was considered to be a formal acquaintance. Li Zhi waved to him, motioned him to sit next to him, and then said excitedly: "This envoy has some real skills. I heard that he can refine the elixir of life, Prince." There is hope for my illness!"

Li Qinzai smiled calmly and said, "If that's the case, I would like to congratulate Your Majesty. Your Majesty has a lot of help. Because Your Majesty is a benevolent and heroic lord, God is merciful, so he sent this expert to relieve His Majesty's worries."

Li Zhi smiled and shook his head: "What kind of benevolent monarch and heroic lord, I don't care about these names, I just hope that the prince will recover from his illness, and his life will be smooth from now on, I am satisfied."

Li Qinzai looked at Lu Jiayiduo, and said with a smile: "I don't see that the envoy can refine the elixir of life, but I missed it."

"The emperors of all dynasties all pursued longevity. From the first emperor to the first emperor Taizong, there were many warlocks in the palace who refined elixirs for the emperors. It is a pity that they died in regret, and none of them lived forever."

Hearing the sharpness in Li Qinzai's words, Lu Jiayiduo said calmly: "The people who make alchemy are wrong, of course they can't make the elixir of life."

Li Qinzai raised his eyebrows: "So, your envoy is someone who really knows how to make pills?"

Lu Jiayi said with a smile: "The foreign minister is from Wutu, Tianzhu. Like the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains, Tianzhu is also an ancient country with thousands of years. The two countries are separated by thousands of miles. For thousands of years, only a monk named Xuanzang went to After passing Tianzhu, he obtained the Mahayana scriptures for the Tang Dynasty."

Li Zhi nodded when he heard the words. Master Xuanzang's deeds are well known throughout the Tang Dynasty.

After Xuanzang returned to the Tang Dynasty through hardships, Li Shimin specially ordered to build the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in Chang'an City for him. The original purpose of building the pagoda was to preserve the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures that Xuanzang brought from Tianzhu.

Lu Jiayiduo went on to say: "The great sages and sages of the Central Plains have emerged in large numbers since ancient times, but what I have to admit is that the Central Plains has nothing to do with my Buddha. Buddhism was brought over from Tianzhu, so the scriptures are in Tianzhu, the Dharma is in Tianzhu, and the world is the most reasonable. In Tianzhu, the supreme supernatural power is also in Tianzhu."

Li Zhi frowned, his words were a little harsh, but he had to admit that Lu Jiayi was right, Buddhism was indeed passed from Tianzhu to the Central Plains.

Lu Jiayi looked at Li Qinzai and smiled calmly: "Competing for longevity with the sky and winning blessings with the earth is the way against the sky. If the way exists, it must be in the place of blessings of Buddhism. In other words, if you want to prolong your life and live a long life, you can observe the past and present lives, and the blessings are profound, and the Buddha also allows it."

Li Qinzai probably understood what the conversation was all about.

That is to say, your Taoist priests in the Central Plains are not good at refining the elixir of life, but we in Tianzhu can.

The Dharma of our Tianzhu has great supernatural powers. As long as ordinary people accumulate goodness and benevolence, and see that they have not committed any evil in the past and present lives, it is not impossible to live forever. The Buddha is so merciful and will definitely allow it.

Looking at Li Zhi again, his face was full of joy at the moment, Li Qinzai saw desire in his eyes.

Who would not be happy to be able to live forever and hold the power of the Son of Heaven for thousands of years?

(End of this chapter)

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